Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing

Chapter 173: Promoted to innate! Shocking Turtle Breathing Technique! (Million words

   Chapter 173 Promoted to Innate! Shocking Turtle Breathing Technique! (the 10,000-character chapter)

   With the slow flow of the Turtle Breath True Qi, Su Changkong's body warmed up, and even the frozen blood and True Qi in his body gradually recovered.


   Even the true qi of the celestial silkworm runs naturally, repairing Su Changkong's broken meridians and torn flesh because of forcibly introducing spiritual qi into his body, and it is extremely fast! Contrasting with the artistic conception of the Heavenly Silkworm's achievements and then standing up!

   "I...I'm not dead?" Even Su Changkong's consciousness that was about to dissipate, his disintegrated thinking, regained consciousness, which shocked Su Changkong.

Not only did he not die, but he was in surprisingly good condition. He was clearly in the dark underground, frozen in ice crystals that could wipe out life and make cells and flesh necrotic. But instead of feeling cold, Su Changkong felt his body warm. It's like soaking in a hot spring.

   "My body... is transforming, is it returning to the innate in the day after tomorrow? I obviously did not refine the innate energy..."

   What shocked Su Changkong even more was that his body was transforming. Although he had never experienced such a transformation, Su Changkong immediately understood that this was a transformation from the acquired to the innate, and his perception of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became clearer and clearer!

   But wouldn't the martial artist have to refine the innate energy to achieve the acquired return to the innate?

   "Turtle Breathing Gong...is my Turtle Breathing Gong. In this state, my Turtle Breathing Gong seems to have entered a state similar to a baby's 'fetal breath', which is contrary to innateness!"

   Feeling the gentle turtle breath infuriating constantly flowing in his body, Su Changkong gradually became enlightened!

   Now Su Changkong is in an extremely bad state, but under the operation of the Turtle Breath Technique, he gradually entered a state similar to 'fetal breath'.

  It is said that people are innate bodies when they are about to be born and have not yet been born. After they are born, their innate qi will disappear, and they will be infected by the turbid gas of the world.

But in fact, the innate qi never disappeared, it just became weak and almost non-existent, just like a seed. If it can take root and sprout, and make it grow stronger, then it can return to the innate, and it does not need to be from the outside world. Refine the Innate Qi!

   In fact, only by practicing martial arts, you can reach the state of returning to the innate, without refining the innate energy of the outside world.

   Of course, it is not something that ordinary people can do if you want to practice martial arts to return to the innate realm, and there is no one in a million martial arts geniuses who can do it!

   Refining the innate qi from the outside world to achieve the state of returning to innate after the day after tomorrow is actually a shortcut.

  Su Changkong felt that in the ancient era when there was no innate energy, the innate warriors at that time were the real innate warriors.

   "Martial Dao, is it such an inconvenient thing? You don't need to refine the so-called innate energy, you can enter the innate realm with it!"

  Su Changkong couldn't help but feel excited. He didn't use his innate energy to enter the innate realm. This was the most primitive and ancient method!

  Theoretically speaking, whether it is a human race, an animal, or a plant, as long as it is a living species, it can be acquired back to innate.

   is like some heaven and earth elixir. The reason why it has various magical effects may be because it has reached the level of returning to the innate.

   Even refining the gods to become the Martial Saint is also a shortcut.

   Refining the God-Seed can become a Martial Sage, but if you don’t refine the God-Seed, you may not be able to become a Martial Sage.

   Martial arts is about constantly breaking through the limits, turning the impossible into the possible, and breaking all obstacles!

  Su Changkong captured his mind and ran the Turtle Breathing Technique. He seemed to have returned to his mother's womb, using heaven and earth to nurture himself. Inside the body, it formed a cycle of its own, undergoing a transformation from the day after tomorrow to the innate.

   At the same time, the surrounding ice crystals continued to emit an extremely cold air, which eroded Su Changkong's body, flesh and blood, and wiped out his vitality.

  This ice crystal is transformed by the divine powers of the gods. Even if the innate warrior is frozen by it, the result will only be wiped out by it. Until death, it is impossible to persist, let alone escape!

   And Su Changkong is running the true energy of the silkworm, constantly repairing the necrotic flesh and blood, contending with this cold air, and reaching a balance.

  Celestial silkworm work, endlessly!

This extremely harsh situation has instead become an environment for tempering the silkworm art. Su Changkong's silkworm art has progressed at a speed visible to the naked eye during this tempering. Changkong's body enables him to concentrate fully on the transformation.

  Continuous breathing and breathing, running the Turtle Breath True Qi, I don't know how long it has been, maybe years have passed, or maybe only a few months, in this environment, I can't even grasp the passage of time.

  Su Changkong felt that his perception of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was clearer. In his body, something awakened!

   It is a vein that runs through the human body, and it has become crystal clear, as if the origin of the body and the source of strength.

   "Heavenly Vessel, this is the Heavenly Vessel! I successfully returned to the innate and opened a Heavenly Vessel!" Su Changkong couldn't help but be overjoyed, knowing that he had officially entered the Xiantian realm and successfully opened the Heavenly Vessel.

   The aura of heaven and earth is violent, and direct absorption will damage the body, while the heavenly veins can refine the aura of heaven and earth, use it to nourish and strengthen the body, and transform the flesh and blood.

   Therefore, the congenital warriors are physically strong, and with pure physical strength, they can crush 99% of the peak of qi and blood!

The ubiquitous spiritual energy between heaven and earth was gathered, penetrated into the ice layer, and submerged into Su Changkong's body. After the refining of the heavenly veins, it turned into a gentle energy. The aura is like a long dry land, absorbing the sweet and delicious rain.

Su Changkong's physique is growing rapidly, his strength is stronger, and his meridians are more tenacious. It's like being reborn. Su Changkong's 'essence' is growing rapidly, and the blood in his body is transforming, condensing into a flower bone, blooming blue. flower.

   And this time, it is no longer a pseudo-innate, but a real innate martial artist, and he has achieved the innate through his own cultivation, not refining the innate energy from the outside world!

  Su Changkong felt that he was definitely not the only one who achieved innate in this world, but those who can achieve innate through their own cultivation without refining the innate energy are definitely rare and unparalleled monsters!

In Su Changkong's body, the blue turtle breath zhenqi seems to have broken through some barriers and obstacles, and it is still flowing unhurriedly, but its quality has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it feels like having spiritual energy. generally.

   Turtle Breathing Skill (10% shocking world)

   took a look, and Su Changkong saw that his Turtle Breathing Technique had indeed broken through.

   When it reaches the moment when the day after tomorrow returns to the innate, his Turtle Breathing Skill will naturally move from the 9th to the 10th, the innate tortoise breath!

   Name: Su Changkong (24 years old)

   Lifespan: 275 years

   Potential: 51 points

   In addition, his lifespan has increased again, by as much as 30 years, and his potential value has skyrocketed from 46 points to 51 points.

   The thirty-year lifespan improvement is brought about by the promotion of the innate realm, the opening of the heavenly veins, and the breakthrough of the Turtle Breathing Technique.

   The lifespan has reached the level of Su Changkong. It is indeed extremely rare to have such a huge improvement!

"Fortunately... It should have only been half a year and nearly a year." In addition, Su Changkong saw that his age had reached 24 years old, and he also judged that he had been trapped underground for a while, but it didn't take long. to a few years or ten years.

  Su Changkong really wanted to try the power of the Turtle Breath function in the 10th realm, but being frozen in ice crystals, he couldn't do anything, so he could only give up temporarily.

   In addition to the breakthrough of the Turtle Breathing Technique and the return to the innate after the day after tomorrow, Su Changkong's Heavenly Silkworm Technique has also progressed rapidly.

  Celestial Silkworm Art (81% in 7 realms)

  Su Changkong was able to keep his body from necrosis under the erosion of cold air, and it all depended on the vitality of the celestial silkworm's true qi to maintain Su Changkong's vitality.

   The strands of white silkworm true qi seem to be incessantly alive. They can nourish all things, revitalize blood and regenerate muscles. As long as there is a strand of true qi of the silkworm, it will be able to grow and live forever!

   "I have to get out of trouble first! A lot of time has passed!"

  Su Changkong secretly said, he broke through the innate, and the turtle breathing power broke into the ten realms, which can be called a reborn change, but what he has to do now is to break out of the ice and leave from here.

This is a difficult problem. The ice crystal that freezes Su Changkong is the power of divine power in the gods. Its firmness cannot even be broken by the wind, sun and moon. wishful thinking.

  Supernatural power, this is a level of power that surpasses ordinary warriors, it is equal to a different dimension!

Perhaps with the passage of time, the ice crystals will gradually melt, but whether the time is a few years or decades, it is not something that Su Changkong can guess. He can't wait. break open.

  It is impossible to rely on brute force, if so, use some skill.

"It is rumored that a vigorously growing sapling can push away the heavy bricks pressing it as it grows, and even some plants growing under the rock can break through the rock formation and see the sun. It is the miracle of life! The power of life! Since that is the case, I will continue to 'grow' with my silkworm work and break this ice crystal apart!"

  Su Changkong quickly thought of a way to get out of trouble.

The power of life is very powerful and can create miracles, and Su Changkong's celestial silkworm art is characterized by a strong 'life force', he can completely imitate the growing sapling with the true energy of the celestial silkworm, and rely on time to break through the trapped him' rock'.

Lying in the ice crystals, Su Changqiang moved the celestial silkworm true qi, strands of celestial silkworm true qi protruded from his skin and pores, forming strands of filaments, growing continuously, constantly pushing the top, hitting and tying him. of ice crystals.

   The ice crystal that trapped Su Changkong was like a silkworm cocoon. What Su Changkong had to do was to break out of the cocoon!

A large amount of silkworm true qi was continuously released from Su Changkong's body, rendering the ice crystals white, like countless saplings, even if they appeared fragile in front of the ice crystals transformed by this magical power, but dripping water penetrated the stone, and the seedlings Persistent growth will eventually turn into a towering tree, breaking the rocks that hinder its growth!

  Celestial Silkworm Art (82% of his skills in the 7th realm), Tianshengong (83% of his skills in the 7th realm)…

  Su Changkong tried perseveringly to grow in the ice crystals with the vigor and vitality of the silkworm true energy, and his silkworm skills continued to improve over time.

Su Changkong felt that this should imply the true meaning of the Celestial Silkworm Art. In addition, because his lifespan has increased and his potential value has been greatly improved, he can comprehend it in this situation, and gradually push the Celestial Silkworm Art to a higher level. level.

   Time passed by, and the ice crystals formed by the power of supernatural powers were indeed hard to break, but all Su Changkong could do was to persevere and not give up!

  The celestial silk continued to contradict and grow, and the true qi of the celestial silk continued to repair Su Changkong's body injured by the cold.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Su Changkong's celestial silkworm infuriating gradually turned from grayish white to silvery white, and the formed celestial silk also turned into silvery white full of vitality. When hard, it can pierce iron and stone like a sharp arrow.

  Celestial Silkworm Art (1% in 8 realms)

  Unconsciously, Su Changkong's Heavenly Silkworm Art finally made a breakthrough in this environment and entered the 8th realm level!

  Even if the old man of strange stone, who specialized in celestial silkworm art, might not be as good as Su Changkong at this time.


  The silver-white celestial silk was growing and growing, Su Changkong heard the cracking sound, it was the ice crystal that trapped him, the surface cracked, and then it was torn apart like glass.

   Break out of the cocoon!

   "Finally... get out of trouble!"

  Su Changkong couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement and ecstasy in his heart.

   The divine power of the God Seed, this is indeed terrifying, it is just the natural power of the God Seed, and it is not mainly aimed at him.

   One can imagine how terrifying it would be if someone refined the divine seed and formally mastered divine powers. That level is called Martial Saint!

   The founder of the Dayan Dynasty, Yan Huang, was a powerhouse at this level.

   "Commander Hong was taken away by that Feng Riyue. I don't know how he is now. I hope he's all right... That Feng Riyue, I will tear him to pieces!"

   Immediately, Su Changkong's eyes were full of killing intent and worry.

  Hong Zhenxiang had previously stood up for Su Changkong and fought against Fengriyue regardless of his safety. Otherwise, Su Changkong would most likely not be able to hold on to his divine powers.

And when it was frozen into an ice sculpture, Su Changkong's perception of the outside world did not dissipate immediately. He saw the god-seed fly away, and he also saw Feng Riyue taking Zhong Yue and Hong Zhenxiang, who were frozen into ice sculptures, with him. Walk.

  Hong Zhenxiang attacked members of the same organization. This is a kind of betrayal. No organization will take it lightly. Su Changkong can only hope that Hong Zhenxiang is still alive.

The other two are Feng Riyue and Zhong Yue. If they hadn't fought each other hard, this would not have happened. Su Changkong had a strong killing intent towards them. For their grasp, Su Changkong will make them pay a heavy price!

The Chilong Palace has been destroyed by the collapsed canyon, and because of the support of some broken buildings, there is still room for Su Changkong to move. Su Changkong is going to climb up and dig a passage, which may cost It takes a lot of time and energy, but sooner or later, it will reach the ground and get out of trouble!

   "Huh? What's over there..."

Suddenly, Su Changkong felt that the Turtle Breath True Qi in his body was surging, as if he felt the attraction of something. Su Changkong also moved in his heart, bent down and walked forward in the collapsed Chilong Hall, towards the Turtle Breath True Qi. where the gas reacts.

   Soon, Su Changkong stretched out his hand and touched the cold ice crystal.

   Su Changkong's thoughts moved, and a cyan crystal flower bloomed above his head, emitting a little cyan brilliance, which also allowed Su Changkong to see clearly what the object was in the dark underground.

   It was a human-shaped ice sculpture with a gray-clothed man frozen in it. His expression was horrified, and his eyes had lost the brilliance, and he would forever be fixed in this scene.

   "Is that Elder Sun of the Eastern Cloud Sect?"

  Su Changkong quickly recognized the identity of the man in gray.

   Previously, the divine seed burst into supernatural powers, and only two people were spared, one was Feng Riyue, and the other was Bai Yunhe, the deputy suzerain of Dongyun Sect with profound skills.

Feng Riyue took away Hong Zhenxiang and Zhong Yue, and Baiyunhe also took away the two of his own. He was going to return to take Su Changkong and Elder Sun out, but the gods left, causing a landslide and Chilong. The hall was buried, and Baiyunhe could only give up. The elder Sun, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, naturally stayed here.

"already dead."

This Elder Sun has been dead for a long time. Even Su Changkong relied on the Turtle Breathing Technique and the Heavenly Silkworm Technique to survive in the ice crystals. The vitality has been wiped out, the flesh and blood are necrotic, and they die in despair!

   "He's already dead, so why does my Turtle Breath True Qi react to him?"

  Su Changkong stood in front of this ice sculpture, puzzled.

   After hesitating for a while, Su Changkong stretched out a palm and pressed it on the ice sculpture, trying to run the Turtle Breath True Qi.

   Something that shocked Su Changkong happened!

It was as if some kind of suction was generated. From the ice sculpture, a white gas was pulled out from Elder Sun's body. This gas was unbound, drilled out of the ice crystal, and was caught by Su Changkong. palm.

   "This is... Innate Qi?" Su Changkong was a little surprised by the wisp of white gas in his palm, it was the Innate Qi!

   Innate warriors have innate energy in their bodies, which can make him die without rot. At the same time, there are people in the evil sect who control the method of extracting innate energy from the dead, so they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy the bodies of innate warriors.

When Su Changkong returned to the innate with the help of the Turtle Breathing Technique, his Turtle Breathing Technique naturally broke through and entered the 10th realm, which seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation. gas!

not only that!

   "My turtle's breath is really restless, and I seem to be eager for this ray of innate energy, could it be..."

  Su Changkong moved in his heart, trying to incorporate this ray of innate energy into his body.


  A ray of innate energy entered Su Changkong's body along the meridian of the palm, and the turtle's breath infuriated, wrapping and refining the innate energy.

   And in the process, Su Changkong's Turtle Breath True Qi increased at a speed visible to the naked eye! It has become thicker and purer, and the blue turtle's breath is true, like a vast ocean, inclusive of everything!

   "Can the Turtle Breath Technique of the 10th Realm refine the innate energy to grow itself?"

   A light flashed in Su Changkong's eyes, and he understood something.

  The human body contains innate energy that is so weak that it is almost non-existent. Few people can make it grow, grow, and return to the innate.

In addition, innate qi will be born in places where the spiritual qi of heaven and earth is rich. In this way, innate qi is actually a kind of spiritual qi of heaven and earth. It itself is born from the spiritual qi of heaven and earth. Advanced heaven and earth aura is a different species in heaven and earth aura, so it is rare.

   For warriors, the role of innate qi is to help people take shortcuts and easily reach the level of returning to innate after the day after tomorrow, but there is no other use.

   But for Su Changkong's Turtle Breath Technique, who has reached the 10th level, he has cultivated to the level of 'Innate Turtle Breath', and can directly refine and devour the innate energy to strengthen his own cultivation!

   Refining and refining this ray of innate energy is like eating a big tonic for the Turtle Breath Technique, and the quality of infuriating energy will rise rapidly!

   Today’s Turtle Breathing Technique should be called the Innate Turtle Breathing Technique!

   "If... I have a lot of innate energy and I can refine it with Turtle Breathing Exercise, how far can Turtle Breathing Exercise reach?"

  Su Changkong couldn't help shaking his heart. The Turtle Breathing Technique, which reached the world-shattering level of 10, was already quite terrifying and focused on defense. Ordinary congenital warriors couldn't break it at all. Even so, there was still room for further improvement!

   As long as there is enough innate energy, the quality of the Turtle Breath True Qi can continue to rise, and it will inevitably undergo qualitative changes again.

   "There should be other innate energy in this Dragon Palace..."

  Su Changkong ran the Turtle Breathing Technique to refine the innate energy extracted from Elder Sun's corpse, while he probed around.

Forty or fifty innate warriors died in the Chilong Hall. For thousands of years, the innate energy in their bodies returned to heaven and earth, and the formed innate energy was reborn. Some were given to the warriors who came to Xueyuan Mountain, and some Part of it is still in the Chilong Hall.

   Previously, Su Changkong discovered a ray of innate energy, which was cut off by Zhong Yue, but most of the other innate auras were still in the Chilong Hall!

   Without hesitation, some places were buried by collapsed rubble, and Su Changkong couldn't get there, but his mind moved slightly, condensing silkworms, which spread around.

  The silk of the celestial being is like an arm's finger, like an extension of Su Changkong's body, able to detect and perceive the surrounding situation!

   "Have it!"

Su Changkong suddenly looked happy, and found a wisp of congenital aura emerging from a human-shaped ice sculpture that had been shattered by landslides for thousands of years. It was suspended quietly. This should be the congenital elder of a certain Chilong Palace. left.

  The celestial silk wrapped the wisp of innate energy and took it back.

   "Found another strand!"

   Soon, Su Changkong discovered the second ray of innate energy!

  Su Changkong kept exploring with the celestial silk in the collapsed Chilong Hall. In theory, as long as Su Changkong's celestial silkworm was infuriating enough, his celestial silk could spread for a distance of several or ten miles.

   In Su Changkong's perception, his celestial silk had completely explored the collapsed Chilong Palace, and he gave up when he found nothing else.

   And the harvest is huge!

   "Nine strands of innate energy!"

  Su Changkong's eyes lit up, and he held nine strands of innate energy in his hands.

   You must know that Zhouling Mountain, where Lingdao Sect is located, is full of spiritual energy, and four or five strands of innate energy are born every hundred years.

  There is so much innate energy in this Chilong Palace because the forty or fifty Chilong Palace innate warriors are sitting here.

   "Refining these innate qi before going out."

   has been delayed here for such a long time, Su Changkong doesn't care about delaying for a while, he sits cross-legged, runs the Turtle Breath Technique, and refines these innate qi with the Turtle Breath True Qi.

   Innate energy is very precious. To some extent, a wisp of innate energy is equivalent to an innate warrior for some sects!

   In the big sect, too many warriors are stuck in the qi and blood realm, all eager to get a ray of innate qi.

   But for Su Changkong, no matter how precious the innate energy is, its essence is to improve his own strength, and strength is the foundation!

   The precious innate qi was refined by Su Changkong's Turtle Breath Technique and merged into the Turtle Breath True Qi, which had already produced a qualitatively changed Turtle Breath True Qi, and its quality was still rising.

   is like an expanding lake, the quality of infuriating energy is purer and more powerful!

It took some time for Su Changkong to refine all these innate qi. In Su Changkong's feeling, 10 strands of innate qi were refined before and after. In terms of his internal strength level, the improvement of 20% to 30% is quite exaggerated!

   Turtle Breathing Skill (10% shocking world)

The practice progress of   Turtle Breath Gong also increased by 10%.

   "This... The more you go, the more difficult it is. To make the Turtle Breath Technique make a breakthrough, doesn't it require hundreds of thousands of strands of innate energy?"

   The corners of Su Changkong's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that there is still a long way to go for the Turtle Breath Technique to break through again.

   But Su Changkong can't help but look forward to it. The turtle breath function of the 10th realm can return to the innate after the day after tomorrow, and it can refine the innate energy to strengthen the internal strength. If it breaks through to the 11th realm, I believe it will produce a huge transformation!

   "Go out."

  Su Changkong stood up, and after refining the innate energy he obtained in the Chilong Palace, Su Changkong did not stay for long, and wanted to leave the Chilong Palace.

   There was a landslide, the mountain peaks sank, the Chilong Palace was buried, and the passage collapsed. There was only one way Su Changkong could think of to get out, digging upwards with his own hands and digging out a passage leading directly to the outside world!

   "Chi Chi!"

Su Changkong bent his hands into claws, digging towards the rock above his head, he was promoted to the Innate Realm, opened a heavenly vein, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura quenched his body. open.

  Su Changkong dug out a passage that could accommodate one person, climbing and digging all the way up.

   In Su Changkong's feeling, he had dug for at least a few days, and he had dug up a distance of thousands of meters.

   Finally, when Su Changkong felt fresh air coming from above and snow falling, he knew in his heart that he had seen the sun again!


   Drilled out of the tunnel dug, Su Changkong breathed in the fresh air, even if it was icy and snowy and the air was freezing cold, he was very excited.

   It was night time. The entire Xueyuan Mountain was deserted, with thin snowflakes falling. It was already empty, and only Su Changkong stood in this pure white world.

   And the first thing that happened when he saw the sun again, Su Changkong was ruthlessly venting, he had been holding back for too long in the dark underground!


  Su Changkong raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl that shook hundreds of miles, like a bomb exploded, and the falling snowflakes were shaken into powder.


In the darkness not far away, a protruding mountain peak was shaken by this roar, causing an avalanche. The white snowflakes slid down the hillside, rushing, like thousands of horses galloping down from the mountain peak, the huge movement, It is a natural disaster that cannot be overcome by human beings.

   But Su Changkong took a step forward and rushed towards the avalanche mountain actively, facing the surging avalanche, his Turtle Breathing Skill worked, and the Turtle Breath True Qi burst out!


The light blue turtle breath infuriated like a tidal wave, penetrating the distance of four or five feet, and a large amount of snow rushed unstoppably, which could easily overwhelm high-rise buildings and houses, but it was the sudden burst of turtle breath. The infuriating energy created a countercurrent to the impact.

   is like a hanging white waterfall, which is shaken up and rolled up!

   This scene is too shocking, it is hard to imagine the power that the flesh and blood can burst out.


Su Changkong just wanted to vent, to test the level of his current strength, he pulled out the iron slashing sword, jumped up, condensed the sword, and slashed, horizontally, and slashed with the iron slashing sword. A silver dragon is raging in the vertical and horizontal direction.


  The rolled up snow waterfall was smashed into pieces by Su Changkong, and fell formlessly from the sky.

When the sword dance started to rise, Su Changkong threw the iron-chopping knife directly. The true energy of the silkworm condensed into silk and wrapped around the handle of the knife. With the flick of his fingers, the iron-chopping knife was like a life-like horizontal slash and cut, and it was a hundred meters away. , the sparse trees in the snow were cut off and chopped.

   Looking at it in the dark night, Su Changkong's move is a bit like the legendary 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword'. The celestial silk is wrapped around the handle of the knife, and he controls the iron-chopping knife like an arm's finger!

   was frantically venting in the snow. After a quarter of an hour, Su Changkong stopped. He breathed a little, and his feeling of being able to see the sun again finally calmed down.

This trip to Xueyuan Mountain was full of surprises. Su Changkong just wanted to get a ray of innate energy, but it turned out that there were gods that were thousands and thousands times rarer than innate energy in Xueyuan Mountain, which angered Feng Riyue and others. Competing to snatch, he was also involved in it, and was finally frozen by the power of the gods, and it was only then that he almost survived.

"My current strength is indeed reborn, at least that Zhong Yue is as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of me today, and won't have much ability to resist, but I estimate that there is still a big gap with him. ."

   stopped, Su Changkong inspected his own progress.

   Stepping into the Xiantian realm, the Turtle Breathing Gong has broken through to the 10th realm, which is far stronger than before!

   But that Feng Riyue itself is a congenital warrior, and has also refined the crystal core of an intermediate-level demon, and that undead body alone is enough to make it difficult for a warrior of the same level to pose a threat to him.

   Not to mention that Feng Riyue at that time turned into a sun demon body and a moon demon body. Just one sun demon body made it difficult for Su Changkong and Hong Zhenxiang to deal with it. If the two demon bodies joined forces, it would definitely be more terrifying!

   Today's Su Changkong is against him, and he also loses more and wins less.

However, Su Changkong was not discouraged. He broke through to the innate, and the Turtle Breathing Skill broke through. His lifespan was extended, and his potential value increased to a higher level. Without the limitation of the bottleneck, his progress will be rapid. He believes that he is stronger than the wind, the sun and the moon. The problem!

   "Let's go back to Lingdao Sect first..."

  Su Changkong then left, preparing to return to the Spiritual Dao Sect first.

  Su Changkong hurried all the way and left the Xueyuan Mountain, which is covered by heavy snow all the year round.

   After six or seven days, Su Changkong arrived at Zhouling Mountain where Lingdao Sect was located.

  In Zhouling Mountain, everything was business as usual, and the return of Su Changkong undoubtedly alerted the sect master He Lianyuan who was cultivating.

In a quiet house, when He Lianyuan saw Su Changkong, he said with some joy: "Elder Su, are you still alive? When you went to Xueyuan Mountain, you never returned. I heard that there was a landslide there. Yunzong has congenital warriors buried in it, I am worried about your death, and I have taken people to Xueyuan Mountain to find you..."

The matter of Xueyuan Mountain was already a year ago. It was rumored that a **** was born, and He Lianyuan knew that Su Changkong had gone to Xueyuan Mountain in search of innate energy. Thought he might have been involved and died.

   "You seem to have broken through the innate?" At the same time, He Lianyuan was also curious and felt that Su Changkong's temperament had changed a lot compared to a year ago.

"My luck is not bad... I found a ray of innate energy on Xueyuan Mountain, I immediately left Xueyuan Mountain, and retreated in a quiet place where there was no one to refine the innate energy. Until now, the breakthrough has come naturally. , Did something happen on Xueyuan Mountain at that time?"

Su Changkong said curiously, he did not say that he had entered the Chilong Palace, and he had suffered a catastrophe and was buried in ice for nearly a year. There is no need to tell others about this kind of thing, only that he got it in Xueyuan Mountain. A ray of congenital energy completed the breakthrough.

   At the same time, Su Changkong also wanted to know what happened after that, and whose hands the gods fell into. He didn't know what happened later. Personally, he certainly hoped that the gods would not fall into the hands of Feng Riyue.

   He Lianyuan heard that Su Changkong had broken through the innate, and felt happy for him. With Su Changkong's aptitude, it would be easy to break through the innate energy if there was a ray of innate energy, but their Spirit Dao Sect had no innate energy.

In the face of Su Changkong's inquiry, He Lianyuan did not hide it, he said, "I have an old relationship with the vice sect master of the East Cloud Sect, I visited him before, and learned some news from him, there is a **** in Xueyuan Mountain. Seed is born, it is a treasure that can help congenital warriors become martial sages, according to him, there are monsters from the Extermination Society participating in the competition!"

   "The Extermination Society? That Feng Riyue is the demon warrior of the Extermination Society?"

  Su Changkong also got useful information from Helian Yuan's mouth. That Feng Riyue's identity was not a demon warrior of the Yaowu League, but a member of another group of demon warriors, a member of the Destruction Society.

  This Destiny Society is equally mysterious. Feng Riyue probably brought Hong Zhenxiang back to the Destiny Society. Whether he is dead or alive can only be known later!

   "Refining the God Seed...can you become a Martial Sage?" In addition, Su Changkong also knew the purpose of the God Seed, no wonder Dongyun Sect, Feng Riyue and others were crazy about it at that time.

   The gods who can help others to become Martial Saints, this is naturally any innate martial artist will be crazy about it!

"This god-seed finally fell into the hands of a woman riding a snow-feather eagle. That woman didn't know her identity, but she was able to collect god-seeds, and also possessed a rare beast mount that could fly. Thinking about it, she was definitely not an ordinary person... But it's okay, Even if ordinary people get the god-seed, most of them can't keep it."

   Helian Yuan Road.

   This made Su Changkong look a little weird. He originally thought that the **** seed should have fallen into the hands of Feng Riyue or Baiyunhe, but he was taken away by a mysterious woman passing by?

   No doubt Su Changkong felt a little better, it was a good thing Feng Riyue didn't get the God Seed.

"That woman can collect the **** seed, I'm afraid it's extraordinary!" At the same time, Su Changkong has also seen the **** seed's terrifying, and the outbreak easily made him and several innate warriors and demon warriors have no room to resist, and can collect **** seed. Humans must be unique!

   Returning to Lingdao Sect, Su Changkong rested for a few days. At the same time, he was not idle. He read some books about demons in Lingdao Sect. He wanted to know if the demons had any weaknesses.

The immortal body of the demon is too terrifying. If you encounter one that can be crushed, it is better to say. If you encounter a demon and a demon warrior who fuses the demon's crystal core with the same strength as himself, or is stronger than himself, then the human race warrior is almost the same. There is no chance of winning!

   But now the Dayan Dynasty is dominated by humans, and most of them have things that can restrain demons.

   The battle of Xueyuan Mountain, Su Changkong will not forget, he will definitely face Shangfeng Riyue and other monsters in the future, he must prepare early!

  Lingdao Sect is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years. There are indeed many rare books in the library. Among the books that only the elders of the sect can read, Su Changkong did find a book related to it!

"In 1681 in the Dayan Dynasty, a demon appeared in Dayuan City, Zhongzhou, and started to massacre the city. This demon was extremely terrifying, almost immortal. The elite soldiers composed of 100,000 elite warriors surrounded and killed this demon. Halfway through, the blood flowed into a river, and the demon was unscathed, but it became stronger and stronger, making it hopeless and unstoppable."

   "One day later, Zhou Wuji, who was the commander of the Yanlongwei at the time of the Dayan Dynasty, came with the demon slayer, fought fiercely with him, and finally slashed him under the sword to resolve a catastrophe."

  Su Changkong saw such a record about demons in a book.

   "The Demon Slayer? What is this?"

  Su Changkong saw the key, and there was an almost undead monster that slaughtered the city. At that time, the masters of the Dayan Dynasty shot and killed it, and the weapon used was called the Demon Slayer!

   Demon Slayer, this seems to be a weapon that can restrain the immortal body of demons.

  Su Changkong immediately began to rummage through the classics of Lingdao Sect, looking for information about the Demon Slayer.

   Not long after, Su Changkong had a harvest!

"Zhongzhou Shenbing Villa, once forged the sword 'Yan Shen' for the ninth generation of Yanhuang, and was praised as the world's No. 1 Soldier Villa by the ninth generation of Yanhuang. Shenbing Villa builds a saber for itself."

  Su Changkong saw such a force.

  Shenbing Villa, has the reputation of the No. 1 Soldier Villa in the world!

  Su Changkong guessed that since this Divine Armament Villa can be recognized by the ninth-generation Yan Emperor, most of the Divine Armament Villa can create the so-called 'Monster Slaying Divine Armament'!

   "Let's go to Shenbing Villa." Su Changkong made a decision in his heart. He will face enemies like Fengriyue in the future, and he must find a way to restrain them!

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter update time is 22:00 on the 17th)

   (end of this chapter)

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