"Didn't you kill him already? Everything will be fine."

Gu Shang smiled.

"I know you have that ability..."

Having said this, Hei Tailang looked even weirder.

"So, you don't want him to die, right?"

Gu Shang asked back.

"That's what I really think in my heart. After all, he was really nice to me when he was my master..."

From weak to strong, Qin Wusheng has always been with him.

In order to find the young master, he did not hesitate to go deep into a dangerous situation. It was Qin Wusheng who gave up the hope of his complete resurrection in the future and helped him escape successfully.

Black Wolf felt terrible.

It was clear that Qin Wusheng had taken over Xuanhuang's body and Xuanhuang's whereabouts were immediately unknown, but he could not bear any hatred towards him.

The main reason why Qin Wusheng wanted to kill him was to give an explanation to the young master and Xuanhuang.

"Qin Wusheng was killed by me back then. Now he is just a life soul, a tool under my hand..."

After being stunned for a while, Gu Shang said slowly.

"But it's not up to me to decide whether he lives or dies. In the end, we still have to see what Xuanhuang means."

Gu Shang expressed his thoughts.

Over the years, Qin Wusheng, a tool man, has done a very good job. It can be said that there is hard work without credit.

He respects the other person's choice and also respects the other person's life.

Before Xuanhuang came, Qin Wusheng was an independent person here and could do whatever he wanted.

"Thank you, sir!"

After taking a deep breath, Hei Tailang said solemnly.

"Silly boy."

Gu Shang sighed with emotion, then reached out and rubbed his soft hair.

After regrouping Qin Wusheng, he turned around and returned to his own little world.


Looking at Qin Wusheng who appeared again, Black Wolf murmured.

The voice was very small, but both he and Qin Wusheng heard it clearly.

"You are such an adult, why are you crying again? This is not at all in line with your momentum just now."

Qin Wusheng's old face showed a burst of tenderness.

Sighing, he walked forward slowly.


The danger that had troubled Qin Wusheng for many years now disappeared.

After a month or two, Gu Shang was able to get to know Hei Tailang.

The two of them were lying on the beach in his little world.

They were chatting slowly.

It turns out that Black Wolf has been carefully studying the method of killing for so many years.

As long as he wants to kill someone, he can open a space crack next to him and arrive in front of him in sequence.

This was his idea before. Until two months ago, his idea became a reality, and then he arrived in the Immortal Realm without hesitation.

At this moment, Hei Tailang had too many kills in his hands, and his killing intent was extremely powerful, even those at the top of the Twenty-Eight Realm could not avoid him.

But compared to Gu Shang's strength, it still pales in comparison.

One of his ordinary snakes could easily kill Black Wolf ten or a hundred times.

An ordinary snake only has 1% of his power.

Now, the power he increases every day is hundreds of times that of Black Wolf.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

After the two chatted for a while, Hei Tailang suddenly thought of something and said something unexpectedly.

"Master, I forgot to tell you, I have been preparing a gift for you."

After that, he patted his belly.

A embarrassed figure suddenly appeared, lying on the beach, curled up, with a face full of fear.

"It was also a coincidence that I discovered him."

Black Wolf picked up the drink next to him and stuffed it into his mouth.

Gu Shang looked at the figure on the ground.

After a few minutes, he finally recognized the other person.

After he was resurrected in Bai Shu's body, he had two main targets for revenge. One was Gao Qi, and the other was the one who killed him instantly.

Back then, relying on the person-finding technique he created, he successfully found Gao Qi.

But the other person could not be found.

After so many years, he almost forgot about this guy.

I didn't expect to meet you here.

"Brother, do you still recognize me?"

Gu Shang stretched out his leg and kicked him.

"No, I don't know him."

During this period of time, he was tortured and surrounded by Hei Tailang's murderous intent almost every day, and now his spirit has completely collapsed.

Seeing how embarrassed Gu Shang was, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Things are unpredictable. It's really interesting."

Shaking his head, he stretched out his hand and crushed the opponent to death.

In this way, it can be regarded as understanding the cause and effect of that year.

This guy has killed countless people, and he has also taken revenge on countless people.


After some time, Hei Tailang found Gu Shang again.

"Sir, I heard you say that Lin Fan and Bai Feng are both in the Immortal Realm. I saw Bai Feng and had a meal with him two days ago, but where is Lin Fan? Why haven't I found him yet?"

Black Wolf asked with some confusion.

Gu Shang was a little bit dumbfounded.

"You don't want to see him any time soon."

Ever since he learned that Black Wolf had also come here and had power far beyond the peak of the Twenty-Eighth Realm, Lin Fan was completely depressed.

How could he, a zombie who was once so handsome and handsome, become the last of everyone?

Now among these people, he seems to be the weakest.

In order to regain some face for myself.

He came to Gu Shang for help.

After a while of operation, Gu Shang placed him on a planet full of dead air, allowing him to absorb dead air inside and continue to strengthen his body.

Before that, he also helped Lin Fan change a copy of his practice method. The general direction did not change, but only made his practice efficiency a little bit higher.

Gu Shang casually told Lin Fan about his situation.

"Good guy, it turns out that this kid is also a glass heart!"

When he was in the mortal realm, because his strength was too weak, he and Lin Fan had the best relationship.

The two often drank together and boasted.

"Who said it wasn't?"

He really knew Lin Fan's character too well.

This kid, tut tut tut.


For a period of time after that, everything was normal.

All things were developing and growing in an orderly manner.

Black Wolf followed Qin Wusheng to take charge of the affairs of the sky, but he couldn't do it after two days, so he returned to the fairyland.

Here he accidentally found Mike.

He was very interested in this cat that could walk upright and was extremely intelligent.

Within a few days, the two became close friends.

From time to time, they would get together to drink tea and chat, and discuss the mysteries of life.

Of course, during this period, they could not have done without the great resources left by Lin Fan.

"Sure enough, all men are the same."

Looking at the Black Wolf who was having fun in the room, Gu Shang shook his head, turned around and began to operate the real world, preparing to continue to increase his strength.

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