Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 58: The Treasure House Of The Stormy Wind Village!

Chapter 58: The Treasure Vault of the Galewind Bandit Stronghold!

Shortly after.

The voice of Old Ma came from outside the cabin.

"Young Master, we have arrived at the Galewind Bandit Stronghold!"

Upon hearing these words, Jiang Yuan immediately got up and walked out of the cabin.

As soon as he stepped out of the cabin, he was greeted by the imposing water fortress.

At this moment, the only two remaining bandits stood trembling on the edge of the deck and said, "Sir, we have arrived at the Galewind Bandit Stronghold. Can you let us go?"

"Take me to the treasure vault of the Galewind Bandit Stronghold first! If you perform well, I won't go back on my word!" Jiang Yuan said.

"Alright, sir!" The two of them said with a brave face.

Just then, the two people on the lookout tower in front were awakened by the noise from Jiang Yuan's side.

They slowly opened their sleepy eyes, rubbed them, and yawned.

Curiosity arose in their hearts. Why did the Great Chief of the stronghold come back so early after going out to cause trouble today?

Could it be that they had good luck today and made a big harvest?

When they fully opened their eyes and looked down below, they were suddenly shocked.

Then they shouted, "Who are you people? How dare you trespass into our Galewind Bandit Stronghold? Do you not want to live?"

"Gu Mo, deal with all the bandits and open the gates!"

"Yes, Young Master!"

Gu Mo responded and instantly left the small boat.

Like a gust of wind, he rushed towards the lookout tower in front.

After a few moments, there were several screams from that direction.

Then, cries of shock and screams echoed throughout the stronghold.

After a while, the gates of the stronghold slowly opened.

"Go in!" Jiang Yuan waved his hand.

The young escorts began to paddle, slowly guiding the small boat into the stronghold.

As they entered the stronghold, there were corpses floating on the water along the way.

It was obvious that they had just been killed, and the blood seeping out dyed the entire lake red.

After a while, guided by the two bandits, Jiang Yuan and the others boarded the stronghold.

"The treasure vault of our Galewind Bandit Stronghold is inside!" the two of them said, bowing their heads.

At this moment, Gu Mo's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Young Master, the mission is complete without fail. There are no survivors, but what should we do with the women they captured?" Gu Mo asked.

Jiang Yuan said in a calm tone, "Life and death are predetermined. We have saved their lives, which is already good enough! There are light boats and small boats here. As long as they have the will to survive, they will naturally be able to return home. If they have the intention to die, saving them is meaningless! Besides, we are not officials, so we don't need to take care of the people's settlement!"

After saying these words, he turned to the two bandits and said, "Open the door to the treasure vault!"

"Yes!" The two of them quickly responded, not daring to voice any objections.

However, as they wielded their weapons and struck the wooden door.

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

The wooden door of the treasure vault made a sound of metal clashing, and sparks flew, leaving only scratches on the surface.

"Young Master, it seems like this treasure vault is made of heavy ironwood! The Galewind Bandit Stronghold is really wealthy!" Old Ma exclaimed.


Jiang Yuan's face also showed a surprised expression.

This type of wood is difficult to grow and usually only exists in extremely cold regions. It has excellent hardness and is far more valuable than refined iron.

To be able to use this kind of wood to make a treasure vault, it seems that the Galewind Bandit Stronghold has made quite a fortune over the years.

Jiang Yuan's heart suddenly became excited.

He was in desperate need of money!

The three thousand taels of silver that the Wanmin Trading Company compensated, the funeral benefits he gave to the families of the deceased brothers from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency, had basically emptied his pockets.

The gifts sent by the various forces in Lian'an City later on were also mostly spent, especially after buying that powerful bow, his funds were completely depleted.

A powerful bow is always the most expensive item among weapons.

Moreover, that strong bow was made for the top experts in the Body Tempering Ninth Layer, and its price is exorbitant!

Then, Jiang Yuan waved his hand and said, "You two step back!"

Upon hearing this, the two quickly stepped aside and gasped for breath.

Jiang Yuan approached the wooden door of the treasure vault and placed his palm on it.

He exerted force.


The wooden planks under everyone's feet shook.

The treasure vault door instantly shattered into pieces, and the walls made of heavy ironwood next to it also twisted and deformed.

The two bandits who had just witnessed this scene were greatly shocked.

They had personally experienced the hardness of the treasure vault door and had used all their strength to hack at it, but they could only leave shallow knife marks.

But in the hands of this young man...

With a casual push, he effortlessly destroyed the entire treasure vault.

Such strength was terrifying!

The feeling of powerlessness in their hearts became even stronger for a moment.

In the hands of someone like him, life and death could only be left to fate.

They could only hope that he would abide by what he had just said.

Jiang Yuan glanced inside through the door and immediately showed a look of joy.

"Uncle Ma, call the brothers to come in with me and move things."

"Yes, young master!"

Old Ma also became excited.

Then, Jiang Yuan took the lead and walked into the treasure vault of the Windstorm Gang.

Inside the treasure vault, boxes of gold and silver jewelry were casually placed on the ground.

The room was filled with a dazzling array of jewels.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuan became even more delighted.

Money is a good thing.

The path of cultivation also cannot do without the support of money.

Even Li Hong, the county lord of Lin'an County and an outer disciple of the Sunset Sect, had guarded Lin'an County for more than ten years for the sake of cultivation resources.

If he had enough wealth, he could directly exchange it for sect achievements, so why waste time like this?

Based on his behavior, it could be inferred that even in immortal sects, gold and silver were not just a pile of waste, but items needed by major sects.

In fact, this could be understood. Gold and silver were scarce minerals, and if there were weaponsmiths, there would naturally be craftsmen.

And craftsmen would need various materials, including gold and silver, which was normal.

Moreover, were there no ordinary people in the sects?

They also needed to survive, and their families needed gold and silver for expansion.

Therefore, this batch of wealth from the Windstorm Gang was a solution to Jiang Yuan's urgent need.

At this time, Old Ma had already led the young escorts into the treasure vault.

Jiang Yuan said, "Uncle Ma, move all these things away. We can take the unnecessary items to the county city of Luoshui County to exchange for money."

"Yes!" Old Ma nodded and began to command them to move the boxes.

As for Jiang Yuan, he continued to walk deeper into the treasure vault.

The area near the entrance of the treasure vault contained only ordinary wealth.

The real accumulation of the Windstorm Gang over the past few decades, the greatest treasures, were inside.

He arrived in front of a storage cabinet.

Jiang Yuan flipped through them one by one, and they were all filled with secret manuals. However, when Jiang Yuan casually opened one or two, they were extremely ordinary martial arts secret manuals.

Secret manuals of this level could only be exchanged for money.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan randomly opened a martial arts secret manual, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"One Reed Crossing the River! Good stuff!" he praised.

Then, he carefully flipped through page by page. After reading them all, he slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the secrets recorded in this martial arts manual appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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