Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing

Chapter 108: The giant whale gang fights the monsters! The demon of the demon!

   Chapter 108 The Giant Whale Gang fights the monsters! The demon of the demon!

   When these words came out, Su Changkong was stunned.

   Gong Ba was also surprised: "Si Kongyong knows this old man?"

Although   Su Changkong was shocked, he knew that he didn't know the old man at all. This was the first time he had met, but if the other party said such a thing, did he know Sikong Yong? And the other party also said that 'he' was dead, and was shocked by it, could it be...

   The ricketed old man across from him was surprised: "Such an injury, the human body can't bear it at all, and there is no doubt that he will die..."


  As soon as the old man said these words, both Su Changkong, Sikong Zhan, and Sikonghuang were all shocked, and their eyes were filled with incredible colors.

  Sikong Yong, the real leader of the giant whale gang, died nearly ten years ago. About ten years ago, Sikong Yong was in his prime and his reputation reached its peak.

   But one day, Sikong Yong suddenly went out and left the Giant Whale Gang. When he returned again, his injuries were so severe that it was difficult to heal, and he died on the spot before he could even explain his last words.

   In order not to cause turmoil, the Sikong family concealed Sikongyong's death from the outside world and only claimed that he was in retreat until Su Changkong arrived, disguised as Sikongyong and calmed the chaos of the Giant Whale Gang.

   The Sikong family is also secretly investigating the murderer who killed Sikongyong, but found nothing. It is conceivable that the one who can kill Sikongyong must be an extremely terrifying powerhouse!

   What people never expected was that this murderer appeared tonight!

   There is no doubt that the rickety old man in front of him would be shocked when he saw Su Changkong, and asked why he didn't die, because he was thinking of him as Sikong Yong who deserved to die!

   "That's him... Is he the one who killed his father?" Sikong Zhan and Sikonghuang clenched their teeth, the hatred in their eyes was hard to hide, and they were full of shock and anger.

  In their eyes, Sikong Yong suffered a disaster and died tragically in front of them. The two brothers and sisters often woke up in their dreams, dreaming that their father had died.

Su Changkong's eyes signaled Sikong Fighting and Sikonghuang to be calm. Most of the ricketed old man in front of him was the murderer who killed Sikong Yong, and the other party was unfathomable to the extreme. It was suspected that he was not a human being. Just amazing.

   Not to mention that masters such as Su Changkong and Gong Ba all felt an extremely frightening and dangerous aura from the rickety old man, which showed that the rickety old man was definitely a terrifying and powerful enemy that could threaten them!

   "No... Although you look the same, your qi and blood strength and aura are completely different from his. Could it be his twin brother? I said that no one can survive with such an injury!"

   Soon, the rickety old man shook his head, and the corner of his mouth drew an arc, saying with great certainty.

Back then, the rickety old man had played against Sikong Yong. Sikongyong was very strong. He was able to rank in the top ranks in Molin Mansion City, and he was able to escape from his hands, which left a deep impression on the rickety old man. However, at that time, Sikong Yong was seriously injured and could not survive at all.

   This rickety old man is very strange, he can see through the strength of other people's qi and blood, and after careful observation, he can tell that Su Changkong is not 'Sikong Yong', but thinks that he should be a twin brother with similar appearance.

  Su Changkong didn't answer. Except for Sikong's siblings, the rest of the people naturally didn't understand the meaning of it, and felt that they were in a fog.

   "Okay, I'm very full today, so I left first, and I'll come back to you when I need it later! I've already remembered your breath!"

  The squatted old man shook his head, not bothering about the relationship between the person in front of him and Sikongyong, anyway, it was the food for his transformation!

After   , the rickety old man wanted to leave, but Gong Ba shouted angrily, "Who are you? Are those demons driven by you?"

Since many years ago, there have always been creatures suspected of being demons appearing in the area of ​​Molin Mansion City, causing troubles, and this rickety old man appeared here, unlike ordinary people, obviously inseparable from those demons, how could Gong Ba be willing to let him go so easily? leave?

When the rickety old man heard the words, he smiled: "Me? My name is Feng Mo, as for the demons you mentioned... They are not demons, they are just servants of me, lowly demon servants! They were just like you before. It's vile worms, food!"

   "The demons just now weren't real demons? Just demon servants?"

   "Those demon servants were originally humans?"

   The old man's remarks made everyone uncontrollably startled. In the eyes of ordinary people, the extremely powerful 'demon' is not a real demon, but a demon servant!

   And these demon servants were originally human races, it seems that this rickety old man who called himself Fengmo turned them into demon servants and was driven by him.

   A cold light flickered in Gong Ba's eyes, and the rickety old man didn't take them seriously while talking, just like the attitude of a high-ranking ruler when facing a group of creatures lower than himself.

   Judging from the words of the rickety old man Feng Mo, he is the culprit in the chaos of Molin Mansion in recent years!

"kill him!"

The killing intent in Gong Ba's eyes condensed into reality, and he didn't have any thoughts of letting Feng Mo leave. The other party also said that he didn't want to do anything tonight, but he was full. He also said that he remembered their breath and would come back to them later. of.

  In this case, killing this Fengmo on the spot is the most correct choice.

   Gong Ba suddenly shot without warning!

With the sound of    breaking through the air, Gong Ba's Wujin sword ripped through the air, and the blade gas condensed, and the stunning sword that could easily sever gold and iron slashed towards the ricket old Feng Mo's neck.

  Feng Mo didn't seem to react at all. The beheading fell on his neck, but the situation of decapitating Feng Mo in his imagination did not happen.


   Gong Ba's eyes widened. His knife was like slashing mountains and rivers in the middle of the mountains. The blade actually only made a small cut on Fengmo's neck, not even an inch deep, as if Fengmo was not flesh and blood at all!

   "Hey... I'm really full, I really don't want to waste such delicious food! Food is best when it's fresh!"

   Feng Mo's dim yellow eyes rolled, staring at Gong Ba in front of him, he sighed long, his pupils began to sharpen, the beast-like vertical beast pupils filled with an extremely dangerous aura!


  Feng Mo's right arm jerked, hurry up! Almost unimaginable!

   Feng Mo's arm was actually extended by more than half a meter out of thin air, and his slender five fingers were like daggers, grabbing at Gong Ba's heart.


Gong Ba is not weak either, he dodged extremely quickly, his movements were agile, like a leaf moving with the wind, without any force, but even if it was true, there was a harsh rubbing sound on Gong Ba's chest, and sparks sputtered. out!

   Gong Ba withdrew from Zhang Yuan, but his face was extremely difficult to see. On the dark golden armor that Gong Ba was wearing, there were five deep claw marks on his chest.

   That Fengmo's nails are simply better than divine weapons, and even Gong Ba's battle armor can be torn apart. It is conceivable that if a flesh and blood body is hit by such a claw, it will definitely be torn apart on the spot!

   "His wound...disappeared?"

   What was even more shocking was the cut wound on Feng Mo's neck. Before the blood dripped out, there was dark red smoke coming out of the wound, and then the wound disappeared in the breath!

   "He... he is not a human race! He is... a real demon!"

   "It is said that the real monster is immortal and cannot be killed? This...is this true?"

   The Mo Lin army who saw this scene all felt their scalps go numb.

This Feng Mo is a real copper skin and an iron bone. With a knife from a master like Gong Ba, only a shallow wound was left in his neck. Not only that, the wound healed as before while breathing. In any case, it can't be reached!

   The previous demons were actually demon servants. Although they were also copper-skinned and iron-boned with strong vitality, they could still be killed, but Fengmo in front of them was a completely different existence!

   "Then do some exercise after meals to promote digestion!"

   Feng Mo's long tongue licked his lips, the corners of his mouth drew a hideous arc, and his face was full of hideous expressions. On his skin, dense black scales grew out.


The bones trembled, and Feng Mo's rickety body was also straight. Originally, he still looked like a ricketed old man, but in the blink of an eye, his body was covered with a lot of black scales, and his body was tall and straight. Apart from being a little thin and slender, There is no trace of anyone at all!

   And the aura lingering on his body is full of evil and corrupt odors. Within a radius of several meters with him as the center, the flowers, plants and trees are withering and withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "What kind of monster is this..."

   Seeing this scene, the Merlin army present trembled uncontrollably and their teeth were chattering, which made them a little unacceptable.

   The Molin Army of Molin Mansion City is the elite soldiers who maintain the order of Molin Mansion City. Each one is a carefully selected elite, all of them have rich combat experience, well-trained, and are used to seeing life and death.

   But in the face of this 'rich desert', but the fear comes from instinct, just like a mouse encounters a cat, not courage to resist, the body instinctively trembles and fears!

Gong Ba also felt his heartbeat speeding up and his hair stood on end, but gradually, a look of excitement and thirst for war appeared on Gong Ba's face: "Okay! Very good! I have killed countless people in Gong Ba's life, but the real monster is still the first. Once you meet... if that's the case, let you be the first demon under Gong's sword!"

   Gong Ba instinctively saw Feng Mo, who was completely inhuman and covered with dense scales, feeling fear, but correspondingly, Gong Ba also became excited.

Since he became famous and became the top expert in Molin Mansion City, Gong Ba has rarely shot again, and he has never met an opponent who made his blood flow. Feel.

   A warrior is to challenge a strong enemy in order to advance in the martial arts!


From Gong Ba's throat, there was a roar that shocked the mountains and forests, and the heart in the body made a violent beating sound, which pushed the blood to flow rapidly in the whole body. , entrenched on the top of Gong Ba's head, a terrifying pressure weighed down one's breath!

   Blood Dragon!

   Gong Ba had already entered the third-order qi and blood dragon level many years ago, and now facing this unfathomable Fengmo, he directly used all his strength to see what the so-called demon was.


   His blood was bursting out. Gong Ba was surrounded by a long blood-colored dragon visible to the naked eye. He let out a loud roar and stepped forward. The Wujin sword in his hand moved forward, and if he could cut off the rivers and waterfalls, he would slaughter Xiang Fengmo with astonishing momentum.

   "Hey! It's interesting!"

   Feng Mo chuckled, but he was not surprised but delighted. His slender palms were covered with jet black scales, and he waved his palms to slap the slashing sword.


   In the crisp sound of gold and iron symphony, the knife air that passed through the body cut off the trees behind Feng Mo, and the waves of air that rolled up were sharp like knives, cutting the ground into deep cracks.

And Feng Mo, who used the palm of his hand to shake Gongba Wujin's sword, only left a scratch on the scales covered by his palm. Feng Mo's body of a demon is stronger than a master of horizontal training like Iron King Kong. Several levels!

   "Hundred Battles Sword Technique. Hundred Battles Invincible!"

Gong Ba shouted angrily, wearing dark gold armor, blood-colored dragons surrounding his body, he was like a **** of war, the black gold sword in his hand was majestic, murderous, and the flickering cold light made the forest look like day, and he would be the city of Molin. The combat power of the top masters is undoubtedly revealed!

   "Clang clang clang!"

   Gong Ba's sword is extremely fast, Feng Mo's claws are even more like a ghost, a pair of claws covered with scales interweave a claw net, and collide with the Wujin sword repeatedly, and the dense metal collision sound is connected.

  The dazzling sparks, the shining cold light overflowing, the swiftness of the fight between the two, and the intertwined phantoms, which are difficult for ordinary people to capture with the naked eye!

   "Commander Gong... must win!"

   Numerous Mo Lin troops can't help much in the face of this level of battle. At this moment, they are all staring at the two sides who are fighting fast, hoping that the patron saint of Mo Lin City will be able to kill this terrifying monster!

  The two sides are at war, and it seems that there is no winner or loser for a while.


   But at this moment, a series of air-breaking sounds sounded in the air.

   It was Su Changkong, he didn't stand idly by!

   "This Fengmo must be killed!"

  Su Changkong's expression was solemn, Feng Mo felt very dangerous to him, and he was the murderer who killed Sikong Yong.

   Not only that, but the other party also said that he had remembered their breath and would visit him when he came back. If so, it would be better to join forces with Gong Ba to kill Feng Mo on the spot, so as to avoid future troubles!

  Su Changkong bent a bow and mounted an arrow, the arrows in the palm of his right hand swept past quickly, and the arrows shot at Fengmo, who was fighting Gongba, at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound.

  Su Changkong doesn't care about bullying more than others, fighting fair, killing the enemy who wants to kill himself is the only purpose!

   "Crack! Crack!"

   Four arrows in succession bombarded Feng Mo's head, chest, shoulders and other parts. These arrows were more powerful than the arrows of the God Arm Crossbow, but they did not make the opponent's flesh and blood fly like he did against the bald demon before.

   But the scales of the arrow in Feng Mozhong were cracked and slightly dented, and it was bounced away and fell to the ground. The metal arrow was damaged due to the violent collision.

   "Is this Fengmo really flesh and blood?"

  Su Changkong was also horrified. His wind and thunder arrows, which could pierce through heavy armor, could only leave pits on the opponent's body!

   "You like to hurt people with secret arrows? Then I'll kill you first!"

A hoarse, old roar came from Feng Mo's mouth, but he was staring at Su Changkong, his figure rolled, and he broke away from the battle circle with Gong Ba, and rushed towards Su Changkong. More terrifying than magic weapons.

   "Get out of the way!"

Su Changkong shouted loudly, throwing away the strong bow in his hand, and letting Sikonghuang and Sikongzhan avoid it, but it was only for a moment, Feng Mo, who looked ferocious and not human-like, was close at hand, his claws were torn apart, and the sharp Before the qi glow came to the body, it gave people the illusion that the body was being torn apart.

   "Turtle Breath Technique. Turtle Breath Armor!"

  Su Changkong didn't hesitate at all, the Turtle Breath True Qi in his body revolved extremely fast, spewing out from his eyes, ears, nose, nose, and pores, like a deep sea vortex burst, and the waves spread and impacted all around.

Sikonghuang and Sikong Zhan, who had retreated, were not the first to see Su Changkong's terrifying infuriating energy, but they still couldn't help but feel terrified in their hearts. Ordinary people have cultivated such internal skills since childhood, and they have practiced for a hundred years. It may not be possible!


   There was a surging sound of ocean tides in the air, and the rich turtle breath zhenqi condensed into a light blue armor on the surface of Su Changkong's body, and the waves flowed.


  The two sharp claws stabbed immediately, piercing the air armor more than an inch deep, but after all, it was not able to penetrate it.

   "True Qi? Such a thick True Qi?" Feng Mo's face also showed a look of astonishment, surprised by Su Changkong's means!

  Five Animals Show. Apes fight tigers!

Resisting Feng Mo's attack, Su Changkong did not hesitate at all. Facing Feng Mo who was in front of him, he unleashed his martial arts ultimate move in Wu Qin Xi, his arms were knotted, and his strength was condensed, as if he had transformed into a capable head. The violent ape that fought against the ligers and tigers slammed out a series of fists, and more than ten punches in an instant, raging at the vital parts of Fengmo's face, chest, abdomen, etc.!

   "Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of dense explosions sounded, Su Changkong's every punch was terrifyingly heavy, carrying the True Qi as thick as a huge wave, smashing mountains and cracking rocks, each punch fell firmly on Feng Mo's body, and the punches exploded. Even if it is as strong as Feng Mo, the part of the middle fist is sunken with deep fist marks, and it is thrown backwards uncontrollably.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Fengmo flew five to six feet away, and four or five trees were broken along the way.

   "This Si Kongyong... so strong!"

Gong Ba witnessed this scene, and he couldn't help but be startled. The deep infuriating energy was beyond his reach, and with the series of heavy punches, it was like a human-shaped beast that suddenly erupted. Must be a killer move!

   "Hundred Battles Sword Technique. Blood stains the battlefield!"

Although he was shocked, Gong Ba did not give up this good opportunity. He flashed his figure and appeared in front of Feng Mo who fell to the ground. The Wujin sword in his hand was raised high, his whole body was boiling with blood, and the rendered Wujin sword appeared. Blood light, an unreserved knife slashed at Feng Mo's neck.

   Feng Mo's eyes were a little frightened and flustered. He could only raise his right arm and put it in front of his neck, hoping to block this amazing knife.


The ground trembled, and the ground split into a three- or four-zhang-long crack. This qi-blood dragon-level powerhouse tried his best to strike. It was quite astonishing. One of Feng Mo's arms, along with a head, was chopped off his neck. It rolled to the ground, and dark red blood splattered all over the ground.

  Feng Mo's head with wide eyes, seems to be full of unwillingness!

   "Is it resolved?"

   The soldiers of the Morin Army who witnessed this scene all breathed a sigh of relief.

   This Fengmo is very terrifying, but under the joint efforts of the two top masters of the Molin Mansion City, ‘Sikong Yong’ and Gong Ba, they can only drink hatred on the spot and give their heads!

   "Huh? Be careful!"

   But before everyone's faces showed joy, someone saw a strange scene!

  The head that fell to the ground, with round eyes, looking dead, but at this time, his eyes were rolling, he grinned, and made a strange laugh: "You lied!"


  The head, which was separated from the body, bounced up from the ground, fast as lightning, opened its **** mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs, and bit Gong Ba's throat fiercely.

   "Go away!"

   Although Gong Ba was still in shock, he roared and slashed at the head that had jumped up.


   What is shocking is that the head turned in mid-air, avoiding the knife, and opened his mouth to bite Gong Ba's knife-wielding arm fiercely.


Those sharp fangs bit through Gong Ba's armor armguard, pierced into his muscles, and tore it with force, along with Gong Ba's painful groan, the head was torn off on Gong Ba's arm. A piece of flesh.

   Not only Gong Ba suffered a counterattack, but at the same time, Su Changkong also suffered an attack!

   Feng Mo's arm that was cut off by the elbow also burst out, like a phantom lightning, grabbing Su Changkong's face, exaggeratedly fast!

   (end of this chapter)

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