Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 54 The Bow Is Like A Thunderbolt!

Chapter 54: The Bow Strikes Like Thunder!

In the distance.

On the Su family's merchant ship.

The old man witnessed this scene.

His face was filled with extreme shock.

In his youth, he had traveled far and wide, and had seen several youths who could be called geniuses.

But he had never seen anyone possess such a shocking and extraordinary power.

This kind of physical strength should only appear in great demons and fierce beasts.

How could the physical body of a human be so powerful?

A deep sense of confusion arose in his heart.

On the other side.

Facing thirteen experts of the same level, Jiang Yuan stood at the pinnacle of the mortal realm.

He didn't dare to be careless, his blood and qi surged, his internal energy roared.

This palm strike was the most peak one he had ever made.

All the true meaning of martial arts was condensed within it.

Facing such powerful opponents, using the true meaning of martial arts to suppress them was not very meaningful.

Being able to reach the ninth level of Body Tempering, his essence, energy, and spirit had already reached the limit of the mortal realm, at least for the majority of people.

In this situation, no matter how strong his true meaning of martial arts was, he couldn't suppress these experts of the same level who were united as one.

In the next moment.


A dull sound exploded in everyone's ears.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan's palm was like a broken bamboo, crushing everything in its path, heavily landing on the chest of the person in front.

The person's entire back was raised high by his palm strike.

All his internal organs ruptured, his seven orifices were stained with blood, and his eyes bulged out.

It was obvious that this person was beyond saving, already dead beyond death!

The attack from the other twelve people was all blocked by Jiang Yuan's fists or feet.

Leaving no particularly obvious injuries.

Then, a ragged corpse "thunderously" shot into the water, causing waves to surge.

The leader of the bandits' expression changed from determination to fear.

"Escape!" he shouted.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the water's surface and turned to flee.

At this moment, the thought of risking his life completely extinguished in his heart.

In this brief exchange, he already understood that if he continued to fight, he would only die without a doubt!

Dispersing and fleeing, perhaps the thirteen brothers could still preserve most of their fighting spirit.

"Who is this Jiang Yuan? How can he be so terrifying?" Fu Lao took a deep breath, suppressing his shock.

At this moment, no one answered this question.

They were all stunned by the scene before them.

Fourteen experts at the ninth level of Body Tempering, standing at the pinnacle of the mortal realm.

But when they faced that young man, two of them died instantly.

As for the others, their courage was completely shattered, and they could only scatter and flee for their lives.

Were these the peak experts at the ninth level of Body Tempering standing at the pinnacle of the mortal realm?

At the same time.

On the other side.

Jiang Yuan's figure briefly soared in the air, then landed on the water's surface.

With a push of his right foot, his figure soared several zhang high.

And his speed was like lightning, instantly closing the distance with the person in front.

Feeling the oppressive sensation of Jiang Yuan rapidly approaching from behind.

The bandit instantly turned his head.

Only to see a giant palm covering the sky descending on his forehead.

With one palm strike, his head was pressed into his chest by Jiang Yuan.

"Three!" Jiang Yuan murmured.

At this moment, a big man not far away turned his head and saw this scene.

Instantly, he shouted in grief and anger, "Fifth Brother!"

Jiang Yuan turned his head towards the sound.

With a push of his foot, the flowing lake surface solidified like solid ground.

His figure suddenly skyrocketed.

On the small boat.

Gu Mo let out a breath he had been holding in his chest for a long time.

"He moves like the wind, his momentum is like thunder. The young master has integrated the true meaning of martial arts into his bones, I am inferior to him!"

Old Ma, at this moment, stared blankly at the scenes in the distance, unable to speak for a long time.

He thought that the young master would be strong, after all, he was so calm and confident.

But I didn't expect it to be this strong.

Fourteen surrounded one, and he easily killed two.

The others all fled for their lives, completely unwilling to turn back and fight him.

This shows that the gap is so great that it has driven them to despair. Otherwise, how could martial arts experts not have the courage to fight to the death?

In the distance.

Jiang Yuan muttered, "Four!"





With each word he spoke, one person's blood splattered on the Yanzhou Lake.

Just as he was about to say ten!

That person suddenly turned around.


With a loud shout, he tried to overpower others with his momentum.

He immediately threw out a cold light from his hand, with a faint glimmer on it.

In that moment, within a distance of less than ten feet, it passed by in an instant.

Jiang Yuan's eyes narrowed.

Under the coverage of his divine sense, every pattern on the flying knife with the faint light was clearly visible.

Then he slightly leaned to the side, and the flying knife brushed against the hem of his clothes.


Jiang Yuan's voice fell.

His head had already been struck into his chest.

Then, Jiang Yuan looked around and the remaining four survivors fled in different directions.

The distance between them had already become quite far.

He turned his body and suddenly exerted force with his feet.

He rushed towards the direction of the small boat.

At the same time.

The remaining four turned their heads and saw that Jiang Yuan seemed to have given up the pursuit.

They suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"We finally survived!" one of them said.

Their hearts were filled with a sense of relief after surviving a disaster.

Just at that moment.

Jiang Yuan took a few steps and returned to the small boat.

"Bring the bow!" Jiang Yuan reached out his hand.

Old Ma quickly handed over the long bow that had already been prepared in his hand.

This bow was the killing weapon that Jiang Yuan had prepared.

On the vast surface of Yanzhou Lake, such an open space.

A strong bow was the greatest weapon.

As for whether he could use the bow?

After reaching the ninth level of Body Tempering, he could accurately control the force in any part of his body.

There was no such thing as not being able to use it.

As long as one became skilled, they could achieve the level of hitting the bullseye from a hundred steps away.

And the power of the bow, besides being related to the material of the bow, was also related to the strength of the person using it.

Jiang Yuan knew very well that his strength surpassed all others, so he had long been prepared and spent a lot of money to buy this strong bow.

As for the source of the money, it naturally came from the various forces in Lin'an County who came to offer gifts.

As long as he held a strong bow, he could kill countless people on the lake.

Especially now that he could release his divine sense.

In the next moment.

He placed his fingers on the bowstring.


In an instant, he pulled it to full tension, and the entire bow seemed to struggle to withstand this force.

Emitting a series of small cracking sounds.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

This bow was still of inferior quality!

But even with this bow, he bought it in a big city along the way, and it was already the best strong bow available locally.

It could bear a force of thirty thousand jin.

This kind of power, even a ninth level Body Tempering expert could only barely pull seventy percent.

But in Jiang Yuan's hands, he effortlessly pulled it to full tension.


He let go.

The long arrow in his hand shot out like a cannonball, stirring up endless waves and leaving a clearly visible white mark in the air.

But the people in the distance couldn't hear any sound.

As for those crazy fleeing bandits, they had no idea that there was an arrow shooting towards them from behind.

Thanks to the support from "Seafood is Poisonous" and "Just Want to Read 466".

Thanks to everyone for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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