Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 73 Golden Innate Luck!

Chapter 73: Golden Innate Luck!

In an instant, tears welled up in Shu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

It hurts!

She exclaimed inwardly.

But thinking about what happened during the day, she immediately clenched her teeth and tried not to make a sound.

If she didn't try harder, she would truly become a burden to the young master.

By then, as a useless maid with no beauty, she would definitely be abandoned by the young master.

Thinking about this, she wiped away the tears from her eyes and revealed a determined expression.

After a while, the water gradually changed from blood red to clear and transparent.

It was at this moment that a prompt slowly appeared before Jiang Yuan's eyes.

"Due to your influence, Shu Xiaoxiao's destiny has undergone a tremendous change, her potential has deepened, and she has unleashed her abilities ahead of time. Her future achievements will reach new heights. You have gained 483 strands of Luck power and an additional high-level Innate Luck seed."

A high-level Luck seed?

Jiang Yuan's expression froze!

What kind of Innate Luck am I, a maid, that it would reward me with a high-level Luck seed?

Jiang Yuan quickly opened his eyes.

Before him, a beautiful and ethereal face appeared, even though her appearance hadn't changed much.

But at this moment, the way she closed her eyes was like a goddess in the heavens, untouchable and making people feel ashamed.

Shu Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes and slowly opened them.

In an instant, her eyes sparkled like stars, as if containing a universe within them.

Her status panel also appeared in Jiang Yuan's eyes.

[Name]: Shu Xiaoxiao

[Realm]: Not yet entered

[Innate Luck]: Sword Immortal Reincarnation (Gold), Peerless Immortal Beauty (Gold), Auspiciousness in Misfortune (Purple), Profound Blessings (Blue), Childlike Innocence (Blue), Exceptional Talent (Blue), Outstanding Comprehension (Green), Wood Element (Green)

[Sword Immortal Reincarnation]: A strand of true spirit reincarnated from a peerless sword immortal, possessing unparalleled talent in the way of the sword!

[Peerless Immortal Beauty]: An appearance that surpasses the world, unmatched charm, and an extraordinary temperament! A smile that captivates the city, and another that captivates the country! Naturally highly compatible with heaven, earth, and all things.

[Auspiciousness in Misfortune]: Turning bad luck into good fortune, turning misfortune into auspiciousness. Loved by Luck, it is extremely difficult for accidents to befall her.

What kind of divine Luck is this?

After reading her status panel, Jiang Yuan couldn't speak for a long time.

There were actually two golden Innate Luck.

So, this little maid of mine has such a great background, she is actually the reincarnation of a peerless sword immortal.

This is a true immortal, and she is even called a peerless sword immortal!

So, immortals really exist in the world, or at least they once existed!

A wave of shock and astonishment surged in Jiang Yuan's heart.

Seeing Jiang Yuan's absent-minded gaze, Shu Xiaoxiao spoke, "Young master, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yuan immediately snapped out of it and gradually regained his composure.

"It's nothing. You can start cultivating tomorrow. Rest well tonight!"

After speaking, Jiang Yuan got up and left.

At the same time, he opened his own status panel.

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Ninth level of Body Tempering

[Innate Luck]: Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Physique (Blue), Innate Wisdom (Blue), Condensed Divine Soul (Blue)

[Luck Power]: 575 strands

[Luck Seed]: One high-level seed

Seeing that the words "can be upgraded" didn't appear on his status panel, Jiang Yuan shook his head.

As expected, the next upgrade would require one thousand strands of Luck power. The road ahead is long and arduous!

Then, he skillfully infused the Luck power into the seed.

In the blink of an eye, twenty strands disappeared without any special occurrence.

But all of this was already within Jiang Yuan's expectations.

Last time, it was a low-level seed that took many days to suddenly bloom.

This time, it was a high-level seed, who knows how much Luck power it would require to nurture it.

But no matter how much it needs, it will definitely be worth it!

And there's no rush, slowly nurturing it, it will bloom sooner or later.

Thinking that even a low-level seed could produce a purple Innate Luck last time, Jiang Yuan's heart was filled with anticipation.

He closed Shu Xiaoxiao's door.

Jiang Yuan suddenly remembered the shocked look on Lin Hao's face when he saw Shu Xiaoxiao during the day.

Then he thought of the terrifying Innate Luck that Shu Xiaoxiao possessed at the moment.

Jiang Yuan immediately understood in his heart.

If he saw a glimpse of the future, there must be Shu Xiaoxiao's figure in it.

With such terrifying Innate Luck, no matter what the future holds.

She will definitely become the person that the world pays attention to.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly understood many things in his heart.

The next day.

[Detected 10 strands of Innate Luck, absorb?]


Jiang Yuan silently said in his heart.

At this moment, Shu Xiaoxiao appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

Strands of golden mist suddenly gathered on him.

The numbers on the panel immediately jumped and increased, then decreased again as he watered the Luck seed.

"Master, the water is ready!"


Jiang Yuan nodded, then got out of bed and finished washing up.

Then he took out the secret transmission of the Wind and Thunder Sword Technique.

"Take this, start practicing today!"

"Yes, Master!" Shu Xiaoxiao immediately smiled with joy.

Holding this secret transmission that belonged to Jiang Yuan, she was extremely happy.

Finally, she can start practicing and no longer be a burden to the Master.

I hope my talent can keep up with the Master.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt pressure in her heart.

Now she is no longer an ignorant village girl, having been with Jiang Yuan for so many days.

She already knows how terrifying her Master's talent for cultivation is.

Easily sweeping away all enemies of the same level.

Xiaoxiao must not be afraid of hardship! Not afraid of exhaustion!

She must work hard in her cultivation to not hold back the Master!


She cheered herself on in her heart.

On the other side.

Jiang Yuan walked out of the room.

"Gu Mo, come with me!"

"Yes, Young Master!" Gu Mo quickly followed.

Just as the two of them walked out of the 27th courtyard.

"Brother Jiang, where are you going?"

Lin Hao came over with a jug of wine in his hand.

Jiang Yuan absorbed a strand of Luck power that had condensed on him today, then said, "Going to the Martial Arts Hall!"

"Ah, what a pity!" Lin Hao lowered the jug of wine in his hand. "I wanted to have a drink with Brother Jiang today, but it seems inconvenient to disturb Brother Jiang now."

"Next time for sure!" Jiang Yuan smiled.

"Alright then!" Lin Hao nodded.

After looking at Jiang Yuan who was walking away, and then looking at the 27th courtyard, he shook his head.

It seems that there is no chance to get closer to him today.

Since that's the case, it's better to seize the opportunity to break through to the Meridian Opening Realm!

He then headed towards the Affairs Hall.

In his memory, there is an opportunity that he can now obtain.

After obtaining that opportunity, his spiritual strength will also meet the standard, and breaking through to the Meridian Opening Realm will be a matter of course.

On the way.

Gu Mo suddenly said, "Young Master, I feel that something is off with Lin Hao!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"I don't know!" Gu Mo shook his head. "It's just a kind of intuition!"

Jiang Yuan smiled, "He does have a problem indeed. He hasn't realized that he has been appearing too frequently! And he has been trying to get closer to me repeatedly! It's too deliberate!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Gu Mo suddenly woke up and quickly said, "Yes, that's right! The Young Master sees through it! But there's no need to pay too much attention to it. In the face of absolute strength, all ghosts and demons are like dust in the wind! The most urgent matter is to go to the Martial Arts Hall and obtain the method to break through to the Meridian Opening Realm. Once I break through to the Meridian Opening Realm, what storms can he stir up?"

"You make sense!" Gu Mo nodded.

As they spoke, the two of them quickened their pace.

With the help of their identity tokens, they smoothly made their way.

(End of this chapter)

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