Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 66 Gongsun Zhi's Reaction!

Chapter 66: Gong Sunzhi's Reaction!

At the dock.

"Master Shao, farewell!" Old Ma bowed and said.

"Master Shao, farewell."

For a moment, farewell greetings echoed one after another.

Jiang Yuan also bowed and said, "Uncle Ma, take care, I'll be back!"

Then, he turned to the others and said, "Brothers, take care on the road, remember to take good care of Uncle Ma!"

The young escorts laughed and said, "Master Shao, you can rest assured and go on your way! We'll take care of Uncle Ma!"


Old Ma instantly knocked the person on the head.

"Can't you speak properly! What 'on your way'!"

Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Jiang Yuan looked at the playful crowd in front of him and smiled.

In his heart, he silently said, "I'll be back!"

At this moment, Gu Mo also said, "Uncle Ma, take care!"

Then he bowed to the others and said, "Brothers, take care!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the light boat under Jiang Yuan's feet shot off and disappeared into the mist.

Only then did Old Ma rub his eyes and say, "Let's go! Let's go home!"

"Let's go! Let's go home." The young escorts echoed one after another.

At this moment, they were full of anticipation for returning to Lin'an County.

They were eager to know the reactions of the people in Lin'an County after hearing about Master Shao's battle at Yanbo Lake.

Thinking of this, they felt proud in their hearts, as participants, they were honored.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

On the light boat.

Jiang Yuan held a jade plaque engraved with the words "Tantai" and infused it with his blood and qi.

Instantly, the plaque in his hand began to guide the direction.

After confirming the direction, the light boat under his feet shot off.

A few days later.

Lin'an County.

Li Hong lay in the backyard flipping through the yellowed ancient books, enjoying the leisurely afternoon.

Just then.

A hurried footsteps sounded, and he glanced over.

Then he casually said, "Old Wu, you look so rushed, what's the matter?"

The man in black came to Li Hong's side and saluted, "Master, I've received some big news."

"What big news?"

"All thirteen of the Mangshan bandits have been executed!"

"All thirteen of them executed? That is indeed big news! But what does it have to do with me? It can't be that it was our people from Lin'an County who killed them!"

Li Hong smiled, picked up his teacup, and took a sip.

"It was indeed our people from Lin'an County who killed them!"


The tea table shook.

Li Hong immediately stood up, his expression stunned.

"Say it again."

"The Mangshan bandits were indeed killed by the people of Lin'an County!"

Li Hong looked puzzled, "That's impossible! Who in Lin'an County could have killed the thirteen bandits of Mangshan?"

The man in black nodded slowly, "Jiang Yuan!"


"Jiang Yuan!"

"This...this is impossible!! How could he have killed those thirteen bandits of Mangshan who were at the pinnacle of mortal realm?" Li Hong's face was full of disbelief.

The man in black nodded slowly, "Indeed, he killed all thirteen of them in Yanbo Lake, and even the Black Wind Fort's leader, Ning Buqi."

After speaking, he took out the intelligence he had just obtained and handed it to Li Hong.

Li Hong quickly took it and slowly read it word by word.

After a while, he took a deep breath.

Then he exhaled slowly, muttering to himself, "I misjudged! I completely misjudged! Jiang Yuan's combat power is unexpectedly extraordinary. He single-handedly fought against fourteen ordinary cultivators at their limits, and managed to kill them one by one. Just how deep is his accumulation of strength?"

After speaking, he said, "Lao Wu, quickly prepare paper and ink for me. I need to write a letter to report to the sect."

"Yes, sir!" the man in black clothes respectfully replied.

Then he quickly left.

After a while.

Li Hong finished writing with his brush, then blew gently towards the paper on the table, completely drying the ink.

As he folded the paper, he whispered, "I hope there's still time. If this extraordinary talent were to join another sect, it would be such a loss. I hope the sect will take my letter seriously!"

After finishing, he handed the sealed envelope to the man in black clothes.

"Lao Wu, send this letter out using a falcon or eagle."

"Yes!" the man in black clothes responded, then hurriedly left.

A few days later.

The Sunset Sect.

Gongsun Zhi received the sealed envelope.

On it was written, "Recommended Talent, Elder's Personal Report, Li Hong's Respectful Submission."

"Li Hong, him again? Has there been another extraordinary talent in Lin'an County?" Gongsun Zhi asked curiously.

Then she slowly opened the envelope and read through it. The more she read, the more furrowed her brows became.

After a long while.

Gongsun Zhi sneered, "Nonsense! How can such hearsay be believed? To fight against opponents of the same level, one against fourteen, only ignorant outer sect disciples would believe such a thing."

Then she waved her hand, and the envelope turned to ashes in an instant.

As for this matter, she quickly dismissed it from her mind.

Even she didn't believe it, let alone anyone else in the Sunset Sect.

At the Body Tempering stage, which is the foundational level for cultivators, the difference between practitioners is the smallest.

In a purely physical battle, even disciples cultivated by the sect, who have learned extraordinary secret techniques, are only stronger in martial arts and spirit compared to ordinary warriors.

Compared to ordinary warriors, the advantage is not significant. It would be considered good if they could defeat a few opponents at once.

To fight against more than ten opponents, especially those well-known ordinary warriors, is simply a fantasy.

Unless it's a demonic body, it would be impossible.

The advantage of the human race lies in their spiritual consciousness, their control of spiritual energy, and their comprehension of the world.

It is only after surpassing the ordinary level that their superiority is truly demonstrated.

As for physical strength, not many people pay attention to it.

After all, according to rumors, the path to becoming an immortal requires abandoning the physical body and condensing an immortal body.

No matter how strong the physical body is, in the end, it is all in vain.

Two months later.

Since entering the Cangmang Ancient Forest, they could only rely on their legs to travel.

On an unnamed hill.

It was noon, and Shu Xiaoxiao was panting, sweat covering her forehead.

Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Yuan could tell that she had reached her limit.

After a while, Jiang Yuan said, "Gu Mo, let's rest here!"

"Yes, young master!" Gu Mo replied.

Seeing this, Shu Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

She quickly took a water bottle from her body and said, "Young master, have some water!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "You drink it!"

Seeing this, Shu Xiaoxiao hung the water bottle back on her waist, took out another one, and poured it into her mouth, making a gurgling sound.

She continued drinking until she let out a satisfied burp, and her face relaxed a bit.

"I wonder how much farther we have to go to reach the Tai Xuan Sect," Gu Mo said, looking at the mountains ahead.

Jiang Yuan held the token in his hand, and with the stimulation of his blood and qi, it still pointed north.

"It should be soon! We've been traveling for over two months!" Jiang Yuan replied.

Just then, a long cry came from above them, the cry of an eagle!

"Why would there be an eagle's cry here?" Shu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, looking up at the sky.

Jiang Yuan and Gu Mo also looked up.

PS: Thank you for the support and donations from yesterday's chapter. Thank you to all the readers for your monthly votes and recommendations. If everything goes well, the next chapter will be released next Friday!

(End of this chapter)

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