Zhou Chang looked very similar to someone he once met.

That person's name is Du Guang.

For the justice and ideals in their hearts, they can sacrifice everything, even their own lives.

The ways are different and they do not conspire against each other.

At this point, there was nothing Gu Shang could do.

He still admired these people in his heart.

Because he has never been able to have compassion and empathy like them in this life.

At this moment, the only thing he could do was to dig a hole and bury them better.

But let others do this kind of thing. Now he has more important things to do.

Tell the monsters behind to do their work.

He stood alone and began to absorb the complex memories in his mind.

When he only used that technique just now, he consumed a lot of blood in his body, but fortunately he had the circumference to replenish it, and now he has fully recovered and reached his peak condition.

At the same time, after absorbing all the opponent's blood, his strength increased again.

Something different happened this time.

A very special white space appeared in his mind, with streaks of blue light inside.

According to Zhou Chang’s memory,

At this moment, he has entered the first stage of being a true practitioner in this world.

People here call this stage the first level.

The practitioners in this world call themselves spirit removers.

This world is somewhat similar to the mortal realm that Gu Shang was in before, full of all kinds of weird people or things.

Some things are simply incomprehensible, their existence makes no sense at all, violates many laws of the objective world, and makes people confused.

For these weird beings, they are collectively called weirdos.

In order to safeguard the interests of more people and protect their lives, the spirit removers do their best. Every time they encounter something weird, they will take action with all their strength. They will show no mercy and will kill every one they can.

The style of this world is still rather dark. Those third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, peerless, and top-notch people in the world are just a ray of sunshine in the darkness, a different kind of cover-up.

Under the rivers and lakes, there are many incomprehensible things.

The exorcists have their own organization.

In this world, the name of this organization is the Palace of Elimination of Spirits.

Zhou Zhang was a grassroots employee of Chu Ling Palace. After retiring at the age of sixty, he has been living in Qingshan Village for a long time.

When he first moved here, there was something strange about this place.

But he solved it.

The abilities of the exorcists are ever-changing, similar to various superpowers, except that when they use their superpowers, they consume blue light in their bodies.

That white space is called the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

The blue light is called the light of nothingness.

No one knows where this name came from. According to the information handed down in history, this division has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

Zhou Chang's ability is to transform into a chimpanzee, greatly improving his physical strength. He can also perform simple energy attacks, but the methods are very crude and far less satisfying than physical attacks.

"It's really a strange undertaking."

Think about it carefully.

Gu Shang feels that the cultivation system in this world is nonsense...

Soul Exterminators do not rely on hard work to improve their strength, but on killing monsters and absorbing the light of giant objects in their bodies to expand the void space in their bodies.

Similar to leveling up by killing monsters.

But most monsters are difficult to kill.

"Is it possible that the so-called spirit-removing system is not native to this world, so the tree demons I inspired do not have this spirit-removing attribute, but simply possess the ultimate power of warriors in this world."

After talking about it this way, many things suddenly become understandable.

All the doubts in his mind were partially eliminated.

While thinking, Chen Ling'er slowly came to him and looked at him with some fear: "Brother, what happened just now? Why did your hands become like that?"

Faced with her doubts, Gu Shang didn't think much and said directly: "When I fell on a cliff before, I got a inheritance that can continuously improve my strength. But Grandpa Zhou didn't believe it and wanted to kill Got me..."

Reaching out to touch Chen Ling'er's head, he said earnestly: "Don't worry, I'm still the same person I was before, I just have a little more strength."

Feeling Gu Shang's emotions, Chen Ling'er nodded vigorously.

No matter what, she believed in her brother.

After dealing with the traces here, Gu Shang took Chen Linger and Mike and left quickly.

The monsters he inspired went to other areas, allowing them to continue to explore the details of the world and protect themselves as much as possible in the process.

He briefly tried it and found that their IQs were much weaker than those of the nine tree demons. It might be the differences between trees that led to this unusual change.


Two people and a cat walked quickly along the long official road.

It's just that the style of painting is very weird.

In a black car that looks like a tractor, Mike is sitting in the driver's seat, and Gu Shang and Chen Ling'er are sitting in the passenger seat next to them.

The car keeps moving.

There was a burst of noise from time to time. Every time Mike pressed the car bell, the entire car would forcibly fall apart and then reunite at an extremely fast speed.

Very strange.

Chen Linger grabbed the car door with her right hand and said curiously: "Brother, this is so interesting. This thing we made runs faster than a carriage, and there is nothing to pull it. It moves by itself."

"Take your time, you will get used to it."

This time, their destination is the mountain village in front, which has been completely taken over by the tree demon and used as a preliminary base.

Gu Shang plans to make a good plan there, and then complete the task of traveling around the world and becoming a hero.

The black car is still moving, and Mike suddenly kills.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Shang glanced around vigilantly.

"Sir, um, the car is out of gas."

"So what?"

"Before the gasoline comes out, we have to move forward by ourselves."

Gu Shang sighed, opened the car door, and walked down with Chen Linger in his arms.

During this time, he has figured out Mike's weird things. In his special space, some fixed and unfixed things are refreshed regularly every day.

Fixed items include cheesecake, bombs, grenades, baseball bats, suits, olives, jerseys...

Non-fixed items include enlargement potions, remote-controlled cars, mechanical cats, mechanical mice, invisibility potions...

Most of the props seen in cartoons can be refreshed and used normally, but the style of painting in this world is very strange, illogical, and even violates some basic rules.

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