You should know that he has the Heavenly Snake Seal, which enhances his favorability with snakes.

This enhancement makes no sense at all.

No matter what he does, he will not be in danger of his life in front of snakes.

The same is true in front of some vegetation and canines.

Soon, the monsters and ordinary snakes on the ground were cleared out.

Many exorcists continued to search around.

One of the middle-aged men with a broad figure frowned, pointed at the tree where Gu Shang was and said loudly: "I feel it, he is behind that tree."

Everyone rushed over without hesitation and surrounded the tree.

Gu Shang walked out step by step, looking at the Chu Lingists around him calmly. Most of them were first-level, and only a few were second-level.

"A first-level exorcist..."

"Is it him who interfered with the existence of the willow tree?"

"How did he do it? The willow tree is so powerful, it shouldn't be."

Everyone talked about it.

Indeed, in their eyes, Gu Shang couldn't do this at all in his current situation.

Being watched by so many people, Gu Shang felt nothing.

"Can we find a place to have a good talk?"

He opened his mouth and looked directly at the white snake that had returned to its human form.

Hearing what he said, the middle-aged man frowned.

"Why should I listen to you?"

He said in a stiff tone-his armor trembled, and from time to time, black air floated out.

Gu Shang was stunned, and quickly reacted.

He did have an increase in the favorability of snakes, but at the moment, this man was still in human form and had not changed into a white snake, so the favorability of snakes could not emerge on him.

That was probably the reason.

"Come on, take him away! Go back and study him carefully."

This kid didn't seem to be anything special at first glance, but he didn't believe these superficial phenomena.

As long as they were studied carefully by a few people in their engineering department, there would be great discoveries.

Several exorcists stepped forward and were about to attack Gu Shang.

Also, facing such a situation, Gu Shang had thought about it, so he had been brewing an attack behind his back.

While they were busy fighting with ordinary snakes and monsters on the ground, he had almost prepared it.

Just after several exorcists took a step, Gu Shang's body instantly ejected, with a fierce momentum, and punched the middle-aged man who was speaking.

This blow was made with his current physical body.

After absorbing the blood of the willow tree, his physical fitness has been improved to the same level as the willow tree, and the explosive power obtained by consuming blood is also stronger.

Almost in an instant, the middle-aged man sensed this danger, his face was ferocious, and he quickly turned into a white python.

"Kill everyone around you, at all costs."

After seeing this scene, Gu Shang smiled thoughtfully, and then directly gave an order, changed direction, and rushed towards another and soul-toucher.

It was no different from what he guessed, and the middle-aged man who turned into a white python obeyed his orders.

After receiving his order, without any hesitation, he rushed directly to some low-level exorcists nearby.

In a hurry, four or five people were rushed to death by him, and blood was spilled all over the ground.

This scene shocked all the exorcists.

This is the director of their branch.

He was also the one who persisted the longest in the illusion of the willow tree. He had performed many tasks of strangling monsters and received dozens of praises from the superiors.

How could he be bewitched by this guy's words?

But no matter how confused he was, it was too late. The most important thing at this time was to stop the director from continuing to kill people. More travelers came up to stop his actions.

At the same time, the attack that Gu Shang had brewed also fell on the second-level exorcist. Under his incredible gaze, the fist wind surged and tore his body.

A large amount of blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Gu Shang quickly absorbed his blood.

At the same time, many exorcists attacked him, but he evaded them flexibly.

At this moment, more than a hundred exorcists were divided into two waves, most of which surrounded the middle-aged man to stop him.

The rest of them continued to encircle Gushang and prepare to capture him.

Because they wanted to capture him alive, they were timid in the battle, and Gushang took the opportunity to kill several first-level exorcists.

Before long, Gushang absorbed all the blood of the second-level exorcist. In this case, he not only recovered the blood he had lost before, but also greatly improved the sea of ​​nothingness and the light of nothingness in his body.

In addition, there were all the memories of the other party.

This information helped him greatly.

It took only two or three seconds to absorb the information. At this moment, he already knew everything he wanted.

Several exorcists next to him wanted to continue attacking, but he stopped them casually. Then he kept throwing out the blood in his body and fell into the bodies of these first-level exorcists.

The huge power gap made his transformation unhindered. Soon, most of the first-level exorcists became his blood sons.

Only a few second-level exorcists were left watching this scene in fear.

Of course, Gu Shang's movements were too fast. Before they could understand what was happening, they were surrounded by many first-level tentacles.

Gu Shang came to the dying exorcists who were seriously injured by the middle-aged man, and took advantage of their serious injuries to transform them all.

At this time, the middle-aged man also lost a lot of light of nothingness, and was attacked by several second-level travelers in some weak parts. His body was injured uncontrollably and his strength was sharply reduced.

In this case, facing Gu Shang's transformation, he was naturally powerless.

In addition, he was still in the state of white snake at this moment, and he was very obedient to Gu Shang's words.

Easily, he transformed him into a blood stain dependent.

There were only three second-level exorcists left in the woods.

They stared at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"You did this, you bewitched their minds?"

A bald man couldn't touch his hair, and he was full of doubts.

"Congratulations, you got it right, but it's a pity there is no reward."

Gu Shang nodded, silently digesting the information he had learned before.

He was still a simple second-level exorcist at the moment after absorbing blood. Although the Light of Nothingness and the Sea of ​​Nothingness were enhanced, he still did not use their abilities.

It was like a eunuch going to a brothel, powerless.

But this was not a problem.

"Li Ming."

He looked at the person next to him.

"Blood God!"

Hearing Gu Shang calling him, the man quickly reacted, walked forward, and looked at him with a pious face.

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