Chapter 28: Defeat!

With the appearance of the bald man.

A pressure as immense as a mountain fell upon everyone's hearts.

Shock and horror filled the eyes of everyone.

Is this the limit of the ordinary?

Like a god, like a demon!

A vast aura of oppression appeared in everyone's hearts.

An unspoken question arose in their minds.

Can a person like this really be crushed by human strength?

Jiang Yuan's hand, which was about to fall, suddenly stopped.

His expression changed rapidly.

He hesitated for a moment.

Once he understood the fate of Lei Zhan, he would inevitably face the leader of the Heifeng Bandit.

He had reached the pinnacle of the mortal realm, where spirit and energy were unified, and was a powerful existence.

At this moment, he was not confident in being able to fight against such an unparalleled expert.

This spiritual pressure was too terrifying.

Moreover, at the ninth level of Body Tempering, he had reached the pinnacle of the mortal realm.

Under the highly unified will, every movement could unleash the full potential of his body.

A casual strike would have the force of tens of thousands of kilograms.

Splitting mountains and shattering rocks was a piece of cake.

This kind of existence could easily attack a city with bare hands.

Even with the current blessing of Innate Luck, he was far from reaching such strength.

Furthermore, under the overwhelming pressure of his powerful martial intent, he couldn't fully unleash his strength.

Just at this moment.

A breeze swept through everyone's hearts.

Instantly, they felt the pressure disappear, and the bald man in the air became ordinary.

Not like before, as if the Buddha had descended to the mortal world.

As if facing a high and mighty god or Buddha.

At this moment, Li Hong's voice sounded faintly in everyone's ears: "Don't panic, everything just now was an illusion! Your spiritual power is too weak to resist the invasion of his martial intent."

"Thank you, County Lord, for your help!"

A trace of shock flashed in everyone's eyes. They didn't expect Li Hong to also be a powerful person who had reached the limit of the mortal realm.

Just at this moment.


The sound of a bowstring vibrating.

In an instant, an arrow carrying a rolling wave of energy shot towards the bald man in the air.

He made his move!

Everyone's gaze froze as they watched the sky.

This was the first time in their lives that they had witnessed a battle between experts at the limit of the mortal realm.

After a few breaths.

In the sky.

The bald man saw the arrow coming from below, carrying a rolling wave of energy, and leaving a clear white line in the sky. His expression instantly changed.

Before the sound arrived, the arrow had arrived.

This was a divine archer at the ninth level of Body Tempering!

His face became extremely serious.

In mid-air, he was simply a living target.

In the next moment, he gathered his internal energy and slapped forward.


A loud explosion resounded in the sky.

A few drops of blood fell from the sky.

Under this force, the bald man's figure instantly flew backward.

"Great Bandit Leader, how dare you, a thief, enter Lin'an County? Who gave you the audacity!"

Li Hong's voice suddenly rang out.

"Li Hong, do you want to fight to the death with me?"

"To fight to the death with me? Do you even qualify?"

As soon as his voice fell, he waved his hand.

The black-clothed man beside him drew his bow and pulled the string again.


Another arrow shot out.

At the same time, Li Hong's voice sounded: "This is the territory of my Luori Sect. You are just a discarded disciple of the Rotten Branch Temple. How dare you speak here!"

"Do you not know how to write the word 'death'?"

As soon as these words were spoken,

The bald man's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Li Hong turned out to be a member of the Sunset Sect!

The Sunset Sect actually sent disciples here to serve as the county lord!

And he even knows my identity, this is not good!

As thoughts raced through his mind,

He slapped his palm forward, instantly breaking the flying arrows into pieces.

Taking advantage of this force, his figure quickly retreated towards the outskirts of the city.

After a few breaths, arrows shot from below, heading straight for his facade.

At the same time,

In the Zhenyuan Escort Agency,

"Spare me--"

Lei Zhan's eyes were filled with a desire to live.

"Spare your life? Who will spare the lives of those who died in the Escort Agency?"

Thinking of their family members receiving the bodies of their husbands and sons at the Escort Agency, scenes of heart-wrenching crying,

Jiang Yuan's heart was filled with anger.

Her five fingers suddenly fell, and her palm heavily landed on Lei Zhan's forehead.

In an instant, his eyes became lifeless.

His body fell softly to the ground, motionless.

Jiang Yuan said, "Thank you, County Lord, for your help!"

Li Hong waved his hand and laughed heartily, "No need to be so formal. Perhaps soon you will have to call me senior brother. Moreover, with just a disciple who was expelled from the outer sect of a small temple, daring to act so arrogantly here, if I let him run rampant here, it would be a disgrace to our sect."

At this moment, Li Hong was extremely pleased.

After personally witnessing Jiang Yuan's strength, his confidence in Jiang Yuan passing the sect's assessment greatly increased.

Once Jiang Yuan passed the assessment, she would soar to great heights and become an inner disciple of the Sunset Sect.

In the future, she would definitely become an extraordinary person in the eyes of others, with a greatly increased lifespan.

No need to struggle like him to enjoy the sect's resources.

In order to break through the boundaries of the mundane, he had served as the county lord in a small county for more than a decade.

For the sake of material wealth, he had to bear the label of greed.

And because this place was under the jurisdiction of the sect,

He couldn't act recklessly as the county lord here.

There was also the regular assessment every three years, where he had to ensure the well-being of the people here.

Various constraints made him waste more than a decade of his life.

Fortunately, he had discovered a talented individual within his jurisdiction.

If he successfully unearthed a talented individual and brought them into the sect, the rewards would be incredibly generous.

It was completely worth the hard work he had put in for more than a decade.

At this moment,

The hearts of the people around were filled with waves of shock.

The Sunset Sect, the Rotten Ke Temple.

These were sects they had heard of today.

Especially when they heard that Lin'an County belonged to the Sunset Sect's jurisdiction, they were even more shocked.

Because according to the county records, Lin'an County belonged to the Dali Prefecture, and the Dali Prefecture belonged to the Qianyuan Kingdom.

But just now, they learned from Li Hong's mouth that Lin'an County was already under the jurisdiction of the Sunset Sect.

Even the county lord of a county was sent by their sect's disciples.

This news completely shattered their understanding.

Could this be the power of a powerful immortal sect?

As for Jiang Yuan's performance today, they had long forgotten about it.

On the other side,

The bald man fell to the ground as he landed.

As soon as he landed,

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What a terrifying archer! If it weren't for my injuries healing, I would have fallen in Lin'an County today! I didn't expect that Lin'an County would actually have disciples from the Sunset Sect stationed here."

He muttered to himself in a low voice, a hint of fear appearing in his eyes.

Having been in the Rotten Ke Temple before, he was well aware of the terror of these sects.

If he were to oppose such a sect, he would definitely have no place to be buried.

The county lord Li Hong, as a disciple of the Sunset Sect, must have reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm, and his strength would not be weaker than his.

Thinking of this, he knew he had to leave today.

As for his second brother's life, trapped in Lin'an County,

With Li Hong's intervention, there was no chance of survival.

"Second brother, rest assured! I will make the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency accompany you in death!"

(End of this chapter)

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