Chapter 77: Breaking Through!

In the sky.

The old man also witnessed this scene.

He was filled with shock.

This kid is ruthless!

He can even go so far as to harm his own younger brother!

He's truly a born devil. Why did he join the Tai Xuan Sect?

He would have a bright future in the Demon Sect!

His actions are clearly aimed at killing Jiang Yuan here.


Luckily, I am here.

Otherwise, they would have succeeded.

Killing a genius like this would be digging the roots of the Tai Xuan Sect.

On the other side.

Jiang Yuan noticed this scene.

Instantly, he knew something was wrong.

Then he opened the person's panel and took a look.

[Name]: Zhou You

[Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm First Stage

[Innate Luck]: Earth Spirit Body (Green), Bear's Bloodline (Green), Strong Bones (White), Vigorous Energy (White), Quick-witted (White)

[Earth Spirit Body]: Practicing earth attribute techniques yields twice the results with half the effort, progressing rapidly. However, practicing wood attribute techniques is prone to demonic possession.

[Bear's Bloodline]: Possesses a trace of the bear's bloodline, with a more outstanding physical talent.

[Strong Bones]: Bones are naturally as hard as iron, different from ordinary people.

[Vigorous Energy]: Naturally abundant spiritual energy, requiring little rest and sleep, and slightly stronger mental power than ordinary people.

[Quick-witted]: Quick-witted, slightly enhanced comprehension.

Meridian Opening Realm First Stage, transcending the mundane!

This person must be using this to carry out an assassination.

Someone is targeting me!

Who is it?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind.

Tantai Ming!

Or Lin Hao?

It's most likely Tantai Ming!

With such methods, Lin Hao may not be qualified.

Having figured this out, Jiang Yuan also knew that he couldn't solve the crisis before him.

To break the deadlock!

He could only rely on himself!

In the next moment.

Jiang Yuan made up his mind.

The surrounding spiritual energy suddenly surged and rushed towards Jiang Yuan's body.

In an instant, the excruciating pain of a thousand needles surged up.

At this moment, countless strands of spiritual energy clashed and collided within Jiang Yuan's body.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Bloody plum blossoms instantly appeared on his white robe.

He was forcefully breaking through, striving to break through as quickly as possible!

Originally, Jiang Yuan wanted to further enhance his physique and increase his foundation before breaking through in one fell swoop.

This way, his Dao Foundation would undoubtedly be more solid than others!

It would be more beneficial for the future!

But now that this happened.

He knew he couldn't hesitate anymore. If he didn't break through immediately.

With his mortal body fighting against the extraordinary, he had no confidence.

The two were on different levels, not the same kind of beings.

Even with his powerful foundation, it was highly unlikely that he could surpass it!

In the sky, the old man revealed a look of astonishment.

This kid, has he gone mad?

He actually wants to break through the Meridian Opening Realm on the spot.

How dare he!

He was about to go down and stop him, but under the shroud of his divine soul.

Jiang Yuan instantly felt a slight disturbance and looked up at the sky.

A trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Was that just an illusion?

I clearly felt a divine soul suddenly probing into me!

The old man saw Jiang Yuan's gaze and instantly revealed a look of astonishment.

This kid can actually sense my probing. How strong is his divine soul!

Moreover, under such a violent surge of spiritual energy, he actually held on.

His meridians didn't collapse!

His divine soul was also exceptionally condensed.

He instantly extinguished the thought of intervening and decided to continue observing.

With him here, no matter how serious Jiang Yuan's injuries were, he had the confidence to save him.

Having figured this out, he immediately calmed down.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan endured the intense pain and rapidly opened up the spiritual meridians within his body.

If he didn't reach the Meridian Opening Realm, even with Jiang Yuan's current foundation, he wouldn't have the confidence to defeat Zhou You.

Since that's the case, we might as well take a risk.

He is about 80% confident in breaking through the Meridian Opening Realm quickly.

Confidence comes from a strong physical body and soul.

In the past few months of searching for the Tai Xuan Sect, he hasn't rested for a moment.

He has been tempering his physical body and nurturing his spirit.

At this moment, he is already far ahead compared to the battle at Yanbo Lake.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the people around gradually react.

"He... he is breaking through the Meridian Opening Realm!"

Someone stammered, and that person was already an extraordinary outer disciple.

He can sense the changes in spiritual energy in the air and is ranked in the top ten of the outer disciples.

But even so, he was extremely shocked.

He had never seen anyone dare to break through like this.

This step is the Dragon Gate that distinguishes between immortals and mortals.

Once you leap over it, you will be high above, living for a hundred years, overlooking the mortal world.

Who wouldn't be fully prepared, bathing in incense, and adjusting their mindset before daring to break through in a quiet room?

Breaking through before a battle is unheard of, it's impossible!

On the side, Shu Xiaoxiao saw blood splattering from Jiang Yuan's body and tears filled her eyes, feeling extremely distressed.

At the same time.

On the other side.

Zhou You hugged his brother's body and cried out in pain.

"Brother, brother--"

"Wake up, wake up--"

The heart-wrenching cries were truly sorrowful.

The old man in the sky saw this scene.

He couldn't help but be speechless.

Goodness, truly goodness.

If it weren't for this old man witnessing him killing his own brother, he would have been deceived by him.

He's really good at acting!

After a moment.

Zhou You confirmed his brother's death and slowly put down his corpse.

He murmured softly, "Brother, rest in peace! I will avenge you! I will make him pay for his blood debt!"

He raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Yuan, his eyes already bloodshot.

Filled with pain and despair, as well as a strong intent to kill!

Perhaps there is also some truth in it.

"Jiang Yuan, I will make you pay for my brother's life!"

Before the words fell, he shot towards Jiang Yuan in a hurry.

The next moment.

He opened his arms, and a huge human figure slowly condensed.

"Embrace the Mountain Seal!"

Someone's eyes narrowed and spoke up.

At this moment, countless people looked at Jiang Yuan.

There were still traces of blood blossoming on Jiang Yuan's body, like blooming red plum blossoms.

"Can he do it?" someone asked.

But no one responded.

Breaking through before a battle, unheard of.

Throughout history, there have been countless geniuses, perhaps someone could do it.

But there was no need for it.

But now it's different.

If this man in front of them doesn't break through, he won't survive under Zhou You's rage.

Just then.


The sound of a long sword slowly unsheathing.

Jiang Yuan's voice also slowly sounded.

"Gu Mo, step back, let me handle it!"

"Young Master!" He looked at Jiang Yuan, but didn't retract his long sword.

"Don't worry, I have completed the breakthrough!" Jiang Yuan said.

The next moment, the spiritual energy within a few dozen feet around him suddenly surged.

It rushed towards him at a rapid speed, as if a small Spirit Gathering Formation was devouring the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

The spiritual power stored in his dantian gradually became full.

In an instant, it went from being empty to extremely abundant.

This is a congratulation and a gift for crossing the mundane world's power of heaven and earth.

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm First Layer

[Innate Luck]: Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Body (Blue), Innate Talent (Blue), Condensed Soul (Blue)

[Luck Power]: 547 strands

[Luck Seed]: One high-grade seed

As his words fell, Zhou You also approached.

Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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