Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 38 Probe, The Shock Of The Wang Family's Son!

Chapter 38: Testing, the Shock of the Wang Family's Heir!

After a moment.

With Jiang Yuan pulling the red string, the old lady hurriedly ran up.

Because she was in such a hurry, she was still panting heavily when she pushed open the door.

"Master Jiang, what are your orders?"

Jiang Yuan pointed at Su Xin, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "I will protect Su Xin. Tell the person behind you that no one is allowed to touch him!"

She immediately nodded repeatedly, "Yes! Master Jiang, do you want to take her away or leave her here?"

"Leave her here! But no one is allowed to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do, understand?" Jiang Yuan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible pressure fell on her.

She instantly broke out in a cold sweat and her legs trembled slightly.

"I understand!" she nodded repeatedly.

At the same time.

On the third floor.

In a luxurious room.

A young, handsome man held a wine glass and sipped lightly.


His hand trembled, and the wine in the glass spilled onto the table.

His expression immediately became extremely serious.

"Ah Da, is this the pressure of true martial arts?"

A middle-aged man covered in scars from swords and knives nodded.

"Yes! Such strong true martial arts, it seems that Jiang Yuan is truly a genius! His actual combat power must be extremely strong!"

The young man said, "I didn't expect such a genius to appear in this small place. I heard that someone from the Sunset Sect came here to see him and refused to accept him as an inner disciple. It seems that it is indeed difficult to enter the immortal sects!"

Ah Da nodded, "Indeed, it is difficult to enter. I once went to the Sunset Sect to seek apprenticeship, but I didn't even have the qualification to become an outer disciple."

"But now you have reached the ninth level of Body Tempering, just one step away from transcending the ordinary."

Ah Da shook his head, "This step is like heaven and earth. If you take this step, your lifespan will double, you can control your qi to kill enemies, and you will be no different from a god. If you don't take this step, you will forever be just an ordinary person."

The young man fell into silence.

Even though their Wang family's influence spread across several counties, there were countless experts at the ninth level of Body Tempering in their clan, but so far, no one had taken that step.

Just one step away, it was like the difference between a mortal and an immortal.

Crossing it meant transcending the ordinary and becoming a member of the immortal world, able to look down upon the mortal world.

But stopping at this step meant turning into a pile of yellow soil after a hundred years, and all the glory and wealth would be in vain.

In their clan, there were several people who had attempted to break through rashly, but they either suffered serious injuries and damaged their meridians, or they remained at this level for their entire lives.

In more serious cases, their meridians would burst and they would die.

So far, none of the dozens of people who attempted to break through on their own had succeeded.

This step was too difficult, too difficult!

The clan's patriarch, who was above the ordinary, had also joined a sect when he was young.

After realizing that there was no hope of a breakthrough, he returned to his hometown and established the vast Wang clan.

Just at this moment.

The woman who had just come to the third floor knocked on the door and entered.

She stood respectfully in front of the young man.

The Cloud Smoke Tower was backed by the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce and was one of the main sources of income for the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce.

And the true owner of the Four Seasons Chamber of Commerce was the Wang family, one of the royal families of the Northern Original County in the Great Departure State.

This young man had a very impressive background, he was one of the heirs of the Wang family.

She respectfully reported to the young man about Jiang Yuan's request just now.

After listening to her report, the young man smiled, "Do as he says! Give him face. It's just a woman, not worth offending such a genius."

"Ah Da, do you agree?"

"Yes!" Ah Da nodded in agreement, "He comprehended the true meaning of martial arts at such a young age, his talent is definitely much higher than mine. No one can say for sure how far he will go in the future, after all, he was able to attract people from the Sunset Sect."

The young man said, "Go! Give Su Su the best treatment, everything here is up to her, understand?"


The middle-aged woman bowed her head and then left the room.

Outside the Cloud Smoke Tower.

Jiang Yuan looked up at the position on the third floor.

"Master, what are you looking at?" Shu Xiaoxiao asked in confusion.

Jiang Yuan smiled and ruffled her hair.

"I'm watching a master!"

"How skilled is he?"

"Just slightly shorter than me in height!"

"That's indeed impressive!" Shu Xiaoxiao nodded in understanding.

Jiang Yuan smiled. "Mission accomplished, let's go!"

Now, he should know that I've discovered him!

Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

At the same time, on the third floor, Ada glanced at Jiang Yuan's retreating figure.

"Young master, we may have underestimated his strength!"

"What happened? Why do you say that?"

"He has already noticed us!"

A glimmer of light flashed in the young man's eyes. "In that case, you should make a move and test him!"


A few moments later.

"Oh no!" Ada suddenly exclaimed.

He quickly appeared in front of the young man.

In the next moment.

Step! Step! Step!

He took a few steps back, his face turning red.

"Ada, what's wrong?" The young man became nervous upon seeing this scene.

This bodyguard of his had reached the pinnacle of the mortal realm, at the ninth level of Body Tempering, a peak expert who had merged his spirit and energy.

He had never seen him suffer such a setback before!

But just now, it was obvious that he had suffered a hidden loss against Jiang Yuan.

After a few moments, Ada calmed down the restlessness within him.

His expression became serious. "Young master, we have truly underestimated him! His strength may exceed the eighth level of Body Tempering!"

"How does he compare to you?"

Ada shook his head. "We haven't truly fought, so I don't know yet! But in terms of martial dao comprehension, he may surpass me!"

"How is that possible! At his age, how could his martial dao comprehension surpass yours?" The young man muttered to himself.

A trace of shock flashed in his eyes, no less than when he heard about the incident of the Sunset Sect coming to assess the geniuses in Lin'an City.

Ada said, "True geniuses are never limited by age! He was able to make the disciples of the Sunset Sect come down the mountain to assess him, so he is naturally extraordinary!"

The young man pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement. He was convinced by this reasoning.

He had also come to Lin'an County personally because he had heard about the Sunset Sect.

Now, it seemed that this trip was not in vain!

As long as he completed the tasks assigned to him and took care of Bai Susu, he would have formed a good relationship.

On the other side.

Jiang Yuan was filled with confusion at this moment.

Is this what a ninth level Body Tempering expert looks like?

Why does it feel like his understanding of martial dao is not that strong?

Did I underestimate myself, or overestimate the power of the ninth level of Body Tempering?

The brief test just now left him perplexed.

The impression that the ninth level Body Tempering expert gave him was far inferior to the leader of the Black Wind Bandit Group back then.

Was it because the leader was too strong, or was he too weak?

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

Forget it, let's not dwell on this matter.

What I didn't expect was that Yunyan Tower is not simple either.

The owner behind it is not just the Four Seasons Trading Company.

There is an even stronger force behind it.

The personal guard at the ninth level of Body Tempering seems to have a significant background.

I hope they are smart!

(End of this chapter)

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