Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 401: The Demon Saint Enters The Nantian Gate! (Twenty Two)

Chapter 401: The Demon Saint Enters the Southern Heaven Gate! (22)

As the rat demon approached the Southern Heaven Gate, he had the lessons of those who came before him in mind.

The closer he got, the more fear he felt, and as a result, his speed slowed down.

When he reached a hundred zhang away from where the Golden Crow Demon Saint had fallen, he suddenly stopped and glanced back at the position where the Great Saint Pingtian was.

Seeing the calm gaze of Great Saint Pingtian, his fear intensified.

Being in the demon clan, he knew how terrifying it was to go against the will of a Great Saint.

In the next moment, he gritted his teeth, moved his body, and instantly entered the area where the Golden Crow Demon Saint had just fallen.

Just then, the ancient well above the Southern Heaven Gate suddenly turned its mirror surface, and a golden light shone directly on his figure.

Seeing this scene, the rat demon's expression turned pale, and he felt an overwhelming sense of horror.

The Golden Crow Demon Saint had fallen within the radiance of this mirror.

Even a Demon Saint couldn't resist the power of this mirror, so how could he survive?

"Great Saint, save me!"

The rat demon couldn't help but call out in despair.

Although he knew that this cry for help was meaningless, in the face of life and death, he wanted to grasp onto even the slightest straw.

Upon seeing this scene, Great Saint Pingtian's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his gaze became focused.

"It seems that my previous speculation was wrong! Transformation is useless!"

He muttered to himself.

His mood instantly became somewhat unpleasant.

Originally, he thought that this ancient Heavenly Court ruins would be the perfect place to kill Jiang Yuan.

In the Eastern Region, it was not so simple for any Demon Saint to cross into it.

Not to mention going deep into the Eastern Region and getting close to Jiang Yuan for an assassination.

Especially after Jiang Yuan gained the favor of the Lone Saint Emperor, it became even more impossible.

The fact that Jiang Yuan came here with the presence of the Saint Emperor was enough to prove how much he valued Jiang Yuan.

Under these circumstances, there was simply no way to proceed.

No one dared to carry out this mission, as it was tantamount to suicide.

He himself was completely unable to fulfill the orders given by the Peng Emperor earlier.

However, unlike the Heavenly Court ruins, demons of the Triple Heaven and below were free to enter.

And because the Lone Saint Emperor's status was too high and his strength too powerful, he couldn't enter.

After losing the protection of the Lone Saint Emperor, Jiang Yuan's strength, no matter how strong, was ultimately just a cultivator at the Four Extremities Realm.

He had no power to resist the attack of a Demon Saint.

In his previous thoughts, if Jiang Yuan dared to enter this Heavenly Court ruins, it would be his burial ground.

But things didn't go as planned, and such an unexpected situation occurred here.

A Southern Heaven Gate that humans could enter but demons couldn't.

Even a powerful Demon Saint turned to ashes under the mirror's radiance above the Southern Heaven Gate.

Under these circumstances, who would dare to enter this Heavenly Court ruins?

Without entering this Heavenly Court ruins, how could they kill Jiang Yuan?

Thinking of this, he felt helpless.

Is this the effect of luck?

There always seemed to be various unexpected protections that rendered all their plans futile.

However, at this moment, his expression suddenly froze, and his eyes showed surprise.

The Four Extremities Realm rat demon, under the radiance of the mirror, did not instantly turn to ashes like the Golden Crow Demon Saint.

Instead, everything was calm, and it seemed that the mirror's radiance did not harm the rat demon.

Under the radiance of the mirror, the true form of the rat demon was revealed in the mirror of the Southern Heaven Gate, a giant rat.

Above the head of the rat demon, his true form also appeared.

It seemed that this ancient mirror was identifying the intruder.

Seeing this scene, the voice of Great Saint Pingtian instantly sounded in his ears.

"Don't panic, walk slowly inside, don't reveal your true form, and don't trespass."

Hearing the voice of Great Saint Pingtian, the rat demon swallowed his saliva, suppressed his nervousness, and slowly walked forward.

At the same time, the gazes of the other demons were all focused on the rat demon.

Whether this rat demon could enter the Southern Heaven Gate represented whether their journey would be fruitful.

With the fall of the Golden Crow Demon Saint as a precedent, no one dared to trespass recklessly, even if there were human cultivators entering.

Because they had already made some guesses, this mirror was probably specifically targeting demons, so it had no reaction to the entry of humans.

Under the gazes of the other demons.

The mouse demon gradually approached and safely entered the South Heaven Gate.

Seeing this scene, the other demons were momentarily stunned, then showed expressions of joy.

"I understand!" exclaimed a demon.

Upon witnessing this, Great Saint Pingtian murmured softly, "So that's how it is. Although it targets us demons, the ones who trespass and offend the authority of the Ancient Heavenly Court are the ones who face certain death! Abiding by the rules and regulations will not attract the Mirror of Treasures' killing intent!"

"Let's try again!"

Afterwards, he instructed another powerful demon at the Grotto-Heaven realm to enter the South Heaven Gate.

Under his will, the Grotto-Heaven demon didn't dare to disobey.

Moreover, with the mouse demon leading the way, his confidence grew.

So he charged forward with a brave face, arriving at the South Heaven Gate and immediately behaving properly.

Just like the mouse demon, the mirror's light shone upon him, revealing his true form in the reflection.

He proceeded respectfully and then disappeared into the South Heaven Gate.

Seeing this scene, Great Saint Pingtian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great Saint, let me try again!"

A beautiful woman said lazily, her voice filled with laziness.

"Alright, be careful."

"Don't worry, Great Saint! I still have two lives. Even if I waste one here, it won't be a big deal!" The woman's voice was lazy.

Then she added, "Besides, completing the Emperor's mission is the main task. If I don't try, the other saints won't dare to act recklessly!"

After speaking, she flicked her furry tail behind her, and another identical woman appeared in front of the other demons.

The aura emitted by the woman she split from was equally powerful, only slightly weaker.

This was the innate Divine Ability of the Nine Lives Cat Demon clan.

In the next moment, the split woman instantly dashed towards the South Heaven Gate.

The other demons' gazes gathered upon her.

They saw that after a few breaths, she arrived beneath the South Heaven Gate.

With her arrival, the ancient mirror on the South Heaven Gate turned, and its light shone upon her.

Then, the same thing happened as before, with no difference whatsoever.

The mirror only reflected her true form and revealed one of the Nine Lives Demon Saint's tails.

Under her obedient behavior, no anomalies occurred, just as the previous demons had predicted.

Then, the Nine Lives Demon Saint's tail transformed and safely crossed into the South Heaven Gate.

Seeing this scene, the demons all breathed a sigh of relief.

Great Saint Pingtian also said, "Indeed!"

"Great Saint, we will go now!" said the Nine Lives Demon Saint.

"Alright!" Great Saint Pingtian nodded.

Then he secretly transmitted his voice, "If any of you encounter Jiang Yuan, be sure to kill him. This person must not be allowed to leave the Ancient Heavenly Court ruins alive!"

"Don't worry, Great Saint! Since we have all agreed, Jiang Yuan will find it impossible to leave the Ancient Heavenly Court ruins unscathed, even if he possesses great luck!"

"That's right!"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"I'll go ahead!" said a human Saint.

"Alright, Fellow Daoist, go ahead with peace of mind!"

After a brief exchange, the human Saint instantly transformed into a rainbow and headed towards the South Heaven Gate.

After the series of tests just now, they had already understood the rules of the mirror.

This mirror was not as some had speculated, sparing the small fish and killing the big fish.

This mirror simply targeted the demons.

Especially those demons who trespassed the South Heaven Gate, violated the rules, and challenged the authority of the Heavenly Court.

Once such behavior occurred, it would trigger the mirror's response, directly displaying its supreme divine might and killing on the spot.

In this situation, even the Demon Saints couldn't preserve their lives.

It was precisely because they understood this point that the human Saint dared to take the lead.

In an instant, the Saint passed through the South Heaven Gate unharmed.

The other Saints also felt completely at ease.

They transformed into rainbows and headed towards the South Heaven Gate.

On the other side, several Demon Saints did the same, assuming human forms and transforming into rainbows as they headed towards the South Heaven Gate.

Upon reaching the front of the South Heaven Gate, they instantly became extremely obedient.

Under the mirror's illumination, one by one, they safely entered the South Heaven Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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