Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 370 Opening Up The Fourth Largest Physical Body Secret Realm, The Power Of Jiang Yuan's

Chapter 370: Opening the Fourth Great Physical Realm, the Might of Jiang Yuan's Physical Body! (Two-in-One, Seeking Monthly Votes!)

After watering the advanced Luck seed, Jiang Yuan closed the panel that appeared before his eyes.

Then he raised his hand and waved it.

The prepared Innate thick soil immediately appeared in front of him.

Looking at the suspended soil in front of him, Jiang Yuan's heart was filled with excitement and waves of emotions.

He was now only one step away from opening the Fourth Great Physical Realm.

Once this step was completed, his strength would immediately soar.

At that level, even if he looked at the Five Domains and Four Seas, he would be a true powerhouse.

It should be noted that Saints and Demon Saints were like the anchors of various forces.

They would not easily make a move, both internally and externally.

Once they made a move, it often meant that both sides had reached an endless battle.

Such existences were too powerful.

If they were to make a move, they would often go to battle in the outer domain.

Because the destructive power of such existences was too terrifying, the remaining Five Domains and Four Seas could not allow such existences to rampage freely.

The high-level members of the Human and Demon races also restrained the existence of such cultivation levels from making a move.

Therefore, battles at the level of Saints were extremely rare.

They would not easily start a battle at that level unless it was absolutely necessary.

In this situation, the existence of the Grotto-Heaven Realm became particularly important.

Moreover, the power of the Grotto-Heaven Realm, even among forces at the level of Holy Lands, was extraordinary.

Apart from a few special and exceptionally powerful Holy Lands, it could serve as an elder in other Holy Lands.

In those ancient and inherited families, it was also the existence of the elders.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind.

Then, with a thought, the soil in front of him slowly floated to his spleen.

The spleen belonged to the Earth element and was located in the center.

This place was also the nurturing place for the Qilin God in the physical realm.

It was completely different from the Four Great Dao Palaces.

Because the Four Great Dao Palaces only had the Eastern Azure Dragon, Southern Vermilion Bird, Northern Xuanwu, and Western White Tiger, the four divine beings.

But the physical body was divided into five realms, including the four divine beings and the Qilin in the center.

Today, Jiang Yuan was going to open the physical realm of the spleen, nurture the Qilin God fetus within this realm, and make it break out of its shell.

As long as he achieved this, the fourth physical realm would also be opened.

The four realms would be connected and complement each other, enhancing the power of the physical Divine Ability.

At the same time, his physical defense would also reach a new level.

Because once the physical realm of the spleen was successfully opened, a membrane would form outside the cell wall, greatly enhancing its defense and making it impervious to divine weapons and techniques.

This characteristic could perfectly overlap with his Golden Body.

In this way, the two would complement each other, and his physical defense would reach a new level, making him invulnerable to most attacks at the same level.

In the future, there might be a chance to reach the level of being invincible against all laws.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan's gaze fell on the soil in front of him.

He saw that the soil was enveloped in a yellow mist, emitting a faint yellow light.

It seemed like an illusory object.

But in reality, the interior of the mist was a piece of soil, which was the soil.

This item was extremely precious and hard to find.

It was a top-grade Heaven and Earth spiritual object used to open the Four Great Dao Palaces, and for him, it was also the top-grade Heaven and Earth spiritual object to open the physical realm of the spleen.

Feeling the soil attached to the outside of his spleen, Jiang Yuan immediately felt the thickness and solidity within it.

The next moment, he no longer wasted time.

With his divine sense merging in, under the condensation of his divine sense, the impurities within the soil were continuously stripped away by him.

Leaving behind the purest essence.

Only in this way could it merge into his body, become a divine fetus, and nurture the Qilin God.

As impurities were continuously stripped away by him,

This object became even purer,

Gradually transforming into a pure earthy yellow mist,

Radiating a faint glow.

With previous experience, Jiang Yuan had already become extremely proficient in this step.

In just a few hours,

All the impurities in the Innate Thick Earth Soil were stripped away by him,

Leaving only that mass of earthy yellow mist.

In this state, this object existed between illusion and reality.

Then, with a slight movement of his mind,

The mass of earthy yellow mist attached to his spleen slowly merged into his body.

This step also went smoothly, without any unexpected situations.

Time passed with each breath.

That mass of earthy yellow mist completely merged into his body, gestating into a mass within his spleen.

Filling every corner.

Only at this moment did Jiang Yuan breathe a sigh of relief.

At this step, it meant that he had successfully opened half of the Fourth Great Fleshly Realm.

The next step was to gestate the Qilin Divine Embryo.

Jiang Yuan had great confidence in this step as well.

With abundant experience, he began to condense the Qilin phantom within his spleen.

After a moment,

The Qilin phantom was successfully condensed, connecting with a certain imprint between heaven and earth.

A thick, sacred, and ancient aura emerged within his body.


The young Qilin phantom within the spleen realm opened its eyes, its gaze filled with agility and majesty.

A powerful aura instantly spread within Jiang Yuan's body.

With the opening of its eyes, it meant that the Qilin Divine Embryo had successfully gestated.

Then, the small Qilin slowly closed its eyes and curled up.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan was completely at ease.

He began to activate the operation of his five viscera, and the immense source of earth essence within his spleen madly poured into the Qilin Divine Embryo.

Accelerating its growth, preparing for its birth.

The other four viscera also operated at full capacity, and the essence of the Five Elements presented a balanced situation.

Interchanging and endlessly generating.

For ordinary cultivators, it would take a long time to completely gestate and shape the Qilin Divine Embryo, allowing it to break through the embryonic state.

But for Jiang Yuan, this step was extremely simple.

Because he possessed the essence of the Five Elements, constantly generating and inexhaustible.

In this situation, the speed of the Divine Embryo's gestation and shaping naturally became extremely fast.

Then, with the circulation of the essence of the five viscera and the integration of the inexhaustible source of earth essence,

The Qilin Divine Embryo also rapidly gestated and shaped.

This process took a full day and night.

The next day.


A majestic and deep voice resounded within his body.

The Qilin instantly broke through the embryonic state, rapidly opening up the Fourth Great Fleshly Realm.

The abundant source of earth gathered in this realm.

In just a few breaths, this fleshly realm completely stabilized.

The Qilin Divine Embryo occupied the center of this realm.

Its eyes filled with agility and majesty.

Indistinguishable from the Qilin true body Jiang Yuan had previously visualized.

It was as if the Qilin in the visualization had come to life and taken control of Jiang Yuan's spleen realm.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan also felt that this realm was somewhat different compared to when the previous realms were first opened.

This realm where the Qilin resided was naturally stronger.

Completely devoid of the unstable feeling that Dugu Bo had mentioned.

He could feel an incredibly solid and heavy sensation.

It seems that the visualization diagram is indeed important!

Jiang Yuan sighed inwardly, then a faint smile appeared on his face.

Because at this moment, he has successfully opened all four major physical secret realms.

He can feel the mutual influence and interaction of the four secret realms.

Every secret realm has become stronger.

The physical body is also gradually growing under the nourishment of these four secret realms.

The human body's physical body governs essence, qi, blood, body fluids, and spirit.

The opening of the four major physical secret realms has greatly enhanced the functions of the internal organs.

This will make the physical body reach a higher level.

Then, Jiang Yuan closed his eyes and sensed the particles in his body.

Suddenly, he saw a faint yellow layer covering the outer surface of the cell wall.

This is the characteristic of the spleen secret realm.

It can greatly enhance the body's defense power.

Moreover, this layer of yellow is gradually becoming thicker.

Feeling this change, Jiang Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

Next moment.

He tried to activate the Vermilion Bird secret realm in his heart.

As he activated it.

In an instant, the blood split into countless tiny particles and then burned wildly.

This kind of split and burning is like the fusion inside a star.


The majestic power of qi and blood filled his whole body, providing him with unparalleled strength.

At this moment, with the blessing of the Vermilion Bird secret realm, he can exert several times the physical combat power.

Jiang Yuan quietly felt it.

"Ten times!"

He uttered these two words, his expression becoming extremely satisfied.

Once he activates this secret realm, he can burst out ten times the combat power in a short period of time.

This characteristic is too powerful.

Originally considered a forbidden technique.

But because of the existence of the Azure Dragon secret realm, as long as it is not used for a long time.

That little loss is insignificant and can be easily replenished.

It is precisely because of this that this method can become his regular means.

Until now, Jiang Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he clenched his fist.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, he was also full of confidence.

If he were to fight against Yan Yang again, he had the confidence to kill him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan smiled.

But there's no rush!

My realm can still be improved!

He then activated the mark on his brow, and once again saw the treasure trove of the Ten Thousand Stars Tower.

Soon, his gaze fell on the area where the pills were located, specifically on the Sea Opening Pill.

"Exchange for 50 Sea Opening Pills!"

Jiang Yuan spoke up.

Instantly, the exchange limit recorded in his token changed from 500 points to 0 points.

At the same time.

A white light shot out from the depths of the pitch-black starry sky towards him.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan raised his hand to catch it.

After the white light dissipated, a pill bottle appeared in his palm.

He then opened the bottle cap and took a look.

Inside the small pill bottle, there were fifty top-grade Sea Opening Pills, not one more or one less.

Jiang Yuan's expression immediately became joyful.

With these fifty pills, his cultivation level can greatly increase in a short period of time.

He then glanced at his own panel.

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm, Sixth Level (1.01%)

Remember this progress.

He casually watered the advanced Luck seed.

20 strands of Luck power instantly disappeared from the panel.

After finishing this, he closed the panel and harvested the Luck power he had accumulated today.

His gaze fell back on the pill bottle in his hand.

Let's try to see how much resources and wealth I need to fill up my cultivation progress now.

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself.

He didn't dare to speak casually here.

Because the Ten Thousand Star Tower had a Tower Spirit, this was a well-known fact.

His every word and action might be seen by the Tower Spirit.

In this situation, he naturally wouldn't speak casually.

After all, he had too many secrets.

No one knew who the Ten Thousand Star Tower belonged to.

Who placed it here.

What is its true meaning!

In the next moment.

Ten top-grade Sea Opening Pills flew out of the pill bottle.

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and sucked.

The ten pills instantly entered his abdomen.

He also closed his eyes and quickly devoured and refined the pills in his stomach.

This scene.

Also fell completely into the vision of the illusory Tower Spirit.

Climbing to the ninth level, he could see it with his divine eye.

Not to mention Jiang Yuan's previous performance, he would definitely leave a mark in the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

This also made him pay more attention.

Looking at Jiang Yuan swallowing ten Sea Opening Pills in one go, he also showed a curious expression.

He naturally understood this kind of pill, the top-grade Sea Opening Pill.

This pill belonged to the sixth-grade pill and was suitable for cultivators in the Four Poles Realm. Its medicinal effect was extremely strong!

He had been here for so many years, what hadn't he seen?

But he had never seen anyone like Jiang Yuan who could swallow ten top-grade Sea Opening Pills in one breath.

Normal cultivators would take a long time to refine one pill like this, let alone ten. Such a strong medicinal effect would make the meridians unable to bear it.

And at this moment.

The pills were rapidly being devoured by Jiang Yuan's body.

He still remembered that it took him half a cup of tea to refine one top-grade Sea Opening Pill before.

But now it was completely different.

He could feel that the speed of devouring and refining was extremely fast now!

Much faster than before.

In less than an hour, all ten top-grade Sea Opening Pills had been completely devoured and refined by him, turning into his cultivation progress.

Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

He opened his panel and took a look.

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm, Seventh Level (7.68%)

As I expected!

To break through from the sixth level of the Four Poles Realm to the seventh level, it probably requires the value of tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

So the only thing I need to do now is to get spirit stones!

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself.

At the same time, a hint of surprise appeared in the gaze of the Tower Spirit.

He didn't expect Jiang Yuan to be so amazing.

In less than an hour, he completely devoured and refined ten top-grade Sea Opening Pills.

Even with his broad knowledge and experience, he couldn't help but be more interested.

He also immediately understood why Jiang Yuan was able to break through to such a realm at this age.

His extraordinary talent is too powerful.

It can save countless years of arduous cultivation.

As long as he has enough resources, he can quickly increase his cultivation and break through!

At the same time, he thought of before.

When he was at the first level of the Ten Thousand Star Tower, Jiang Yuan had the appearance of both the Taiyin and Taiyang, which had already caught his attention.

At that time, Jiang Yuan's speed of reversing Yin and Yang and condensing the Qi of Chaos was extremely fast!

In just about ten days, he completed the condensation of 9,999 strands of Qi of Chaos.

And now, his cultivation growth is even more terrifying!

The Tower Spirit was amazed.

He was even more curious about Jiang Yuan.

Such a powerful talent, he hadn't seen it in a long time!

Just based on these two manifestations, he knew that Jiang Yuan's future achievements would definitely not be low.

With the Yin Yang Divine Body, possessing the two great origins of Taiyin and Taiyang, unparalleled talent, able to control the creation of Yin and Yang, and grasp the Yin Yang Dao.

For him, achieving the Dao and becoming a Saint is a matter of course.

In his memory, the Saints in the lower realm were not insignificant in the upper realm.

Although the upper realm is called the Immortal Realm.

But not everyone is a so-called immortal.

Immortals have always been revered beings.

If a Saint is willing to give up their body, they can achieve immortality, enter the upper realm, and condense an immortal body, enjoying a long life.

This is becoming an immortal.

Any immortal, even if placed in the upper realm, is not an ordinary person, let alone an unknown person.

If they step into the pinnacle of the human realm and achieve the Supreme Realm, the Primordial Spirit can undergo a transformation.

Once they enter the upper realm, they can become a True Immortal.

Any True Immortal, placed in a region of the upper realm, is like a ruler.

As for going further up, it is beyond the reach of people in the lower realm.

So Jiang Yuan's performance naturally made him pay more attention.

In his eyes, it is only natural for Jiang Yuan to achieve the Dao and become a Saint.

The probability of further advancement is also very high.

Because by mastering the Yin Yang Dao, he is capable of comprehending the Five Elements Dao through analogy.

Just this path alone is enough for him to step into the realm of the Seven Heavens of the Saint.

Moreover, it is a Saint Dao Fruit forged on the foundation of the Yin Yang Dao, far beyond the reach of ordinary Saints.

And he only needs to comprehend two more Great Dao to step into the realm of the Nine Heavens of the Saint.

And then attempt to step into the Supreme Realm.

At this point, as long as the Primordial Spirit is strong enough.

It is not difficult to advance further!

In the eyes of the Tower Spirit, Jiang Yuan has a complete hope of reaching the pinnacle of the human realm.

Because his breakthrough to this realm at this age naturally represents the extraordinary strength of his Primordial Spirit.

And he also remembered that Jiang Yuan is walking a different path.

It is also a path of the physical body!

He has some understanding of this path over the years.

There were some signs a long time ago, but compared to the grand Dao, this path leads to a rugged path.

The more you walk, the narrower it becomes.

In the end, there is no way forward.

It is completely incomparable to that grand Dao.

But just based on the blood power that Jiang Yuan just displayed, he knew that Jiang Yuan's physical body is extremely powerful.

This powerful physical body will nourish and strengthen the Primordial Spirit, making the Primordial Spirit even stronger!

This is also one of the reasons why he believes Jiang Yuan can reach the pinnacle of the human realm.

On the other side.

Jiang Yuan continued to devour and refine the remaining forty pills.

As time passed, he quickly refined the pills.

After a few hours.

Jiang Yuan opened his panel and took a look.

[Realm]: Four Poles Realm, Sixth Layer (34.55%)

Not bad!

Progress has reached one-third!

It will probably take about a hundred thousand resources for me to break through to the Seventh Layer of the Four Poles Realm.

Jiang Yuan muttered to himself.

Then he stood up and looked at the stars above his head.

If he wants to obtain more resources, he can only leave his name in the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

He was full of confidence in this.

With his current talent and accumulation, if he couldn't leave his name in the Ten Thousand Star Tower and become one of the top ten thousand geniuses in history, that would be a joke.

Above his head.

These stars were arranged in the shape of a pyramid, from bottom to top.

The higher up, the larger and rarer each star became.

He looked at this scene above his head and recalled the rules of this place in his mind.

To leave a name in the Ten Thousand Star Tower, one must first defeat the mark left behind.

By defeating the mark, one can replace it.

Because of this, luck also plays a certain role in the ranking.

The one who comes down may not necessarily be weak, but it could also be because the opponent was once powerful.

The one who goes up may not necessarily have enough strength, but it could also be because the chosen mark was not originally strong enough.

There is also a certain fluctuation in this.


His gaze fell on the first layer above his head.

Each of these stars represents a top genius who left their name in the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

Any one of these geniuses has passed the test of the Nine Layers of the Ten Thousand Star Tower. Only by meeting this condition can they qualify to leave their name in the Ten Thousand Star Tower.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan's gaze casually swept over and locked onto a star.

The star with the code name "Demon Ape".

In an instant, he soared towards the star he had locked onto.

In the blink of an eye.

He touched the edge of that star, and without hesitation, he continued forward.

His figure instantly entered the star.

At the same time.

Just as he entered the star, Jiang Yuan's aura was drawn in, revealing his Sixth Layer of the Four Poles Realm.

With Jiang Yuan's aura revealed.

A black-haired ape slowly appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

At this moment, he was holding a long stick, his eyes slightly closed.

Only when he transformed from illusion to reality and completely appeared in front of Jiang Yuan did he suddenly open his eyes.

There seemed to be demonic flames rising in his eyes, extremely hot.

The revealed aura was even more violent.

Seventh Layer of the Four Poles Realm!

Jiang Yuan also sensed his realm from his aura.

This means that the Demon Ape from back then was also at the Seventh Layer of the Four Poles Realm, just like the information he had just seen below.

Code name: Demon Ape, realm: Seventh Layer of the Four Poles Realm.

The rules here are also very simple.

The geniuses who come here can only choose to challenge the stars in the images that are the same realm as themselves or higher.

They cannot choose to challenge stars with lower realms than themselves.

Unless they choose to suppress their own realm in order to fight against the imprints in the images.

But choosing this path is very disadvantageous.

Because if the imprint in the image is at the Ninth Layer of the Four Poles Realm, one must be suppressed to the Eighth Layer of the Four Poles Realm in order to fight against it.

This is the rule here.

So it's extremely disadvantageous.

Very few people would choose to do this!

Those who can leave their names here are all top talents of the present era.

They are the top talents who have ranked in the top ten thousand since ancient times.

To cross a realm and fight against them is undoubtedly asking for trouble.

So normally, no one would choose to take this path.

"Come on!"

The demon ape spoke, and his eyes ignited towering demonic flames.

He casually waved the long stick in his hand, and Jiang Yuan felt a strong sense of oppression falling on him.

It was even more oppressive than the Four Realms and Nine Layers Black Jiao he had just fought.

The next moment.

Before Jiang Yuan could make a move.

The demon ape moved.

The long stick in his hand was raised high and chopped down towards Jiang Yuan from above.

This long stick instantly became like a collapsing pillar of heaven.

Endless waves surged in the void.

If it weren't for the fact that this place was inside the Ten Thousand Stars Tower and restricted by the rules.

The void would have been directly shattered under this strike.

Jiang Yuan's gaze condensed.

"Good, come!"

He lightly shouted.

Facing this long stick carrying immense force, he didn't dodge or avoid, nor did he activate his physical secret realm.

He raised his hand and pushed towards the top of his head.


A dull sound.

The long stick had already fallen into his palm.

And Jiang Yuan's figure remained motionless at this moment.

Not bad!

Jiang Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

He was extremely satisfied with the strength of his physical body now.

Although the demon ape was just a remnant image at this moment, his eyes were lively, and the expression in his eyes clearly showed extraordinary intelligence.

His pupils suddenly contracted, seemingly somewhat incredulous.

In the next moment, he had already regained his senses.

He raised his hand and was about to pull back the long stick, waiting for the opportunity to attack again.

But as he exerted force, he suddenly found that the heavy long stick was motionless.


He quickly denied it, then shouted loudly.

"Get up!"

But the result was no different, it remained motionless.

"Let go!"

Jiang Yuan lightly shouted, exerting force with his wrist, and a force flowed along the long stick.

Instantly transmitted to the demon ape's hand.

In the face of this shaking force from Jiang Yuan, the demon ape also couldn't hold onto the long stick.

The moment the force transmitted by Jiang Yuan shook it open.

The long stick fell into Jiang Yuan's hand.

It seemed refined but not made of gold.

For a moment, Jiang Yuan couldn't discern the material.

But feeling the solid weight in his hand, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Good stuff!"

Then he showed a look of regret.

"What a pity!"

What he regrets is not because of anything else, but because the long stick in his hand is the product of the transformation of the Wansheng Tower. It is not made of true divine iron, which naturally makes him feel extremely regretful.

If this thing were a real long stick, its value would be immeasurable, far surpassing ordinary Taoist soldiers.

These thoughts flashed through his mind.

His gaze fell on the demon monkey.

"Don't just come, but also go!"

"You also take a stick from me!"

After speaking, Jiang Yuan swung the long stick.


Inside this star, the sound of rumbling continued to ring out.

Even the revealed stars trembled slightly.

Under the swing of Jiang Yuan's power, this long stick carries even stronger force as it chops towards the exploding ape.

A strong sense of oppression also falls upon the demonic ape.

Seeing this, the demonic ape does not choose to escape.

Although this is only a trace left by his imprint, completed by the Ten Thousand Stars Tower.

But it also carries his pride.

He cannot tolerate any act of escape from himself.

He has only relied on overpowering others and dominating with his strength all along the way.

There has never been any retreat for the enemy.

Facing Jiang Yuan, who is only one realm lower in cultivation than himself, he cannot tolerate retreating.

He would rather die than retreat!

He raises his arms to hold up the long stick that is coming down horizontally.


The long stick falls on his arm, and immediately a deafening roar is heard.

Then came the sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing apart.

Jiang Yuan swung his weapon.

Directly turning his arm into minced meat, and then the momentum continued, landing directly on top of his head.

The skull instantly shattered and exploded.

Then the tremendous force spread throughout his body, almost splitting it in half, collapsing inward from the middle where the head was located.

This strike completely deprived him of resistance.

Watching the demon ape's body plummeting rapidly downwards, he also saw his body crackling and popping.

The demon ape's injuries were healing rapidly.

The broken bones were resetting and repairing themselves.

The speed of this recovery was extremely fast!

Based on this situation, it was estimated that it wouldn't take long for the demon ape's injuries to completely heal.

Jiang Yuan saw this scene without feeling any surprise.

At this level, the demon ape was already an outstanding genius, able to leave a name in the Ten Thousand Stars Tower.

Having such a vigorous life force was completely normal.

Moreover, his physical body was so powerful that it often meant he was difficult to kill.

Compared to cultivators who did not cultivate the path of the physical body, the difference in life force was like heaven and earth.

To be able to reach this point, and still be a demon ape who excelled in physical strength, it was not easy to kill him.

In the next moment, he gripped his staff and swung it.

The staff in his hand instantly carried all his strength and slammed towards the demon ape.

This swing was delayed but arrived first.

It shattered through layers of void and landed directly on the demon ape.

At this time, he was already heavily injured and his injuries had not yet healed.

The situation was very different from before, and the demon ape had no extra strength to resist this blow.

Deprived of his power to resist, his body was directly turned into a mist of blood by the force transmitted by this strike.

(End of this chapter)

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