Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 11 Chance, Breitling Zhi!

Chapter 11: Opportunity, Centennial Spirit Plant!

Black Crow Ridge.

Old Ma started digging a hole on the ground with his bare hands.

In just a moment, he dug out a large hole that was two meters deep.

His efficiency was astonishing.

Previously, even when Jiang Yuan was only at the fifth level of Body Tempering, he was able to catch Old Ma, who weighed over a thousand jin, with his strength alone when he was thrown by Thunder Battle.

Not to mention Old Ma, who was already at the sixth level of Body Tempering. His strength had long surpassed a thousand jin, and his powerful physical body was not afraid of ordinary injuries and fatigue.

After a while, Old Ma found a wooden board and picked up a piece of broken weapon debris from the ground.

"The grave of my younger brother Sun Ming, established by his brother Ma Shizhong."

As he carved, he said, "Sun Ming, you have no parents, no children, and no one to help you bury you when I take you back. As your brother, I will establish a tombstone for you here, hoping that you won't blame me!"

Gu Mo walked over and said, "Uncle Ma, let me help you!"

"No need, I want to bury these brothers myself! This is my last chance to be with them!"

Jiang Yuan sighed lightly and then came to the body of Jiang Zhenyuan.

At this time, there was still a majestic blood aura emanating from him.

His eyes were wide open, unusually bright, as if he hadn't died yet.

His clothes were torn at the chest, with a crimson palm print imprinted on it.

Judging from the power of this palm, it was estimated that his internal organs were all shattered.

It was obvious that Jiang Zhenyuan died under this palm.

Jiang Yuan squatted down and gently touched his eyelids.

"Father, rest in peace!"

As he spoke, Jiang Zhenyuan's eyes closed completely.

Jiang Yuan picked up his body and step by step, he walked to the carriage and placed him in the coffin.

Several people in the distance saw this scene and turned away one after another.

Even though they were far away and couldn't see the face of the corpse clearly.

But from this scene, they could guess that the person in the coffin was Jiang Zhenyuan, the master of Zhenyuan Escort Agency, who was famous in Lin'an County.

On the other side.

Old Ma had already erected tombstones for the lonely brothers.

He stood up and said, "Young Master, I'm done."

Jiang Yuan nodded, "Then gather the bodies of the other brothers, and when we return to the city, hand them over to their families so that they can rest in peace."

Immediately, everyone started to act.

They all put the bodies of their fallen brothers into the coffins.

Just then.

Jiang Yuan took a step forward and suddenly a prompt appeared in front of him.

【Detected the presence of an opportunity nearby, relatively close. Will you consume 23 strands of Luck power to obtain detailed information about this opportunity?】

Jiang Yuan was stunned. Luck power actually had this effect?

His heart suddenly surged with waves.

The word "opportunity" represented great significance.

So many legendary stories began with the word "opportunity".

Jiang Yuan immediately silently recited in his heart.


【Successfully consumed 23 strands of Luck power!】

In the next moment, another prompt flashed before Jiang Yuan's eyes.

【Five miles north of here, there is a valley. Next to the pool of water in the valley, there is a newly matured centennial spirit plant.】

Spirit plant?

Jiang Yuan's heart was filled with joy.

Then he came back to his senses and looked around. There were still two or three figures lingering in the distance.

So he said, "Uncle Ma, come with me to a place."


"Don't ask too much!"

Old Ma nodded repeatedly, "Yes!"

"Young Master, what about me?" Gu Mo suddenly asked.

"You stay here with the remaining brothers." Jiang Yuan looked at the figures in the distance and hinted, "I don't feel at ease without you here!"

"Yes, Young Master!"

"Uncle Ma, follow me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yuan's figure suddenly disappeared from this place and rushed towards the north.

His figure was extremely fast, flashing through the forest.

Seeing this, Old Ma quickly said, "Wait for me, Young Master!"

At the same time.

Far away.

"Should we go and take a look?" a person in black stood on a thick branch and said.

"Let's go! They are so unusual, there must be a reason!"

Just as they were about to move and follow.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two sharp sounds instantly entered their ears, the sound of cutting through the wind and waves.

The expressions of the two people changed instantly, and they stepped back.

The next moment.

The two people saw the trunk not far in front of them explode with a bang, debris flying.

The two people looked closely and found that the culprits were actually two small stones.

Those two pieces of broken stones penetrated deep into the trunk, leaving a bowl-sized hole three inches deep.

The two people instantly broke out in a cold sweat. If they hadn't retreated quickly just now...

At this moment, the bowl-sized hole would not have appeared on the trunk, but on them.

At the same time, Gu Mo's voice came from a distance, "If there is any more movement, I will kill you both!"

The two people heard this, looked at each other, and quickly turned around and retreated.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Yuan stopped on a cliff.

There were swirling clouds and mist at the bottom of the valley beneath his feet, so deep that nothing could be seen.

Thick vines spread down from the cliff, disappearing into the clouds and mist.

This should be the place!

Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

Old Ma also appeared behind him.

He took a deep breath and exhaled the stale air in his chest.

"Young master, do you want to go down to the bottom of the valley?"

"Yes! There is something I want down there!"

After speaking, Jiang Yuan glanced at the cliff beneath his feet.

Then he leaped and grabbed a thick vine.

As his arm loosened, his body suddenly slid down.

Between the loosen and the fall, Jiang Yuan's figure rapidly descended.

Old Ma quickly followed.

After a moment.

The two of them landed in the valley one after another.

There was mist and fog in the valley, and not far away was a deep ancient pool, with mist swirling on the water's surface.

Beside the ancient pool, a completely bloomed bright red spiritual plant swayed in the air.

It had seven petals, and occasionally, little red light fell between the petals.

Old Ma's eyes suddenly froze, surprised, "Is this... the legendary spiritual medicine?"


Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

Only now did Jiang Yuan completely let go of his worries.

The hints were not wrong, it was indeed an opportunity.

This spiritual plant can definitely greatly increase my strength.

Just at this moment.


A deafening roar came from his ears.

The expressions of the two people changed slightly.

Jiang Yuan looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw a giant brown bear, towering and walking upright, appearing in his sight.

It was as tall as a zhang, with a menacing aura.

Its body was covered with scratches, large and small, still oozing blood, and its flesh turned outward, indicating serious injuries.

Especially at the corner of its eye, half of its face was torn off by claws, revealing the red flesh underneath.

Obviously, this was a brown bear that had just gone through a fierce battle.

Old Ma whispered, "Young master, we can't match this beast! I'll distract it, you find a chance to pick the spiritual plant and we'll retreat."

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "No need, it is already at its last breath. I will deal with it!"

"No!" Old Ma shouted, "Young master, you lack experience and don't know the danger of fighting a trapped beast. If something happens to you, how can I explain to your late father's spirit in heaven?"

After speaking, he stomped his right foot, and his whole person rushed towards the brown bear.

However, he had only leaped half a body length when a tremendous force from behind stopped him.

This is!

He turned his head and saw Jiang Yuan's face full of smiles.

"Uncle Ma, rest assured, trust me!"

(End of this chapter)

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