Longevity: Never leave the mountain until you are invincible

Chapter 69: The Reappearance of the Wusheng Cult

On the first night after returning to the imperial capital, Chu Chen stayed at Qunfang Tower and had a great time chatting with Miss Yuedie. He told jokes he heard in his previous life, which made Miss Yuedie smile.

The next morning.

As soon as the sky was dim, Chu Chen left Qunfang Tower and did not dare to stay there for long.

Last night, Miss Yuedie actually thought of redeeming herself.

There are always eighteen-year-old girls in the world. Even if they are the most beautiful girls, they can only be glorious for a few years at most. They will be replaced by later ones and gradually become obscure.

When Miss Yuedie was elected as the most beautiful girl, she was the most glorious and was known as the one who moved the imperial capital.

As time went by, Miss Yuedie was no longer glorious and was unwilling to stay in Qunfang Tower.

It may be because Chu Chen was generous and spoke nicely, which made Miss Yuedie want to rely on him.

If it were someone else, they might agree, but for Chu Chen, it was like a flood and beast, which scared him and he left Qunfang Tower in a hurry.

"I can't go to Qunfang Building for the time being."

Chu Chen looked at Qunfang Building with some fear and made up his mind.

He returned to the pawnshop and opened for business.

What a pity.

There were not many customers.

After Lu Qinghou was imprisoned, the reputation of the Luanyun Pawnshop among the scholars who were preparing for the imperial examinations was gone.

Few people would come to pawn things in the name of the Luanyun Pawnshop in the hope of luck.

The pawnshop business returned to the scene when Chu Chen just took over the pawnshop, with few customers.

Chu Chen didn't care much. Since there were no customers, he simply closed the shop and entered the secret room to study the Qingtian Mirror and the Ganling Mirror.

After several years of nurturing, the fusion progress of the Qingtian Mirror and the Ganling Mirror reached one-fifth. Originally, Chu Chen planned to completely fuse the Qingtian Mirror and the Ganling Mirror in the Yunwu Mountains and then return to the imperial capital.

But there was a problem with the fusion of the Qingtian Mirror and the Ganling Mirror, and it suddenly stagnated.

No matter how Chu Chen input mana, the two would no longer fuse. He kept trying to explore and finally found the reason.

The cave in the Yunwu Mountains is a small spiritual land. When the Qingtian Mirror and Ganling Mirror are placed in the spiritual land, they will absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual land to restore their origin.

If it is normal, this is a good thing, which can save Chu Chen the effort of warming up.

But the problem is that the Qingtian Mirror and Ganling Mirror are in the stage of fusion. The recovery of the origin will slow down the progress of the fusion of the two. In fact, Chu Chen often does useless work.

Chu Chen worked hard all day to fuse the two magic tools with his magic power. As a result, the next day, because the origin of the two magic tools was restored a little, the fusion progress did not progress but fell.

In desperation, Chu Chen could only take the Qingtian Mirror and Ganling Mirror to leave the Yunwu Mountains and return to the Imperial Capital.

There is no spiritual land in the Imperial Capital, and the spiritual energy is thin. The Qingtian Mirror and Ganling Mirror will not absorb spiritual energy on their own, so this problem does not exist.


Practicing, drawing talismans, and fusing two magic tools.

Chu Chen's life became regular again, but compared with the past, he visited the Qunfang Tower less.

As long as Miss Yuedie did not leave, he would not go to the Qunfang Tower.

Of course.

There are more than just Qunfanglou in the imperial capital, such as Manchunyuan, which opened the door to a new world for Chu Chen.

But Qunfanglou is the only one, and the girls in other brothels are far inferior to Qunfanglou, which makes him not very interested and can only let it go.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

In the southern part of Dayan, Jiangzhou Prefecture and other places suffered sudden floods, affecting hundreds of counties and towns.

Emperor Chengwu issued an order to appoint Zhou Xun, the Supervisory Censor, as the Imperial Envoy to go to the disaster relief.


Zhou Xun arrived in Jiangzhou Prefecture for several months, but the disaster in Jiangzhou Prefecture and other places did not ease at all, but became more serious. Millions of people were displaced and flocked to other prefectures in Dayan.

In Jiangzhou Prefecture and other prefectures, uprisings broke out, and several rebel armies appeared.

Emperor Chengwu was furious and dismissed Zhou Xun from his positions as the Imperial Envoy and the Supervisory Censor, and ordered the Jinyiwei to take him back to the imperial capital, put him in the imperial prison, and choose a day to punish him.

Jinyiwei failed.

Zhou Xun had already surrendered to the Wusheng Sect, and the uprising army in Jiangzhou Prefecture and other places was supported by the Wusheng Sect behind the scenes.

"Wusheng Sect is doing something weird again?"

Chu Chen looked through the intelligence obtained from Jinyiwei with a strange look on his face.

Wusheng Sect, an organization dedicated to rebellion, would make small moves every time there was unrest in the Great Yan Kingdom, trying to overthrow the rule of the Great Yan Kingdom, but all ended in failure.

But this time, the momentum of Wusheng Sect was particularly huge.

The current leader of Wusheng Sect appeared directly, named Wusheng Tianwang, and led the rebels.

Within a few months, they occupied Jiangzhou Prefecture and other prefectures, and dragged millions of disaster victims.

For a while, the government and the public were shocked.

"Wusheng Tianwang?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows, and a familiar feeling came over him.

Decades ago, there was a rebel leader named Zhenbei Tianwang, who was a cholera in the Great Yan.

However, that was a puppet pushed to the front by the Wusheng Sect, a dying master forged with the Seven Injuries and Tendons Meridian, while the Wusheng Sect hid behind the scenes and manipulated everything.

Compared with the previous time, the Wusheng Sect stood in the front this time.

Its biggest reliance was the current leader of the Wusheng Sect, the Wusheng Heavenly King.

Obviously, the Wusheng Heavenly King had broken through the Xiantian realm.

With the death of the great saint monk and only one new master in the royal family of Dayan, a Xiantian master was qualified to shake the foundation of Dayan.

Emperor Chengwu convened a court meeting for this and announced that he would personally lead the army to quell the rebellion.

The court officials of Dayan were terrified and hurried to stop Emperor Chengwu, and many ministers even fought for the ground with their heads.

The son of a rich man should not sit in the hall.

As the emperor of Dayan, how could Emperor Chengwu take risks and go deep into the battlefield at will?

Emperor Chengwu could not persuade the court officials, so he had no choice but to give up his plan to lead the army in person and instead look for people willing to fight the rebels.

No one dared to respond.

Seeing that Emperor Chengwu was angry, Prime Minister Xu Dongliu recommended Duke Weiyuan Zhou Long as the commander to lead the army to resist the Wusheng Heavenly King.

"Decades ago, Duke Weiyuan resisted the Zhenbei Heavenly King and resolved the difficulties of the Great Yan Kingdom. Today, I would like to ask Duke Weiyuan to help the Great Yan Kingdom quell the rebellion again."

In the court, Prime Minister Xu bowed to Duke Weiyuan and spoke earnestly.

Duke Weiyuan refused on the grounds that he was old and weak and unable to lead the army, and was unwilling to lead the army to fight again.

The court meeting suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Fortunately, Duke Weiyuan recommended Yu Hong, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, as the commander to lead the army to fight against the Wusheng Rebels.

Emperor Chengwu agreed and sent several masters of Dongchang who had mastered the marrow refining technique, holding the royal family secret treasure, to replicate the original move of Duke Weiyuan to repel the Heavenly King Zhenbei.

"Is Emperor Chengwu crazy? Does he really think that the Heavenly King Wusheng is the same as the Heavenly King Zhenbei?"

Chu Chen's mouth twitched when he saw this.

Should he say that Emperor Chengwu is naive or stupid?

The situation of the Heavenly King Wusheng is completely different from that of the Heavenly King Zhenbei. The Heavenly King Zhenbei improved his bones with the Seven Injury Meridians. Although he finally broke through the Xiantian realm, his foundation was injured, his life span was almost gone, and his combat power also dropped sharply.

The combat power of the Heavenly King Zhenbei is probably not as good as that of a true Xiantian master, and is not much stronger than a warrior who has mastered the marrow refining technique.

Therefore, Duke Weiyuan was able to rely on several masters of Dongchang and the royal family secret treasures to resist the Heavenly King Zhenbei.

Wusheng Tianwang dared to stand directly on the stage. He might have practiced the Seven Injury Meridians, but he definitely did not hurt his foundation like Zhenbei Tianwang.

In other words, Wusheng Tianwang is a Xiantian master at the peak of his powers.

Facing a Xiantian master at the peak of his powers, he still wanted to deal with him with the same means. Isn't this funny?

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