Chapter 70: Slap in the Face

As Jiang Yuan walked out of Elder Wang's courtyard, he looked puzzled.

"Senior Brother Liu, what did Elder Wang mean by 'it's a pity'? Does that mean the physical body is not important?"

Liu Jie nodded slowly. "Indeed, for our human cultivation, it is not very important. In the future stages of cultivation, such as Meridian Opening, Spirit Sea, Divine Bridge, and Law Manifestation, the focus is more on the soul and innate talent. Physical body strength is not crucial."

"However, the stronger the physical body, the greater the help in breaking through the Meridian Opening Realm."

"To break through the Meridian Opening Realm, if there is no auxiliary pill to suppress the raging spiritual energy, a strong soul is needed. The soul can restrain the spiritual energy that enters the body, making it gentle and slowly opening up the meridians."

"Alternatively, relying on a strong physical body, which can withstand the rampage of spiritual energy, can also be beneficial for breaking through."

Jiang Yuan nodded. "I see."

"And there is another reason."

"What reason?" Jiang Yuan asked curiously.

"According to ancient records, to become an immortal through Transcending Tribulation, one must abandon the physical body and condense an immortal body in order to achieve True Immortal Dao. In short, the path of cultivation is long and treacherous!"

"True Immortal? Are there really immortals in this world?" Jiang Yuan asked, expressing his doubts.

Liu Jie shook his head slowly. "No one knows for sure, but according to ancient records, during the era when the Human Emperor emerged, there were records of immortals descending to the mortal realm. It was a splendid era. It is said that after the connection between heaven and earth was severed, immortals disappeared!"

Then Liu Jie smiled and said, "But these things have nothing to do with us."

Jiang Yuan nodded, thinking to himself that it was indeed the case.

If they were referred to as ancient times, it meant that it was incredibly distant, so distant that it was impossible to verify, becoming various legends.

However, based on what Liu Jie had said, it seemed that the physical body was not very important in the path of cultivation. No wonder Gong Sunzhi didn't care about it in the past.

But Jiang Yuan still didn't think so in his heart.

Since there was transmigration and a path to become an immortal, the mythical legends of the previous life couldn't be completely disbelieved.

If based on the mythical legends of the previous life, achieving sainthood through the physical body was an invincible path.

Moreover, he had such good conditions, how could he give up on this path?

After making up his mind, Jiang Yuan's heart was no longer confused.

In the sect's square, Gu Mo looked serious as he looked at the people in front of him. Shu Xiaoxiao, by his side, was a bit uneasy, biting her lip and clutching her clothes.

Lin Hao suddenly emerged from the crowd and stood in front of Shu Xiaoxiao. "Jiang Tian, as an outer disciple of the Tai Xuan Sect, how dare you bully someone's family? Do you have any shame?"

Jiang Tian sneered. "What? Lin Hao, do you also want to meddle in other people's business? I see that this girl is quite attractive, just right to become my servant. Do you have any objections?"

Lin Hao glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao behind him and felt delighted.

This Jiang Tian was indeed a fool, he liked girls who were fourteen or fifteen years old. With just a little guidance, he took the bait!

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he said firmly, "Of course I have objections. I can't stand by when I see injustice! Especially when it comes to someone like you who bullies the weak, it's a disgrace to our Tai Xuan Sect."

Jiang Tian glanced at the outer disciples who were gradually surrounding them, and his face darkened.

"Lin Hao, are you determined to oppose me?"


"Good! Very good! I want to see what qualifications you have to stop me."

Just as the two were about to clash, a loud shout came, "Stop!"

Everyone turned to look and saw Liu Jie, dressed in a green robe, appearing before them. On his chest was a mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mist.

This was the symbol of an inner disciple, one of the seven peaks.

Everyone quickly greeted him, "Greetings, Senior Brother!"

Seeing this, Lin Hao also quickly saluted, "Greetings, Senior Brother Liu!"

Liu Jie looked at him in surprise. I've been keeping a low profile all this time, yet this person actually recognizes me?

He felt a sense of pride in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan came to Shu Xiaoxiao's side.

"What's going on?"

Shu Xiaoxiao looked up and said, "He wants to make me his servant, but I refuse."

Jiang Tian also spoke, "Are you her master?"


"Very good!" Jiang Tian nodded and took out a jade stone that shimmered with a faint light from his body.

"Take a good look, this is a spirit stone worth ten taels of gold! I'll use this spirit stone to buy her!"

After saying that, he threw the spirit stone towards Jiang Yuan.

It hit her, then rolled on the ground a few times.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was unmoved, Jiang Tian's face turned cold.

"What? Not enough? Don't give face, huh?"

"Who gave you the courage?" Jiang Yuan said slowly.

Then she lifted her foot and gently crushed the spirit stone, instantly turning it into powder.

The onlookers' faces instantly showed expressions of heartache.

Jiang Tian's face immediately darkened, preparing to speak.

But Jiang Yuan couldn't be bothered to say more to him and moved her body.

Her blood and qi suddenly erupted, and she charged at Jiang Tian like an ancient ferocious beast, with a terrifying momentum.

"Good, come!" Jiang Tian sneered, raising his hand to prepare for an attack, just to teach this ignorant nobody a lesson.

In the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, how was this possible!

As soon as he made contact with Jiang Yuan, he felt an irresistible force coming at him.

The fist he swung was deflected to the side by her.


A clear slap sound rang out.

In an instant, his whole body flew up in the air, spitting out blood.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy and his mind became chaotic.

Jiang Yuan took another step forward.


The onlookers only felt a slight tremor under their feet.

Jiang Yuan's figure had instantly approached Jiang Tian.

Just at this moment, Liu Jie's voice sounded, "Junior Brother Jiang, stop! Fellow disciples are forbidden from killing each other!"

Jiang Yuan instantly transformed her fist into a palm.

Another slap was delivered.


Hearing the resounding slap, the onlookers suddenly felt a pain on their faces.

At this moment, teeth flew out of Jiang Tian's mouth.

"Wow! What a ruthless person!"

"So powerful! Jiang Tian is completely defenseless in his hands, but Jiang Tian's strength is not weak, he's about to break through to the Meridian Opening Realm!"

"What an insulting way to fight! But it feels so good!"

"Definitely! Those who humiliate others will be humiliated themselves. Jiang Tian has always been arrogant and domineering because of his status as an inner disciple, but now he's met his match!"

"Yes! This ruthless person also has inner disciples behind him!"

As they spoke, that person glanced at Liu Jie beside him.

At this moment, Liu Jie looked somewhat surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Yuan's strength to be so terrifying.

In front of him, Jiang Tian was like a child, completely defenseless.

The depth of his foundation and the strength of his physical body were shocking!


His talent was focused on his physical body, not his spiritual cultivation.

Otherwise, the Tai Xuan Sect would have another rising genius.

Then he flashed and appeared beside Jiang Yuan.

"It's a good thing you stopped, Junior Brother Jiang. The Tai Xuan Sect strictly forbids fellow disciples from fighting each other! Fighting among fellow disciples is a serious offense!"

Jiang Yuan smiled, "I'm not that foolish. I just wanted to let him lie down for a few months. But thinking about it, it's more satisfying to humiliate him a bit!"

(End of this chapter)

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