Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 47 Changing Fate Against The Sky, A New Luck Appears (Please Read On Tuesday!)

Chapter 47: Defying Fate, New Luck Appears (Requesting Tuesday Update!)

Jiang Yuan opened his panel again and took a look.

【Name】: Jiang Yuan

【Realm】: Eighth level of Body Tempering

【Innate Luck】: Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Physique (Blue), Innate Talent (Blue)

【Luck Power】: 5 strands

【Luck Seed】: None

At this moment, he saw several faint words appearing in the Innate Luck section of his panel.

This is...

He focused his gaze, but the words on the panel appeared and disappeared, making it impossible to see clearly.

Until a few breaths later.

A prompt suddenly flashed before his eyes.

【Because you have consumed heavenly treasures, your soul's original source has been enhanced, allowing you to defy fate and activate a new Innate Luck entry: Outstanding Soul (White)】

Jiang Yuan was momentarily stunned. Defying fate?

Is this possible?

Can new Innate Luck be obtained in this way?

He felt a hint of excitement in his heart, then quickly opened his panel to check again.

【Name】: Jiang Yuan

【Realm】: Eighth level of Body Tempering

【Innate Luck】: Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Physique (Blue), Innate Talent (Blue), Outstanding Soul (White)

【Luck Power】: 5 strands

【Luck Seed】: None

【Outstanding Soul】: Your soul is more solid than ordinary people's, with outstanding Innate qualities. Your five senses are enhanced, and your spiritual power is relatively strong.

Indeed, it's a new Innate Luck!

There was a faint excitement in his eyes.

To be able to obtain new Innate Luck in this way is completely beyond my expectations.

Defying fate?

This explanation also makes sense. If Innate Luck cannot be changed, wouldn't everything in life be predetermined?

In that case, this world would be too boring.

In this way, it becomes more interesting!

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Yuan's mouth.

Moreover, the Soul Condensing Dew I just absorbed can enhance the soul's original source, causing a qualitative change in my origin.

Generating a new Luck entry, this can be fully understood!

For others, this white Innate Luck may only have limited effects!

White Innate Luck may be more helpful in the early stages of cultivation.

But as one progresses further, the help brought by this white Innate Luck becomes limited.

It still relies more on oneself.

But I'm different!

I have the existence of the Luck panel!

Although this Innate Luck is only at the white level and its effects are limited, in my hands, it can continue to level up.

As it levels up, the effects will only become stronger.

Endless possibilities!

Thinking of this, excitement filled Jiang Yuan's heart.

Having discovered a new way to obtain Innate Luck, he felt that his future held even more promise.

Afterward, Jiang Yuan briefly searched around.

Not finding anything else, he left the area under the towering ancient tree covered in bones.

When he was tens of meters away, the scene before his eyes suddenly changed again.

He returned to the same place as before, but instead of towering ancient trees, there were numerous small and large puddles ahead.

"Such grandeur, I wonder which force is behind this!" Jiang Yuan exclaimed emotionally.

The opportunities here are indeed significant for his help, but the most crucial thing is that it made him aware of the existence of defying fate.

Inspired by this experience, many thoughts suddenly arose in his mind.

However, the specific effects would have to be experienced in the cultivation world.

For immortal sects like the Sunset Sect, there must be heavenly treasures that can change the human body's origin. The only question is their value.

After a moment.

Jiang Yuan returned to the caravan.

"Gu Mo, Uncle Ma, protect me. I'm going to break through!" Jiang Yuan said.

Old Ma's expression instantly changed, followed by great joy.

"Good! Young master, please break through with peace of mind. With me here, no one can disturb you!"

Jiang Yuan nodded.

Then he sat cross-legged, his mind sinking into the spiritual platform.

The most crucial point of the Nine Levels of Body Tempering is the integration of essence, energy, and spirit, condensing the divine soul at the spiritual platform.

The divine soul is the aggregation of essence, energy, and spirit.

By condensing the divine soul, one can have absolute control over the body, observing even the slightest changes with clarity.

At this level, every movement can freely mobilize the strength of the whole body, without relying on any ordinary techniques.

This is simply a ferocious beast in the mortal world, a true enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield!

Moreover, after condensing the divine soul, one can mobilize the power of blood and energy in the whole body to refine any corner of the body.

The physical strength can be further enhanced, and the strength can rise again.

As for spiritual power, because the divine soul is condensed, it is like scattered soldiers suddenly receiving the command of a general.

Efficiency and quality will also be greatly enhanced.

In this situation, the power of martial arts can be even more powerful!

At the same time, Gu Mo was fully focused on everything around him.

Even though few people came to the Blackwater Marsh.

But when walking outside, the more such places, the more likely there will be unexpected changes.

Carelessness is always the most undesirable mentality when walking outside.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan's mind was highly concentrated in the spiritual platform, losing all five senses, unable to perceive anything from the outside world.

This moment was his weakest moment.


At the spiritual platform, it was also his most perceptive moment.

He could clearly feel the majestic spiritual power at the spiritual platform.

In the next moment, he shouted in his heart.


In an instant, following his will.

The essence, energy, and spirit in his body suddenly merged into one.

At the spiritual platform between his eyebrows, a phantom, like a human figure, suddenly condensed and formed.

Then it quietly floated between the spiritual platforms.

So smoothly?

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt somewhat unbelievable!

Could it be because my essence, energy, and spirit are more deeply accumulated than others at the same level?

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

Old Ma asked nervously, "Young Master, how is it? Did you successfully break through? Nothing unexpected happened, right?"

In an instant, he threw away all the doubts in his heart.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "I broke through smoothly!"

Old Ma's expression instantly became excited, "That's great!"

At this time, when those young escorts heard these words.

They smiled and cheered, "Young Master is mighty!"

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Nine Levels of Body Tempering

[Innate Luck]: Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Body (Blue), Innate Talent (Blue), Outstanding Soul (White)

[Luck Power]: 5 strands

[Luck Seeds]: None

Seeing this scene, Gu Mo also spoke, "Young Master, I will also take this opportunity to break through!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuan nodded.

As he spoke, he found a vacant spot and sat down, taking only a few breaths.

Then he stood up and said, "I have successfully broken through!"

Old Ma widened his eyes, "Gu Mo, are you framing me?"

Jiang Yuan smiled, "Uncle Ma, how could he dare to frame you! Gu Mo's talent is indeed high! If I hadn't asked him to stay at the Eighth Level of Body Tempering for a few more days, he would have broken through to the Ninth Level of Body Tempering before me!"

Upon hearing Jiang Yuan's words, Old Ma looked at Gu Mo in shock.

Since being guided by the Young Master, Gu Mo had abandoned the knife and focused on the sword, discovering his own talent.

Now, in just a few months, he had leaped from the Seventh Level of Body Tempering to the Ninth Level of Body Tempering.

With such talent, he would almost certainly transcend the mundane and become a member of the Immortal Family in the future.

He could no longer keep up with them.

The Zhenyuan Escort Agency had become a burden for the two of them.

Otherwise, with the talent of the Young Master and Gu Mo, they could definitely find a sect of the Immortal Family to join.

At this moment, he had many thoughts in his mind.

The next update will be at noon!

For new readers, updates are recommendations, and they determine the fate of a book!!

(End of this chapter)

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