Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 61 Famous Luoshui County

Chapter 61: Renowned in Luoshui County

On the small boat.

Old Ma was a bit puzzled and asked, "Young Master, why did that strong man suddenly become so wary of us? I took another look, and it seems that the rule they mentioned does exist."

At the busy dock, one could see teams of guards boarding other boats for inspection.

"He might recognize us."

"How is that possible?" Old Ma was surprised. "We have never been to the county city of Luoshui. How could he possibly recognize us?"

Jiang Yuan said, "Uncle Ma, have you forgotten about the incident at Yanbo Lake a few days ago? There was another merchant ship there, the Su family's merchant ship!"

Old Ma suddenly realized, "Brother Su, the Su family! That's right, no wonder his expression changed so drastically. It turns out he witnessed Young Master's extraordinary power."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Uncle Ma, take some people and enter Luoshui County to gather information. I want to know if there are any members of the Immortal Clan in Luoshui County!"

Old Ma nodded, "Young Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Jiang Yuan said, "Also, take the goods from the ship and sell them, exchange them for silver bills and bring them back. And dispose of those low-level martial arts secrets, exchange them all for silver bills."

"No problem!" Old Ma patted his chest and said, "Young Master, you can rest assured and wait here. I will gather the information first."

"Okay!" Jiang Yuan nodded and then walked into the cabin.

Back in his own room.

Jiang Yuan closed his eyes again and began to mobilize the qi and blood in his body to temper himself.

The next morning.

"Young Master!" Old Ma saw Jiang Yuan coming out of the room and quickly walked up to him.

Jiang Yuan nodded and casually absorbed a strand of Luck power condensed on Gu Mo's body.

Then he asked, "Uncle Ma, how is the information gathering going?"

Old Ma said, "I have gathered information everywhere. There is no presence of immortals in the entire county city, but there used to be legends of immortals. The Su family had a prodigy hundreds of years ago, just like Zhao Li from the Dashun Mansion. An immortal came and took him into the sect!"

"And a hundred years ago, there was a monster called the Mirage that appeared in Yanbo Lake. Its strength was extremely terrifying. Even a Body Tempering Ninth Layer expert at the peak of the mortal realm couldn't do anything to it in the water. Later, an immortal sent by the court came and beheaded it with a single sword."

Jiang Yuan nodded, and all his worries disappeared.

"Uncle Ma, what about the goods? How did you handle them?"

Old Ma smiled and said, "Except for those few martial arts secrets, everything else has been taken care of. We obtained a total of 63,400 silver bills. If it weren't for Young Master's instructions to handle it quickly, the price could have increased by another five percent."

Jiang Yuan waved his hand, "It's fine, just get rid of them. What's the situation with those martial arts secrets?"

Old Ma said, "I originally wanted to dispose of them quickly, but the shopkeeper told me that there is an auction tonight and asked me to store them for auction. They would fetch a higher price, and we can get the payment tonight."

Jiang Yuan nodded, "That works too."

Then he said, "Since we have gathered the information, let's go to the county city first, have something to eat, and then go to the Su family."

"Yes!" Old Ma nodded.

Yingxian Residence.

This building used to be called the Welcome Guest Building, but later it was said that an immortal came to dine and praised the taste before leaving.

After that, it was renamed Yingxian Residence, and business became extremely prosperous.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan and his group arrived on the second floor.

The dishes had just been served, and Jiang Yuan picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

"It's really good!"

He praised.

Just then, someone below cleared their throat.

"Everyone, today I won't tell the previous stories. Instead, I'll tell the story of a young prodigy named Jiang Yuan."

As soon as these words were spoken, a commotion broke out below.

"Young prodigy? Jiang Yuan? Why haven't we heard of him?"

Old Ma also curiously looked down and said, "Young Master, he's a storyteller. Why is he suddenly telling your story?"

"Maybe it's related to the battle at Yanbo Lake! After all, there were other merchant ships present at the time." Jiang Yuan said.

Meanwhile, the voice of the storyteller could be heard from below.

"You may not have heard of it, but there are definitely thirteen people you have heard of."

"Who?" someone in the audience curiously asked.

"The Thirteen Great Thieves of Mangshan!"

"Wow! This person is famous, and it's related to the Thirteen Great Thieves of Mangshan?"

"That's right!"

The two of them piqued the curiosity of the crowd.

Then he said, "It was a legendary battle. Do you want to hear about it?"

With the influence of the Thirteen Great Thieves of Mangshan, the curiosity in the hearts of the people was aroused.

"We want to!"


"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

The sound of a pile of copper coins falling to the ground rang out.

Jiang Yuan said, "Xiaoxiao, throw a silver ingot down!"

"Yes, young master!"

Shu Xiaoxiao responded and then threw a silver ingot towards the stage on the first floor.

The storyteller below saw the silver coin falling in front of him and was instantly delighted.

The drink he had last night was worth it.

He picked up the silver coin and bowed to the second floor, saying, "Thank you, esteemed guest on the second floor, for your reward!"

Then he turned to the audience below and said, "Thank you, esteemed guests, for your reward!"

Jiang Yuan smiled. If it weren't for the Tai Xuan Sect token left by Tantai Ming, he would have had the idea of gaining fame in this way.

Just like Zhao Li from the Dashun Mansion, who became famous in two provinces, naturally there would be immortal sect disciples coming to guide and become his disciples.

In this way, he wouldn't have to consider the Sunset Sect.

But now it was unnecessary.

At this time, the storyteller below cleared his throat.

Then he slowly began to narrate the events of that day.

When he mentioned the young prodigy who was said to be eight feet tall, eight feet wide, and had three heads and six arms.

There was suddenly a chorus of laughter from the surroundings, "Where in the world can you find a person shaped like a square!"

The storyteller pounded the table, "Exaggeration, it's an exaggeration."

Then he continued, and when he finished telling the whole story.

There was suddenly silence all around.

The storyteller stroked his beard and smiled, "What do you think, can he be called a young prodigy?"

There was a collective gasp from the surroundings.

"Wow! If what you said is true, then he is indeed a young prodigy, like a god descending to earth. He will definitely become a prominent figure among the immortal sects in the future!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Just then, someone in the audience suddenly shouted, "Nonsense! It's completely unfounded! An unknown nobody has never been able to single-handedly fight against the Thirteen Great Thieves of Mangshan!"

"Even the most famous young prodigy in the Dashun Mansion, my nephew Zhao Li, couldn't do it even at the peak of mortal limits."

The storyteller on the stage said, "I don't know who you are?"

"I am naturally Zhao Li's uncle!" the man proudly declared.

Upon hearing this, the crowd was stunned, and the storyteller also clasped his fists and said, "So you are Zhao Xianchang's uncle. I was blind not to recognize you!"

The man raised his chin slightly, "The story you just told about the battle at Yanbo Lake, is it hearsay?"

The storyteller could only tell the truth, "Indeed, I heard it from someone else."

From now on, the update schedule will be changed, and two chapters will be released together until the book is published.

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