Hearing Zhang Yao's self-deprecating words, Tong Xing Luohan shook his head, and said solemnly:

"It's not the layman's fault."

"If you don't live in a big lake, it's hard to recognize the shape of a dragon and a python; if you live in a deep mountain for a long time, you can understand the state of a tiger and a leopard."

"Since we monks have chosen the path of practice, it is impossible for us to live in the mundane world for a long time. Laymen don't have to blame themselves."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then said:

"The master reminded me and let me discover the fundamental problem of the system of good deeds."

"And I have also heard rumors in the market that the master has been stuck in his heart for many years and has not been promoted to the realm of the great arhat. Could it be because of this?"

Just imagine:

The moment the truth was revealed, it was discovered that Mani Temple, who gave birth to him and had deep feelings, turned out to be a group of male thieves and female prostitutes, who said one thing and did another.

The teachings I had received in the past and the life creed I followed completely collapsed. The kind and amiable teacher transformed into a monster with a hideous face. Who can bear this?

After Zhang Yaoguang thought about it, he felt that many people might not be able to bear it on the spot, and his mind collapsed.

"Yes and no."

Facing Zhang Yao's question, Accelerating Arhat nodded first, then shook his head, sighed and said:

"If the truth is so simple, then I wouldn't have any worries at all."

"According to my fiery temper back then, after taking charge of the Dajue Temple and learning the truth, I would turn back at the Mani Temple and beat him upside down, and I won't let this group of hypocrites, dogs and bald donkeys feel better!"

"If you really want to kill the game, I might have reached the fruition position of the great arhat long ago, so I don't have to worry about it for so many years."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao laughed and said:

"The words of the master are really against my temper, but it makes me look at the master with admiration!"

He said, his smile restrained, showing a hint of caution:

"What is the truth that the master said?"


Accelerating Arhat sighed heavily, and then slowly revealed the truth of the year:

"Back then, the world was in chaos, and all living beings suffered unspeakably. It was a living scene of purgatory."

"During the reign of the Demon Cultivator, ordinary people were reduced to pigs, sheep, cattle and horses. They had to support the monks for daily life, to provide for the monks' pleasures, and sometimes to sacrifice their wives and children, and even their own flesh and soul..."

"And in the common people's family, as long as there is a birthing spiritual root, it will immediately break away from the life of slaves and livestock, and be promoted to be a man-eating jackal, tiger and leopard. The whole territory is full of evil monsters, which will never end the cycle of hell."

"You kill me today, and I will kill you tomorrow. Ordinary people will not blame the superior demon cultivator, but resent themselves and their family. Why can't they give birth to a spiritual root and become a demon cultivator?"

When he said this, after a pause, he showed a trace of reverence:

"This cruel and terrifying purgatory lasted for tens of thousands of years, until a great man descended from the sky, the 'Infinite' patriarch who created the lineage of our Mani Temple, came to the Mani Kingdom."

"Patriarch Wuliang has great supernatural powers and boundless magic power. He subdued the five most prestigious demon sects at that time, conquered the world by himself, and suppressed the demon disaster that had been rampant for thousands of years."

"You can let the patriarch's Buddhadharma be boundless, but manpower is sometimes poor, and you can't fight against the mighty power of heaven, earth and nature alone."

"Under the Mani Temple, as long as the earth's turbidity accumulated for hundreds of millions of years is not eliminated, the evil disaster will never subside. No matter how much effort and sacrifice you make, it will be in vain..."

Zhang Yao nodded slowly, and asked:

"Then what happened later? How did Master Wuliang solve this problem?"

What he wants to know more is, what kind of power can resist the mighty power of nature?

The answer is simple:

"The will of all beings!"

Tongxing Luohan said every word, loudly:

"As the saying goes, man will conquer the sky. Only the unity of beliefs of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, the willpower of sentient beings gathered into mountain torrents and tsunamis, combined with the vast aura of the Mani Kingdom, can resist and suppress the endless turbidity of the earth!"

"The aura of heaven and earth is the foundation, and the wishes of all beings are the pillars."

"The rest are promoting Buddhism, punishing evil and promoting good, inheriting the Mani Temple, planning the location and area of ​​​​the devil's lair, sealing and channeling the powerful formation of the devil's energy...etc. These are the bricks and stones of the tile house, paved into a framework .”

"Ultimately, it all makes up the same thing - the system of good deeds!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao finally understood.

The foundation of the system of good deeds, including the promotion of Buddhism and the promotion of philanthropic deeds, is to collect the aspirations of all beings to cooperate with and guide spiritual energy to suppress turbid energy.

Then why is there such a thing as a "black prison"? Why until today, the Mani Kingdom is still trapped in the cycle of good and evil?


As if seeing the doubt in Zhang Yao's eyes, Accelerating Arhat sighed again.

He sighed three times today, each of which was heavier than the last, and now his face is full of sorrow:

"Remember what I said?"

"Everything in the world, where there is light, there is darkness, and where there is light, there is shadow."

"Without killing and tyranny, how can there be compassion? If there is no serious crime, how can the Buddhadharma be boundless?"

"Without evil, there is no good!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao was silent for a while, then nodded slightly and said:

"I practice Taoism and Xuangong, and I also know that everything in the world can be divided into Yin and Yang, and they are interoperable and opposed to each other. Everything is in the opposite change of Yin and Yang."

"If there is no short, there will be no long, and if there is no high, there will be no low. If they are not opposed to each other, many things will lose their meaning."

"The first attempt of Patriarch Wuliang, blindly abandoning evil and pursuing good, probably failed, right?"

Hearing his words, Tongxing Luohan took a deep look at him, and then said in a low voice:

"Yes, he failed."

"As you expected, Layman, after the first few generations, the Mani Kingdom became a pure land of good deeds, and the turbidity was suppressed for a while and almost disappeared."

"But the good times didn't last long. After just a hundred years, the situation gradually got out of control."

"It's a very simple reason. People who have a round belly and bloated stomach after eating are also tasteless and want to vomit when they are faced with delicacies from mountains and seas; while people who have been hungry for three days are also delicious and delicacies after eating rotten grains."

"Patriarch Wuliang suddenly discovered that because no one did evil anymore, many good deeds and good deeds disappeared."

"If there is no thief who steals, there will be no officials to arrest; there will be no knight-errants without cutting the path and strong beams; if no one will use violence indiscriminately, there will be no one who will act bravely."

He took a deep breath before continuing to speak slowly:

"More than that, blindly abandoning evil and pursuing good has brought even more terrible consequences."

"At the beginning, the Mani Kingdom was ruled by a huge empire. With the support of countless patriarchs, it was very prosperous, but after only a hundred years, everything changed."

"Emperor, clan, courtiers, gentry... because everyone wants to do good deeds, they mess up everywhere. The empire is almost on the verge of collapse, and the worldly order is almost about to collapse."

"Finally, after learning from the pain, Patriarch Wuliang realized that good and evil are indispensable."

"If you want to maintain a steady stream of people's vows to suppress the turbidity of the Mani Kingdom forever, then you can only actively create evil people and evil people to give birth to good people."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao's eyes became deeper, and he said:

"Is this the source of the 'black prisons' among the twenty-four devil lairs?"


Accelerating Arhat lowered his eyebrows and said:

"The wish power of all living beings can actually be divided into two parts, virtual and real."

"The emptiness of the power of a wish lies in the great thoughts that are placed on it. It is an unattainable vision. It cannot be decided by itself, and it cannot be interfered with. It is necessary to visit the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for the blessing of great power."

"This part of the wish power was collected by the Mani Temple and used as the main force to fight against the turbidity."

"The reality of the power of aspiration lies in the personal situation. It is the desire to change the reality. One's own actions will dominate, and this part of the aspirations is often pinned on those around you who can actually change their situation."

"Most of them are people with high prestige, respected status, and great influence. They can change the fate of many people, and they have a lot of wishes."

Zhang Yao knew it in his heart, and said:

"And these people, under the good deeds system of the Mani Kingdom, are often very kind and good people."


Accomplishing Arhat's face was full of grief:

"So, after these good people and good people die, their souls will be harvested and used to deprive them of the power of their vows."

"This part of the wish power is used to influence the turbid qi and generate evil thoughts in people's hearts."

"You must know that turbidity itself will not affect ordinary people, but will only lure monks with magic power to become demons. After thousands of years of implementing the system of good deeds, there are still evil people and evil deeds, which is the influence of the power of will!"

"In order to achieve this goal, these great benevolent people who have done all good deeds during their lifetime and thought they could ascend to the Western Paradise have to endure endless pain and torture, so as to guide their evil thoughts and spread them throughout the country with the help of turbid air .”

"It can be said that in Mani's country, the more the system of good deeds is respected, the more good deeds and good people are, the more miserable the end will be!!"

He looked up, tears streaming down his face:

"However, the source of all these sins is to end even greater sins!"

"The struggle between good and evil is never-ending, and the Mani Temple has the inexhaustible power of sentient beings, which can keep suppressing turbidity, preventing the recurrence of evil disasters, and allowing most people to live and work in peace and contentment."

"And the price of this will be paid by those good people."

"Not only that, after the innumerable patriarch's achievements and ascension to the upper realm, the temple has been secretly spreading the inheritance of magic ways for thousands of years, refining small devil lairs to spawn demon heads, guiding the turbidity of the earth to wreak havoc in the city, and even actively Create natural disasters..."

"So, we have demon cultivators who can't be hunted down, demon bosses who can't be wiped out, villains who can't be punished, and good deeds that can't be done!"

"While harming people, they are protecting people at the same time; while killing people, they are saving people at the same time."

"It has been like this in the past, and it will be like this in the future; life after life, there is no escape."

Accompanying Arhat clasped his palms together, his face was completely numb with no sadness or joy:

"That's what's on my mind."

"This is the root cause of Mani's disease."

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