Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing

Chapter 142: Invincible sword! Potential like a broken bamboo!

   Chapter 142 Invincible Sword Stance! Potential like a broken bamboo!

   "Su... Mr. Su? Why are you here?"

   Di Hen was a little surprised. No matter how he said it, he was still in the blood state. Even if he was distracted, he shouldn't be unaware of a young man's approach.

   "Just now, Commander Hong came to say goodbye to me. I thought it was a little strange, so I followed to take a look. What's the situation with Commander Hong?"

  Su Changkong Road.

   He did feel that it was a little strange that Hong Zhenxiang came to say goodbye to him just now, so he followed from a distance and saw Di Hen's appearance, so he was going to get to know Di Hen.

   hesitated for a long time, this matter should not be told to an outsider, but he thought that Hong Zhenxiang had previously ordered to meet all the requirements of Su Changkong.

Di Hen finally sighed and said, "It was Lord Pei who was taken away by the gangsters, and the gangsters asked Commander Hong to go to the designated place to make an appointment, or else they would kill the Governor of Pei, there must have been a net of heaven and earth in that place, and Commander Hong was alone. Go, it's too dangerous!"

   "Pei Yang was taken away? Who took him?"

  Su Changkong was also taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately asked.

   Pei Yang is also the lord of a state, and he is accompanied by experts when he goes out. The person who can capture Pei Yang is by no means an ordinary person!

   "It's a man in red, carrying a jade flute with him." Di Hen told him what he knew.

   "Man in red? With a jade flute?"

   Hearing this, Su Changkong also recalled the accident that happened to the rebels a year ago.

   "Someone used the flute to call out the ghost, could it be the one who made the flute? It's the ghost's accomplice!"

  Su Changkong immediately remembered the turbulent flute sound at that time. The man in red who captured Pei Yang was the companion of the ghost, and he was probably also a demon!

  The red-clothed man and the ghost seemed to have their eyes on Hong Zhenxiang for some reason, so they captured Pei Yang and threatened him to go to the designated place. It is conceivable that the two had absolutely no good intentions and wanted to do something to Hong Zhenxiang.

   "Where is the designated meeting place?"

  Su Changkong immediately asked, his eyes were sharp, and a gleam of light bloomed.

   Di Hen faced Su Changkong's gaze, and there was an incomparably heavy pressure, obviously he shouldn't have mentioned it to Su Changkong, but he unconsciously said, "In... in the Black Marsh Forest."

  Black Marsh Forest, this is a barren forest located thousands of miles away from the city of Dafeng. This barren forest is densely covered with swamps. Ordinary people go deep into it.

   The man in red set the meeting place there so that no one could disturb him, and within the specified time, the Dafeng Iron Cavalry would not be able to go, it was premeditated!

   "The man in red is the companion of the ghost, and most of the ghosts are there. Since that's the case... let's take a look!"

   A cold color flashed in the depths of Su Changkong's eyes.

The first battle with Mo Ying was quite frustrating. If Hong Zhenxiang hadn't made his move, he would have lost more and won less. Su Changkong has always kept this matter in his heart. Now that the other party has appeared again, Su Changkong wants to fight with him again. Fight, let him understand that the magic he is proud of is vulnerable in front of his martial arts!

   Not to mention that Hong Zhenxiang helped Su Changkong a lot, he was a generous person, and Su Changkong also had friendship with him. He was Su Changkong's only friend in Dafengzhou City, and Su Changkong couldn't just sit and watch him die alone.

   Of course, the most important thing is that Su Changkong has some confidence in his current strength, and believes that even if he is confronted with a powerful monster like the Shadow Shadow, he can still slay it!

   "Well, I see."

  Su Changkong nodded to Di Hen, then turned to leave, and returned to Dafengzhou City, he wanted to go back to get his weapon!


  Su Changkong's figure flashed in a flash, like a bird flying by, almost disappearing from Di Hen's field of vision in one or two breaths.

   "I just faced Mr. Su... The pressure is so great? It's bigger than the other commanders... Mr. Su is also a strong martial artist?"

  Su Changkong left, Di Hen swallowed, feeling a little shocked.

   In the past, when I was in contact with Su Changkong, he just came to deliver things, and there was hardly much conversation. I only knew that this gentleman had a good relationship with Hong Zhenxiang.

   Now it seems that this young Mr. Su's martial arts cultivation is absolutely unfathomable, far above himself!

   "Shadow, I hope you are there too."

  Su Changkong returned to Qingteng Manor, carrying an iron chopping knife and a star-patterned bow, he muttered to himself.

The first battle with the ghost was indeed a big blow to Su Changkong. The martial arts he had practiced so hard were easily imitated by the opponent's sorcery. Although it was far from the place where the demons were, Su Changkong also wanted to kill them. kill! Let your mind go!


   After getting ready, Su Changkong quickly left the manor alone, went out of the city gate, unfolded his movements, and swept away in the direction of the Black Marsh Forest at high speed.

   After reaching ten changes in qi and blood, Su Changkong's physique has transformed, and his vigor has become more abundant, even if he runs for thousands of miles without stopping in one breath!

  Time passes, the sun rises, it turns from prosperity to decline, it becomes dim, and dusk comes.

The black marsh forest is surrounded by large trees with yellow branches and leaves. The forest is densely covered with fallen leaves, and the air is filled with a rotten odor. The muddy swamp, which contains many animals and even the corpses of people who have strayed into it.

  Normal people would never come here.

   On a rock more than half a person high in the forest, a bewitching handsome man in red sat cross-legged, stroking the jade flute in his hand, and waited quietly.

   In addition to the man in red, there are two people next to him, one of whom is Pei Yang!

   And the other person is shrouded in black shadows, as if covered with a layer of black veil, it is the magic shadow!

   The ghost said a little anxiously: "Is it not yet? The sun is about to go down, and the human race knows that it is dead, so it may not be obedient to die!"

   Compared with a year ago, the ghost has changed a lot, at least he has become fluent in speaking.

   "He will come." The man in red said with a faint smile, with what he knew about Hong Zhenxiang, Hong Zhenxiang would definitely come to the appointment.

   Pei Yang on the side, his face paled slightly: "These two are to deal with the shock?"

   Pei Yang was taken away by the man in red yesterday, and the other party didn't hurt him, but to use him as a bargaining chip to deal with Hong Zhenxiang!

Although he was anxious, Pei Yang had nothing to do. His blood refining realm was not low. With the resources of the Pei family, he was able to get to the realm of a qi and blood oven, but his fighting power was pitiful, and he had almost nothing in front of these two monsters. resistance.


   The man in red and the ghost all looked up and looked into the distance. In the distance, there was a burly man stepping on dead branches and leaves. It was Hong Zhenxiang!

   "The Lord of the State of Pei."

  Hong Zhenxiang saw the man in red, the ghost, and Pei Yang from a distance.

  Hong Zhenxiang was slightly relieved, Pei Yang is fine!

   "The two of you, Hong and you have no grudges, so why bother to deal with Hong?"

  Hong Zhenxiang looked at the man in red and the ghost, and asked in a deep voice.

  The ghost didn't say a word, but the man in red smiled: "Someone pays a lot of money to buy your life, so let's take action, not to mention that you are strong and bloody, and it is the most delicious food in this Dafengzhou City!"

   "Someone paid a lot of money to buy my life?"

  Hong Zhenxiang frowned slightly. The two monsters wanted to deal with him, and whose employment was accepted, but Hong Zhenxiang has offended many enemies, and it is temporarily impossible to determine who is going to deal with him.

   "Zhenxiang! Be careful! Don't worry about me when necessary, they dare not kill me!"

   Pei Yang hurriedly shouted.

   Pei Yang is the head of a state. Killing him will disturb the Dayan royal family. Even the man in red and the ghost, if it is not necessary, they don't want to cause such a big trouble.

  Hong Zhenxiang heard the words, but did not speak, his eyes were extremely solemn.

   Phantom is already an extremely difficult opponent, not to mention the unfathomable red-clothed man, which makes him also under great pressure, knowing that today's danger is no less than the **** sunset battle he once experienced.

   "Red Sound, he handed him over to me to deal with! I'm going to eat him!"

  The ghost was staring at Hong Zhenxiang with a pair of scarlet eyes at the moment, he grinned fiercely.

A year ago, Mo Ying fought against Su Changkong. During this period, Hong Zhenxiang shot and smashed him with one punch. The revenge of that punch, Mo Ying has always remembered in his heart. The shadow will swallow it alive!

   "Okay, it's up to you to deal with him."

   The man in red, known as Red Sound, nodded slightly with a smile on his lips.

If it was a year ago, Phantom would have lost more than won against Hong Zhenxiang, but now that a year has passed, Hong Zhenxiang is standing still, and as a demon warrior who integrates the demon crystal core, Phantom's rapid growth is far from the human race. Comparable, it is not a problem for Hong Zhenxiang.

   "Human Race! I'm going to pull out your intestines!"

   The ghost strode towards Hong Zhenxiang, he laughed out loud, the black mist surging on his body, exuding a palpitating aura.

   In the next second, Hong Zhenxiang disappeared in place without warning, his right fist was like King Kong's angry eyes, and suddenly slammed out, like a raging flame rising!


   This fist slammed into the ghost's head, and the ghost's head was violently twisted, deformed, and exploded.

   But in the next moment, an invisible force seemed to turn back time, and the shattered head quickly recovered!

   "King Kong Mingwang Fist!"

   One punch smashed the ghost's head, Hong Zhenxiang smashed his left fists one after another, his fists rubbed against the air, and a dazzling flame rose.

  Hong Zhenxiang is not the first time he has fought against demons. He knows that demons have immortality. To kill demons, they need to continue to inflict heavy injuries on them, exhaust their power, and then die completely!


   But this punch did not fall on the body of the ghost, the ghost punched out, the demonic power of this fist boiled, and the black demon fire was entangled, and the move was exactly the same as that of Hong Zhenxiang!


The two fists collided, and the two arrogant forces slammed against each other. The nearby ground was violently smashed, as if it was smashed by a 10,000-pound hammer, and it sank down more than half a foot deep. Since then, it has been torn to shreds.

   "This bastard... can imitate other people's martial arts!"

  Hong Zhenxiang's eyes were full of fire. He knew the details of the magic shadow, and he could imitate other people's martial arts with sorcery, and the power could be exactly the same, but he just knew, but he had no clue how to deal with it.


  Hong Zhenxiang roared loudly, a pair of iron fists were like the anger of King Ming, the fire of karma rose, and bombarded the ghost in a frenzy.

   The black demonic power on the body of the phantom wriggled, simulating Hong Zhenxiang's moves, with a pair of fists entwined with demonic fire, not afraid at all, and fought head-to-head with Hong Zhenxiang.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   It only took a few breaths, and the two collided more than ten times in a row. Every time they collided, it was like two giant beasts colliding, the ground was sunken, and the surrounding trees were broken and torn to pieces.

   "This... This demon can imitate other people's martial arts? Shake the object against him, it's like against another self, no matter what move, at most, it can only be a tie!"

   Pei Yang looked at the warring sides from a distance, and he was undoubtedly shocked and anxious in his heart.

   He can also see the horror of the ghost, and can perfectly imitate other people's martial arts moves!

"The magic potential of the ghost is really great, and it can make oneself on the same level as the enemy, and then use the advantage of his immortal body to win the battle, and wait for the ghost's transformation of mind and magic to become successful, even if In the face of innate warriors, you can also defeat them!"

   Hongyin, the man in red, looked at both sides of the war. He didn't mean to take action, but with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he was quite optimistic about the potential of the ghost.

   "It goes on like this... The outcome is unpredictable, but even if I do my best to defeat this ghost, and the red voice is still there..."

  Hong Zhenxiang and the shadow war were inextricable, and his heart was equally heavy.

   Just being a ghost that can imitate other people's martial arts is already a difficult existence, not to mention that there is a red voice who is never under the ghost watching!

   "Nobody can beat me...nobody!"

   The ghost shadow's eyes are shining with blood, no matter how strong the opponent is, he who can perfectly imitate other people's martial arts moves will never be defeated, this is his unique magic!

One is Hong Zhenxiang, the first master of Dafeng City, and the other is a demon warrior who has integrated the demon crystal core. The battle between the two sides caused the nearby trees to be broken like straw, and it was indistinguishable. It can be seen that the longer the delay, the more detrimental it is to Hong Zhenxiang.

  With the same combat power, it is impossible for a human warrior to defeat an immortal demon!


   Whether it was Hong Zhenxiang or Pei Yang, their hearts were anxious and heavy, but at this moment, a thunderous sound exploded.

   The sound is fast and the arrow is faster!

   When the sound reached the ears of everyone, a meteor-like arrow, carrying the momentum of wind and thunder, spanned a long distance, and slammed on the chest of the ghost.


The arrow made of star-patterned gold, carrying the knife gang, made a deafening sound of explosion. The shadow of the ghost seemed to be hit by a cannon, and its body flew backwards. on the ground!


   This sudden change made everyone present stunned.

   "Brother Su?"

   This amazing archery made Hong Zhenxiang immediately understand who was coming, and he was a little surprised!

   "Commander Hong, there are demons to be hunted, it's a little boring not to call me for such a good thing! Do you want to swallow all the demons' crystal cores for yourself?"

   Not far away, a voice sounded, and Su Changkong, who was holding a star-patterned golden bow, walked out slowly. He looked at Hong Zhenxiang and said with a smile.

  "This..." Hong Zhenxiang's mood was a little complicated. He knew that this battle would be very dangerous, so he didn't plan to implicate Su Changkong, but Su Changkong got the news out of nowhere and came directly?

   The last time we fought, Su Changkong definitely knew how dangerous it would be to face two demons, but he still came, which moved Hong Zhenxiang, knowing that he was not wrong!

"Su Tai is here, it's Su Tai! He's actually here?" And Pei Yang's eyes lit up. In Dafeng City, only two people knew about the existence of this unfathomable mysterious master Su Changkong, one was him, One is Hong Zhenxiang.

   For Su Changkong, Pei Yang paid a lot to train him and meet his needs.

   "Adding a Su Tailai...can it change the situation?" Pei Yang couldn't help worrying that no matter how strong Su Changkong was, he would never be stronger than Hong Zhenxiang. With him, there was still an unfathomable red sound!

  Hong Zhenxiang was moved in his heart, but he knew that now was not the time to say more, he immediately said, "Brother Su, you will deal with this ghost, and I will deal with Hongyin!"

   Now there is a Su Changkong, which can really solve the urgent need, let Su Changkong hold the ghost, use all his strength to solve the red sound, and then join forces with Su Changkong to deal with the ghost, this is the chance of victory.

   "Okay." Su Changkong answered briefly.

   "You are courting death... you are courting death!"

   The phantom climbed up from the ground, and the hole in his chest had healed quickly and was intact, but at this moment he was furious, his eyes flashed with dazzling blood, his killing intent boiled, and he roared in a hoarse voice.

   For Su Changkong who intervened in attacking him, the ghost was undoubtedly furious to the extreme. With an arrow shot from Su Changkong, the ghost also recognized that the other party was the man in silver armor who had fought against him.

   The ghost didn't take Su Changkong to heart at all, and if he was weaker than himself, he couldn't be stronger than himself, but how dare this ants who don't know how to live or die even dare to appear in front of him?

   "Interesting, then move your muscles and bones, Lord Pei, stay away."

   A monstrous man dressed in red with a red voice, the corners of his mouth twitched, stood up from the rock, came an ant? Then let the magic shadow deal with him!

   Pei Yang gritted his teeth and stepped back, knowing that the other party was fearless, and he didn't plan to kill him just because he was afraid of his identity.


As Hongyin got up, the half-person-high rock under his feet trembled and turned into powder, and a terrifying demonic energy rose from Hongyin's body, causing his black hair to dance and his eyes to melt. For the reddish pupils!

   "Strong...very strong!" Hong Zhenxiang's eyes were unprecedentedly dignified, this red sound was only stronger than the ghost, and it was a real rival, but now, there is only one battle with all his strength!


  Hong Zhenxiang's qi and blood in his body erupted like a volcano, and a huge solid oven was suspended above his head, and the fiery flames boiled.

   The battle between the two powerhouses is about to break out in this black swamp forest!


On the other side, the ghost shadow abandoned Hong Zhenxiang, and he rushed towards Su Changkong's place, while holding both hands, the black demonic energy condensed into a big bow in his hand, and the bow and arrows were pitch black. The arrow formed by the demonic qi burst out, it is the wind and thunder archery!

   The ghost easily imitated Su Changkong's wind and thunder archery and returned fire.

   "Human Race! I want you to understand the insignificance of your ant!" The ghost roared wildly.


  Su Changkong didn't hesitate, he bent the bow and took the arrows, arrows swept between his palms and fingers, driven by the bowstring, the wind and thunder continued, and the arrows carried the momentum of wind and thunder, passing by like a meteor.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   In an instant, arrows swelled in the air, bursting with thunderous roars, accompanied by a shattering wind, sweeping in all directions, tearing the surrounding trees to pieces.

   is not equal to each other!

   "You can't deal with him with arrows."

  This was in Su Changkong's expectation, he put away the star-patterned bow and carried it on his back, watching the rapidly approaching, menacing ghost, a cold look flashed in Su Changkong's eyes.


Su Changkong placed his palm on the iron slasher at his waist, and stepped out in one step. The iron slasher broke free from the scabbard, carrying a silver cold light, and slashed towards the ghost's neck. He did not use the knife. Gang, just a simple knife.


The ghost didn't dodge, the knife easily cut through the ghost's neck, causing the ghost's head to fly up, but less than half a foot high, the silk thread condensed by the magic power dragged his head. Rebonded to the neck, unscathed.

   The shadow of the shadow took Su Changkong's sword, just to imitate his moves. The magic of the shadow is also limited, and he must make an attack on the opposite side before he can imitate.

   The magic trick was activated, and the ghost image instantly simulated Su Changkong's iron-cutting sword technique. The demonic energy around his waist condensed and turned into the same pitch-black long sword, which he held on the hilt.

"I'm going to make you...desperate!" The face shrouded in the shadow of the ghost is full of hideousness. What he likes most is to see the enemy use all his strength, only to find that no matter what move he uses, he can easily imitate it, and finally despair. died at his hands!


   The phantom slashed out with a single blade. This blade was exactly the same as Su Changkong's moves. Whether it was strength or speed, it was the same as him, like a mirror image of Su Changkong.

   In the face of this knife from the Demon Shadow, Su Changkong's face was calm, a gust of wind blew in, he grasped the hilt of the knife, and slashed out seemingly at random, facing the attack of the Demon Shadow!

   But this knife is cut out, but there is a general trend that is irresistible!


The two long knives collided and were almost destroyed. The long knife condensed by the demonic energy in the ghost's hand broke in an instant, and the knife was inexhaustible, as if it had cut a thin layer of paper and swept away from the ghost's chest. , cut him apart.

"how can that be?"

   At this moment, the ghost was a little dazed, and felt the pain of being cut open, unbelievable!

   (end of this chapter)

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