Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 351 The Lord Of The Upper Realm, The Reincarnation Of The Heavenly Emperor? (Monthly Ticket

Chapter 351: The Ruler of the Upper Realm, Reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor? (99 additional chapters with monthly tickets)

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm, Fourth Layer (5.93%)

I glanced at my own panel.

Jiang Yuan then closed it.

A full twenty-four hours.

One day and one night.

By devouring the surrounding spirit stones with all his might, his cultivation directly increased by nearly six percent.

This was completely within his expectations.

After all, as one's cultivation realm advances, the resources consumed naturally increase as well.

Now, with the chaotic qi within him, he was temporarily unable to condense the 9,999 strands.

So, he could only first make his cultivation realm reach its peak.

After all, once he left this place, it would be impossible to find unowned spirit stone veins.

Any spirit stone vein in the outside world has an owner.

Naturally, he had to cherish this opportunity in this place.

Jiang Yuan roughly estimated in his mind just now.

By devouring for a day in this place, it was equivalent to the value of three to four thousand top-grade spirit stones.

It was about the same as two top-grade spiritual treasures. How could such a huge gain be missed?

Then, he continued to close his eyes and crazily devour all the surrounding spirit stones.

Under the effect of his powerful devouring force, countless spirit stones hidden deep in the rock layers dimmed one after another.

Then, with a "crack" sound, they exploded into powder.

Shu Xiaoxiao did the same, using her transportation immortal technique to devour all the surrounding spirit stones in conjunction with her own physique.

Huang Jiujiu could only use a clumsy method, treating the spirit stones as snacks and eating them.

Then, they were quickly digested within her body.

It was also because of this that even though she was a newly reborn body after the Nirvana of the top heavenly genius in the Upper Realm, in terms of cultivation speed, she was far behind Shu Xiaoxiao and even further behind Jiang Yuan.

Currently, she was only at the Ninth Layer of the Form Transformation Realm.

It was equivalent to the Ninth Layer of the Divine Bridge Realm.

Time continued to pass.

Every day, Jiang Yuan would briefly stop devouring spirit stones, open his eyes, and harvest the Luck power gathered on himself, Shu Xiaoxiao, and Huang Jiujiu.

Then, he casually poured water on an advanced Luck seed.

In the blink of an eye, another five days had passed.

Jiang Yuan stopped devouring the divine body.

Because this medium-sized spirit stone vein had been completely devoured by him.

Compared to the previous spirit stone vein, the duration supported by this one was even shorter.

As his cultivation realm breakthrough increased, the speed of devouring and absorbing spirit stones also greatly increased.

Naturally, this spirit stone vein would be devoured even faster by him.

He then slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the faint golden aura on the bodies of the woman and the phoenix in the distance.

With a slight thought.

Luck power +10.

Luck power +10.

Luck power +10.

Then, he casually opened his own panel and poured water on an advanced Luck seed.

Therefore, he instantly consumed twenty strands of Luck power.

Then he looked at his own panel.

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm Quadruple (35.33%)

Not bad, it seems that absorbing two medium-sized spirit stone veins will be enough to reach one hundred percent progress.

But according to the information I obtained, even though I have swallowed two medium-sized spirit stone veins, there are still five medium-sized or larger spirit stone veins in this area.

As for the small-sized spirit stone veins, there are more than twenty.

It's a bit of a pity that due to the progress of the Dao Palace's cultivation, I cannot devour all of these spirit stone veins.

At this moment, Shu Xiaoxiao also opened her eyes.

"Young Master!"

Her tone was gentle.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Let's go, it's time to go to the next place!"


Shu Xiaoxiao nodded.

After a while.

Under Jiang Yuan's praise, Huang Jiujiu immediately happily carried Jiang Yuan and Shu Xiaoxiao towards another spirit stone vein recorded on the map.

Jiang Yuan also sat on her back, condensing the chaotic qi during the journey.

When the first strand of chaotic qi was reversed and successfully condensed by him, Jiang Yuan's brows slightly relaxed.

Indeed, it was a bit faster.

Shu Xiaoxiao also contemplated the condensation of her Primordial Spirit Law Manifestation beside him.

Time continued to pass.

Every day, Jiang Yuan would harvest the Luck power born from the two of them and Huang Jiujiu, while watering the advanced Luck seeds.

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed.

Jiang Yuan and Huang Jiujiu appeared again in a new medium-sized spirit stone vein.

[Dao Palace]: Eastern Azure Dragon Dao Palace (963/9999), Southern Vermilion Bird Dao Palace (0/9999), Western White Tiger Dao Palace (0/9999), Northern Xuanwu Dao Palace (0/9999)

Jiang Yuan sat cross-legged in the newly opened mine tunnel.

Looking at the progress of the Dao Palace's cultivation on his panel, he couldn't help but sigh.

It's still too slow.

Less than ten percent progress, and there are less than eight months left until the Covenant Battle.

If I want to make enough breakthroughs, I have to find a way to obtain Chaos Stones!

In that case, I can only rely on the ladder left by the Saint of the Heavenly Immortal Realm and the rewards of the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

The key now is still the growth of my cultivation!

Jiang Yuan closed his eyes and began to devour the surrounding spirit stones frantically.

Under his powerful devouring, the spirit stones here shattered one after another, turning into nourishment for his cultivation improvement.

Mount Shenxiao.

"Amazing! Elder Feng has actually reached the eighty-first level. It seems that he has a chance to break the record!"

"Yes! He walks leisurely, showing the demeanor of an elder!"

"That's right! He is a peerless genius listed on the Supreme Ranking. It's so easy for him to climb the eighty-first level!"

"By the way, have any of you seen Jiang Yuan? It's been over a month, and he hasn't shown up here!"

"I haven't seen him either. I find it quite strange. With his cultivation, even if he appears at the edge of this Grotto-Heaven, he should have arrived by now!"

"It is indeed strange. Could it be that he regrets agreeing to Elder Feng's challenge? Intentionally not coming?"

"Don't say that, it's really possible!" The person nodded and analyzed carefully, "Even if he is strong, at most he has just entered the Four Poles Realm. How could he be Elder Feng's opponent!"

"Moreover, if they were to fight, Jiang Yuan represents the face of the Holy Academy. If he loses, it's not just a loss of face for himself, but also for the Holy Academy he belongs to!"

"You know, Elder Feng is a venerable who has opened the four major Dao Palaces. Once the four major Dao Palaces are unleashed, the earth, wind, water, and fire will be unstoppable. Those who are not in the same realm cannot be his enemy!"

Upon hearing these words, some people nodded in agreement.

"It makes sense! But if they're not willing to fight, why did they agree on the surface?"

The person smiled and said, "It's simple! Agreeing to fight is a show of not fearing Feng Yu's challenge, it's about saving face."

"Not coming here is also about saving face! If there's no battle, there won't be a defeat!"

The person nodded slightly.

"That makes sense, but Jiang Yuan is ranked 99th on the Supreme Ranking, while Feng Yu is ranked 56th. The battle between the two is inherently unfair!"

"It's normal for Jiang Yuan not to come!"

"Moreover, compared to Feng Yu, I have more confidence in Jiang Yuan's future."

"That goes without saying!" The person said confidently, "With Jiang Yuan's cultivation speed, he is enough to be ranked in the top twenty of the world, even the top ten, or even higher!"

"Feng Yu may have a divine body, but that's already an outdated physique. If he were born in ancient times, he might be highly regarded, but now it's just like this!"

On the other side,

Feng Yu climbed up the 81st step and stopped there.

Listening to the discussions and praises from below, he felt delighted.

But when he heard the last words, his face immediately turned dark.

He felt very unhappy.

Although he didn't want to admit it,

he also knew that their words were not wrong.

At this age, Jiang Yuan has reached this level, regardless of other factors.

Just based on his cultivation speed, he is bound to become a leading figure among the younger generation and has a much higher probability of achieving the Dao Fruit of a Saint than himself.

He then glanced at the remaining nineteen steps.

He put the selected rewards into his bag, then descended gracefully.

"Congratulations, Senior Feng, for passing the second test of the Divine Heaven Saint."

Chu Pan congratulated him with a cupped fist.

Feng Yu smiled and said, "Passing the second test is nothing. Throughout history, at least a hundred people have reached this step."

Chu Pan praised, "That also means Senior is one of the top hundred!"

Feng Yu smiled and said, "That's true!"

Then he shook his head, "But unfortunately, I can only climb to around the ninetieth step at most. The hundredth step is too difficult! I really don't know who can achieve that!"

Chu Pan sighed, "Senior is already very powerful! The highest record in history is only reaching the ninety-first step, and even then, they couldn't stand firm and were struck down from the ladder!"

"The difficulty is simply abnormal. Who can climb the hundredth step?"

Feng Yu smiled without commenting.

Then, Chu Pan asked, "Since Senior has already climbed to the eighty-first step, are you planning to leave?"

Feng Yu shook his head slightly, "Not in a hurry! I plan to continue comprehending the rules of thunder and break a record. And also wait for Jiang Yuan's arrival, he shouldn't be afraid of a battle!"

On the other side,

Cultivation is dull and boring.

But Jiang Yuan feels extremely satisfied every day as he watches the progress of his cultivation on his panel.

Cultivation is a path of transcendence and sublimation.

With such a miraculous panel, he naturally wants to see the scenery at the end of the road.

As he devoured and assimilated, this spiritual stone vein gradually depleted.

As for Shu Xiaoxiao, she had long reached the point of full cultivation.

Now, she is condensing the Primordial Spirit Law Manifestation.

In the blink of an eye, eight days have passed.

With the final piece of spiritual stone depleting and shattering into powder,

Jiang Yuan opened his eyes, still wanting more.

He first glanced at his own panel.

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm, Fourth Layer (74.58%)

Not bad!

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

The storage capacity of this spiritual stone vein is even higher.

Then he glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao and Huang Jiujiu.

The golden aura on each of them immediately converged towards him.

Luck Power +10.

Luck Power +10.

Luck Power +10.

Thirty strands of Luck Power are credited every day without fail.

Then Jiang Yuan casually poured it into the advanced Luck seeds.

"Young master, let's change places!"

Shu Xiaoxiao walked towards Jiang Yuan with Huang Jiujiu.


Jiang Yuan nodded slightly.

After a moment.

Huang Jiujiu's body grew larger, with a wingspan of over twenty zhang.

The two sat on her back.

Huang Jiujiu flapped her wings and flew towards another medium-sized spiritual stone vein.

"Young master, is this comfortable?"

Shu Xiaoxiao pinched Jiang Yuan's shoulder, allowing him to lie on her thigh.

"Mhmm, comfortable!"

Jiang Yuan murmured.

"Young master, why are you pushing yourself so hard? Xiaoxiao can feel that you seem to be racing against time?"

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, then revealed the information he had learned earlier.

"So that's it!" Shu Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Xiaoxiao, are you afraid when you heard this news?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"I'm not afraid!" Shu Xiaoxiao shook her head, her tone firm.

Then she smiled gently, "As long as I can be by the young master's side, I'm not afraid of anything!"

She suddenly added, "Young master, do you know? Xiaoxiao feels like we have known each other for a long time, not just these few years!"

Jiang Yuan opened his eyes, looked at her lowered brows and smiled.

"Not just these few years, could it be that you and I knew each other in our past lives?"

"Perhaps Xiaoxiao really knew the young master in a past life?" Shu Xiaoxiao smiled brightly.

Then she continued, "Actually, from the moment I first saw the young master, I had a strangely familiar feeling!"

"I heard that there is reincarnation in this world, maybe Xiaoxiao was a maid by the young master's side in a past life!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"Your past life was a reincarnation of a celestial being from the upper realm, then I must be the ruler of the upper realm, the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor!"

Shu Xiaoxiao lightly smiled, "With the young master's talent, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor!"

Upon hearing these words, Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned and fell into contemplation.

Seeing this, Shu Xiaoxiao spoke up, "Young master, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yuan then smiled wryly and shook his head slowly, "It's nothing!"


This is the end of the chapter.

PS: All the bonus chapters are finally completed, I can finally rest for a few days!

(End of this chapter)

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