"This blazing sun technique is the top marrow-refining internal qi technique. If you practice this method, your strength will instantly increase. In the future, you will be able to practice to the point of marrow-refining."

As soon as Chu Chen raised his hand, the Burning Sun Heavenly Skill was supported by the true energy and floated in front of Song Chongshan.

Give him a slap and a sweet date.

He still understands this most basic way of governing his subordinates.

Blind oppression or blind rewards are not advisable. Only by applying kindness and power can you better control Song Chongshan.

"Thank you, senior, for the reward."

Song Chongshan took over the Burning Sun Heavenly Skill, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

He had heard about this Burning Sun Celestial Technique for a long time. It was said that it was the strongest internal energy method of a powerful sect called the Burning Sun Sect.

At the same time, it is also the top marrow refining level inner energy method that is most suitable for his practice.

He once used the power of the Jin Yiwei to search for the Lie Sun Heavenly Skill. Unfortunately, the Lie Sun Sect had been destroyed for three hundred years and the inheritance had been cut off for too long. He had never been able to find the Lie Sun Heavenly Skill.

Unexpectedly, the technique he thought about day and night would appear in front of him at this moment.

For a time, Song Chongshan's resentment towards being fed the Three Corpses Gu Insect Pill dissipated a lot.

He knew in his heart that this was the other party's method of taming him, but he knew that he was unable to resist.

Since you can't resist, why not try to accept it?

"As long as you serve me with peace of mind, I will definitely benefit from you. Various martial arts secrets and even innate skills are not impossible."

Chu Chen said in confusion.

"The juniors will definitely do their best to serve the seniors. They will go up to the mountains of swords and into the seas of fire, even to the death..."

Song Chongshan looked excited and seemed to be confused by Chu Chen's words.

"Well, everyone can say nice things, but the key lies in actual actions."

Chu Chen interrupted Song Chongshan's words of loyalty.

Song Chongshan could sit in the position of deputy commander of the Jinyi Guards. How could he be confused by his few words? Song Chongshan was just acting in front of him.

Chu Chen didn't care. With the Three Corpse Gu Insect Pills, he wasn't afraid of Song Chongshan's betrayal.

It's just a chess piece. If you dare to betray him, throw it away.

"Tell me all the information you know about Tianyou Palace."

Chu Chen asked about the main purpose of this trip.

"Tianyou Palace?"

Song Chongshan's eyes flashed, and he thought about the various possible purposes of the other party.

Control the Jin Yiwei, and then control the Great Yan Kingdom, or test the Dayan royal family through the Jin Yiwei, etc.

But after hearing Chu Chen's words, he was keenly aware that this was Chu Chen's real purpose of controlling him.

This person is related to the Transshipment Pawn Shop. Perhaps this person is the real person behind the Transshipment Pawn Shop!

An astonishing guess emerged in Song Chongshan's mind.

On the bright side, Song Chongshan did not dare to reveal anything, and quickly told Chu Chen everything he knew: "Returning to the seniors, the juniors don't have a deep understanding of Tianyou Palace. This period of history is too much." It’s been a long time…”

Through Song Chongshan's narration, Chu Chen had a certain understanding of Tianyou Palace.

Just as he guessed, Tianyou Palace is a sect that cultivates immortals and has a long heritage.

The areas where the Great Yan Kingdom, Barbarians, Hanbei Kingdom and other countries are located have always been under the rule of Tianyou Palace. This situation only lasted three thousand years ago.

Three thousand years ago, Tianyou Palace suddenly collapsed. All the disciples and disciples of Tianyou Palace disappeared. Only sporadic inheritances were scattered outside.

Even the prestige of Tianyou Palace has been slowly forgotten by the power of time. Only a few places such as the library of Dayan Palace still have some records.

When Prince Wu was meditating in the palace library, he saw books about Tianyou Palace.

Originally, Prince Wu only regarded it as an interesting anecdote and didn't pay much attention to it. However, a month ago, when Prince Wu followed Emperor Hongguang to the Jinyiwei headquarters, he accidentally saw the files about Lu Qinghou.

In the file, Prince Wu saw that the jade pendant that Lu Qinghou had pawned was very similar to the inheritance of Tianyou Palace. Therefore, he was interested and asked Song Chongshan to go to the transfer pawn shop to find out the information.

"Sure enough, the Soul Seizing Body Training Sutra originated from Tianyou Palace."

Chu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

But he had a doubt in his mind. Although the Soul Seizing Body Training Sutra was powerful, it was at most a good innate technique, far from the level of the immortal technique that Chu Chen imagined.

Tianyou Palace, however, treasured and passed down the Spirit Seizing Body Training Sutra, sealed it in a jade pendant, and set up prohibitions that required absorbing enough vitality to be opened.

Such a huge effort can only mean one thing: the Soul Seizing Body Training Manual is far from being as simple as it seems.

"Perhaps there are some secrets in the Soul Seizing Body Training Sutra that I don't know about?"

Chu Chen did not dwell too much on it. No matter what the secret of the Spirit Seizing Body Training Sutra was, as long as he continued to practice, the secret of the Spirit Seizing Body Training Sutra would one day be revealed to him.

"That's the end of the matter regarding the pawnshop. Find a reason to send Prince Wu away."

Chu Chen did not hide his relationship with the Zhuanyan Pawnshop. With Song Chongshan's wisdom, when he asked about Tianyou Palace, he might have guessed that he was related to the Zhuanyan Pawnshop.


No one would have thought that the owner of a small pawn shop could be an innate master.


A flash of understanding flashed in Song Chongshan's eyes, and he responded in a deep voice.

"Very good. From today on, you will do your best to search for news about Tianyou Palace or other matters related to the Immortal Way. Compile it into a book and send it to the transfer pawn shop. I will pick it up."

After saying that, Chu Chen stopped staying, moved, and left Song Chongshan's residence quietly.

After a long time, Song Chongshan confirmed that Chu Chen had left, and then he completely relaxed.

"There is actually a congenital master behind the Transfer Pawnshop. Fortunately, he did not act rashly against the Transfer Pawnshop, otherwise, it would be a big trouble."

Song Chongshan was a little scared.

In fact, when he learned about the jade pendant, he wanted to take the Jinyiwei directly to arrest the owner of the Transfer Pawnshop and torture him in prison.

A seemingly tenth place on the Earth List has a certain deterrent effect on others, but it does not have much deterrent power for the current Jinyiwei.

Others do not know the origin of this so-called tenth place on the Earth List, but does he not know it?

It's just that many people in the rivers and lakes died in the pawnshop inexplicably, but who knows whether these people in the rivers and lakes really died, how they died, and whether they died at the hands of this tenth place on the Earth List.

In short, this tenth place on the Earth List did not have a convincing record, so Song Chongshan dared not to care.

If it weren't for Prince Wu's stop, he might really do so.

Now it seems that Song Chongshan is somewhat glad that he did not do so, otherwise, the grass on his grave would have been three feet high.

The other party is not the tenth on the Earth List, but a prehistoric giant crocodile!

He can be crushed to death by just raising his finger!

"However, I am in a lot of trouble now. From now on, I will be controlled by others, and my life and property will depend on the thoughts of others."

Song Chongshan smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, think about it in a positive direction. There is a master of innateness behind me to support me. Maybe I can take a step further in the future and break through the marrow refining and become the commander of the Jinyiwei."

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