Chapter One was published on February 3rd, 338 days ago. It has been almost a year, and I have finally completed my first book.

To be honest, I did not expect this achievement.

I still remember when I submitted it, I was rejected by several editors. In the end, Y University gave me a chance, but they clearly didn't have high hopes.

I didn't expect to pass the trial round easily. Although it didn't make it to the top three rankings, I still gained a new book, "Zhou Qiang," with 1,200 initial subscriptions.

Step by step, I made it into a high-quality work, and the final average subscription was 5,828. I am personally satisfied with this.

It exceeded my previous expectations.

Since this is my first completed book as a newcomer, the foreign websites only have practice writing of less than one million characters. My skills are limited, so I hope you all can understand.

I have been working hard and writing seriously. In 338 days, I have written a total of 2.37 million characters, with an average daily update of 7,000 characters. If we don't count the 4,000 characters I updated daily during the new book period, the average daily update is almost 8,000 characters.

I feel that I have worked hard.

As I reached the late stage, the updates slowed down. I really couldn't help it. I had no experience in completing a long novel, and it became more difficult to write as I progressed. In addition, I had some trivial matters in life, which caused the updates to slow down.

I apologize for that.

I also want to apologize to the warm supporter who has been supporting me. I owe five chapters to the Silver Alliance. I really can't continue writing with this burden. I am deeply sorry.

In addition, I owe six chapters for the monthly ticket update. I can only find a compromise and pay it back in the next book.

For the next book, I plan to start after the Lantern Festival and take a good break to celebrate the New Year.

As for the genre, I will choose between Xianxia, fantasy, or high martial arts. It is expected to have some connection with this book.

Since I have started writing, I must have some ideas.

Speaking of which, I want to thank the respected warm supporter again. Without his support as the first supporter of the Silver Alliance, I definitely couldn't have persisted with daily updates for almost three months.

It was all thanks to my determination and the promise of adding 50 extra chapters that I managed to complete it. Now that I have fulfilled that promise, I feel relieved.

However, the continuous burst of updates in the middle really benefited the performance of this book.

Without the support of the respected supporter, I definitely couldn't have made such efforts.

I also want to thank all the readers for their support. I am truly grateful. It is because of your support that I have been able to persist until today and complete my first book. It can be considered a formal ending, and it is also my personal best effort to complete it.

Some people say that I don't read comments, so I want to clarify here.

Indeed, I stopped reading comments later on because as a newcomer, my writing was not very good, and there were more negative comments. I am quite sensitive, and I was afraid that the comments would affect my mentality. If my mentality is not good, I might not be able to continue writing this book.

So, I simply stopped reading comments later on and focused on writing, writing what I wanted to write.

For the next book, I still want to interact with readers, so I will probably continue reading comments.

Looking back now, there were many problems with this book. As a newcomer, I indeed lacked control. I will strive to write better in the next book.

The next book will be released after the Lantern Festival, and I hope to have the support of readers!!!

Once again, thank you to all the readers for your support!! - The end, celebrate with flowers!!! (End of this chapter)

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