Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning

Chapter 277: Tao Qiandu won the second calamity, and the demon general turned into a secret demon

"Longevity is different, Caishikou was beheaded at the beginning (!

But he said that Tao Qian used the nine-toad beads to smash the immortal tomahawk and solved the death situation of Tianjiangxian.

He now has an ugly and majestic dragon face, with a big belly and heavy pupils, no one can tell who he is, but the secret demon cultivator's breath that he deliberately shows has really made Taishang Yuanmo appear as a saint and true monarch. Mistakenly thought that he was a contemporary mystic.

Ling Wa's taunting after being annoyed reminded Kong Chan Arhat.

Previously, Luohan didn't do his best to prevent Ling Wa's dog from jumping off the wall, and if the conspiracy failed, he would take his anger out.

Although the strength of the two is on the same level, if Ling Wa is really desperate, even if he can't kill Kong Chan, it is not difficult to exchange injuries.

"Fellow Daoist Ling has lost [Wan Demon Prison] and [Virtuous God and Demon Slashing Xian Yue], no matter how hard you try, you can't help me."

"Well, the time has come."

Kong Chan Arhat had this plan in his heart.

Then, he slapped his hands suddenly, and the dazzling Buddha light burst out immediately.

In a matter of seconds, an extremely large statue of arhats, like the real Buddha in this world, appeared in a distant place.

In the sound of cicadas, the area began to be moved away.

This time, the one who was trying to drag people away was replaced by Kong Chan Arhat, and his drag was to completely take Ling Wa out of this world, perhaps to find a small world, a secret realm and other realms to fight, Buddhist Arhat Bodhisattva They are the best at this kind of means.

Before leaving, Kongchan did not forget to consolidate the transaction between himself and Tao Qian.

Along with the Buddha's light and the cicada's chirping, the voice of the Arhat came:

"My little friend of the Secret Demon Sect, please give it to me, Daoist Ling."

"Then it's up to you to do what you do, as long as you don't forget the benefits of the poor monk."

As soon as the voice fell, these two extremely noble and powerful Arhats and True Monarchs were completely silent.

The people of Mofo Temple have always been informal, and they don't feel anything wrong when they talk about covenant transactions in public.

This was the case with the corpse at the time, and the same is true of the empty cicada who is now an Arhat.

But his revelation, in addition to the real identity of Tao Qian's secret demon, also caused the shock of tens of thousands of monks and demons in the entire magic capital, and made Ling Qi and Huang Chong, who was hiding in the dark, change their faces.

Yuan Shizong!

Secret Demon Sect!

Although these two cases were contemptuously called "broken households" by Ling Wa, the so-called dead camels were bigger than horses.

If these two major sects are mixed in.

Even if they have a conspiracy long ago, they may not be able to succeed.

Almost immediately, all parties began to accelerate.

Tao Qian also thought of this, and cursed Kong Chan Arhat in his heart.

"It's no wonder that this loud mouth is called Kong Chan."

Before the scolding was over, Tao Qian did not dare to delay in the slightest.

After colliding with the god, the radiance dimmed, and the nine toad beads, which were already useless, were put away.

Then the stars moved to one place in a flash, and the victims had already turned all the fish and dragons into Tianjiang's camp, in order to cooperate with the group of "terrorists" they had released.

Directly took out a red gourd, and swayed it, and one after another rounded pills floated in the air, which was also spectacular from a distance.

There is no need for Tao Qian to cast a spell to blow air, the erysipelas faintly released from the inside smells like feces and urine, and the cultivator of the human race smells like feces and urine, and he wants to vomit.

But when the devil outside the realm smelled it, it was simply fragrant and drooling.

Especially in the next moment, the demons turned their heads to look.

That strangely-shaped human monk, with a quirky face smiling happily and kindly, patted his big belly, facing all the devils in the magic capital, especially those who were gnawing around the Tianjiang River, chasing after the victims to devour them. , the most hard-working monsters, sent out a very sincere invitation.

"Friends of Heaven and Demons, I also know that you have been poisoned by Senior Ling Wa's elders. You have come to this mortal world without enjoying your blessings, and you have been in prison for many years."

"Although you and I are enemies and not friends, you can't stand it. Before we kill you, treat your fellow Daoists with these magic pills."

"Come and come, come and come."

These words penetrated into the ears of the devils, not only tens of thousands of strange devils.

Even the rest of the monks were stunned.

Obviously everyone knew this was a trap.

But, is it so hard to set up? Not paving one or two?

Just as the cultivators were thinking like this, suddenly there were hundreds of demons in the tens of thousands of different demons who moved first, rushing over and shouting loudly:

"It's so fragrant and fragrant, I don't care, I eat this secret devil first, and then eat the magic pill."

"Yes, let's kill the secret devil first, so we don't have to worry about the medicine being poisonous."

"Good idea! Go!"

"Hahaha, it just so happens that I'm tired of eating people. The secret demon cultivator has been extinct for many years, and I don't know what the new generation of secret devil's flesh and blood tastes like, whether it is chewy or not."

"This secret devil doesn't look like a good person, but if you think about it, it's a good taste."

A group of strange demons who have been imprisoned for many years and tortured, although they are still cunning, their reaction is naturally a beat slower than the group of demon traitors that Tao Qian subdued.

Guided by them, the group of strange monsters that besieged Tianjiang has not moved.

The strange demons who devoured the victims in the camp were all attracted. There were hundreds here, a group of thousands there, Wuyang and Wuyang, roaring and roaring over. This drive immediately made the fish. The strange demons around Long Tianjiang were moved.

"These disaster victims are all skinny and have no chew. How can their taste be compared with a secret devil child and thousands of heavenly magic pills?"

"It's too late for such a big meal, I'm afraid I won't even be able to drink bone marrow and brain soup."

This kind of magic is very contagious.

The next moment I saw a clatter, and thousands of strange demons around Tian Jiangxian were dispatched in unison, rushing towards Tao Qian.

This scene was extremely shocking to the crowd of onlookers, but to Ling Qi it was a serious matter.

He hurriedly shouted and let Wan Mo continue to surround and kill Tian Jiangxian, and he must not let Tian Jiangxian transport the two million victims back to the secret realm.

Unfortunately, he is a son, not a father.

Wan Mo is only under the control of Ling Wa, how can he care about Ling Qi.

Piansheng Ling Wa has been completely dragged away by Kong Chan, and he can't perceive the changes here, so he can't restrain the group of demons.

However, when the demons attacked, Tao Qian couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.

He kept a hypocritical smile on his face, inviting you to enter the urn, but he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, knowing that this was a life-and-death test in the doomsday, just like when he faced the nine calamities of Lianyulou, if he couldn't save him, he would be inconvenient. To die.

Therefore, while Tao Qian was preparing to cast the spell, Yuan Gong said:

"Master Yuan, Master Yuan, is it possible to sway the magic sword? If this is successful, the Secret Demon Sect can make a splash."

"If you can't beat it, it will be miserable."

As soon as the problem passed, it was immediately sprayed back.

"You kid doesn't think that a single sword will kill all these demons, but it's just a dream."

"You should know that you don't need to kill them, just disperse them and relieve the siege of Tianjiang children."

"It's not difficult, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you have to borrow, and it's a big debt."

Just after Yuan Gong's voice transmission, Tao Qian couldn't see a light in front of him.

Up, down, left and right, in all directions, are surrounded by ten thousand demons.

In the eyes of those onlookers, that weird secret devil child is estimated to have entered the belly of ten thousand demons at this moment, and it is absolutely unreasonable.

At this time, Tao Qian was using his thoughts to cast spells and shouted silently:

"Please go up to Duke Yuan!"

The edict was spit out, and the familiar scene reappeared.

Tao Qian's dragon face changed again, and his sword eyebrows instantly turned blood red.

He used to be called a strange person and a strange person, but now his new image is even more ferocious and evil.

When the scarlet sword light that seems to be about to wipe out everything and suppress everything soars into the sky, as long as there is an existence related to the "Magic Dao" in the great Demon City area, whether it is a human, a beast, a monster, or some other anomaly, Involuntarily, he began to tremble, not daring to look at the secret devil in the sword glow.

Some weak and weak demon cultivators even died on the spot.

Some people who are well-informed and know a lot directly shouted and shouted.

"It's the magic sword intent of the Secret Demon Sect!"

"It is rumored that on the day the Secret Demon Sect disintegrated, there was an old demon called Duke Yuan. With this sword, he killed an unknown number of demon cultivators in an instant."

"Look over there!"

No need to remind at all, everyone is looking at that place at the moment.

Seeing the thousands of strange demons with their own eyes, one after another, they were all blasted out.

The scene was like a drop of ice water falling into the oil pan.



I don't know how much mana Tao Qian borrowed from his own Heavenly Venerate. A scarlet sword glow was extremely fierce, centered on the empty disaster camp and swept in all directions.

The entire Demon City seemed to be swept over by the red light, and there was actually a sword moving thousands of miles.

The damage to the group of rough-skinned monsters was not serious, only hundreds of them in the core area were directly killed.

The rest were swept away by Tao Qian for hundreds of miles, thousands of miles.

The most unfortunate one is the demon cultivator who was affected. How could they think that they would suffer life and death just by watching the play, and they couldn't even scream and scream, and they were scratched by the sword light.

Such a scene stunned many people in an instant.

At the same time, no one doubted Tao Qianmi's identity as the devil.

What is ironclad evidence?

This is hard evidence.

But even more astonishing changes are yet to come.

One sword swings ten thousand demons!

Tao Qian withdrew his sword intent with a painful face, and then a flickering movement, this time he appeared in a disaster camp that was being eroded by fungus monsters.

It fell with a loud noise, and flames erupted.

While burning the surrounding fungus to ashes, he also obtained a batch of Lingjun Pills, crushed them all and mixed them into the rain, instantly detoxifying all the victims in the camp.

Then, a surprising scene came.

With a wave of Tao Qian's sleeves, he took away the hundreds of thousands of victims in the camp in one go.

The stars flashed again, but he appeared on the Huanghuang Tianjiang again, throwing hundreds of thousands of victims into the river.

Such a change is too fast and too abrupt!

Tens of thousands of monks and demons in the magic capital were too late to react, too late to think about the reason.

"A secret devil, why do you want to save people?"

"Secret Demon Sect colluded with Yuan Shizong?"

"And what is that magical power, how can it be like the universe in Lingbaozong's sleeve?"

The onlookers were thinking about this, but Ling Qi was almost crazy.

He watched Tao Qian, a strange and mysterious devil, first rammed into his father's Immortal Slaying Treasure, and then used the Demonic Sword Intent to free Tianjiang Immortal. Now, he is relying on his own power to transfer all the remaining victims to Yulongtian. Jiangnai.

If this continues, in just a few breaths, all four million victims will be turned away.

His hard work was completely bankrupt.

Ling Qi's body trembled wildly, and the evil and handsome face twisted, roaring:

"Yin Qiye, hurry, hurry up and kill everything in front of me."

"No, go to the Demon Capital and kill all the thousands of people for me."

"If you slow down a little, when my father returns, I will kill you alive."

Everyone heard the roar, saw Ling Qi who was going crazy, and understood why he did this.

How can I endure that my self-conceited plan has been completely destroyed by others?

However, it sounds like ~www.readwn.com~ this supreme devil still has the strength to make a comeback.

Slaughter the people inside!

If you kill enough, you can still meet the refining conditions.

But immediately, the real fatal blow to Ling Qi came.

A burst of wild laughter suddenly emanated from the mouth of the strange secret demon.

"Hahaha... Junior Brother Yin, since Fellow Daoist Ling Qi called you."

"You don't have to pretend any more, go back to your place."

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