Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 516 Five Elements Emperor Armor, Hundred Years

A total of twenty-three inferior spiritual treasure embryos.

As long as Ye Qingxuan is willing to spend time refining and nurturing, these magic weapons that have degenerated to spiritual treasure embryos can sooner or later return to the ranks of inferior spiritual treasures.

But compared to wasting a lot of time to get a batch of inferior spiritual treasures.

Ye Qingxuan would rather use these inferior spiritual treasure embryos as nutrients to accelerate the speed of the formation and growth of the source of the rules of the "Netherworld Armor".

Sensing the twenty-three inferior spiritual treasure embryos that gathered.

Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment and finally put sixteen of the inferior spiritual treasure embryos into the five-element small world that was being opened up and evolved in the internal space of the "Netherworld Armor".

Then, using this five-element small world that was being opened up as a furnace and the five-element rule power of Qingxuan Cave Heaven as fire, he began to smelt these sixteen inferior spiritual treasure embryos.

In the center of the evolving five-element small world, sixteen inferior spiritual treasure embryos of various shapes began to emit various colors of brilliance under the smelting of the Dao fire derived from the five-element rule power and merged into the evolving five-element small world.

With the continuous integration of the essence and origin of the sixteenth-order inferior spiritual treasure embryos, the five-element small world inside the "Netherworld Armor" is taking shape at a very fast speed.

In the process of the formation of the five-element small world, the source of the five-element rules unique to the "Netherworld Armor" is being nurtured at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the previous foundation of the "Netherworld Armor", plus the assistance of the five-element rules of the entire Qingxuan Cave Heaven, and the nourishment of the sixteen inferior spiritual treasure embryos.

The source of the five-element rules nurtured by the "Netherworld Armor" itself is taking shape and growing very smoothly, and the growth rate is very amazing.

At the same time as the source of the five-element rules was born, Ye Qingxuan also began to constantly pinch the spell to play a series of eight-element innate patterns containing the mysteries of heaven and earth into the "Netherworld Armor".

Help the "Netherworld Armor" to better fit with the nurtured source of the five-element rules, so that the body of the "Netherworld Armor" and the new source of rules can achieve true "form" and "meaning" integration.

Time flies.

Ye Qingxuan, who was in seclusion in Qingxuan Cave Heaven and fully mobilized the power of the five elements to nourish the "Netherworld Armor", was immersed in the evolution of the five elements. He seemed to have lost the perception of the outside world, and felt like a thousand years in an instant.

A hundred years had passed silently.

A hundred years later, the sixteen inferior spiritual treasure embryos that Ye Qingxuan had invested in the five elements small world inside the "Netherworld Armor" had disappeared.

Obviously, these sixteen inferior spiritual treasure embryos had all been transformed into nutrients for the growth of the "Netherworld Armor" under the smelting of the five elements rule fire, accelerating the evolution of its source of rules.

Not only that, during this period, Ye Qingxuan also invested a lot of seventh and eighth-level natural treasures, just to further speed up the evolution of the five elements rule source of the "Netherworld Armor".

Now, after a hundred years, it is seen that these resources invested in the five elements small world inside the "Netherworld Armor" have been exhausted.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes immediately, and the magic formula in his hand began to condense and shape the innate Dao pattern into the Nether Armor.

As the innate Dao patterns of shaping merged into the Nether Armor, the source of the five elements of the rules bred by the Nether Armor stopped evolving and began to spread and merge into every corner of the Nether Armor.


A terrifying breath burst out from the Nether Armor, and then the Nether Armor began to swallow the spiritual energy of the world within a million miles of the outside world.

While tempering itself with the power of the five elements, it absorbed the energy from the outside world and began to complete the final transformation after shaping.

This process lasted for three months.

After three months, with a light "hum" sound of spatial resonance, the originally milky white Nether Armor began to emit a colorful divine light.

With Ye Qingxuan spending a lot of resources and energy, the Nether Armor not only successfully recovered to the ranks of mid-grade spiritual treasures in a hundred years.

Moreover, it further evolved the source of the five elements rules it nurtured to the realm of the fifth stage, and also transformed the "Netherworld Armor" to the level of a two-star middle-grade spiritual treasure.

Looking at the armor emitting colorful divine light in front of him, Ye Qingxuan was very satisfied, and nodded with a smile:

"From now on, I will call you the "Five Elements Emperor Armor"!"

As Ye Qingxuan's voice fell, the avenue text of the "Five Elements Emperor Armor" instantly condensed and merged into the five-colored armor, and was imprinted on the "magic weapon spirit" of this five-colored armor.

Since Ye Qingxuan completed the master recognition ceremony during the refining process, Ye Qingxuan did not need to refine the magic weapon spirit of the "Five Elements Emperor Armor" to control it.

The divine consciousness probed into the "Five Elements Emperor Armor", sensing the ability of this new two-star middle-grade spiritual treasure, and Ye Qingxuan's heart moved slightly.

The next moment, the 'Five Elements Emperor Armor' in front of him suddenly split into five pieces, turning into five pieces of armor with a single five elements and emitting only a single color of light.

The two-star middle-grade spiritual treasure · Five Elements Emperor Armor contains the source of the five elements rules of the fifth level, and has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Since Ye Qingxuan engraved the Dao texts of 'Small Magic Power·Small Five Elements Shield' and 'Small Magic Power·Small Five Elements Grinding Wheel' during the refining process, the Five Elements Emperor Armor can spontaneously display these two small magic powers after revival.

Not only that, the Five Elements Emperor Armor contains a small world of five elements, which can summon world projections to suppress powerful enemies.

Put the defeated enemy into the five elements small world of the Five Elements Emperor Armor, and the five elements rules in the five elements small world can be transformed into rule chains to seal the opponent's cultivation.

When necessary, you can summon the source of the five elements in the Five Elements Emperor Armor to condense the phantom of the divine beast and launch a fatal attack on the enemy.

However, summoning the source of the five elements will greatly consume the energy source and the source of the rules of the Five Elements Emperor Armor, so you should not use this trick unless necessary.

In addition, the Five Elements Emperor Armor can be divided into five, turning into five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth with five single rule attributes.

After the division, the five elements of armor with a single attribute can only exert the power of a three-star lower-grade spiritual treasure, and each contains only one of the five elements of the source of the rules, so the characteristics of the armor will become more single.

Sensing the various wonderful uses of the Five Elements Emperor Armor, Ye Qingxuan became more and more satisfied.

With a slight wave of his hand, the five five-element armors of different colors floating in the air merged into one again and became the Five Elements Emperor Armor emitting colorful divine light, and then floated into Ye Qingxuan's hand and turned into a bracelet.

This bracelet is made of five-color divine gold, and five beads of different colors are inlaid on the divine gold.

Each bead is engraved with the five rules of "gold", "wood", "water", "fire" and "earth".

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and tossed the five-element bracelet in his hand, which was transformed from the five-element emperor armor. He turned his palm and put away the five-element bracelet, then stood up and stretched.

After not moving for a hundred years, Ye Qingxuan always felt that his body was rusting.

After slightly moving his body, Ye Qingxuan stepped out and reached the sky above the eighth-level furnace condensed by the eighth-level smelting formation.

He used his own spiritual power and rules at the same time, condensing a series of seventh-level "shaping" innate Dao patterns into the two towers of the world-suppressing tower in the "eight-level furnace".

During the past hundred years, in addition to forging the ‘Five Elements Emperor Armor’, Ye Qingxuan also separated a wisp of divine consciousness and put the remaining seven low-grade spiritual treasure embryos into the ‘eighth-level furnace’ to smelt them, turning them into nutrients for the evolution speed of the two world-suppressing towers’ source of rules.

In addition to the many seventh-level spiritual materials that Ye Qingxuan has invested in these two world-suppressing towers over the years, the ‘world-suppressing’ source of rules in the two world-suppressing towers has now successfully evolved to the level of the third stage.

Now as long as the final shaping is completed, Ye Qingxuan can get two three-star low-grade spiritual treasure-level world-suppressing towers again.

It’s not that Ye Qingxuan doesn’t want to continue to wait and spend more resources to let the source of rules in the world-suppressing tower evolve to the fourth stage, so that it can be transformed into a mid-grade spiritual treasure directly after ‘shaping’.

It’s that the raw materials used to refine the world-suppressing tower were too poor before, just a mere seventh-level world-suppressing stone.

If you want to refine these two world-suppressing towers into medium-grade spiritual treasures, you can invest resources to speed up the evolution of the source of rules of the world-suppressing towers, and at the same time divert a part of the essence of the source refined by the heavenly materials and earthly treasures to nourish and strengthen the tower body of the world-suppressing tower.

So that the tower body of the world-suppressing tower can bear the refinement of the source of rules of the 40th level and complete the final "shaping" transformation.

Although it is not difficult to do this as long as Ye Qingxuan is willing to invest a lot of resources.

But for Ye Qingxuan, this is not worth the loss.

He has now successfully promoted to the eighth-level weapon refiner. At that time, he only needs to wait for his cheap master Cen Zhe to come back and then find a way to obtain the exchange rights of the sect's eighth-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Then he can directly exchange the eighth-level world-suppressing stone or other eighth-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures containing the fragments of the "world-suppressing" rules from the sect's treasury, and refine the world-suppressing tower of the middle-grade spiritual treasure level in one step.

In this way, he can save a lot of seventh- and eighth-level raw materials.

In addition, his clone cannot burst out the spiritual power fluctuation of the Void Realm in the Green Demon Realm, so Ye Qingxuan is not in a hurry to build a medium-grade spiritual treasure, the Zhenjie Tower, to improve the strength of his clone.

As the innate Dao patterns of "shaping" were injected one after another, the "eighth-level furnace" under Ye Qingxuan made a series of roars, and began to form a spiritual energy vortex to swallow the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth in a radius of ten thousand miles and pour it into the Zhenjie Tower.

A month later, accompanied by two spatial resonance sounds, two Zhenjie Towers emitting dazzling light flew out of the "eighth-level furnace" and floated in front of Ye Qingxuan.

"I have harvested two more three-star low-grade spiritual treasures. It turns out that the realm is the root of everything."

"After the realm is raised, things that were out of reach before are now within reach."

Looking at the two three-star low-grade spiritual treasures, the Zhenjie Tower, in front of him, Ye Qingxuan recalled his years of cultivation and felt quite emotional.

In this hundred-year retreat, he has spent his thousand-year birthday.

In other words, he has been in the Earth Profound Realm for a thousand years.

Thousands of years! This long time that he dared not even think about in his previous life, but now it can only be regarded as a trivial period of time in his future cultivation.

In the past thousand years, he has grown from a small Qi Refining Realm cultivator to a powerful person in the current Void Realm step by step after becoming a blessed cultivator of the Xuantian Sect.

This cultivation speed is already extremely fast even among the peers of the entire Earth Profound Realm.

However, he was able to grow to this point in a thousand years and cultivate the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land to the seventh level. Both of these are inseparable from the various resources collected in the Qingmo Realm.

And the many geniuses in the Earth Profound Realm in this life.

It seems that the human geniuses who survived the previous extraterritorial battlefields, the lower world demon wars, and the later border battlefields have grown much faster than the geniuses and monsters of the previous generations in the Earth Profound Realm.

Although he lived in the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land and ignored worldly affairs, he was devoted to collecting resources to improve his own cultivation and cultivate his Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

Apart from his junior brother Liu Taian, he did not know which peerless monsters had grown up in the Dixuan Realm.

But it seems that in such a large Dixuan Realm, there are many geniuses and monsters who have grown and risen in such a great world.

It is estimated that when his cultivation is further improved and he is confident that his forces can move to the five domains in the Dixuan Realm to gain a foothold, he will probably slowly come into contact with those cultivators who are truly at the top of the Dixuan Realm with their talents, right?

"Take your time. There is no rush in the long years of cultivation. This brilliant world will not only be a witness to it, but also rise up to its top."

A trace of careless domineering appeared in his eyes. As his mind was flowing, Ye Qingxuan waved his hand to put away the two three-star lower-grade world-suppressing towers in front of him.

Then his spiritual consciousness surged out to sense the state of the Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

During the hundred years of his retreat, Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land has been promoted to the middle stage of the seventh stage.

Although Ye Qingxuan had consumed a lot of the world origin stored in the cave heaven blessed land in order to upgrade the formation in Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land to the eighth stage.

But the resources that Ye Qingxuan harvested in the Qingmo Realm more than a hundred years ago were enough to make up for the consumption of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

In addition, in the following hundred years, the resources that Ye Qingxuan's many cave virtual realm clones collected in the Qingmo Realm, as well as the resources acquired by many cities under his command.

Therefore, under the transformation and supply of a large amount of resources, the world origin of Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land has been rapidly accumulating over the years, and finally successfully broke through the boundary of the middle stage of the seventh stage not long ago.

At the same time that Qingxuan Cave Heaven Blessed Land was promoted to the middle stage of the seventh stage, because Ye Qingxuan had smelted a lot of seventh and eighth level spiritual materials in recent years, some of the scattered spiritual material essences were absorbed and analyzed by the cave heaven blessed land.

Finally, the Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth Blessed Land successfully gave birth to three seventh-level spiritual mines in the process of transformation during the promotion, namely the seventh-level starlight stone spiritual mine, the seventh-level world-suppressing stone spiritual mine, and the seventh-level five-element gold spiritual mine.

Don't think it's easy to give birth to this level of spiritual mine prototypes.

Ye Qingxuan's Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth Blessed Land grew too fast and lacked time to settle.

Compared with this kind of spiritual mine that does not affect the promotion of the cave heaven and earth, the energy absorbed by the cave heaven and earth during the promotion is used for the derivation of spiritual veins in addition to the expansion of heaven and earth.

As for the energy that can be shared when other spiritual mines are derived, it is very little.

Not just the Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth Blessed Land.

Except for some special spiritual mine resource worlds.

Many spiritual mines born in most other worlds can only give birth to the prototype of the mine vein after a long period of precipitation, and then gradually form the final mine vein after continuously absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

Although in the Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Earth Blessed Land, Ye Qingxuan can use the origin of the world to shorten this precipitation process.

But compared to obtaining some spiritual mineral resources, Ye Qingxuan wanted to see the growth of Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land.

So although Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land has grown to the seventh level in these years, there are very few other spiritual minerals in the cave heaven and blessed land except the source of spiritual veins.

Even most of the fifth and sixth level spiritual minerals are only in the state of the embryonic form of the veins and cannot be mined.

Now three seventh-level spiritual minerals have suddenly appeared in Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land. Even if it will take a long time to really take shape and mine, Ye Qingxuan also feels happy.

Moreover, after Qingxuan Cave Heaven and Blessed Land was promoted to the middle stage of the seventh level, his spiritual root condensation speed has increased again.

This time, the speed of improvement is equivalent to saving him about a hundred years.

Adding the years he has spent since the last spiritual root condensation, Ye Qingxuan now only needs more than 600 years to condense his ninth spiritual root.

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