Chapter 94: Girl Su Luo!

Liu Jie downed another glass of wine!

Liu Ruxi immediately said speechlessly, "Liu Jie, stop pretending! You can't fake being profound!"

"Eh," Liu Jie looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Didn't I just do that?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head, "No!"

"Ah! It seems like I don't have any acting talent!" He shook his head and sighed, then said, "Let's not talk about that. I have something important to discuss with Brother Jiang!"

"Oh? What is it?"

Liu Jie leaned forward and said, "Does Brother Jiang have full confidence in winning against Su Luo? This is crucial, very crucial!"

Looking at Liu Jie's serious expression, Jiang Yuan slowly said, "Yes!"

"Good!" He lowered his voice, but was very excited, "I've been waiting for your affirmative answer!"

Jiang Yuan was immediately curious, "Why is Brother Liu acting like this?"

"Do you lack spirit stones?" Liu Jie asked.

"Of course, who among cultivators doesn't lack them?"

"That's right, do you know that the assessment for inner disciples has already started in the market? The odds for winning first place have already reached 1 to 8!"

Jiang Yuan suddenly realized what he had forgotten earlier.

How could he have forgotten? The odds for various major competitions in his past life were not small at all. As a participant with full confidence, wouldn't this be an easy way to gain wealth and prosperity?

But when he heard Liu Jie say 1 to 8, he couldn't help but exclaim, "1 to 8, so low?"

"Is that low? Don't you know how famous you are? The perfected Surging Wave Palm, who knows if there will be any unexpected situations!"

"What are the odds for Su Luo winning first place?"

"1 to 1.05."

Jiang Yuan: "..."

Then he said, "That's really unfair!"

"That's right, the gambling house is a mysterious industry. So Brother Jiang, even if you have full confidence, don't be too greedy. Be careful of someone trying to sabotage you!"

Jiang Yuan nodded, "I understand."

"That's good! After you return victorious, I will share the profits with you. But afterwards, I have a favor to ask!" Liu Jie said.

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you later."

"Okay!" Jiang Yuan nodded.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed themselves, and Jiang Yuan was also very happy.

By tomorrow, he would be able to gain a large number of spirit stones.

After leaving the Biyu Tower, Jiang Yuan counted the spirit stones on him, a total of 625 pieces.

Multiplying this number by eight, it was still less than 5,000 pieces.

It shouldn't be too excessive! Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

Then Jiang Yuan exchanged the 600 lower-grade spirit stones for middle-grade ones.

He then went to the gambling house and had Shu Xiaoxiao place all his bets. His reputation was too big now, and there were too many people who knew him.

It would be too conspicuous if he went himself, and it would easily lead to unexpected situations.

After a while, Shu Xiaoxiao returned with a jade plaque.

"Young Master, it's done. Here's the proof!"

Jiang Yuan took a look and smiled, "Good!"

After the two left, two people appeared at the entrance of the gambling house.

"Is that Jiang Yuan?" one of them exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, you didn't see wrong! I know his maid! I knew it, who would bet 6 middle-grade spirit stones and 25 lower-grade spirit stones on Jiang Yuan winning? Turns out he bet on himself!"

"Should we also bet against him?"

"What's the point! Don't you think she can win against Su Luo, who is at the Fourth Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm? Although Jiang Yuan has mastered the perfected Surging Wave Palm, Su Luo's mastery of offensive techniques is not bad either!"

"How do you know all this in such detail?"

"My cousin is an inner disciple of the Wushan Peak. Su Luo has already been designated as the true disciple of the Wushan Peak's first seat. She's only staying in the outer courtyard for the first place reward!"

"I see!" The person suddenly realized, "So you mean, the total of 625 lower-grade spirit stones that he bet will be in vain."

"That's right!"

At the same time.

Inside the gambling house.

"Quick, lower Jiang Yuan's odds!"

"How much should we lower it?"

"Lower it to 1 to 2!"

"Ah! That's too low!"

"Don't worry about it, just lower it quickly!"

"Yes, Manager Huang!"

The person continued, "Also, raise Su Luo's odds a bit!"

"Manager Huang, how much should we raise it?"

The person's eyes turned cold, and he thought to himself, let's go all out!

Then he said, "Raise it to 1 to 1.2!"

"Manager Huang, isn't that too high! It's a four-fold increase!"

"I'll take full responsibility, don't worry about it!"


As the odds were adjusted by the two, the news spread quickly.

Those who originally didn't want to place bets also flocked to the gambling house.

They didn't want to bet on Su Luo's odds before, but now it was completely different.

The odds had suddenly increased fourfold, and they had completely forgotten about Jiang Yuan's drastically reduced odds.

They wouldn't miss such a rare opportunity.

As for those who were reminded that Jiang Yuan's odds had suddenly dropped and Su Luo's odds had suddenly risen, there must be something fishy going on!

Instantly, someone sneered at it!

He said, why should Jiang Yuan be able to surpass Su Luo? His previous displayed strength was only at the Second Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm. Now, a month has passed, at most he would be at the Third Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm.

Although Jiang Yuan has control over the powerful Surging Wave Palm, Su Luo is not an ordinary disciple from the outer courtyard. He also possesses offensive techniques. How could the gap in this realm be easily bridged?

Su Luo is not like those wandering cultivators outside, with a weak foundation and no offensive techniques.

Those wandering cultivators are just the background for the geniuses who cross realms to fight.

But Su Luo, as a disciple of such extraordinary talent, how could she become someone else's background, how could she let others step on her to become famous!

These words caused a lot of agreement.

It also strengthened the confidence of many people who bet on Su Luo.

In the blink of an eye, the next day.




Three consecutive dull bell sounds rang out, echoing in the mountains, causing a panic among the birds.

Jiang Yuan also slowly got up.

These were the bell sounds from the main peak, representing the official start of the inner sect assessment.

This day was also the liveliest in Tai Xuan Sect in the past three years.

Disciples who usually trained outside or closed themselves off in the sect would come out to relax.

On one hand, they wanted to see the new generation of geniuses.

On the other hand, they wanted to place bets and guess who would become the leader.

When Jiang Yuan walked out of the courtyard with Shu Xiaoxiao, they instantly attracted many gazes.

The change in their odds from yesterday made his reputation even louder.

After all, everyone secretly knew that the place was the sect's industry.

The odds would not change randomly, so some people speculated whether Jiang Yuan's cultivation had made a new breakthrough.

Although there were more skeptics, some people thought it was possible.

As for Gu Mo, he said there was no need to watch. The young master would definitely take first place. Instead of watching, it would be better to use the time to cultivate.

Then, Jiang Yuan walked towards a low mountain peak on the outer side of the seven peaks, because that was the assessment point.

After reaching the Meridian Opening Realm, every move and action had the power to split mountains and rocks. Naturally, their true combat power could not be assessed by the major peaks.

Along the way, Jiang Yuan attracted many gazes, with people constantly turning their heads.

Someone whispered, "Look, that's Jiang Yuan! The only outer disciple genius who can compete with Su Luo for first place. The rest are far behind them!"

After a while.

Unnamed mountain peak.

The two slowly appeared on the platform at the top of the mountain.

This place was quite spacious, with the peak cut off by a powerful cultivator, leaving behind a platform several kilometers long and wide.

In the distance, there were tall towers, which were the observation points for the sect's elders, the head, and the sect master.

There were ten equally sized arenas rising from the empty ground.

Jiang Yuan had just appeared at the peak and saw Liu Jie waving and shouting in the distance.

"Brother Jiang, over here! Over here!"

Jiang Yuan smiled and went to Liu Jie's side.

"Liu brother, you seem a bit too excited today!"

"You don't understand! After today, I'll be rich. How can I not be happy!"

As he spoke, his face was filled with a radiant smile.

Beside him, Liu Ruxi also had a smile in her eyes.

Liu Jie continued, "Luckily, I placed my bet early yesterday. Otherwise, I would have suffered a big loss after the odds changed. There are talented people in the gambling house too, reacting so quickly!"

Just then,

There was suddenly a commotion in the distance.

Jiang Yuan followed the sound and saw a woman in red slowly appearing from the mountain path below.

She wore a fiery red dress, but her eyes were as cold as ice. She had a simple ribbon tied around her slender waist, accentuating her exceptional figure.

[Name]: Su Luo

[Realm]: Meridian Opening Realm Fourth Stage

[Innate Luck]: Phoenix Bloodline (Blue), Innate Spirit Body (Blue), Divine Soul (Green), Enhanced Five Senses (White), Enhanced Intelligence (White)

[Phoenix Bloodline]: Possesses a trace of phoenix bloodline, fearless in the face of fire, greatly increased cultivation speed in fire-based areas, naturally possesses the Divine Ability to control fire.

Seeing her panel,

A trace of disappointment flashed in Jiang Yuan's heart.

He had thought that with everyone praising her so much, Su Luo would have a purple Innate Luck. But now it seemed that he had overestimated her.

Her cultivation speed was fast, but it was only because her talent leaned more towards cultivation speed. Judging from her age, her actual combat ability would not be too outstanding.

At this moment, Liu Jie beside him said, "See! She is Su Luo from the first courtyard. It is said that she reached the Meridian Opening Realm Fourth Stage a month ago. Are you confident?"

Jiang Yuan smiled, "I'm confident. She doesn't pose much of a challenge to me!"

Su Luo suddenly glanced in Jiang Yuan's direction from afar.

Then she walked straight towards them.

The crowd made way for her one after another.

After a moment,

She stood in front of Jiang Yuan and said, "You said defeating me doesn't pose much of a challenge to you?"

When Su Luo said this, she didn't tone down her voice. In an instant, everyone around heard her words clearly.

"No way! Jiang Yuan is so arrogant, he doesn't even consider Su Luo."

"You don't say! I didn't expect him to be so arrogant. We're in for a good show!"

"That's right! How can a proud woman like Su Luo bear this!"


In an instant, the surrounding area was filled with these discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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