Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 89 Repression! Meridian Opening Realm Triple! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 89: Suppression! Triple Meridian Opening Realm! (Please subscribe)

Just as Jiang Yuan's voice fell, his palm lifted and in an instant, the surrounding spiritual energy surged like a tsunami.

Not good!

Tian He's heart sank suddenly.

He was about to intervene, but after a moment of thought, he gave up.

Why should he wade into this muddy water?

Sun Cheng's temperament was such that he could handle some hardship, and Jiang Yuan might not necessarily be his match!

Although Jiang Yuan had performed extremely well that day, Sun Cheng had already reached the Second Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm.

"Good timing! Today, I will teach you how to respect your senior brother!" Sun Cheng sneered.

Facing Jiang Yuan's raised palm, his expression remained unchanged as he countered with his own palm.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan's palm struck.

Gathering spiritual power into a huge palm, it drew in the surrounding spiritual energy. It pressed down, causing the gathered energy to surge like a tidal wave, rushing towards Sun Cheng.

Surging Wave Palm!

Tian He's eyes narrowed.

Jiang Yuan had actually learned the Surging Wave Palm, an intermediate-grade offensive technique. This was beyond his expectations.

In that battle, he had never heard that Jiang Yuan possessed any offensive techniques.

The next moment, Sun Cheng's palm also struck, colliding with Jiang Yuan's palm print.

His face instantly went from confident to astonished.

"How is this possible?"

In an instant, his body was sent flying.


He crashed into the wall and slowly slid down.

If it weren't for the reinforcement of the array on every building in the outer courtyard, who knows how many walls he would have crashed into.

Seeing this scene, Tian He was somewhat dumbfounded and extremely surprised.

This was the Great Accomplishment level of the Surging Wave Palm!

He had actually comprehended the Surging Wave Palm to the Great Accomplishment level!

Jiang Yuan's figure flashed and he arrived in front of the seemingly lifeless Sun Cheng.

"You should be grateful that this is the outer courtyard of the Tai Xuan Sect! It is protected by rules!"

As Jiang Yuan spoke, he reached out and grabbed Sun Cheng's neck.

Step by step, he walked towards the outer courtyard.

Sun Cheng felt the terrifying power around his neck and was filled with fear, completely unable to struggle.

He could feel that once those five fingers exerted force, his neck would be crushed instantly.

Now, his life was completely in Jiang Yuan's hands. He didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Tian He also followed behind them, feeling a bit weak all over.

Although his cultivation level was slightly higher than Sun Cheng's, he didn't have the overwhelming dominance that Jiang Yuan possessed when facing Sun Cheng.

He knew that he and the others had underestimated Jiang Yuan.

If I had known Jiang Yuan had such strength, this visit wouldn't have been so pathetic.

If Jiang Yuan, this genius, supports Xu Senior Brother, his strength will also greatly increase.

This Sun Cheng is truly hateful!

If it weren't for him, my relationship with Jiang Yuan could still be repaired.

Now, it seems that instead of becoming friends, we might become enemies.

Hateful! So hateful!

On the other side,

Jiang Yuan dragged Sun Cheng to the courtyard.

This action instantly caught the attention of passersby.

"Isn't this Sun Cheng, Senior Brother of Xieyue Peak?" someone exclaimed in surprise.

Jiang Yuan raised his hand and swung it.


Sun Cheng's face hit the ground, scraping along the surface.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, someone instantly gasped and instinctively covered their own cheeks, especially the female disciples whose legs went weak.

Using his face to wipe the ground completely disfigured him, and it would take at least several months to fully recover!

Tianhe quickly said, "Junior Brother Jiang, excuse me! Please don't think too much about today's unpleasantness. It's solely Sun Cheng's problem and not Xu Zhenchuan's intention."

"If you come again next time, don't bring this idiot! I didn't expect the inner sect to have such an idiot!"

Jiang Yuan said coldly, then closed the door.

Seeing this, Tianhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he quickly realized that Sun Cheng was still lying on the ground!

Tianhe hurriedly went to Sun Cheng's side and saw him lying on the ground groaning, half of his face already a bloody mess.

This scene made him empathize, as if his own face had suffered a heavy blow, causing him to twitch uncontrollably.

How miserable!

Tianhe shook his head.

But he brought it upon himself.

Relying on his identity as an inner sect disciple, he always looked down on outer sect disciples, not realizing that his slight advantage meant nothing in the eyes of geniuses.

Every three years, during the inner sect assessment, there are always a few highly talented individuals who suddenly rise to prominence.

Once they enter the sect, they are taken as direct disciples by the peak masters, completely on a different level and not part of the same world.

He shook his head and headed towards Xieyue Peak in advance.

Sun Cheng's injuries could only be treated by Senior Brother Xu.

After they had completely left,

The disciples from the outer sect dared to speak up.

"What a pitiful Senior Brother! His face is completely ruined! I don't know how he offended Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang is truly formidable!"

"Who can deny that! I know this person, his name is Sun Cheng! He deserves this outcome! If I had Jiang Brother's strength, I would want to beat him up."

"Why? Why do you dislike him so much?"


In the courtyard,

Shu Xiaoxiao said, "Will the young master's actions attract the Enforcement Hall?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "It's alright, I haven't damaged his dantian. It's just some external injuries and broken bones. It will take about three to five months of rest and recovery to heal. This level of fighting is allowed! Besides, he came to provoke me, so it's only natural to teach him a lesson!"

"That's unnecessary worry. Young Master's actions are thorough enough. I shouldn't have said more," replied the other person.

Jiang Yuan smiled and then said, "I will be closing my doors to guests for a while to focus on my cultivation. You should also cultivate and strive to break through to the Meridian Opening stage as soon as possible!"

"Alright, Young Master. I will seal the gate and hang the closed-door sign right away!"

After a moment, a sign was hung outside Jiang Ning's courtyard.

Closed for cultivation, do not disturb!

Then the main gate closed again, and with the sound of metal colliding, the gate was completely locked.

Outside the courtyard, someone saw the words "closed for cultivation."

"At a time like this, closing for cultivation means Jiang Brother also has the desire to compete for first place!"

"Of course! Who wouldn't want the reward for first place? The second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion has visualization diagrams. We work ourselves to death for a chance to choose an additional martial art. Anyone with strength will strive for first place!"

"Yes! Without visualization diagrams, the advancement of the soul is too slow! Like me, I have already opened up seventy-one meridians, but I dare not open the last one. If my soul is not strong enough to suppress the surge of spiritual energy caused by the second spiritual path, it will only cause my meridians to collapse."

These words were met with constant nods of agreement from the crowd.

That's why everyone wanted to enter the inner courtyard, because once inside, they would have a chance to choose a martial art on the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion. The majority of people would choose a visualization diagram to refine their soul.

Someone asked in confusion, "Who do you think will win the first prize this time?"

"It's probably Su Luo! After all, she has been living in the top-ranked dormitory for a long time. It is said that she has exceptional talent and has already reached the third stage of the Meridian Opening Realm."

"I'm not so sure. Jiang Yuan shouldn't be underestimated either. Sun Cheng also has the strength of the second stage of the Meridian Opening Realm, but he was easily crushed by Jiang Yuan. His strength should not be weaker than the third stage of the Meridian Opening Realm."

"That's true. In that case, they are the most likely candidates, right?"

"Yes, the person in the second-ranked dormitory, although strong, is only at the second stage of the Meridian Opening Realm. He probably doesn't have the qualifications to compete with them."

"You're behind on the news. Su Luo is not at the third stage of the Meridian Opening Realm, but at the fourth stage!"

"Fourth stage?" someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, she broke through a few days ago and is probably consolidating her cultivation. She is definitely the one who will win the first prize this time!"

"In that case, everyone else has become a supporting role! With a realm two stages higher than Jiang Yuan, it will be difficult for him to surpass her no matter what!"

"That's right!"


Jiang Yuan was completely unaware of the discussions outside.

He didn't have time to pay attention to the changes in the outer courtyard.

With the activation of the Spirit Gathering Array, Jiang Yuan had already entered cultivation, and the surrounding spiritual stones gradually dimmed.

He successfully opened up the 108th meridian in his body.

In his internal view, the 108 meridians seemed to have changed from darkness to light.

Connected together, they formed a whole.

In the next moment, the surrounding spiritual energy rushed into his body without hesitation.

His figure seemed to turn into a deep sea vortex, and the spiritual energy in the air was like pouring seawater.

In just a few dozen breaths, the forty spiritual stones in the Spirit Gathering Array turned into a pile of waste.

But all of this was already within his expectations.

This was the phenomenon that must occur when breaking through to the third stage of the Meridian Opening Realm.

When breaking through the Triple Meridian Opening Realm, one must find a place with abundant spiritual energy to break through. Otherwise, one can only refine a large amount of spiritual stones to gather spiritual mist.

Only in this way can the body's needs be met and a solid foundation be laid, allowing the meridians to be strengthened in one go.

If there is insufficient spiritual energy, the foundation will be inferior, and it will take more time to nourish the meridians to achieve the desired effect.

Jiang Yuan still had his eyes closed, rapidly throwing the spiritual stones in his hand.

After two breaths.

The Spirit Gathering formation restarted, and endless spiritual energy poured into his body.

After about the time it takes to burn an incense stick.

Jiang Yuan once again threw the spiritual stones into the Spirit Gathering formation.

After half a cup of tea's time.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The sound of the spiritual stones shattering.

The spiritual stones in the courtyard suddenly appeared hollow, and all the spiritual energy surged into his body.

The 108 meridians in Jiang Yuan's body were shining with a bright white light.

He slowly opened his eyes.

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Triple Meridian Opening Realm

[Innate Luck]: Ancient Dual Pupils (Gold), Boundless Longevity (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Body (Blue), Innate Talent (Blue), Condensed Divine Soul (Blue)

[Luck Power]: 654 strands

[Luck Seed]: One low-grade seed

Triple Meridian Opening Realm!

Looking at the realm displayed on his panel, he was extremely satisfied.

On the path of cultivation, resources are crucial.

Without the resources provided by Lin Hao, he might have just broken through to the Second Meridian Opening Realm.

How could he have made such rapid progress!

This shows how important resources are.

The Wealth-Bringing Boy, Lin Hao, is truly a good person!

Looking at the remaining spiritual stones in his storage space, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but praise him in his heart.

Although he couldn't hear it anymore!

Half an hour later.

Under the care of Shu Xiaoxiao, Jiang Yuan finished bathing and changing clothes, then walked out of the room.

The sun was shining brightly overhead, and it was noon.

The gate of Courtyard 27 slowly opened, revealing the figures of Jiang Yuan and Shu Xiaoxiao.

As for the courtyard, the spiritual energy in the air was extremely rich, and Gu Mo was still practicing.

"Young Master, where are we going?" Shu Xiaoxiao followed closely behind.

"Tian Shou Peak!" Jiang Yuan said, "But let's buy a good bottle of wine first!"

I hope to see Kong Nian and also verify the speculation in my heart, Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

"Then, Young Master, follow me. I know where to buy good wine!" Shu Xiaoxiao said.

The update of 20,000 words is complete. The subsequent updates will still be automatically updated in the early morning until the draft is consumed first!

(End of this chapter)

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