
In critical moments, in haste.

Ye Qingxuan only had time to activate a sixth-level top-grade Thunder Meteor Talisman to resist the attack of the green demon at the peak of the God Transformation Realm.



As the huge energy collision roared, a strong energy shock wave spread around.

Although Ye Qingxuan gathered a spiritual shield in front of him in time.

But his spiritual shield only stopped this strong energy shock wave for less than a moment.

He was directly defeated by this energy shock wave, which hit his clone body hard.

Facing the power at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, even if Ye Qingxuan was not directly facing the attack of this power.

The energy impact caused by the collision was not something Ye Qingxuan could resist at close range.

Hit by this force, Ye Qingxuan's cloned body spit out blood and hit the mountains below hard.

The mountains below continued to crack, and a small half of the mountain collapsed.

It was just a single blow, even though Ye Qingxuan had the sixth-level top-quality talisman to fight against his attack, it destroyed the power of the attack from a peak-level God Transformation Realm expert.

But the gap in strength and cultivation still caused Ye Qingxuan's clone to be severely damaged on the spot.


Deep under the mountain range, Ye Qingxuan struggled to stand up after a violent cough.

Looking at the imposing figure above, he murmured in his heart:

"Is this the power of a powerful person at the peak of the Transformation of God Realm? I shouldn't be able to compete with him even if my body explodes with all its strength, right?"

Ye Qingxuan's true body is now only at the early stage of the Divine Transformation Realm.

There are still two small realms between him and the peak powerhouse of Transformation God Realm.

Don't think that this gap is not big.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the time it takes to practice from the early stage of the Soul Transformation Realm to the peak of the Soul Transformation Realm.

It may be longer than the time it takes for a monk to practice from the early stage of Qi Refining Realm to the peak of Divine Transformation Realm.

Therefore, there seems to be only two small realms between Ye Qingxuan's true body and the peak powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm.

In fact, it is the accumulation of many years of practice.

The gap cannot be completely reduced by the increase in Ye Qingxuan's strength caused by a few small prototypes of magical powers.

No matter how powerful your spells and supernatural powers are, they must be developed based on your own strength.

The increase in strength it brought was not as great as imagined.

What's more, the power of some top-level spells may not be much weaker than the power of prototype magical powers.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan possesses several prototypes of supernatural powers and has certain advantages in the realm of transformation into gods, but this advantage is only relative.

With Ye Qingxuan's actual strength, he can only dominate in the early and middle stages of Ordinary Divine Realm.

"Young human being, if you dare to kill my heir, I will let you be buried with my son today."

Just when Ye Qingxuan was thinking.

The green demon at the top of the mountain range has taken action again.

The rich voice and the strong pressure firmly locked the remains of Ye Qingxuan's clone, and a giant palm made of condensed demonic energy quickly condensed in the sky above Ye Qingxuan.

"It is your honor to die at the hands of my great devil."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant palm above Ye Qingxuan fell towards him.

As if he wanted Ye Qingxuan to bear the fear of death, the giant palm condensed by the green demon clan did not fall very fast.

But as the giant palm continued to fall, Ye Qingxuan felt an extremely strong suppressive force.

He felt as if all the internal organs in his body were about to be crushed and shattered by this suppressive force.

The blood at the corner of his mouth couldn't stop flowing, but Ye Qingxuan's eyes were unusually calm.

After all, this is just an ordinary clone of him.

It's just a fall. It's not a big deal. It's just a pity that this clone has the corpses of the Green Demon clan that he has hunted over the years.

After today's defeat, Ye Qingxuan did not feel depressed. He just lost due to the accumulation of time and realm.

He has endless longevity.

Give him enough time, and sooner or later, he will stand at the pinnacle of this world and crush others with his realm.

The temporary victory or defeat of the clone was not enough to move Ye Qingxuan.

As long as his body is not in crisis, nothing else matters.

However, having said that, Ye Qingxuan would not surrender so easily.

With his eyes focused, Ye Qingxuan let out a low voice:


The next moment, Ye Qingxuan was surrounded by Taoist sounds, and the Taoist rhyme was flowing.

The power of suppressing the boundary began to gather above Ye Qingxuan's head, quickly forming the shadow of a giant tower.

But as soon as the phantom of this giant tower took shape, it began to shake under the pressure of the giant palm slowly falling from the sky.

Upon seeing this, Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed slightly, and with a flip of his hand, a middle-grade spiritual weapon-level boundary-suppressing tower appeared in Ye Qingxuan's hands.

Then he threw it, and the boundary-suppressing tower in his hand quickly enlarged in the air, gradually merging with the shadow of the giant tower in the air.


Just hearing a buzzing sound, the giant tower above quickly solidified and turned into a glass color.

A wave visible to the naked eye emitted from the giant glazed tower, constantly fighting against the giant palm condensed by the green demons at the peak of the God Transformation Realm.

"Haha, interesting."

After noticing Ye Qingxuan's actions, the green demon above just sneered and did not do anything else. Instead, there was a playful look in his eyes.

Sure enough, it all seemed to be in vain.

Ye Qingxuan's small magical power, the prototype of the world-suppressing realm, did not stop the giant palm surging with demonic energy in the sky.

"Crack, crack"

As time passed, the giant palms kept coming down.

The world-suppressing tower condensed by the minor magical power of world-suppressing began to make crackling sounds, and it felt like it was about to fall.


This situation was within Ye Qingxuan's expectations.

After a light cough, Ye Qingxuan's eyes drooped slightly, and a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.

While the peak of the Transformation Realm Green Demon in the sky was relaxing his vigilance, Ye Qingxuan's mind moved and the world-suppressing tower above his head collapsed automatically.


As the world-suppressing tower exploded, the power of the world-suppressing suddenly erupted, causing the suppression power of the Great Demon Hand to loosen a little.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Qingxuan instantly activated a sixth-level teleportation talisman.

He did not escape. In the Xuanmu Realm, using the sixth-level teleportation talisman to escape from the peak of the Transformation Realm was nothing more than wishful thinking.

Ye Qingxuan just used the power of the sixth-level teleportation talisman to come near the peak of the Transformation Realm Green Demon.

In the other party's surprised eyes, Ye Qingxuan first activated five sixth-level top-grade protective talismans to block the other party's subconscious attack.

Looking at the remaining four protective barriers in front of him, Ye Qingxuan took out all the sixth-level talismans he carried with an expressionless face and activated them one by one.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The endless talisman attacks bombarded the space where the peak of the Transformation Realm Green Demon Clan was located, setting off waves of energy tides.

Under the sweep of the energy tide, the remaining four protective barriers in front of Ye Qingxuan cracked and collapsed one after another.

Looking at the place where the energy was constantly exploding and roaring not far in front of him, Ye Qingxuan's eyes did not show joy, but his face became more solemn.

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