Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 5 The Arrival Of The Tianjiao In Dashun Prefecture

Chapter 5: The Arrival of the Proud Son of Dashun Mansion

County government office.

In the courtyard.

A man in a purple robe said, "According to what Senior Brother said, this Jiang Yuan is quite troublesome!"

Li Hong nodded and said, "Indeed, he is quite troublesome. His family's wealth exceeds ten thousand taels of silver, and his father died at the hands of the leader of the Heifeng Bandit Gang. That leader was once an expelled disciple of the Lanku Temple, and his cultivation was not inferior to mine."

"Now many people have set their sights on his family's wealth. The reason they haven't made a move yet is simply because they haven't confirmed whether Jiang Zhenyuan is in trouble. With just two thousand taels of silver, it's not enough for them to seek my protection."

After a moment.

Jiang Yuan entered the courtyard with the attendants of the county mansion.

"Greetings, County Lord!" Jiang Yuan saluted.

In the next moment, Jiang Yuan's gaze was instantly drawn to a young man in a purple robe.

He gave Jiang Yuan a completely different feeling from others.

He seemed to be at the center of a whirlpool, constantly exerting an attractive force on his surroundings.

The branches and grass around him swayed slightly.

Jiang Yuan instinctively opened the young man's profile.

[Name]: Xu Xiao

[Cultivation Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm, First Stage

[Innate Luck]: Outstanding Talent (Green), Wind Spirit Body (Green), Lucky Star (White)

[Outstanding Talent]: Extraordinary talent in cultivation, often progressing much faster than ordinary people.

[Wind Spirit Body]: Physique belongs to the wind element, naturally suitable for cultivating any wind-based techniques.

[Lucky Star]: Luck is often better than ordinary people.

Meridian Opening Realm?

Jiang Yuan was instantly shocked.

What kind of realm is this?

He had never heard of it before. Could it be that the so-called immortal cultivators mentioned by others are practitioners of the Meridian Opening Realm?

Xu Xiao looked at Jiang Yuan with interest. This little guy had a keen sense and could actually perceive the abnormalities caused by his recent breakthrough and unstable cultivation realm.

At the same time, a hint of surprise flashed in Li Hong's eyes.

As soon as Jiang Yuan entered the courtyard, he could see Jiang Yuan's level of Body Tempering.

Vicera Refining, Initial Stage!

This speed was unbelievable!

Over a month ago, he had glanced at Jiang Yuan and at that time, Jiang Yuan's aura was not strong, only at the Third Stage of Body Tempering.

Unexpectedly, in just over a month, he had broken through to the Fifth Stage of Body Tempering, reaching the Initial Stage of Vicera Refining.

It seemed that the Jiang family had a talented individual, but unfortunately, Jiang Zhenyuan died early.

Otherwise, with him around, Jiang Yuan's growth would not be a problem, and he might have a chance to become extraordinary in the future.

Thinking of this, a trace of regret flashed in his heart.

The man in the purple robe glanced at Li Hong and smiled, transmitting his voice, "Brother, do you regret not keeping him?"

Li Hong slightly nodded, his voice barely audible, "I plan to spare his life. As for his future opportunities, it's up to him."

He turned to Jiang Yuan and said, "I wonder why Young Master Jiang has come to see me and presented me with two thousand taels of silver. Do you have any requests?"

Li Hong's words instantly snapped Jiang Yuan out of his contemplation.

He collected himself and shook his head, saying, "I have no other requests. I only want to give my family's wealth to the County Lord and hope that the County Lord will make this matter known to others."

After speaking, he walked up to Li Hong and took out a stack of property deeds and land deeds from his pocket.

"All the properties in my family, except for the land deed of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency, are here. I ask the County Lord to accept them."

Seeing the stack of property deeds and land deeds in Jiang Yuan's hand, Li Hong's gaze suddenly froze as he stared at Jiang Yuan.

After a few moments, he slowly said, "Impressive courage. To achieve this at such a young age, I underestimated you before."

He let out a sigh and took out a jade bottle from his pocket.

"Since you are so generous, I will also give you something. There is a Viscera Refining Pill of the Entry Grade in this bottle, enough to help you smoothly complete the refinement of your internal organs. As for the properties in your family, I will accept them all."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuan's heart was filled with joy.

A Viscera Refining Pill?

He never expected to gain such an unexpected reward on this trip.

The Viscera Refining Pill was no ordinary item.

He had only heard of it before but had never seen one.

It was a pill of the Entry Grade, capable of providing great assistance in refining the internal organs.

It was said that only those high-ranking immortals possessed such things.

Unexpectedly, the County Lord had one in his possession and even gave it to him as a gift.

From this perspective, his actions were completely worthwhile, and he even made a big profit.

The value of the Viscera Refining Pill to him far exceeded ten thousand taels of silver.

Jiang Yuan accepted the pill and clasped his hands, saying, "Thank you, County Lord."

The young man in the purple robe on the side smiled and said, "Brother, you are quite generous today."

Just at that moment, another servant hurriedly arrived.

"Reporting to the Lord, Zhao Li requests an audience."

Before Li Hong could respond, the young man in the purple robe immediately stood up and slammed the table.

"Zhao Li? Haha, the person I've been waiting for has arrived."

Li Hong's face was filled with joy as he said, "Quickly, invite him in."

Upon hearing Zhao Li's arrival, the two of them instantly left Jiang Yuan aside and eagerly looked towards the entrance of the courtyard.

Jiang Yuan was also extremely surprised.

Zhao Li?

Could it be the recently famous young prodigy from Dashun Mansion?

In just two months, he had become a master at the Body Tempering stage, where his spirit and energy were perfectly united.

Such talent was shocking to the world.

Never did he expect that he would come here today.

Thinking about the cultivation level of that young man in purple robes, a sudden realization flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind.

After a moment.

A young boy with a childish face appeared in everyone's sight.

Dressed in a green robe, he exuded an air of arrogance between his eyebrows.

His profile instantly appeared in Jiang Yuan's eyes.

[Name]: Zhao Li

[Cultivation Level]: Ninth stage of Body Tempering

[Innate Luck]: Innate Spirit Body (blue), Wood Attribute (green), Vigorous Energy (white), Martial Arts Family (white)

[Innate Spirit Body]: Special physique, naturally close to spiritual energy, can naturally absorb spiritual energy into the body.

[Wood Attribute]: Practicing wood attribute techniques is twice as effective, progress is rapid, but practicing metal attribute techniques is prone to demonic possession.

[Vigorous Energy]: Naturally abundant mental energy, requires very little rest and sleep, and has slightly stronger mental power than ordinary people.

[Martial Arts Family]: Born in a martial arts family, the physique is naturally stronger than ordinary people, and more skilled in various weapons.

After reading his profile, Jiang Yuan suddenly felt a bit disappointed.

Originally, he thought that with Zhao Li's talent, he must have the same purple-level Innate Luck as Gu Mo.

This would mean that he must have gathered a lot of strands of Luck power, and Jiang Yuan could take advantage of it.

But now, it seemed that he had overestimated Zhao Li.

He only had blue-level Innate Luck, and couldn't condense any Luck power at all.

According to the explanation on his profile, Jiang Yuan could also understand that his cultivation talent was not as strong as Gu Mo's.

A practitioner of the sword path, their offensive techniques are almost invincible at the same level.

Once Gu Mo abandons the sword and cultivates the sword, he might be even stronger than Jiang Yuan originally imagined.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan's heart suddenly became urgent.

He had someone under him who had talent surpassing this famous prodigy from Dashun Mansion, and he needed to cultivate him well.

After seeing Li Hong and the others, Zhao Li slightly clasped his fists and said, "Greetings, Lord Lin'an County, greetings, Immortal Elder."

The young man in purple robes smiled and said, "No need for such formalities. In no time, we will be calling each other senior and junior. You can call me Senior Xu, and this is your Senior Li."

"Senior Xu, Senior Li," Zhao Li slightly bowed, his pride written all over his face.

The existence of these people, who were like immortals in the mouths of others, was now so friendly to him. How could he not be proud?

At this moment, he understood even more the power of his own talent.

If it weren't for his strong talent, how could they be so close to him?

Facing Zhao Li's respectful address, the two of them were even more delighted.

This prodigy in front of them was completely different from them.

At the age of sixteen, he had reached the ninth stage of Body Tempering, and it was inevitable for him to be extraordinary.

Perhaps in a few years, Zhao Li's height would make them look up to him.

And as time went on, the gap between them would only grow larger.

In this situation, how could they not be proud of Zhao Li's arrogance?

At this moment, Zhao Li looked at Jiang Yuan and asked, "Who is this?"

Li Hong smiled and said, "You don't know him. This is Jiang Yuan, the son of Jiang Zhenyuan, the Wind and Thunder Sword. He is a prodigy in Lin'an County and may become your junior brother in the future."

Zhao Li carefully looked at Jiang Yuan.

After sensing Jiang Yuan's cultivation level at the Body Tempering stage, he immediately lost interest.

At the same age as him, only at the fifth stage of Body Tempering, the level of Viscera Refining was completely different from his talent.

He couldn't help but sneer and no longer paid attention to Jiang Yuan.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan didn't linger either.

He put the bottle of elixir in his bag and raised his hand to Li Hong, saying, "Thank you for your gift, Lord Lin'an. I will take my leave now."

Li Hong nodded and said, "I have agreed to your request just now. Soon, someone will go and take over the various industries of Zhenyuan Escort Agency, and the various forces in the city will naturally understand."

Upon hearing his words, Jiang Yuan instantly felt relieved.

Based on today's observations, Li Hong's identity seemed to exceed his imagination.

With his protection now, he should be safe.

All he lacked at the moment was time, give himself some more time.

Then everything would not be a problem.

As Jiang Yuan left, the two of them instantly forgot about him and became more enthusiastic towards Zhao Li.

(End of this chapter)

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