Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing

Chapter 103: Turtle breath armor! As vast as the ocean!

   Chapter 103 Turtle Breath Armor! As vast as the ocean!

   "The place for the appointment set by Li Hun is on an island in the Blue Rain Sea. It seems that there is the base camp of the Ghost Pirates. He must have invited other Pirates, waiting for us to go!"

   Sikonghuang said with a solemn expression.

   "I immediately sent people to summon the hall masters to come over, prepare for the battle, and set off for the Blue Rain Sea. This time is related to the rise and fall of the Giant Whale Gang, and there is no room for loss!"

  Si Kongwen also looked extremely serious.

The residence of the    Ghost Pirates has become the Longtan Tiger's Den, and their giant whale gang must have all the best they can, and even if one bad thing this time is a battle for the survival of the giant whale gang!

   Soon after, the four main hall masters and more than 20 vice hall masters were summoned. When Su Changkong told what happened and was about to go out to the Blue Rain Sea, the response was enthusiastic!

   "Young gang master is not dead? Then he must be rescued!"

   "After waiting for so long, the gang leader has finally decided to go to the Blue Rain Sea? Those **** pirates are getting more and more arrogant, I can't wait to hit them head-on!"

   When they learned about this, everyone responded enthusiastically and agreed with the decision.

   A few months ago, the giant whale gang knew that Sikong was fighting against the pirates and he didn't know whether to live or die. As his father, Sikong Yong would definitely not be without a word, and now it's finally here!

   If it was Sikong War or Meng Sang who made such a decision concerning the prosperity and survival of the Giant Whale Gang, it would definitely be obstructed and opposed.

But 'Sikong Yong' is different. He became famous at a young age, and he led the giant whale gang to conquer the Quartet. The prestige he has accumulated is unparalleled. Since he made such a decision, it must have been carefully thought out. What they will do is to believe in him, follow him!

   "This battle... is not a battle between the giant whale gang and the ghost pirates, but a battle between the giant whale gang and the pirates in the Blue Rain Sea... the outcome is unpredictable!"

Of course, some people are worried, knowing that Li Soul must have contacted other pirate groups, and the giant whale gang will face the joint efforts of several big pirate-level pirate groups. !

   But most people support the decision of 'Sikong Yong'. Naturally, these people can't stand up to refute, can't change anything, but affect their own morale.

   "Sikong Yong is indeed a character, such a dangerous action, all the members of the Giant Whale Gang support!"

  Su Changkong looked at the excited crowd below, and he also secretly sighed at the high prestige that Sikongyong had accumulated in the past.

   "Follow the gang leader to go out to conquer the Blue Rain Pirates!"

Among the    giant whale gang, the dispatch of troops and preparations began.

   "Looks like there's going to be a tough battle!" Su Changkong was also a little excited, he knew that most of the negotiation would not be successful, and the result was bound to be a war between the two sides, and what Su Changkong could do was kill! Kill the enemy with fear!

  Su Changkong practiced silently for two days and adjusted his state to the peak.

   Until two days passed, everyone was ready and headed for the port of the Giant Whale Gang.


  Thousands of cavalry galloped, like a torrent of steel galloping, and pedestrians along the road retreated one after another, daring not to stop them.

   "It's the Giant Whale Gang! What a big battle, is this all out of the nest? The strong man at the head is Si Kongyong, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang? Sure enough, he is majestic!"

   "It looks like it won't be long before there will be big news that will shake the city of Molin Mansion!"

   These pedestrians looked at the speeding giant whale gang knights, and their hearts were shaken, knowing that the giant whale gang had a big move.

The port of the    Giant Whale Gang has already been prepared. Eight giant ships of the 100-meter battleship class are docked on the shore. In addition, there are also medium and small ships.

   "Finally...Help the Lord lead us to recover everything that was lost in that battle!"

   "Hahaha! This time, we must kill these pirates without leaving behind!"

  Many giant whales helped the warriors board the ship, and they were very excited.

   More than half a year ago, five warships of the Giant Whale Gang were attacked, only three returned, and nearly a thousand people were lost. This was the biggest defeat the Giant Whale Gang had suffered in recent years. Everyone held their breath and wanted revenge! Now this opportunity has come!

Su Changkong also boarded the ship and boarded the largest 'Giant Whale'. Standing on the deck, looking at the endless sea horizon, he also had a sense of pride in his heart. The feeling of going!

  Eight warships and several other ships. This time, the Giant Whale Gang is all the best. Seven or eight thousand people have been dispatched. This is the majority of the Giant Whale Gang's warriors!

  The number of people exceeds 10,000, and the crowds are huge, and they are on boats, which is quite spectacular.

The fleet of the    Giant Whale Gang moved all the way to the location and coordinates given by the pirate envoy before, heading to the station of the ghost pirate group.

   "All staff on alert!"

   has been sailing for two days, and two nights later, a reminder sound came from a ship, just because it was about to reach the destination.

Not only that, but everyone also saw that there are some small boats patrolling in this sea area. There is no doubt that these boats are all pirates. They are either vigilant or excitedly staring at the coming giant whale gang fleet. , like a wolf!

   "These **** pirates... Sure enough, there is more than one pirate group, the Blood Blade pirate group, the Blood Leopard pirate group... There are only five pirate group ships I saw!"

As he continued to move forward, Sikonghuang's expression became more and more solemn. In the sea area, ships gradually appeared, many of which were 100-meter-class warships, and the flags of the sails were different, all of them belonged to the Eighteen Pirates. Group, at least five or more!

   There are more and more pirate ships, gathering in this sea area, forming a confrontation with the giant whale gang.

   "I'm afraid that nearly half of the pirate groups with names and surnames are here. Together, the overall number and warships are probably more than our giant whale gang!"

  Si Kongwen even though he had anticipated this situation, he still couldn't help but feel frightened.

   For more than half a year, Li Hun has not been idle, notified and united with other pirate groups to jointly fight against the Giant Whale Gang.

The Giant Whale Gang occupies the most prosperous route and makes money while lying down. This has already made many pirates envious, not to mention that the Giant Whale Gang often goes out to suppress pirates for the sake of standing up. They hate the giant whale gang very much.

With Sikong Battle in hand, and Li Hun's lobbying, eight or nine pirate groups gathered in this sea today, like a group of bloodthirsty sharks, wanting to eat this delicious giant whale. Exhausted!

   The two sides confronted each other, and no one made a move. The entire sea area was filled with large and small ships. Once the war started, it would definitely be an extremely tragic and **** battle!

   In the distance, there is a beautifully shaped boat with many flowers on the boat, which looks very festive.

At the bow of the boat, there was a gentle man in azure clothes who said loudly, "Sect Master Sikong, I am Li Fei, the deputy head of the Ghost Squad. I am here to greet Sect Master Sikong on the order of the leader Li Hun. Let's do our best as a landlord!"

   said, this very luxurious red ship is still heading towards the largest and most conspicuous giant whale.

   "Help Master..."

On the    Giant Whale, several hall masters looked at Su Changkong dressed as Sikong Yong.

They knew that these pirates were going to invite Jun into the urn and let Sikongyong go to the island alone to make an appointment, which must be the Longtan Tiger Cave, and once Sikongyong fell into it, or even suffered an accident, without this leader, the giant whale gang must have low morale. , and then faced with this large number of pirates, the outcome is likely to be a big defeat.

   But they had to go, the Sikong Battle fell into the opponent's hands, and this was their bargaining chip!

   Having discussed it earlier, Su Changkong said lightly, "Then I'll go!"

   "I'll go together!"

"And I!"

"I'll go as well!"

   When Su Changkong opened his mouth, several people responded.

Among them are Sikonghuang, as well as Zhao Tianhuo and Gao An. These two hallmasters are very young and hardworking among the four hall masters. They were both promoted by Sikong Yong and are willing to follow Sikong at the moment. Brave 'to brave the Longtan together!

   "Okay, old man, I'll trouble you to command here. If there is any movement, I will take off Li Hun and their heads!"

  Su Changkong confronts Sikong Wendao.

  Si Kongwen was the previous leader of the Giant Whale Gang, plus two other hall masters, he had more experience in commanding the Giant Whale Gang in combat.

   That Li Hun wants to invite you into the urn, then Su Changkong will let them see who is the prey!

   "Yes!" Sikong Wen and the rest of the hall masters respectfully responded, and at the same time admired Su Changkong's courage, knowing that Ghost Island was already a net of heaven and earth, dragon pools and tiger dens, but he was not surprised.

The red ceremony boat was approaching, Su Changkong no longer hesitated, he jumped, jumped off the deck of the Giant Whale, and landed lightly on the red boat, Sikong Huang, Gao An, Zhao Tianhuo three People followed closely behind and landed on the red boat one after another.

   "Let's go."

  Su Changkong glanced at Li Fei, the deputy head of the ghost group, who was Li Fei's brother.


   Li Fei looked at Su Changkong carefully before he nodded with a smile.


  The sailor on the red boat rowed the oars, breaking the current, and the red boat sailed in the direction of Ghost Island.

   The red boat left the sea area occupied by the giant whale gang fleet and went all the way, passing through the pirate ships along the way.

   Ghost Island is located behind these pirate ships. Once a conflict occurs, no one can come to rescue!

   In a short while, a large island in front of you was close at hand, and on the shore were heavily armed pirates.

   The red boat docked, and Li Fei took the lead to disembark: "Several, please come with me, eldest brother has been waiting for a long time for a banquet."

   A group of four followed Li Fei to the Ghost Island.

   "This island...is all the elites of the pirate regiment, one post at ten steps, and one post at five steps! Well-equipped, and basically all wearing thick armor!"

   Zhao Tianhuo, the head of the Fire Whale Hall, had a solemn expression and noticed that the Ghost Island was indeed a net.

  There are a lot of pirates along the way, all standing upright, with a fierce breath, and wearing heavy metal armors, saying that they are pirates, more like well-trained elite soldiers!

  Su Changkong's expression was calm, he could feel that there were malicious eyes in the dark, and now this island is full of enemies!

   Walking all the way, buildings appeared in front of them. In a square that looked like a soldier training, hundreds and nearly a thousand pirates gathered, all looking at Su Changkong and the others who were coming.

   "If there is a fight... just this large number of pirates is enough for us to drink a pot!"

   The tall and lanky head of the Electric Whale Hall, Gao An, smiled bitterly.

   Qi and blood realm warriors can fight a hundred enemies with one attack, but they can face the siege of thousands of elite soldiers, and the ending is mostly torn to shreds!

   "The gang leader Sikong has come from a long way, and there is something to be missed!"

   A chuckle sounded, and the pirates along the way gave way.

In the center of the wide square, there is a huge round table, and the table is full of people, there are as many as a dozen or twenty people, and every breath is extremely powerful, and there is a strong blood in the body. in flow.

   "Almost all of them are in the qi and blood realm... are they the head and deputy head of those pirate regiments?"

   Sikonghuang swept around. She was carrying a longbow and a sword around her waist, her heart was extremely dignified.

Now around Ghost Island, there are nearly ten pirate groups, most of which are among the eighteen major pirates, and on Ghost Island, the masters of these pirate groups gather here, waiting for the arrival of Si Kongyong .

  Su Changkong looked at the person who had spoken before. He was a tall, tall man in white clothes and his face was as pale as paper. This man was the fifth gangster, Li Hun, and the person in charge of this incident.

  Su Changkong was not afraid, and led Sikonghuang and the three all the way to the table in the center of the square and sat down.

The table was full of delicious food, but no one moved. The pirates in the entire square, and the masters of the various pirate groups sitting beside the table, all focused on Su Changkong. The leader of the giant whale gang is indeed bold enough. , really dare to come!

   "Sikong Yong, you are still as arrogant and arrogant as before!" A sneer sounded, breaking the silence, Su Changkong followed his gaze and saw that the speaker was a majestic and strong man.

The strong man was dressed in black, with a short head and a fierce temperament, but the strange thing was that his left eye was wearing a blindfold, he should be blind, and his right eye was shining with cold light, staring at Su Changkong, as if he could not wait to kill him. It's like swallowing.

"Who are you?"

  Su Changkong looked at him suspiciously.

   The brawny man roared furiously: "I'm Ying Yang! Did you forget the World War I 20 years ago?"

   "Yingyang... The tenth largest pirate, Yingyang." Su Changkong was stunned.

  Ying Yang, ranked tenth among the Eighteen Great Bandits, once fought against Sikong Yong when he was a teenager.

   Seeing 'Sikong Yong' again at this time, Ying Yang is naturally full of hatred.

  Yingyang gritted his teeth, feeling that ‘Sikongyong’ definitely remembered him, and deliberately pretended not to know him to express his contempt for him.

   "Yingyang, don't be impatient!" And Li Soul waved his hand to stop Yingyang, who wanted to continue.

  Yingyang snorted coldly and sat back in his seat, but the corners of his mouth were full of sneers. Since Sikongyong is here today, he will never leave alive again!

   "Where's my eldest brother?" Sikonghuang couldn't help asking Li Hun at this moment.

   Li Hun smiled lightly, and he clapped his hands: "Go and bring Mr. Sikong over here!"


   Someone was ordered to leave.

  Su Changkong seemed to be sitting on the chair very relaxed, but in fact he was secretly observing everyone present.

   Three of them caught Su Changkong's attention, one was Li Hun.

This Li Hunneng ranked fifth in the eighteen major bandits, and he is strong. He was injured in the previous Sikong battle. It took more than two months to recover from the injury. It is estimated that his strength will not be worse than Meng Sang, or even better. One chip!

   As for the other two, one was an old man with half-white hair. This old man was wearing a gray coat, with a strange breath, and his eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake.

The last person is a bald strong man. Although this bald strong man is sitting, his height should be close to two meters. He is very burly. breath!

   These two should be masters no less than Li Hun, plus the other dozen or twenty other qi and blood realms, they are all masters of the major pirate groups, and they are indeed the best!

Gao An, the head of the Dianjing Hall on the side, whispered to Su Changkong with his infuriating voice wrapped in his infuriating voice: "Help Master... that old man in gray should be Li Hun's master Ghost Shadow Old Man, although he is old, it can be said that his movement technique Few people can match the brilliant Molin Mansion! He is a dangerous person!"

   "That bald-headed and strong man is the fourth biggest gangster, Tie King Kong. He has practiced horizontal martial arts to an unimaginable level. He is invulnerable to swords and guns, and even swallows poison without harming him in the slightest. It is extremely terrifying!"

   Gao An also noticed the two dangerous figures, and told Su Changkong their details.

   "Yeah." Su Changkong nodded slightly, remembering in his heart, Tie Jingang, Old Man Ghost Shadow, Li Hun, all of them are top experts no less than Meng Sang!

  Li Hun and the others saw Gao An's wriggling lips, but they didn't care. They gathered so many masters to swallow the giant whale gang and eat it up!

   "Big Brother!"

   While everyone was waiting, there was a person in the distance who was brought over by several mountain bandits. It was Sikong Battle!

   At this time, Sikong Zhan was dressed neatly, but he was very weak, and he lost a lot of weight. He could almost see his cheekbones, very haggard, and a little finger on his left hand was cut off by Qigen.

   The captured Sikong Zhan was imprisoned in the ghost group for more than half a year. Naturally, he was not enjoying himself, and he suffered a lot.

   "Second sister! Father...father?"

  Sikong Zhan saw Sikonghuang, the two hall masters, and Su Changkong dressed as Sikongyong. He was also stunned, unbelievable, and at the same time, he became uncontrollably anxious and worried.

  Su Changkong and the others are really here! It is too dangerous to go deep into Ghost Island with only three or four people. It is simply the behavior of sheep entering the tiger's mouth!

  Sikonghuang hurriedly got up to check the situation of the Sikong battle, but those pirates did not stop him.

   "You...you shouldn't come." Sikong Zhan smiled bitterly, at the same time he was a little moved. Sikonghuang was nothing but Su Changkong pretending to be Sikong Yong, this is completely putting life and death aside!

   Seeing that Sikong Zhan was indeed still alive, Su Changkong was also slightly relieved. This cheap brother suffered a lot, but he was still alive.

   "Master Sikong, your son has already sent over, let's talk about the conditions for letting you go."

   At this time, Li Hun spoke up.

   "Speak." Su Changkong was very calm.

   Li Hun smiled: "First, the giant whales have to give up the Akabane route, the Luanfeng route, etc."

Hearing this, the expressions of Sikonghuang and others changed slightly. These two routes are the main routes of the Blue Rain Sea, and a large number of merchant ships can only pass through here. Giving up these two routes is equivalent to cutting off nearly half of the giant whale gang. Fortune!

   "Second, ninety percent of the warships of the Giant Whale Gang have to be given to us for free!" Li Hun continued.

   Without 90% of the warships, the Giant Whale Gang would have no threat in the Blue Rain Sea.

   "Third, the rest can leave. Gang Master Sikong, you need to temporarily stay in our Ghost Island as a guest. After everything is handed over, Gang Master Sikong can leave at will." Li Hun said, this is to let the Giant Whale Gang do it obediently.

  Su Changkong smiled: "These conditions...I will not agree to any of these conditions! I am here, see you..."

   "How can I help you!"

   These four words are not loud, but they have a domineering domineering.

   Li Hun is still smiling, but the smile is getting colder and colder. He also knows in his heart that Sikongyong won't give in so easily, but it doesn't matter, catching or killing Sikongyong will be able to defeat the Giant Whale Gang today!

  The atmosphere in the field is solidified, and it is about to explode!

   "Come on!"

   And one person took the lead in attacking, breaking the silence, it was the one-eyed eagle Yang!

Ying Yang has a grim face. He was defeated by Sikong Yong when he was a teenager, and he lost an eye. This is his lifelong shame. In the past 20 years, he has been practicing hard and strengthening himself, so that he can find Sikong one day. Take revenge and wash away the humiliation!


The air trembled violently, Ying Yang's entire body burst out with thick blood, and his entire body rushed towards Su Changkong, who was facing him. The table between the two was shattered by the impact. The claws, like eagle claws, slammed towards Su Changkong's face, trying to pierce his head and dig out his eyes.

   This Yingyang took the lead in attacking, and made a vicious attack. He used all his strength as soon as he came up, but in Su Changkong's eyes, this Yingyang was courting death!


  Yingyang's claws came in an instant, piercing Su Changkong's head, but it was just a phantom.

  Yingyang's pupils shrank, he didn't even see when Su Changkong disappeared!

   Wu Qin Xi. Eye-catching cranes!

Su Changkong's crane play in Wuqinxi, the whole person is like a spirit crane flying, the crane play is powerful, fast and silent, while avoiding the eagle's claws, it appears in the blind corner of his perspective, a right hand sticks out silently, Bend the index finger and the **** into a hook and pull it hard!


   Along with the shrill scream, Ying Yang's only right eye was gouged out by Su Changkong.

   "He...is he really the third brother? No matter what this Yingyang says, his qi and blood have changed. It is difficult for me to win against him..."

   Watching this scene, Si Kong Zhan sucked in a breath of cold air. Su Changkong's agile movement and sharp skills were simply incredible, and he dug out one of Ying Yang's eyeballs in a single encounter. The gap between the two was like a cloud of mud!

  9's unparalleled Wuqinxi allows Su Changkong to even kill Meng Sang head-on, and Ying Yang, whose martial arts cultivation is only comparable to Su Changkong's, is as fragile as paper in front of him!


  Yingyang was severely injured by a blow, Li Hun and the others all looked solemn, Sikongyong was as terrifying as rumored, but they all retreated in unison!


But just when the others were puzzled, Gao An, Zhao Tianhuo and the others all changed their expressions, and heard the sound of a machine pushing from hundreds of meters away, but the deadly threat was more powerful than the sound. quick!


  In the air, a cold light flashed away and shot into the field.

  The one who bears the brunt is Ying Yang, who has had his eyes pulled out, is screaming mournfully, and has not retreated.


The flying flesh and blood, in the huge tearing sound, Ying Yang was pierced through his back, and a bowl-sized blood hole was pierced from his chest, and the cold light was inexhaustible, and angered Zhao Tianhuo, who was facing him. He reacted quickly, coupled with the blocking of Ying Yang, he jumped back several feet away, avoiding the way, the cold light bombarded the ground, making a huge noise!

   Looking carefully, it was an arrow, an extremely thick arrow with the thickness of an arm, most of which did not penetrate into the hard rocky ground! Amazingly powerful!

   "The God Arm Crossbow... This is the God Arm Crossbow!"

   Zhao Tianhuo shouted with rounded eyes while taking a breath of cold air.

The   God Arm Crossbow, which is the pinnacle of the machine-type crossbow, is a bed crossbow, which is huge in size and difficult to carry around. Correspondingly, its power is also extremely huge.

   Can pierce metal armor at a distance of 800 paces!

   "God Arm Crossbow?" Su Changkong also raised his head and looked hundreds of meters away. There was a watchtower there, and the arrow was shot from that direction.

  God Arm Crossbow, according to Su Changkong's knowledge, in Molin Mansion City, only the Molin Army in Molin Mansion City has it. It is used as a killer and a weapon for defending the city. The craftsmanship is extremely high, and the cost is high!

   Is there a divine arm crossbow in this pirate group? Where did you smuggle it from, or was it "borrowed" from the Mo Lin army?

   "More than one! Be careful!" Gao An even shouted.

  The divine arm crossbow is powerful, not to mention ordinary warriors, even those who are good at horizontal kung fu, blood and blood realm warriors, if they are shot in the front, they will fly blood, and even if they don't die, they will have to be pierced through a blood hole!

   "I hope you like the gift I prepared!" Li Hun's face was full of grins.

   Li Hun wanted to deal with Sikong Yong, he got support from somewhere, and the other party directly lent him eight divine arm crossbows!

   These eight divine arm crossbows have all been arranged, aiming at this square, which is why Li Soul chose this place for the negotiation, it is wide enough.

Eight divine arm crossbows, each of which is driven by a martial artist who has achieved great body forging and is good at archery. At this level, the internal organs are strengthened, and the vision and reflexes are far superior to ordinary people, and one can be shot at a distance of hundreds of meters. Apple is a breeze!

Eight god-armed crossbows are equal to eight masters who are difficult to fight head-on with flesh and blood, plus thousands of elites on this island, and twenty or so blood-level masters, this is completely a net of heaven and earth, even if Sikong Yong is known as the The few powerhouses in Molin Mansion City were also unable to escape, only to fall down here.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Hundreds of meters away, in seven or eight different directions, on top of the watchtowers, arrows with thick arms were propelled by the divine arm crossbow, bursting beyond the speed of sound!

   Most of them aimed at Su Changkong.

  Su Changkong frowned slightly, his figure swayed, like a deer stretching out his body.

   "Puff puff puff!"

   Huge arrows all brushed past Su Changkong's body, and most of the arrows sank deep into the rocky ground, even the armor could pierce through! But it's pointless to miss the target!


On the other side, Zhao Tianhuo, Gao An and the others also dodged one after another. One of the arrows was aimed at the weak Sikong Zhan. Zhao Tianhuo let out a roar and rushed out, his qi and blood rolled, and he punched there. The side of the giant arrow with a thick arm hit the arrow out of its original position.

   "Crack! Crack!"

   At this time, over Gloomy Soul Island, there are gorgeous fireworks blasting, which is a signal to do it!

   "Kill! Kill them all!"

   Outside Ghost Island, one after another pirate ship, each pirate saw the fireworks exploding in the sky, and one by one roared loudly.

   "These **** bastards! Do it!"

The warriors of the giant whale gang saw the fireworks in the sky and understood that the negotiation on the island had failed, and most of them had already started. What they can do now is to start a war and fight against these pirates to see who is the real one. The overlord of the Blue Rain Sea!

   The warriors and pirates from both sides combined, dozens of warships, and ten to twenty thousand people fought fiercely and fought in this sea area.

   Ghost Island.

   "You defend yourself! I'll deal with them!"

  Su Changkong has nothing to say to Sikonghuang and the others now, only to kill! Kill them until they collapse! Kill them terrified!

   "Help Master... Be careful!" Zhao Tianhuo shouted.

   Although they are not sure whether 'Sikong Yong' can face so many top players, all they can do is believe in him, this is the only chance!

  Eight God Arm Crossbows are re-turning the machine brackets to fill the arrows.

   "Sikong Yong! Let me meet you! Kind of punch me!"

   and laughed wildly, a bald and burly man in armor with a height of two meters strode towards Su Changkong, saying that he was walking, but he took one step, which is a distance of nearly 10 feet, which is faster than running.

   This bald-headed and strong man is the fourth largest bandit, Tie King Kong, and it is hard to beat him in this Molin Mansion City with a horizontal training of external skills!


In the process of running, Tie King Kong's bones rattled, and a thick layer of metal light was emitted from his skin. Combined with the rising blood and energy on the top of his head, his muscles seemed to have turned into metal. Steel, the already burly body is even more burly, and it exudes a terrible aura, which is enough to oppress the person who is short of breath.

   "King Kong Fist. Angry King Kong!"

Tie King Kong appeared in front of Su Changkong aggressively in a few steps. He punched Su Changkong with a heavy fist glowing with metallic blood, and the violent force ripped apart the air flow. Twisted!

  Tie King Kong, like Meng Sang, is the peak of the six transformations of qi and blood, but when it comes to combat power, Tie King Kong has to stabilize him!

  Five Animals Show. Tiger down the mountain!

  Su Changkong's blood was rushing in his body. Facing this powerful Iron King Kong, Su Changkong was delighted to see that he was hunting.


Obviously there was no sound, but in Tie King Kong's ears, there was a roar of a vicious tiger that shook the mountains and forests. Su Changkong in front of him seemed to be transformed into a fierce tiger going down the mountain, rushing towards him, knocking Tie King Kong's astonishing ferocity. The air was covered by the pressure.


  The two heavy punches collided with each other without any fancy, and a violent explosion sounded, and a gust of wind swept toward the surroundings, and the ground on which the two stood was sunk into a huge pit, like being hit by a giant hammer.

   It is hard to imagine that the flesh and blood can burst out with such amazing power!

   The two of them collided and collided head-on, and they were not equal to each other.

But Su Changkong didn't stop for a moment, the five fingers of his left hand were close together, like sharp knives, and stabbed Iron King Kong's abdomen fiercely. Heavy shape!


Tie King Kong's abdomen shone with a dark red metallic light, but Su Changkong's thrusting and thrusting were not as golden and iron as he had imagined. When the stab hit Tie King Kong's abdomen, the muscles in his abdomen became soft and extremely soft. It is elastic, like a ball of cotton. It completely dissolves the power of Su Changkong's thorn, and the abdominal muscles tighten, which can deform the iron blocks, and firmly clamp Su Changkong's palm!

   At the same time, Tie Jingang grabbed Su Changkong's wrist with both hands.

   "I'll let you go until you die!"

  Tie King Kong grinned. He has practiced horizontal and hard skills, and he has already practiced it to the point where it is difficult for ordinary people to look back. When it is hard, the muscles are as hard as steel, and they are impenetrable. When they are soft, the muscles and bones are like cowhide cotton.


   The sound of breaking the air sounded, and at the same time, from the right side and behind, two ghostly shadows emerged, the old man in gray clothes and the ghostly old man and the soul-shattering hand Lihun!

   "Jie Jie Jie! Sikong Yong! This old man will let you die here!"

  The old ghost shadow gave out a hoarse and strange laugh. He is a long-established master and a master of the soul. Although he is old and his blood is beginning to decline, his strength is still not to be underestimated.

Before the laughter came, the ghost shadow old man dragged a series of afterimages to the left of Su Changkong. At this moment, Su Changkong's left hand was clamped by Tie Jingang's hands, and the empty door was wide open on the left side, and the ghost shadow old man's sleeve was one of them. The black, stench-smelling dagger slipped out, was grasped by his skinny hand, and stabbed at Su Changkong's waist, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter!

   "Soul-Breaking Hand. Heart-shattering and pulse-breaking!"

Behind Su Changkong, the pale-skinned Li Hun appeared. The palm of one of his left hand was glowing with green aura, which captured the heart and soul. , Brutal killer move!

  The three masters, Tie Jingang restrained Su Changkong with a powerful horizontal training external skill, while Li Hun and the old ghost shadow took the opportunity to kill him.

   They believe that even Si Kongyong, who is known as the master of the Molin Mansion, will definitely be unbearable, and he will die here!



Facing the siege of the three masters who were no less than Meng Sang, or even stronger, Su Changkong could only feel the blood boiling and the fighting intent burning. It exploded, and it was clearly audible for dozens of miles around!

   Even if they were already outside Ghost Island, the tens of thousands of horses on both sides fighting in the sea could hear clearly.


  Tie King Kong, Li Hun, and the old ghost shadow all changed.


   From Su Changkong's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even every pore in his body, the true energy like a tsunami and landslide poured out frantically, and the sound of billowing waves crashed and rolled, and a heavy pressure rolled over him!

  Like a small boat facing the huge waves!

   As vast as the sea! Deep as abyss!

   It is unimaginable that a person can cultivate inner strength to such a profound level!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter update time is 22:00 on the 9th)

   (end of this chapter)

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