Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 330 Harvest Luck Seeds, Law Manifestation Realm Eight Layers, Promise With Your Body? (Two I

Chapter 330: Harvesting Luck Seeds, Manifestation of the Law at the Eighth Realm, Offering Oneself?

After a moment.

The crowd slowly descended from the warship.

Jiang Yuan and Zhou Wei were in the front, with Zhou Wei half a step behind.

The others were several positions behind, and Shu Xiaoxiao followed closely beside Jiang Yuan.

An old man with a radiant appearance stepped forward quickly.

"I am Zhou Ling, I have seen Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

Then he continued, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, please follow me. The resources from the imperial treasury and the resources for annihilating the major sects have all been prepared for you!"

Upon hearing Zhou Ling's words, Jiang Yuan looked at him with a surprised expression.

Zhou's ancestor actually cooperated like this?

Could there be a trick?

Jiang Yuan's heart suddenly tightened, and he secretly became wary.

Zhou Ling smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, please!"

Jiang Yuan also nodded, "Please!"

As the saying goes, don't bite the hand that feeds you. Since Zhou Ling, the old ancestor, was cooperating like this, Jiang Yuan couldn't act as Zhou Wei suggested and make a move here to intimidate them.

He walked alongside Zhou Ling, his divine sense spreading out, repeatedly investigating the surroundings, not daring to be careless.

On the other side.

Zhou Tuo looked at Jiang Yuan with a complex expression.

A few years ago, he and his uncle Zhou Xiong ascended to the Tai Xuan Sect, wanting to sweep through the younger generation of the Tai Xuan Sect and make some contributions to the imperial Luck, but he was defeated by Jiang Yuan.

At that time, he could still fight Jiang Yuan!

Now, almost three years had passed.

He was still unknown, only at the Spirit Sea Realm, not even qualified to be on the Heavenly Rankings.

But Jiang Yuan was already on par with the old ancestors, and even ranked among the top hundred of the younger generation.

What a difference!

As he watched the two of them gradually move away, his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Zhou Xiong seemed to perceive his inner thoughts and patted his shoulder.

"Don't take him as your target to chase after!"

"Based on his performance two days ago, if it's really as the Divine Might King said, his talent is enough to rank in the top twenty of the current generation, or even the top ten!"

"He is not someone from our world!"

Zhou Tuo nodded, "Uncle, I know! It's just that seeing the person who competed with me three years ago, now I can only look up to him, and my mood can't calm down all of a sudden!"

Upon hearing his nephew's words, Zhou Xiong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He was once like this too!

Back then, he led Zhou Tuo to ascend to the Tai Xuan Sect, how mighty he was.

Jiang Yuan was just standing there like a lackey!

But now, the roles had reversed, and he could only look at Jiang Yuan like a lackey in the crowd!

He didn't even have the qualification to greet Jiang Yuan!

Jiang Yuan didn't even notice him at all!

What a tragedy!

Jiang Yuan walked in front with Zhou Ling, followed by the crowd.

After his divine sense swept over the area several times, Jiang Yuan felt somewhat surprised.

This Zhou ancestor seemed to really have no other intentions!

His divine sense could now cover the entire imperial city.

Under the coverage of his divine sense, he found no abnormalities!

No mysteries at all!

Jiang Yuan immediately spoke up, "Fellow Daoist Zhou Ling, do you really trust the message given to you by the Divine King?"

Zhou Ling smiled, "I didn't trust it at first, but when I heard that Fellow Daoist has now ranked on the Supreme List as a descendant of the Yunxiao City, I knew that what the Divine King said is mostly true!"

"In this case, whether Zhou Yao has the bloodline of the Yao Clan is not important!"

Hearing Zhou Ling's calm words, Jiang Yuan knew that this Zhou ancestor was extraordinary.

Jiang Yuan continued, "Fellow Daoist Zhou Ling, what do you think of Zhou Ying succeeding to the position of the King?"

"I unconditionally support Fellow Daoist's decision! As for the Zhou Clan, I believe no one will oppose my opinion!"

Zhou Ling said confidently.

The Divine King beside them heard these words and seemed to see this ancestor of his family in a new light.

In his heart, Zhou Ling had never had a strong presence.

He had been in seclusion for many years, only hearing his name but never seeing him.

His authority within the Zhou Clan was not significant because he was too mysterious and rarely showed himself.

But this time, he found that things were completely different.

Those people he thought would cause trouble were unusually silent today.

There were not as many conflicts as he had expected.

Even when Zhou Ling said that he unconditionally supports Zhou Ying succeeding to the position of the King, no one spoke up to refute him!

In his eyes, this was simply unbelievable!

Even his older brother, who ranked higher than him, did not speak and silently followed behind Jiang Yuan and Zhou Ling!

He understood why they behaved like this.

Most likely, it was because of this ancestor of his.

Jiang Yuan heard Zhou Ling's words and looked at him in surprise.

Then he continued, "Will the Zhou Clan have any objections to handing over the wealth and resources accumulated over the years?"

"No objections!" Zhou Ling shook his head and spoke sincerely.

"I understand what this step represents for Fellow Daoist at your age!"

"I also have high hopes for Fellow Daoist's future!"

"I am willing to give up these accumulated wealth and resources in exchange for a favor from Fellow Daoist for the Zhou Clan in the future!"

"If Fellow Daoist can achieve the path of a saint in the future, then the Zhou Clan will undoubtedly benefit greatly!"

"I believe that Fellow Daoist can reach this step in the future, and I am willing to take a gamble!"

Hearing Zhou Ling's open and sincere words, Jiang Yuan was even more amazed!

This person is cunning and should not be underestimated!

By speaking so honestly about his calculations, he easily gains the favor of others.

Jiang Yuan deeply understood his own thoughts.

No matter how the Zhou Clan tries to make things difficult, he is determined to obtain these wealth and resources.

If there is a conflict, he is confident that he will not lose out here.

Naturally, it will be the Zhou Clan that suffers.

So, for the current Zhou Clan, Zhou Ling's approach is the most normal behavior.

But how could others know about his thoughts and confidence?

Zhou Ling has formulated a plan that is most beneficial to the Zhou Clan based on some rumors from the outside world.

It is enough to show how meticulous his thinking is!

And he can also make the entire Zhou Clan have no objections, which represents his control.

This is quite different from what he had imagined.

Originally, he thought that the Zhou Clan might not obediently accept it, after all, those wealth and resources belong to them.

Especially after the destruction of the Immortal Alliance, they had amassed a huge fortune that they hadn't even had time to enjoy, and now they had to hand it over. How could they be willing to do so?

Furthermore, they might not be willing to let Zhou Ying ascend to the position of the King of Humanity. After all, there had never been a female emperor in the history of the Qianyuan Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the choice of the Zhou royal family was completely different from what he had in mind, which was quite wise!

But this is good!

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly in his heart.

This would save him a lot of trouble!

Their goal was only the material wealth of the Qianyuan royal family and the Luck Seeds that Zhou Ying would provide to him. Along the way, Zhou Ling happily introduced all of this to Jiang Yuan.

Seeing the slightly relieved expression on Jiang Yuan's face, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Jiang Yuan was on guard just now, he also sensed something.

He suddenly felt a little nervous!

Because if what Zhou Wei said was true, Jiang Yuan had such strength. Once Jiang Yuan clashed with them, there would definitely be bloodshed.

The Zhou royal family had no way to deal with someone of Jiang Yuan's strength.

Now that he felt the subtle change in Jiang Yuan's expression, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

With someone like him, they could only be friends, not enemies!

Once they became enemies, if they couldn't kill him immediately, they would surely invite disaster in the future.

He knew this very well!

Jiang Yuan had already grown up, and for the sake of the continuation of the Zhou royal family, they must not provoke him if they could avoid it.

Moreover, as someone who had made it onto the Supreme Ranking and had the protection of the Luck on the Supreme Ranking, it would be extremely difficult to kill him.

This point had been verified countless times in the long history.

This kind of Luck protection only failed when facing someone on the ranking or when facing a young genius of the same generation.

So he had no intention of being enemies with Jiang Yuan at all.

After a moment.

Zhou Ling brought Jiang Yuan to the front of the treasure vault.

Zhou Ling waved his hand.

The few people guarding this place instantly began to destroy the exposed formation nodes. In just two breaths, the once profound formation was destructively destroyed.

In Jiang Yuan's eyes, it was already irreparably damaged.

Then, Zhou Ling came to the front of the treasure vault and directly made consecutive moves.

Without the protection of the formation, the doors of the treasure vault were instantly torn apart and destroyed.

With a loud bang, a cloud of dust rose.

The two heavy doors of the treasure vault collapsed to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

Zhou Ling raised his hand to signal.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Zhou Ling in surprise.

Zhou Ling repeatedly refreshed his understanding.

How could he not understand that Zhou Ling's actions were to put his mind at ease?

Because the treasure vault was one of the most important places for any major power.

Such places were often extremely sturdy, filled with large formations, and had narrow terrain, making them excellent ambush locations.

By destructively destroying the formation nodes and blasting open the doors of the treasure vault, Zhou Ling was showing his sincerity and allowing Jiang Yuan to completely relax.

At this moment, because the doors of the treasure vault had collapsed, all the formation patterns had been destroyed, and Jiang Yuan's divine sense could clearly sense everything inside.

There were neatly arranged various types of resources, filled with various dazzling and mysterious lights.

Jiang Yuan nodded and walked into the treasure vault, followed closely by Shu Xiaoxiao.

Zhou Ling turned around and glanced at Zhou Wei, saying, "Take Zhou Yao to the altar. I have already given the order, and all the members of the Zhou royal family will arrive at the altar later."

"At three quarters past noon, when you activate the ancient divine weapon, the Demon-Reflecting Mirror, and reflect Zhou Yao's bloodline!"

Zhou Wei cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Ancestor!"

He then turned and left, following Zhou Ling's instructions.

After all, Zhou Yao was the former king of Qianyuan Kingdom. He couldn't be dismissed without explanation. The Zhou clan members needed an explanation.

Therefore, Zhou Yao's demonic bloodline had to be verified. Only then would the Zhou clan members be convinced.

This was crucial for the cohesion of the Zhou clan.

Zhou Ling quickly entered as well.

"Fellow Daoist, since receiving the notice, no one has opened this treasure vault until today!"

"I can swear on my inner demon with this statement!"

Jiang Yuan had roughly scanned everything in the treasure vault by now and had a general understanding of their value.

Their value was approximately between thirty to forty thousand high-grade spirit stones.

This amount was slightly larger than what he had previously guessed.

After all, all the resources of the Luori Sect, when scraped to the bone, were only worth about five hundred high-grade spirit stones.

This showed how substantial a sum of thirty to forty thousand high-grade spirit stones was.

This also indicated that Zhou Ling did indeed have sincerity and was not being deceitful.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left behind such a large fortune.

With these resources, it was enough to show the wealth and resources accumulated by the Qianyuan royal family over the years, as well as the resources obtained from annihilating the Immortal Dao Alliance, were mostly here.

Jiang Yuan was very satisfied with this gain.

With this gain, he could smoothly break through to the Four Extremities Realm.

Then, Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "No need! I have a plan in mind!"

Then, Jiang Yuan turned to Shu Xiaoxiao behind him and said, "Xiaoxiao, you take care of these resources and separately pack the precious materials and treasures for me!"

"And also separate the manuals!"

"Yes, Young Master!" Shu Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly.

Then she began to work, collecting all these resources into her bag.

Jiang Yuan and Zhou Ling walked out of the treasure vault.

"Zhou Ling, I want Zhou Ying to succeed as the current king of Qianyuan Kingdom within three days. Can you cooperate?"

Zhou Ling nodded repeatedly and said, "No problem! It doesn't need three days. Tomorrow will do. Tomorrow is a good day!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan nodded in satisfaction. "Alright, tomorrow it is!"

Zhou Ling spoke again, "At three quarters past noon, when we judge Zhou Yao, Fellow Daoist should go and watch!"

"No need!" Jiang Yuan shook his head. "You can handle it yourselves! I will rest for a while. Prepare a courtyard for me!"

"Alright!" Zhou Ling nodded.

Then he immediately sent out orders to arrange this matter.

After half a stick of incense, Shu Xiaoxiao walked out of the treasure vault.

"Young Master, everything has been collected! I estimated that it is between thirty-five thousand and thirty-eight thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

"These are the collected precious materials and treasures!"

Shu Xiaoxiao took out a Qiankun bag and handed it separately to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan took it, nodded slightly, and then said to Zhou Ling, "Thank you, Zhou Ling, for your generous gift!"

Zhou Ling smiled, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Then his eyes lit up because Zhou Ying had already arrived in front of the two.

"Zhou Ying, take Mr. Jiang to the Hua Feng Palace!"

"Yes, Ancestor!" Zhou Ying respectfully said.

Then, facing Jiang Yuan, he said, "Master Jiang, please follow me! The place where you will temporarily reside is Hua Feng Palace!"

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and followed him.

Along the way, Zhou Ying occasionally stole glances at Jiang Yuan, with a look of wanting to say something but holding back.

Until after several times, Jiang Yuan said, "Princess Zhou Ying, you might as well speak your mind!"

Zhou Ying bit her lip and glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao beside her.

Then she spoke, "Master Jiang has helped me so much. I wonder if you have taken a liking to me. If you have, I am willing to..."

Jiang Yuan quickly stopped her from continuing, saying, "Stop! I have no such intention. Don't misunderstand!"

"I don't believe you!" Zhou Ying bit her lip and said, "Then why did you help me? According to the order of succession, the position of the King should not have fallen to me!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I let you succeed the position of the King for another reason. You don't need to know!"

As they spoke, the three of them had already arrived in front of Hua Feng Palace.

Jiang Yuan glanced at the three characters above his head.

Then he said to Zhou Ying, "Hurry back and prepare. Tomorrow is the auspicious day for you to succeed the position of the King!"

"Master Jiang, are you really not interested in me?" Zhou Ying asked.

"I have no such thoughts!" Jiang Yuan shook his head, and then to dispel her thoughts, he said, "Look at the maid by my side, how does she look? Don't you understand?"

Upon hearing these words, Zhou Ying's teeth trembled slightly, and blood began to flow from her bitten lip.

"I understand!" she said with a somewhat downcast expression, then turned and walked into the nearby palace.

Jiang Yuan glanced at it, Hua Yun Palace.

Then he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

No wonder Zhou Ling arranged his residence here.

How could Jiang Yuan not understand their intentions?

Just as Zhou Ying said.

In the eyes of ordinary people, if he didn't have any interest in Zhou Ying, why would he specifically designate her as the next King of Qianyuan?

They were not related by blood or kinship.

The only possibility was that he was attracted to Zhou Ying's beauty and wanted to possess her.

If one were to deduce based on common sense, their thoughts would naturally be correct.

But how could they know what he was seeking?

Making Zhou Ying the next King of Qianyuan was just to obtain a Luck Seed!

Jiang Yuan then entered Hua Feng Palace with Shu Xiaoxiao.

"Master, what did you mean by that just now?" Shu Xiaoxiao closed the door and hesitantly asked.

"Chirp chirp--"

"Fool! It definitely means that my master thinks you're beautiful! You're a hundred times more beautiful than that Zhou Ying!" Huo Jiujiu stood on Jiang Yuan's shoulder with her hands on her hips.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

He lightly tapped Huo Jiujiu's head on his shoulder.

"Chirp chirp--"

"Ouch, that hurts!"

"Master, is that true?" Shu Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Yuan with joy in her eyes.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuan nodded and said frankly, "You are naturally a hundred times more beautiful than her. I'm used to your appearance, how could I have any thoughts about her?"

Upon hearing Jiang Yuan's words, Shu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile, unable to suppress the smile at the corners of her mouth.

She quickly lowered her head, afraid to let Jiang Yuan see her like this.

Originally, she wanted to ask the same question as Zhou Ying.

But as the words reached her lips, she suddenly became too scared to ask.

She stole another glance at Jiang Yuan and saw the smile on his face.

In his heart, he secretly thought, this is good, I can follow the young master in a suitable identity all the time.

Thinking of this, she was also satisfied!

"Young master, I will go and tidy up your bed for you!"

"No need!" Jiang Yuan shook his head and glanced at his own panel.

Then he continued, "There's no need to rest, I'm going to prepare for a breakthrough!"

"Then what do you need me to do, young master?"

Jiang Yuan took out a Qiankun bag, inside of which were half of the heavenly treasures and earthly treasures he had obtained.

These heavenly treasures and earthly treasures were relatively ordinary for his current cultivation level.

These consumables that had great use were basically not left behind.

After all, Zhou Yao had launched a plan to sweep the country before, so how could he not go all out?

The heavenly treasures and earthly treasures that could increase his strength were basically used up.

Only a few hundred-year-old heavenly treasures and earthly treasures were left, which could enhance his cultivation and mana.

"You can also use these things to cultivate! After Zhou Ying takes over as the king tomorrow, we will leave this place."

"Okay, young master!"

Shu Xiaoxiao obediently nodded.

Jiang Yuan sat cross-legged in a courtyard.

Compared to a quiet room, he preferred to cultivate in the courtyard.

He then opened his panel and took a look.

[Realm]: Law Manifestation Realm, Seventh Stage (96%)

Only four percent progress left.

It should be enough!

He secretly thought, then directly took out those heavenly treasures and earthly treasures from the Qiankun bag and stuffed them into his mouth.

His body quickly absorbed and transformed these heavenly treasures and earthly treasures, turning them into his cultivation and mana.

So fast!

Feeling the speed of the conversion in his body, Jiang Yuan was secretly surprised.

These heavenly treasures and earthly treasures entered his stomach and were quickly absorbed by his devouring divine body, then transformed into his cultivation and mana in less than a breath's time.

The process in between was almost negligible.

Feeling this efficiency, how could Jiang Yuan not be pleased?

With this Innate Luck, wealth and spirit stones were equivalent to his cultivation and mana.

As long as he earned enough wealth and spirit stones in the future, he could quickly enhance his cultivation and mana.

This rapid conversion equation undoubtedly saved him a lot of time on his cultivation path in the future.

His growth speed would be much faster.

Jiang Yuan then continued to devour the heavenly treasures and earthly treasures in the Qiankun bag.

Watching the progress on his panel increase continuously.

From the original 96 percent, it quickly became 97 percent progress.

After a while, it changed from 97 percent to 98 percent.

Then 99 percent, and finally reached 100 percent.

Feeling the maximum level of his cultivation and mana in his body, Jiang Yuan's face revealed a smile.

Finally, he can break through!

He then narrowed his eyes and focused his mind on his spiritual platform.

He saw the starry sky above the spiritual platform.

The Taiyin Star and the Taiyang Star were suspended above his Primordial Spirit.

At this moment, the size of his Primordial Spirit in his spiritual platform was slightly taller than his external body.

In front of this size, the Primordial Spirit was lifelike, and every contour of the face was unique.

Around the Taiyin Star and the Taiyang Star were the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise, four Innate creatures guarding the four directions.

A total of one hundred and forty stars fill the gaps in the three levels of the celestial realm.

The combined force of three hundred and sixty stars emits invisible fluctuations.

With this celestial map, he only needs to condense the final five stars to achieve complete perfection.

A total of three hundred and sixty-five stars.

He is not in a hurry about this.

Completing the celestial map is not something to be done now.

He then had a thought.

The celestial map above his head is reflected on the small world within his body.

This space instantly becomes extremely solid, and the Spirit Sea becomes calm.


He shouts loudly.


The world resonates continuously.

The Spirit Sea surges, suddenly creating waves that are tens or hundreds of zhang high.

The world barrier continues to expand, and the Spirit Sea expands along with it.

Starting from the original one thousand eight hundred and ten zhang, it expands to one thousand nine hundred zhang, two thousand zhang, two thousand one hundred zhang...

Under his current stimulation, the expansion of the Spirit Sea is extremely rapid.

In just the time it takes to brew a cup of tea, the size of the Spirit Sea has completed its expansion and stops at two thousand four hundred and eighty zhang.

After reaching this size, the expansion of the world barrier and the expansion of the Spirit Sea completely stop.

Jiang Yuan quietly feels the changes within his body, then reveals a hint of joy.

His mana has doubled.

His strength has also improved significantly.

With the completion of his breakthrough, his life level has undergone subtle improvements, and his entire body is undergoing rapid transformation.

His physical body, blood, and Primordial Spirit are all undergoing rapid transformation from the inside out.

This transformation is extremely intense, and every moment allows his strength to grow rapidly.

Jiang Yuan no longer wastes time and directly begins to condense the last five stars in the celestial map.

The last five stars are the five planets of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

As he condenses them, he slowly outlines the first gold star in the five planets.

Then, the aura of Geng Metal continuously enters into this outline, using the aura of Geng Metal to outline the gold star.

Time passes quickly.

One day later.


The Lingtai resonates, and a star emitting a blazing white light is completely condensed by him, transforming from virtual to real, and integrating into the celestial map.

In an instant, the celestial map changes from three hundred and sixty stars to three hundred and sixty-one stars.

Only the last four stars need to be condensed and lit up for it to be complete.

And he can also attempt to break through to the ninth level of the Law Manifestation realm.

Feeling the changes in the Lingtai, he nods slightly in his heart.

It only takes a day and night to complete the condensation of the gold star.

Such efficiency is greatly beyond his expectations.

In other words, it will only take four days.

He can condense the remaining four stars.

The diagram of the celestial stars in the sky has also become complete.

Luck power +10.

Jiang Yuan absorbed the 10 strands of Luck energy that were born on him today into the panel.

Then he opened his panel and took a look.

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Law Manifestation Realm Eighth Layer (0%)

[Primordial Spirit]: 88.9

[Physical Body]: Second Secret Realm

[Cultivation Techniques]: True Dragon Art (Minor Completion), Primordial Spirit Dao Sword (First Layer), Immortal Body of Ten Thousand Calamities (Second Layer), Sacred Bone Tempering Technique (Divine Bone Initial Stage), Devouring Heaven Technique (Great Completion)

[Innate Luck]: Divine Blood Golden Body (Gold), Devouring Divine Body (Gold), Divine Elephant True Body (Gold), Ancient Dual Pupils (Gold), Primordial Spirit Dao Embryo (Gold), Five-Colored Divine Light (Gold), Luck Protection (Blue)

[Luck Power]: 3111 strands

[Luck Seeds]: None

[Heavenly Destiny Opportunity]: Can be triggered

After the breakthrough and transformation.

The Primordial Spirit has also made great progress.

Then Jiang Yuan felt the changes in his body.

The particles in his cells, with the breakthrough of his realm, have awakened many.

This means that his Divine Elephant True Body is one step closer to completion.

His physical body has also become stronger!

And now he is one step closer to the Law Manifestation Realm Ninth Layer.

Now, as long as he exchanges this batch of resources in his hands for cultivation resources, relying on his special physique, he can quickly improve his mana cultivation.

At most, within ten days, he is confident in breaking through to the Law Manifestation Realm Ninth Layer.

This includes the time to condense the diagram of the celestial stars and the time spent on the road.

He wants to sell all the resources in the Qianyuan Imperial Treasury and exchange them for his cultivation resources.

He can only do this in the top cities of the Eastern Region.

In other words, he must go to Tianhe City.

Jiang Yuan immediately took out Zhou Wei's communication jade talisman and received the message he sent.

He immediately learned about what happened from yesterday to today.

These few days have undoubtedly been a huge change for the Qianyuan Imperial Family.

Zhou Yao, the Human King, was defeated and captured by Jiang Yuan, and years of planning came to nothing.

Then it was revealed that Zhou Yao had the bloodline of the East Sea Monster Clan.

Then it was announced that Jiang Yuan designated Zhou Ying as the next Human King of Qianyuan Kingdom.

At the same time, the Ancestor appeared, revealing the aura of the Law Manifestation Realm Ninth Layer, and everyone became extremely obedient.

Under the guidance of the Ancestor, everything in the Imperial Treasury now belongs to Jiang Yuan.

Then, at noon yesterday, when Zhou Wei used the ancient divine weapon, the Demon-Slaying Mirror.

It completely confirmed that Zhou Yao had the bloodline of the Monster Clan, so there was no objection to the removal of his position as the Human King.

And today, Zhou Ying will succeed to the position of Human King.

Jiang Yuan also learned about this from the information sent by Zhou Wei.

It is now in the morning, and the sun is still in the eastern half.

Zhou Ying is about to succeed to the position of Human King.

"There is nothing else to do, it's time to go and take a look!"

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself.

The moment Zhou Ying succeeds to the position of Human King should be the time to harvest the Luck Seeds!

He thought to himself, and then instantly left this place.

(End of this chapter)

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