Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 98 The Harvest Of The Leader

Chapter 98: The Harvest of the Leader

"Stop!" Zhou Xiong appeared by his side, holding his shoulder.

The surging palm that had rushed towards the two of them dissipated slowly into nothingness.

He looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "You're impressive! It's been a long time since my country, Qianyuan, has produced such a young genius like you! As a citizen of Qianyuan, why not join the court and contribute to the country? It wouldn't be difficult for you to become a king and expand our territory in the future!"

Jiang Yuan smiled, withdrew his hand, and stood up straight. "Thank you for your kind words, senior."

Zhou Xiong looked at Lu Qingshan, who had already appeared by Jiang Yuan's side, and said slowly, "Since Tuo'er has been defeated, we will take our leave."

"No need to hurry!" Lu Qingshan said with a smile.

At this moment, he was overjoyed. Jiang Yuan's victory over Zhou Tuo had exceeded his expectations.

To defeat Zhou Tuo across two realms was even more shocking.

Zhou Tuo was already a true genius, very special. He could control the power of the earth's veins and had mastered a complete martial technique.

Combined with the power of the earth's veins, its power was comparable to that of a living being.

At this stage of his age, this was extremely rare. He could already fight across borders.

He never expected that Jiang Yuan could also fight across borders. It was simply unimaginable.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

It was precisely because he could see through the changes in spiritual power and the flaws in spiritual power that he was able to accomplish such a feat.

Just then, Zhou Tuo, who was holding a long spear, suddenly spoke up. "Jiang Yuan, I will defeat you the next time we meet!"

"Alright!" Jiang Yuan smiled, completely unconcerned.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xiong had already taken Zhou Tuo back onto the flying boat.

They gradually turned into a golden light and disappeared completely into the vast sky.

Lu Qingshan said, "Come find me tomorrow!"

He instantly returned to the high platform.

At the same time...

Cheers came from below.

"Did we see it wrong? Jiang Yuan actually crossed two small realms and defeated Zhou Tuo from the Qianyuan Imperial Family! This is simply unbelievable! No wonder he was so confident when he challenged Su Luo. It turns out he really has such strength!"

"Yes! I used to think he was exaggerating, boasting about himself. Now it seems that I was wrong. I have to apologize to him!"

"Yes, apologize!"

On the other side, a young man in a purple robe kicked the person next to him.

"Apologize to Jiang Yuan for what happened last time!"

Sun Cheng lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

"Tian He, you take him!"

Tian He nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Xu!"

Jiang Yuan had just landed next to Liu Jie.

Liu Jie stared at him in astonishment. "Brother Jiang, you hid it from me so well! You actually mastered the Surging Palm beyond perfection and didn't tell me! It made me anxious all this time!"

Hearing Liu Jie's words, Jiang Yuan suddenly realized.

No wonder I felt that my Surging Palm was extraordinary. It turned out to be at a level beyond perfection.

No wonder! Senior Kong Nian's attitude towards me was so friendly last time.

Liu Jie was already so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. "Brother Jiang, you're going to make a fortune! With your strength, do you still need to fight? You're definitely going to be the first!"

Jiang Yuan also came back to his senses and smiled. "I wouldn't dare to compete with Senior Liu. I can only make such a bold claim because I'm confident of winning. Otherwise, if Senior Liu loses everything, I won't be able to afford the consequences!"

"Haha!" Liu Jie burst into laughter, unable to close his mouth.

Jiang Yuan saw Liu Jie's joyful expression and asked in confusion, "How much did Senior Brother Liu win?"

Liu Jie slowly extended two fingers.


Liu Jie was instantly stunned, looking at Jiang Yuan in disbelief.

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "2,000?"

Liu Jie nodded, "You guessed it right! Just this time, I won more than what I've accumulated in the past few years! How long has it been, Junior Brother Jiang?"

Just then,

A voice came from beside them, "I am Tian He! Greetings, Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Yuan turned around and saw Tian He and Sun Cheng standing in front of him.

Sun Cheng felt Jiang Yuan's gaze and instantly shrank his neck, feeling extremely fearful.

Not fearful of Jiang Yuan, but fearful of Xu Zhenchuan.

He knew that if he couldn't obtain Jiang Yuan's forgiveness, Xu Zhenchuan would definitely make him regret it.

Thinking of this,

"Jiang Yuan, I'm sorry!" Sun Cheng said, bowing his head and kneeling halfway.

Jiang Yuan's aura slightly moved, stopping him from doing so.

"Forget it, there's no need to kneel anymore. Extend your right arm!"

Sun Cheng obediently extended his right arm.

In the next moment, Jiang Yuan picked up the sword scabbard in Shu Xiaoxiao's hand and tapped it on Sun Cheng's shoulder.

Instantly, his face twitched uncontrollably.

"Go back and tell Xu Zhenchuan that this matter is over! As for his recruitment, I understand!" Jiang Yuan said as he looked at Sun Cheng, feeling grateful.

Although Jiang Yuan's action caused the bones in his right arm to fracture, compared to the humiliation of kneeling, it was nothing. He just needed a few months to recover.

And it was obvious that his actions would also earn him Xu Zhenchuan's forgiveness.

Tian He said, "Since that's the case, we'll take our leave!"

Watching them leave, Liu Jie said, "Brother Jiang, you've become famous today! Even Xu Zhenchuan values you so much!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "They are too complicated. On the path of cultivation, they always consider forming factions and alliances. Why bother?"

"Brother Jiang, you don't know because you haven't entered the inner sect. All this fighting is for one thing - resources. Like me, who hasn't joined any faction, although it's carefree, I lack a lot of resources."

Liu Jie continued, "Mineral veins, spiritual fields, the mortal territories governed by each peak are all resources for cultivation. Without enough resources, cultivation becomes extremely difficult!"

Jiang Yuan nodded in agreement.

If it weren't for the batch of resources he obtained from Lin Hao, how could he have reached the Fourth Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm? At most, he would have just broken through to the Second Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm.

The difference between them cannot be calculated logically.

Just then,

A voice came from the high platform.


The whole venue fell into silence, gradually calming down from the frenzy.

Mou, the head, continued, "The inner sect assessment will continue, and as for Jiang Yuan, after the elders' discussion, he will be ranked first!"

As soon as these words were spoken, someone below wailed.

"My 100 spiritual stones!"

This sentence instantly made everyone realize, and then cries of sorrow resounded.

"Wuwuwu! I was so happy that I forgot I bet 500 spiritual stones on Su Luo yesterday. I'm bankrupt!"

"I feel the same way! I'm so broke!"

Just then, someone burst into laughter and said, "Hahaha! You guys didn't believe Brother Jiang, but I struck it rich!"

Hearing the cries of despair, Liu Jie and Jiang Yuan exchanged glances and smiled.

The internal assessment proceeded smoothly according to the established rules.

Soon, the top ten were determined.

As for the first and second places, they had already been decided through battles with Zhou Tuo.

No one opposed this result, especially the first place.

Jiang Yuan had defeated the Prince of Qianyuan Kingdom, Zhou Tuo, who was two realms higher than him.

No one dared to object to his performance, where his palm turned into waves.

"The top ten disciples, come up and receive your awards!" Mu Shouzuo appeared on the stage and said slowly.

After a moment, she looked at the ten disciples in front of her with great satisfaction.

This year's internal assessment was of much higher quality than the previous one, where the first place was only at the second level of the Meridian Opening Realm.

But this time, there were two true geniuses at the fourth level of the Meridian Opening Realm.

Especially Jiang Yuan, he was truly shocking.

Having achieved such cultivation at a young age and from a humble background was astonishing.

In just over three months since joining, he had comprehended the Shocking Wave Palm to perfection with the help of the cultivation manual, reaching such a level of understanding.

He was qualified to inherit the secret transmission of the Shocking Wave Palm.

As for Su Luo, who was slightly inferior, she was also satisfied. With her extraordinary bloodline, she possessed the power of controlling fire.

Her future achievements would be extraordinary!

Although the others had a significant gap compared to the two of them, they still surpassed the previous year's participants by a small margin.

Compared to the previous year, they had made much progress.

In recent years, it seemed that this world had undergone some changes, with geniuses emerging one after another.

These thoughts flashed through her mind.

Then she came to Jiang Yuan's side.

"This is your identity token for the inner sect. With this token, you can go to the second floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion and choose a martial art. And since you are now ranked first, you can choose two!"

"Remember! Think carefully before making a decision. Visualization is crucial!"

Mu Shouzuo repeatedly reminded him.

Jiang Yuan took the token and saw that there was a word on both sides, which combined to form his name, Jiang Yuan.

"Thank you, senior!"

Then Mu Shouzuo took out a small cloth bag. "There are ten medium-quality spirit stones inside, equivalent to one thousand low-quality spirit stones. Keep them well! Resources are of utmost importance on the path of cultivation!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuan took it and with a flash of light in his hand, he stored it in his storage ring.

Mu Shouzuo was surprised and glanced at him. She didn't expect this kid to be so wealthy, having a storage space item with him. No wonder he progressed so quickly.

She then took out a white pill bottle.

"There are twenty second-grade Qi Absorption Pills inside, of superior quality. If nothing unexpected happens, they can help you break through to the next realm in a short time. They are extremely precious, so keep them well!"

Jiang Yuan quickly took the Qi Absorption Pills from her hand, feeling excited.

He hadn't really understood before that Qi Absorption Pills of superior quality could have such an effect.

From this, it seemed that the rewards for ranking first were indeed abundant.

At the same time, the remaining people on the stage looked at Jiang Yuan with extremely envious eyes.

These were high-quality Qi Absorption Pills, which could save them about half a year of arduous cultivation.

Su Luo looked at the object in Jiang Yuan's hand, her expression extremely complicated.

Originally, in her eyes, these things were already in her bag.

Her strength gave her such confidence.

Even when she heard Jiang Yuan's words earlier, she didn't take it seriously at all.

In her expectation, she thought that Jiang Yuan at most had only reached the Triple Meridian Opening Realm, even if his Shocking Wave Palm was perfect, he couldn't possibly be her opponent.

After all, her bloodline power was special, and in this realm, her Fire Control Divine Ability made her combat power extremely strong!

But now, it seemed that she had been narrow-minded.

A true genius cannot be judged by common sense. She looked at Jiang Yuan and suddenly spoke up.

"Next time, I will definitely surpass you!"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Good!"

He put the Qi Absorption Pill into his storage ring, then took out the abandoned identity token and handed it to the head of the Mu sect.


The head of the Mu sect had exchanged identity tokens for the other nine people, and their rewards were all the same.

They could choose one more martial art than the other inner disciples, a martial art from the second floor of the Martial Art Pavilion.

After the event ended, Jiang Yuan took Shu Xiaoxiao straight to the gambling house in the outer courtyard market.

Just as Jiang Yuan entered, he saw an old man with smiling eyes walking towards him.

"I am Huang, the steward of this gambling house. I have been waiting for you for a long time, please come inside for a chat."

Jiang Yuan looked at him with some surprise, not understanding why.

He said, "Don't worry, it will take some time to pay the compensation of five thousand low-grade spirit stones!"

They entered the inner room.

"I don't know if Young Master Jiang wants five thousand low-grade spirit stones or fifty medium-grade spirit stones!"

"I want all low-grade spirit stones," Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "Steward Huang, are you so sure without seeing my proof?"

Huang nodded, "I knew it when your maid came to place the bet yesterday. I knew she was acting on your behalf!"

"I took the risk because I was fortunate enough to succeed!"

"Because of Young Master Jiang, I have gained a great profit this time. I also have enough wealth to improve my grandson's aptitude. In the future, he will have the opportunity to enter the Tai Xuan Sect!"

"This fortune is all thanks to Young Master Jiang's kindness!"

After speaking, he respectfully performed a big ceremony.

Jiang Yuan quickly stopped him from continuing to bow.

"Steward Huang's gains are only due to your unique insight and daring to take risks! I truly admire you."

Just then, a maid lightly knocked on the door and walked in.

"Steward, the spirit stones have been brought!"

She raised a tray with a small bag the size of a palm on it.

"Young Master Jiang, the five thousand low-grade spirit stones are all in this small bag. Please verify."

Jiang Yuan took the small bag and scanned it with his divine sense.

Five thousand low-grade spirit stones, not one more, not one less.

Then a flash of light appeared in his hand, and all five thousand low-grade spirit stones were transferred to his storage ring.

"Now that it's done, I will take my leave!"

"Good! Young Master Jiang, take care!"

He accompanied Jiang Yuan to the outskirts of the market before turning back.

At this moment, his mood was also extremely excited.

(End of this chapter)

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