Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing

Chapter 136: Qi and blood nine changes! Hei Lian Helmsman!

   Chapter 136 Qi and blood nine changes! Hei Lian Helmsman!

   After closing the courtyard door, Su Changkong checked the medicinal materials in the package.

   "50 in total."

   The medicinal materials for making Dragon Blood Pill in the package can make 50 furnaces of Dragon Blood Pill, with an average of 40,000 taels of silver, which is more than ten times higher than the cost of Qi and Blood Pill!

   And Su Changkong also understood that if he really wanted to buy it, the price would be more than that. Hong Zhenxiang gave him the full cost price and didn't earn him a penny.

  If you buy it in the market, some of the medicinal materials are completely monopolized. If it doesn’t matter, if you want to buy these medicinal materials, the price must at least double up!

  The State Lord's Mansion wanted to win over Su Changkong, so it was natural to give him the most favorable price. He didn't make any money at all, and not making any money would actually mean losing money.

   "Let's start, I hope that I can reach the alchemy of the 7th realm, which is enough to maintain my high-speed cultivation!"

  Su Changkong took a deep breath and rearranged the alchemy room. The star-patterned gold alchemy furnace was dark black, but as the fire burned, faint star patterns shone on it.

   Nearly half of the star-patterned gold obtained by Su Changkong was used to cast this star-patterned gold alchemy furnace, and now it can also be used for alchemy.

   "The juice from the dragon's blood flower is used to cook the red ling fruit, and then grind it into powder."

  According to the steps on the pill recipe, Su Changkong handled it meticulously. One portion of these medicinal herbs is tens of thousands of taels of silver, and he must do his best!

   The flame at the bottom of the alchemy furnace rose, and Su Changkong grasped the heat and time, and put in the processed medicinal materials one by one.


  The time passed by one minute and one second, and when the time came to midnight, there was a slight cracking sound in the Dan furnace, and there was a burning smell coming from the air outlet of the Dan furnace.


  Su Changkong sighed and opened the pill furnace. The tens of thousands of medicinal materials had already turned into a scorched paste, sticking to the bottom of the furnace.

However, Su Changkong was not discouraged. This Dragon Blood Pill is a high-level Qi and Blood Pill. The difficulty of refining is far from that of Qi and Blood Pill. In addition, it is the first time for him to make a Dragon Blood Pill. It is normal to fail. With a high level, with his alchemy skills reaching the 7th realm, it is not difficult to refine the Dragon Blood Pill to maintain a balance of payments, and even make money!

   One furnace of precious medicinal materials was discarded, and Su Changkong opened the furnace for nine furnaces of alchemy in succession, all of them failed, and the loss was not small.

   And until the tenth furnace, it was finally a success!


In the pill furnace, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out, which made Su Changkong's tense nerves loosen, and he breathed a sigh of relief. After failing so many times, even he could not avoid a little bit of mentality. Affected, and once successful, can let him understand that his direction is not wrong.

   Opened the pill furnace. In the pill furnace, there were dim waste pills and the remaining medicinal residues, and the most eye-catching one was one of the blood-red pills.

Su Changkong carefully took it out. This medicinal pill was only the size of a thumb and fingertip. It seemed that because of the reason that it had just been released, a blood-red aerosol was entangled on the medicinal pill's surface, and it looked like a small dragon. Like, very miraculous!

   "The medicinal power of this Dragon Blood Pill is probably stronger than the Qiangxue Pill I have ever taken!"

  Su Changkong couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and when he smelled the strong medicinal fragrance, he was secretly excited.

   When Su Changkong took three strong blood pills, he moved from three changes of qi and blood to the realm of four changes of qi and blood.

   And the Dragon Blood Pill is a more advanced and more potent pill than Qiangxue Pill!

  Su Changkong didn't hesitate, he raised his head and swallowed the Dragon Blood Pill into his belly, refining the exercise.


Under Su Changkong's powerful digestive power, strands of thick medicinal power gradually evaporated from the Dragon Blood Pill, and the Qi and blood in Su Changkong's body began to circulate at an accelerated rate, and every cell in his body greedily refined the dragon. The medicinal power of the blood pill is transformed into powerful energy, allowing Su Changkong's qi and blood to continue to grow!

   "According to this refining speed, I can refine a dragon blood pill in three days."

  Su Changkong made an estimate.

The Dragon Blood Pill is extremely effective, even better than the Strong Blood Pill. It is not easy to refine it. If you change it to another martial artist, even if you are in the realm of qi and blood dragons, it is estimated that it will take a month to refine it. Transform into a dragon blood pill.

   And when Su Changkong's Giant Whale Art has reached the 8th level, his ability to refine medicine pills is terrifying, and it only takes three days to refine it completely!

   Calculated like this, Su Changkong needs 10 Dragon Blood Pills a month.

  Su Changkong refines the Dragon Blood Pill, and smelts two or three pots of elixir every day.

   And with a successful experience, the chance of becoming a pill becomes higher in the future.

   On average, two or three furnaces may have one Chengdan, and occasionally two, and this is enough to support Su Changkong's high-speed cultivation!

   One month later, Su Changkong used up all fifty medicinal materials.

   In one month, Su Changkong refined ten dragon blood pills, and Su Changkong clearly felt that his qi and blood were stronger than a month ago!

   "In one more month at most, I will be able to complete one blood refinement, and achieve eight changes in qi and blood!"

  Su Changkong was excited.

   This is the comprehensive advantage brought by high talent, sufficient resources, and strong digestion ability!

   With enough resources, then qi and blood can grow rapidly, and it is not like those with poor talent. If they fail to complete a level once, their qi and blood will be damaged, and it will take more time and resources.

  Su Changqiang's blood transmutation has never failed, it is a success!

   "Dong Dong Dong!"

   The door of the manor where Su Changkong lived was knocked on.

  Su Changkong got up, came to the door, opened the door, and stood a straight man with a serious face and a straight face outside the door.

   "Mr. Su." Di Hen greeted Su Changkong politely.

   Before Su Changkong told him to come back in a month, Di Hen also came to visit Su Changkong as scheduled, waiting for his orders.

   "Help me pass this to Commander Hong, let him estimate the price, and replace all the medicinal materials for me."

  Su Changkong took out a small porcelain bottle, gave it to Di Hen, and instructed.


Di Hen wondered what was in the vase, but as a soldier, he was able to restrain his curiosity. He would not ask questions or open it out of curiosity, but would follow Hong Zhenxiang's previous instructions. Satisfy Su Changkong's requirements!

  Di Hen took the vase and left.

The    porcelain bottle is naturally dragon blood pill.

   During this month, Su Changkong used the alchemy technique of the 7th realm to refine all fifty ingredients into pills, making a total of 15 pills.

10 of them were refined by Su Changkong himself, and the remaining 5 were put up by him and asked Di Hen to give them to Hong Zhenxiang in exchange for the medicinal materials for alchemy, so as to maintain his own balance of payments. .

  50 pieces of medicinal materials can make 15 Dragon Blood Pills. If it is Qi and Blood Pill, Su Changkong's alchemy technique can make at least 200 Cheng Dan, which seems to be much lower than the Qi and Blood Pill's success rate.

   But the difficulty and value of the two cannot be compared.

  5 Dragon Blood Pills are worth far more than 200 Qi and Blood Pills!

In a closed training room in the Dafeng Iron Cavalry Barracks, Hong Zhenxiang sat quietly cross-legged. His blood was surging all over his body, and he was like an oven. The temperature of the training room has risen sharply, and it is almost melted.

   After a long while, Hong Zhenxiang let out a long sigh of relief, and a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Is it so difficult to open the Heavenly Vessel? Is it really impossible to complete it with one's own penance?"

  Cultivation, every step is like a boat against the current, and there are many difficulties. To reach the realm of Hong Zhenxiang, it is even more difficult to break through the bottleneck!

   Soon Hong Zhenxiang calmed down. He is still very young, only in his thirties this year. He believes that he can take that step! Really step into the ranks of martial arts powerhouses!

  Hong Zhenxiang got up and left the training room. Outside the training room, Di Hen was already waiting quietly.

  Hong Zhenxiang said with a smile: "Did you go to see Brother Su today? What instructions does he have?"

  Di Hen didn't hide it, he took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Hong Zhenxiang: "Mr. Su asked me to give this bottle to you, and exchange the contents for the herbs from last time."

   Hearing this, Hong Zhenxiang nodded and took the porcelain bottle from Di Hen's hand. He was a little curious: "The medicinal materials were not cheap last time. Brother Su thinks the contents here are enough for the value of those medicinal materials?"

   Last time, Su Changkong paid 2 million taels of silver, plus the connections and connections of the state master's mansion, he only got 50 medicinal herbs for nothing.

"Huh? Is this... a qi and blood medicine? Or a medicine that has a great effect on qi and blood dragons?" When he opened the cork, a strong aroma of medicine came out, which made Hong Zhenxiang a little surprised. .

   With Hong Zhenxiang's eyesight, it is natural to see that these dragon blood pills are high-level qi and blood pills, and they are of great value!

   "Five in total... One is indeed worth 10 medicinal herbs!"

  Hong Zhenxiang was secretly surprised.

   The medicinal materials that Su Changkong asked for last time were for alchemy, but now he has used Chengdan to exchange the medicinal materials, which shows that the other party not only has a balance of income and expenditure, but also earns.

   Refining such a high-level medicinal pill, the success rate is so high that it can still make money. It is conceivable that it must be done by an alchemy master.

   Does Su Changkong know the alchemy master? Or... he made it himself?

This shocked Hong Zhenxiang. Hong Zhenxiang thought he was not weaker than others in martial arts, but he was only stronger in martial arts. Su Changkong was not only talented in martial arts, but also could create demon soldiers in forging. Will it be extremely advanced alchemy?

   "This talent potential of Su Tailai... is it still above me?"

  Hong Zhenxiang couldn't help but be shocked, and his mood was slightly complicated.

   But Hong Zhenxiang didn't think much about it. He still understands the truth that there are people outside people and heaven outside people. Who can say that he is the strongest in certain aspects?

   "Well, I see, you can go again tomorrow morning."

  Hong Zhenxiang nodded, the value of these medicinal herbs was enough for the previous fifty medicinal herbs.

   Pills of this level, refined by those big families, will not be sold on the market, but used by themselves! Production is too limited!

  The next morning, Di Hen came to Su Changkong's residence with a package full of medicinal herbs.

   "Mr. Su, this is what Commander Hong asked me to hand over to you."

  Di Hen respectfully said to Su Changkong.

   "Thank you, Commander Hong, for me, and come again in a month."

  Su Changkong nodded and took the package of medicinal materials.

   sent Di Hen away, Su Changkong checked it, and it was still fifty medicinal herbs!

  Although the State Lord's Mansion attracted Su Changkong, even if Su Changkong didn't need to exchange the Dragon Blood Pill, it is estimated that Pei Yang would get him for free if he asked for these medicinal materials.

   But Su Changkong is not a person who likes to take unilaterally, so he used a part of the Dragon Blood Pill to exchange for it.

   Of course, even so, in fact, Su Changkong still owes the state master's favor. Just collecting so many precious medicinal materials in a short period of time is still the lowest cost price. This is something that other people can't do!

  Su Changkong's life suddenly became very calm, he practiced, made pills every day, and refined dragon blood pills to strengthen his blood.

   Time has come more than a month later!


   In the manor, Su Changkong waved the iron slashing knife in his hand. Every time he slashed out, there was a condensed blade, leaving a long-lasting trace in the cutting air.

  Su Changkong uses vigorous exercise and consumption to speed up the refining of medicinal power.

"hold head high!"

  Su Changkong was sweating like rain, his skin was crimson, his blood was rolling and flowing, and a dragon roar resounded in the manor.

   is more solid and thicker than before, and the dragon scales and horns are clearly visible and lifelike!

   "Breakthrough... Eight changes in blood."

Su Changkong let out a long breath. Thanks to the powerful medicinal effect of the Dragon Blood Pill and the powerful refining power brought by Su Changkong's Eight Realms Giant Whale Technique, it took only two months to refine more than 20 dragons. Blood Pill, Su Changkong successfully entered the level of eight changes of Qi and blood.

   It seems easy, but if you change to another warrior of the same rank, even if you have enough dragon blood pills, it will take at least two years to complete a blood refining, the premise is a success! It is impossible to be as fast as Su Changkong!

   With enough cultivation resources, it is not difficult for Su Changkong to complete blood refining.

   "Physical enhancement, strength and speed have made great progress, and it will not be so difficult to use the sword!"

  Su Changkong felt the changes in his body, he secretly said.

  Before fighting with Chai, Su Changkong used a knife with amazing power, but it was a bit beyond the limit that Su Changkong's body could bear. After just a few blows, he felt tingling in the muscles and meridians of both arms.

   But as long as one or two more blood refining is completed, the body grows and the endurance is stronger, then it is easy to unleash the full power of the sword gang perfectly and without pressure!

   "In addition... the sword can be attached to the palm of the hand to kill the enemy, but it is difficult to separate from the body, but it can use the arrow as a carrier to kill the enemy at a distance, and its power is no worse than that when I use the sword to play the sword!"

  Su Changkong has not lost his training in Wuqinxi and archery during this time.

   Su Changkong had been out of the city before, and he had experimented with attaching a sword gang to an arrow, and a single arrow had the terrifying power of piercing through everything within range!

  Su Changkong spent half a year, combined with forging skills, and the sword gang condensed by thousands of tempering swords, it is indeed called his strongest attack method!

   "Open the furnace for alchemy!"

  Su Changkong finished refining a Dragon Blood Pill, and he had no more Dragon Blood Pill on hand.

   Every month, Su Changkong refines more than ten Dragon Blood Pills, takes out the five saved, and asks Di Hen to bring them to Hong Zhenxiang in exchange for the medicinal materials of Dragon Blood Pill, and uses chickens to lay eggs to maintain his high-speed progress!

  Su Changkong had indeed passed a very peaceful time, and he was also happy to cultivate so quietly. In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

At night, Su Changkong, who was sitting cross-legged, was full of qi and blood. Although he tried his best to suppress his own qi and blood and did not cause too much movement, the boiling qi and blood still formed a blood-colored dragon with claws and claws, rolling around Su Changkong. , circling.

   "Crack! Crack!"

   The blood dragon tumbled through the room, and the water cups, tables and chairs in the room were thrown out, leaving the room in a mess.

   A blood-red color appeared on Su Changkong's face, and his skin became scalding hot as if it were boiled.

   After a long while, Su Changkong let out a long breath, and the restless blood in his body calmed down!

   "Nine changes of qi and blood! Going one step further is the realm of qi and blood oven!"

   Ignoring the mess in the house, Su Changkong couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

   In less than half a year, he has completed two consecutive blood refining, and has been promoted to nine changes in Qi and blood. The speed of this progress is extremely fast!

   The Qi and Blood Realm becomes a level every three times, and each level will have a qualitative change.

   Qi and blood changes more than ten times, which is the realm of the Qi and blood oven, representing the highest level of the Qi and blood realm! The transformation of qi and blood reaches its peak, like a fiery oven, the power it emits alone can make ordinary people feel like they are in a furnace, and even their bodies will be incinerated!

   But Su Changkong also understands that every three changes is a first-order level, and it is also a level, although with Su Changkong's talent, it is almost impossible to encounter a situation where it is difficult to break through the level.

   But from nine changes of Qi and blood to ten changes of Qi and blood, casting a Qi and blood oven, the difficulty and the resources and time spent are more than the seven changes of Qi and blood to eight changes of Qi and blood, and the nine changes combined.

   Even if Su Changkong has enough Dragon Blood Pill, it is estimated that it will take nearly half a year or even a year to complete the breakthrough!

   "Sooner or later you can break through! Be patient!"

  Su Changkong is not in a hurry, he has time!

   But the peaceful days were not that long. Five days after Su Changkong broke through to the nine changes in Qi and blood, it was the time for Di Hen to deliver medicinal materials to Su Changkong every month.

   "Dong Dong Dong!"

   Early in the morning, there was a knock on the courtyard door where Su Changkong lived, but it was not Di Hen, but a burly man.

   "Commander Hong?"

  Su Changkong was slightly surprised that it was Hong Zhenxiang who came.

   In the past six months, Hong Zhenxiang has only come here two or three times. He also needs to practice on weekdays, and due to the busy affairs of the military, it is impossible to come every day.

   "Brother Su, your cultivation seems to have improved again."

  Hong Zhenxiang laughed when he saw the energetic Su Changkong.

   "Alright, let's sit inside."

  Su Changkong invited Hong Zhenxiang to sit in the manor.

   In the living room of the manor.

  Hong Zhenxiang is not a person who likes to be polite. He said straight to the point: "Brother Su, I came to see you this time to ask if you are interested in exercising."

   "Move the body? Is there any action to destroy the rebels?"

   Hearing this, Su Changkong moved in his heart.

   "Yes, I found another rebel camp. These rebels are extremely harmful. They are more abhorrent than the bandits who kill and rob money. I found a group to destroy a group!"

  Hong Zhenxiang nodded, not concealing Su Changkong.

The    rebels, calling themselves the rebel army, want to overthrow the imperial power and change the dynasty, that’s all.

However, most of the rebels actually attacked and massacred some wealthy places for military pay and interests, and they acted as bandits. All killed, one shot and another place.

   And some of the high-level leaders and leaders of the rebels are also mostly wanted and ferocious people.

   Even some rebels, standing behind them are people with ulterior motives, cult demons!

  The purpose of the existence of the Dafengzhou Iron Cavalry, in addition to resisting foreign invasions, is to suppress and destroy these rebels.

   Dafeng Prefecture City is the center of Dafeng Prefecture, and borders the fierce wolf barbarians. If there was no Dafeng Iron Cavalry's perennial actions, it would have been a mess!

   "Participate in this operation, you will have a share of the spoils." Hong Zhenxiang said.

   Participating in bandit suppression operations will undoubtedly be damaged every time. Dafeng Iron Cavalry recruits new people every year. One of the major reasons is that every year, people in the army die in action.

   And if there are more masters, it will naturally lead to fewer casualties!

  It is enough to have those centurions and thousands of commanders in the battle of the unified army. A master of Hong Zhenxiang's level is all about taking the lead and charging into battle!

   As a striker, rush through the enemy's formation and kill the enemy's masters, so that you can let your own men and horses destroy the opponent!

  Su Changkong's strength is so strong that only a few people in Dafengzhou City can match him, and not many people know of his existence.

   "Okay, then count me as one."

  Su Changkong agreed with just a little thought.

   First, Su Changkong has inherited the other party's benefits, and it is not easy to refuse. Second, to experience more actual combat is also an important way for a martial artist to grow!

   "Okay, with Brother Su joining us, we can definitely destroy those rebels!"

  Hong Zhenxiang couldn't help but say with joy.

   "But brother Su, you better disguise yourself and don't reveal your identity easily."

   Hong Zhenxiang then reminded Su Changkong.

  Su Changkong has many advantages in hiding his identity. In addition to the threat from the Mu family, a mysterious expert like Su Changkong can make it difficult for the enemy to see his whereabouts.

   Every time the rebels are suppressed, the number of people and experts that can be dispatched is limited, in order to prevent people from being tipped off and let those rebels know the news in advance and take precautions.

   The commander-level masters like Hong Zhenxiang and Jin Buhuan were watched by many people at every move. The previous Chai Zheng was the undercover agent of the rebels, and there were still many undercover agents like Chai Zheng.

   And only Hong Zhenxiang and Pei Yang knew about Su Changkong's existence, so he naturally concealed his identity as a master who was difficult for outsiders to understand!

   "Well, I know."

  Su Changkong nodded in agreement. According to Su Changkong's cautious character, he would not let his details be easily exposed to others.

   Time blinked to three days later.

   On a plain outside Dafengzhou City, six or seven people gathered.

The leader of    is Hong Zhenxiang.

  Su Changkong was also among them, but at this time, Su Changkong was wearing silver armor all over his body, with a knife on his waist, a bow and arrow on his back, and a helmet on his head, only showing his eyes and nose, making it difficult for outsiders to see clearly.

   "This brother is..." Beside Su Changkong, a master of Dafeng Iron Cavalry couldn't help but glance at Su Changkong and asked, he didn't know who Su Changkong was at all.

Participating in the suppression of the rebels, there were seven people in the vanguard. Their task was to enter the rebel camp, kill the opponent's masters, cause chaos, demoralize, and then let a large number of cavalry follow, annihilating the opponent in one fell swoop. .

   The vanguards who can participate in this kind of action are undoubtedly masters in the military, but none of the rest of the people present know Su Changkong.

  Hong Zhenxiang said: "His name is Qin Wufeng, and he is a master transferred from Sunset Grassland."

   "Sunset Prairie?"

   Hearing this, everyone froze in their hearts.

  The end of the Sunset Grassland is the territory of the fierce wolf barbarians. Therefore, the Sunset Grassland is the defense line of Dafeng Prefecture. A defensive fortress has been established in the Sunset Grassland. There are 200,000 Dafeng Iron Cavalry stationed there, and there are two commanders who sit in town all year round.

  Although the fierce wolf barbarians have not invaded in a large scale for ten years, they have often come to the Sunset Grassland to harass them over the years, and small-scale bloodshed often broke out. The master transferred from the Sunset Grassland by ‘Qin Wufeng’ must be extraordinary!

   Facing the rest of the group, Su Changkong just nodded slightly, showing a taciturn image.

   "Let's go, have a good fight today!"

  Hong Zhenxiang glanced back, and then said with high fighting spirit, a group of seven people, without horses, with their speed faster than any good horses, unfolded their movements and went into the distance.

   And behind Hong Zhenxiang and the others from afar, is the nearly 10,000 Dafeng Iron Cavalry!

   "Just ahead."

   Outside a barren mountain quite far away from Dafengzhou City, Su Changkong and his party of seven all looked solemn.

According to the news, the rebel camp is located in this barren mountain. Although they are all martial arts powerhouses, including Hong Zhenxiang, a top powerhouse, they don’t know whether the other party has any powerful characters. , so caution must be exercised.

"let's go!"

  Hong Zhenxiang smiled. He was wearing a strong brown suit. At this moment, he took the lead in rushing into the barren mountain. Su Changkong and the other six people spread out a distance and headed towards the barren mountain.

   At night, everything is extraordinarily silent.

   In the seemingly barren barren hills, among the leaves of a big tree, a short-haired man in leather armor crouched quietly.

   "We've been hiding here for a month, when will we act again!"

   The short-haired man muttered to himself rather boredly, playing with a short knife in his hand. He licked his lips, recalling the wanton slaughter and looting before, with anticipation and bloodlust in his eyes.

As a 'rebellion army', but in fact most of them are cruel and vicious people. What they like most is to take advantage of the chaos and wanton slaughter and looting to obtain things that they could not get before, and they can still feel at ease. It is something that must be done during the uprising.

   Want to collect money, as a fund, to attract more 'like-minded' people to join!


  Suddenly, the short-haired man's pupils shrank, he saw the entrance in the distance, and a burly shadow rushed out like a beast, dragging an afterimage.


   The short-haired man hurriedly wanted to shout.

   But in the next second, the burly shadow jumped up, jumping a foot or two high, grabbed his collar, and threw it with one hand.


   The short-haired man slammed on the ground like a cannonball, smashing a pit, blood oozing from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, his internal organs and bones shattered, and he died instantly!

   "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

  The rebels in the barren mountains were also alerted, and the wanton cries were heard endlessly.

  Su Changkong, who was wearing a silver armor, went all the way to the depths of the barren mountains. He didn't bother to pay attention to the rebels who were sentry along the way, and he killed those who blocked him.

Deep in the barren hills is a temporary camp with watchtowers and more tents, large or small. Judging by the size and number of these tents, these rebels have at least two or three thousand people. .

   "There is an enemy attack? Who?"

   At this moment, all the rebels in the camp were alarmed by the sound, and they all rushed out of their tents, holding weapons in their hands, and were alert.


With a loud noise, Hong Zhenxiang, carrying amazing divine power, leaped out, jumping nearly six or seven feet high, his burly body smashed heavily into the rebel camp, his body was as heavy as a giant elephant, and his energy was agitated. The wind shook five or six rebels nearby with broken bones and tendons and flew out!

   "He...he is Hong Zhenxiang!"

  Some rebels recognized Hong Zhenxiang, and they were shocked and angry.

  Hong Zhenxiang, this is a frightening character in the vicinity of Dafengzhou City!

   "All kneel down and surrender! There is still a chance!"

  Hong Zhenxiang looked around, and a majestic voice like a **** exploded.

   "Hong Zhenxiang! Are you managing too much? This place is two thousand miles away from Dafengzhou City. Our well water does not cause river water, so you also need to manage it?"

   And an angry voice sounded, a man in a black robe with a pale face and a sinister temperament rushed out of a tent, glaring at Hong Zhenxiang, and beside him, there were several martial artists with extraordinary aura.

"Who are you?"

  Hong Zhenxiang looked at the black-robed man, and could feel that the other party's breath was not weak. He was a rare expert, so he asked aloud.

   The sullen man said solemnly, "Ding Qiu, the helmsman of the Dafeng Prefecture branch of the Black Lotus Sect!"

   "Hei Lian taught Ding Qiu? This time, it seems... I've caught a big fish!"

   Hearing this, Hong Zhenxiang's eyes suddenly lit up with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

  Black Lotus Sect, this is a deeply rooted sect of the Dayan Dynasty. In order to rebel and overthrow the imperial power, it can be said to be unscrupulous.

   The former Qingshui City was in chaos by the Black Lotus Sect, and many people lost their homes.

   And important places like Dafengzhou City also have the rudder of the Black Lotus Sect.

   Even many of the rebels are funded by the Black Lotus Sect!

   The Ding Qiu in front of him declared himself as a helmsman of the Black Lotus Sect!

"Hong Zhenxiang, you Dafeng iron cavalry should defend against foreign enemies. This is your duty. We have not invaded Dafeng Prefecture City, nor have we endangered the station guarded by Dafeng iron cavalry. There is no need to face each other with swords! Both sides will suffer!" Ding Qiu Shen said.

   "Foreign enemies want to occupy our land and resources, but you rebels and cults are evil demons, and what you do is to dig our roots! You are more abhorrent than those foreign enemies! You deserve to be killed!"

Hong Zhenxiang was reluctant to say more, the Black Lotus Sect was behind the scenes, and the rebel leader Yu Chiao last time was actually a follower of the Black Lotus Sect. The Black Lotus Sect cannot escape the relationship.

   This black lotus teacher said that he had not endangered Dafengzhou City, but in fact he had already stretched out his tentacles.

   What's more, the things that the Black Lotus Sect did have caused the loss of many civilians' wealth and ruined families. Even if the other party has never threatened Dafengzhou City, if they encounter it, they will kill them. There is nothing to say!


A killing word fell, and Hong Zhenxiang took one step forward. Between his five fingers, it seemed that a large piece of wind and thunder gathered between his palms and fingers, and a punch was blown out, as if the thunder exploded, directly attacking the black-robed man of prey. Ding Qiu!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter update time is 22:00 on the 27th)

   This chapter is 8,000 words. I had insomnia last night, my head was dizzy, I owe a chapter, and I will make up later o(╥﹏╥)o



   (end of this chapter)

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