Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 92 Gift! Life-Saving Cards

Chapter 92: Gift! Life-saving Ace

At the foot of the mountain.

The two guards on the mountain path saw Jiang Yuan and quickly bowed respectfully, "Greetings, Senior Brother Jiang!"

As they watched Jiang Yuan walk by without turning his gaze, one of them couldn't help but mutter in his mouth.

Just then.

An old voice suddenly sounded.

"Young friend, please wait!"

Jiang Yuan stopped at the sound and turned around to see Kong Nian appearing in front of him.

"What instructions does Senior have?"

Kong Nian took out a jade pendant from his body, "This item seals my full strength attack. If you encounter a life-threatening crisis, you can activate it with your divine consciousness. As long as it's not an enemy stronger than the fifth level of the Divine Bridge Realm, it can save your life!"

After speaking, he threw the jade pendant towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan quickly caught it, and Kong Nian's voice sounded in his ear again, "Activate it with your blood!"

After saying the last words, his figure instantly disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yuan held the jade pendant in his hand, feeling somewhat moved.

After putting away the jade pendant, he respectfully bowed towards the top of the mountain, "Thank you, Senior, for your kindness!"

As they watched Jiang Yuan's figure gradually leave, the two guards at the mountain gate dared to speak softly, "What's going on?"

"I don't understand! It seems like the peak master of Tianshou Peak values Jiang Yuan very much, but they don't seem to have a master-disciple relationship!"

The two of them exchanged glances, their eyes filled with doubt.

On the other side, after Jiang Yuan established the blood contract, he stored the item in his storage ring.

This senior is indeed a good person!

In the future, if there is a chance, he must repay him well. Jiang Yuan felt a warmth in his heart.

Now that he had this ace given by Kong Nian, he felt even more secure.

A strike from the ninth level of the Divine Bridge Realm, this was a true life-saving ace.

Jiang Yuan had seen many seniors and experts, but he had never seen anyone with the strength of Kong Nian.

The Sun Falling Sect's Gong Sunzhi, whose realm was only at the third level of the Divine Bridge Realm, and Bai Chi, who guarded the Tai Xuan Sect's scripture pavilion, whose realm was only at the sixth level of the Divine Bridge Realm.

From this, one could see how powerful this ace was.

Moreover, on this trip, he not only gained this, but his Luck power also increased by a bit, reaching 699 strands.

It probably wouldn't take long before he could add a new purple Luck.

Now, taking into account the watering of the Luck seed.

His Luck power increased by seven strands per day, and if he included the regular harvesting of Luck power from Kong Nian's body.

That would be an increase of eight strands per day.

When that low-level Luck seed blossomed.

It would increase by thirteen strands per day, and it should only take a little over two months to upgrade to a blue Innate Luck.

Shu Xiaoxiao possessed golden Innate Luck, providing an incredibly abundant Luck power.

Treasure Pavilion.

Located in the outer courtyard of the Tai Xuan Sect, the market was extremely prosperous.

From the highest level of forbidden treasures to ordinary weapons, they are all available for sale.

Not only that, there are also various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and many graded elixirs.

At the same time, it is also the most prominent place in the outer courtyard market, because his business comes not only from the outer courtyard, but also from the inner courtyard, including true disciples, who often come here.

Apart from this Treasure Pavilion, if you want to obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures, you can only go to the major states and cities of the Qianyuan Kingdom, as well as the Yunxiao City established in dangerous places.

Jiang Yuan had just stepped into the threshold of the Treasure Pavilion and was instantly recognized.

A young girl hurriedly approached and greeted, "Greetings, Young Master Jiang. May I ask what brings you here?"

"I want to sell something!"

"Young Master, please wait a moment. I will go and get the manager!"

Then she turned her head and called another woman to take Jiang Yuan to the VIP room.

She quickly walked upstairs.

After a while...

In the VIP room...

Jiang Yuan had just taken a sip of the hot tea handed to him by the woman when a graceful woman appeared in front of him.

She softly said, "Greetings, Young Master Jiang!"

Jiang Yuan asked, "May I know your name?"

"Just call me Ya'er!" she said softly.

Jiang Yuan was speechless for a moment. Are you appropriate for your age?

Then he took a deep breath and slowly said, "Help me determine the value of this item."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and a long knife appeared on the table.

It shimmered with a cold light, and there was a crimson blood groove on the blade, extremely eerie.

Ya'er looked surprised and took a deep look at Jiang Yuan. Then she bent down and picked up the long knife, revealing a touch of snow white on her chest.

Shu Xiaoxiao, who was standing behind Jiang Yuan, couldn't help but make a sound of admiration.

She glanced at Shu Xiaoxiao and covered her mouth with a smile. "It doesn't matter if you call me sister, but the little girl seems shy."

She picked up the long knife again and carefully examined it, then said to Jiang Yuan, "Young Master Jiang, after careful observation, this long knife is 95% intact and has three layers of forbidden seals. Its value is 1,300 lower-grade spirit stones. Can you accept it?"

"I can accept it!" Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. This price was slightly higher than his expected price of 1,200.

Then he asked, "I wonder if you have any heavenly materials or earthly treasures that can enhance a person's innate essence, such as enhancing the soul, physical body, vital energy, or making the constitution naturally close to the five elements?"

Ya'er shook her head slowly. "Young Master Jiang, it is impossible for us to have heavenly materials or earthly treasures in this small place that can make the constitution naturally close to the five elements. As for improving the physical body, soul, or vital energy, we currently don't have any such heavenly materials or earthly treasures."

"These things are priceless because they can improve a person's innate talent with extensive use. Those great cultivators will spare no expense to obtain them for their descendants to use, so they can only be found at auctions."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan nodded slowly.

"If there is Soul Condensing Dew, what is the usual price?"

"Soul Condensing Dew?" Ya'er looked at Jiang Yuan in surprise, then slowly said, "This thing can improve a person's soul talent and is extremely expensive. I remember that three years ago, it appeared at an auction in Yunxiao City and was eventually sold for 3,000 lower-grade spirit stones per drop!"

"3,000?" Jiang Yuan was somewhat surprised.

"Yes!" Ya'er nodded. "Generally speaking, if a person continuously consumes three drops, their soul will undergo a transformation, possessing talents and strength far beyond ordinary people. In this case, condensing the soul becomes extremely simple."

"If one drop is consumed every day for half a year, the talent in this aspect will transform again, becoming extremely outstanding, with a naturally born soul, worthy of being called a genius."

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly, recalling the Blackwater Marsh a few months ago.

Now it seems that it was a big move by a certain force!

I just don't know which force it is. There should be more than one of these arrangements. I don't know which major force in Qianyuan Country it is.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yuan stood up.

"I'll sell this triple-restricted knife to you! I want all lower-grade spirit stones."

"Jiang Young Master, count them." Ya'er waved her hand, and a small pile of spirit stones appeared on the table.

Jiang Yuan scanned them with his spiritual sense. There were 1,300 pieces, not one more, not one less.

Jiang Yuan withdrew his hand, and a flash of light appeared in his hand, revealing three medium-grade spirit stones.

"Help me exchange these three for lower-grade spirit stones."

"Okay!" Ya'er nodded.

After finishing everything, Jiang Yuan also learned about the Qi Absorption Pill and compared it.

He shook his head. For him, it was still more worthwhile to use spirit stones to activate the Spirit Gathering Array.

Because his physical body was completely unaffected by the violent spiritual energy outside, he could continuously absorb and refine spiritual energy.

Others couldn't do this at all, so in the case of other geniuses being far ahead in terms of soul realm, they needed a lot of Qi Absorption Pills to quickly accumulate spiritual energy. The medicinal power in the pills was much gentler than the external spiritual energy and wouldn't burden their meridians too much during refinement.

After the exchange was completed, Jiang Yuan left the Treasure Pavilion under Ya'er's respectful gaze.

Then he walked straight to the Jia Courtyard. His goals for this trip were all accomplished.

He showed his talent in front of Kong Nian, ensuring that he would have the opportunity to regularly benefit from the Luck power at the Tian Shou Peak.

After all, Kong Nian possessed purple Innate Luck, which allowed him to generate a strand of Luck power every day.

As for the life-saving card he gave Jiang Yuan, it was completely unexpected for him.

Consider it an unexpected surprise.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Yuan felt a little guilty.

That old man was indeed a senior with noble moral character. He had refused twice, but instead of getting angry, he gave such a valuable item.

This item, which could store the power of his strike, was not that simple. It not only required extremely rare materials, but also needed a few drops of his blood as a medium to create.

The higher the cultivation realm, the higher the price to replenish the consumed blood.

Not to mention that he was already in his old age and obviously didn't have much lifespan left. Blood was even more precious for someone in their old age. Losing blood was equivalent to losing lifespan.

Jiang Yuan returned to his courtyard with two thousand lower-grade spirit stones and entered a state of closed-door cultivation.

He planned to break through and complete the realm before the inner sect assessment.

These nearly two thousand lower-grade spirit stones in his hand were his confidence.

Outside the 27th door of the Jia Courtyard, a sign saying "Closed-door cultivation, do not disturb" was hung again.

Jiang Yuan and the other two entered a state of cultivation without eating or sleeping.

Especially Jiang Yuan and Gu Mo, they often practiced for several days and nights in a row.

Jiang Yuan went all out to ensure that he could break through!

Now, there was a busy atmosphere outside.

Some people had been dormant for more than two years just for this leap.

Without entering the inner sect, it was almost impossible to obtain the Visualization Diagram.

Without the Visualization Diagram, the growth of the soul would be extremely slow.

If the soul was not strong enough, even if the spiritual meridians were only one step away from being opened, no one would dare to break through without authorization.

Because that represents walking on the road of life and death.

The importance of visualizing the diagram can be seen in general!

A powerful visualization diagram has a very obvious Soul Refining effect, which can make the divine soul and cultivation realm progress together.

Natural cultivation progresses by leaps and bounds.

In the last month, one by one, outer disciples broke through to the extraordinary realm, and the living quota of the A-class courtyard was also frequently challenged.

But no one dared to challenge the girl in the A-class one, because her Meridian Opening Realm at the fourth level had long been widely known, almost everyone knew about it.

No one would go to give her cultivation resources and get beaten for nothing.

As for Jiang Yuan, no one dared to go either.

The miserable state of the inner disciple Sun Cheng on that day was also widely known.

Originally, everyone thought that the people of Xieyue Peak would not swallow this anger, but the reality was contrary to their speculation.

A well-known inner disciple from Xieyue Peak came with Sun Cheng to apologize.

But after they came three times and only saw the four words "closed for cultivation" at the door, they never came again.

Since that day, no one from Xieyue Peak has appeared in the A-class courtyard, and this matter seems to have passed.

One month later.

Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of impurity. The spirit stones placed in the corner of the wall have now turned into a pile of debris.

"I finally broke through!" he murmured.

There are now 144 meridians in his body, like crisscrossing roots, spreading throughout his body.

As long as he has a thought, he can mobilize the spiritual power in his dantian at any place.

"With this strength, I should be able to win first place!" Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed with a confident light.

At this moment, Shu Xiaoxiao walked out of the room and saw Jiang Yuan's open eyes. She exclaimed in surprise, "Have you made a breakthrough, young master?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Yuan nodded, "Meridian Opening Realm at the fourth level, successfully broke through!"

A pleased smile appeared on his face.

"That's great!" Shu Xiaoxiao exclaimed happily, "Then I'll go prepare the bathwater and change of clothes for you, young master!"

After saying that, she quickly turned and left.

Jiang Yuan also glanced at her panel.

[Name]: Shu Xiaoxiao

[Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm at the first level

[Innate Luck]: Sword Immortal Reincarnation (Gold), Peerless Immortal Beauty (Gold), Auspiciousness in Misfortune (Purple), Profound Blessings (Blue), Pure-heartedness (Blue), Outstanding Talent (Blue), Outstanding Comprehension (Green), Wood Element (Green)

Meridian Opening Realm at the first level is not slow, but not fast either!

Then Jiang Yuan opened his own panel and took a look.

[Name]: Jiang Yuan

[Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm at the fourth level

[Innate Luck]: Ancient Dual Pupils (Gold), Eternal Life (Purple), Dragon and Tiger Body (Blue), Innate Wisdom (Blue), Condensed Divine Soul (Blue), Divine Marksman (Blue)

[Luck Power]: 1324 strands

[Luck Seeds]: None

(End of this chapter)

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