Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 370 The Five Ancestors of Yue

Just as Gu Shang was thinking, several golden lights suddenly flew around him.

There were five people in total, standing in the shape of a five-pointed star and floating in the air.

One of the young men with blond hair asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry about it. Since he can expand his domain, he can help us."

Another middle-aged man next to him interrupted his question and walked a few steps to Gu Shang: "Boy, we are from the headquarters of the Yue Kingdom's Exorcist Palace. Now we need your help in the domain."

"After the matter is done, we will give you a satisfactory reward."

The middle-aged man said quickly.

Gu Shang glanced at them and nodded.

"Can you tell me the specific information of this weirdness?"

These five people are stronger than him. Judging from the overall situation, they are probably all fifth-level or even above fifth-level.

"With the enemy at hand, there is no time to talk nonsense. You just need to do what we say. Knowing too much will not do you any good!"

Another woman with green hair said coldly.

She spoke very quickly and her voice was very urgent.


Facing these people, Gu Shang smiled slightly.

"But before that, I need to advance part of the reward. If you don't agree, I will leave directly. I believe that with my domain, you can't do anything to me."

Gu Shang stretched and expanded the domain back and forth, like a naughty child.

Hearing his words, the faces of the five people were a little ugly.

The blond man frowned: "Boy, we don't have time to play house with you now. This monster in front of us threatens the entire Yue Kingdom. We must solve him in time."

"What do you want? You can tell us later. We will use all the resources in our hands to satisfy you!"

Gu Shang hugged his shoulders and sneered: "If you have this time, you can give me the things."

Although his current behavior is a bit dirty from the perspective of the average morality of human beings, it is indeed the most suitable opportunity for him.

After this village, there will be no such store.

"If you have any requirements, please raise them quickly. We will try our best to satisfy you."

The middle-aged man interrupted what others were about to say and looked at Gu Shang in a kind tone.

He had no other options. Only Gu Shang's domain could help them take some actions. Without Gu Shang, they would not be able to perfectly solve this anomaly.

"I hope that each of you can provide me with 5% of your blood."

"I believe that this little bit of blood will not have much impact on you."

Gu Shang still maintained a smiling expression.

5% for one person, 25% for five people, and this blood is enough to increase his strength.

The middle-aged man was silent, and he gestured: "Xiao Jin, take a look at his specific situation!"

The blond man frowned and came to Gu Shang.

The ability was exerted, and a ray of nothingness slid across the surface of Gu Shang's skin at an extremely fast speed.

"A very talented exorcist, he is very young, and the sea of ​​nothingness and the light of nothingness in his body far exceed those of the same realm."

"Also, he does not have a weird aura, he is a normal person."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. He only cared about the last point. As long as it was not weird, any deal could be made.

"Give him blood quickly, don't waste any more time."

The longer the time drags on, the stronger the monster will be, and the harder it will be for them to deal with it, and there may even be casualties.

The remaining four people didn't think much about it, and directly took out 5% of the blood in their bodies, forming a thumb-sized blood bead, and threw it in front of Gu Shang.

"Not bad, very honest."

Gu Shang grabbed it and then waved his hand.

"Please give me your orders."

The man in the middle nodded: "Use your domain to help us get closer to the center of the black fog."

"No problem."

Gu Shang was doing two things at once.

While carrying them to teleport, he stuffed the five blood beads into his body and slowly improved his cultivation.

All this did not attract anyone's attention, and they were all acting silently.

He teleported very quickly.

The total time did not exceed 2.5 seconds, and he reached the center of the black fog.

At this moment, the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and the negative emotions in the vortex were even stronger, and even dozens of phantoms were derived, wandering around the vortex.

They made sharp cries from time to time.

Desolate, mournful.

It made people's scalps numb.

"How much light of nothingness do you have now? Can you let us get closer?"

The middle-aged man's hair was flying, and the light of nothingness on his body was abnormally disordered.

"There's still a little left."

Gu Shang responded while sending them to the final heart of the vortex.

"Fuck you, how did you send us so close!!"

The blond man's face changed drastically, and he turned his head and cursed.

Such a close distance. If they don't operate well, it is very likely that they will die directly.

The green-haired woman frowned.

"Boss, the conditions are met, and the formation can be officially opened."

Someone suggested.

The middle-aged man nodded, turned his head and glanced at Gu Shang: "Now we need to gather the strength of five people to re-seal this weirdness. I count to three, run as far as you can, and don't come over again."

He also had a heart of love for talent.

This guy is so young, but he has such a strong power.

The most important thing is that in the face of such a catastrophic scene, his face is not afraid at all. This guy is born to be a ghost exorcist.

Of course, what he doesn't know is that this genius in his eyes has actually controlled a small part of the exorcists in Yue State, and his methods are more cruel and terrifying than any weirdness.

"Thank you."

Gu Shang was still busy absorbing the blood. After hearing what he said, he cast the domain without hesitation and got out of the range of the black fog.

After a few breaths, he was completely away.

Standing in front of Liu Shengtao and others.

The five blood beads turned into pure power and were quickly absorbed by him.

His cultivation has changed significantly.

"Sir, if I'm not wrong, those five guys should be the five ancestors of Yue State!"

Liu Shengtao wiped his eyes and stared at the screen in front of him.

The scene of Gu Shang talking with the five guys just now has been recorded by the robot with mechanical flying insects, and a large number of mechanical flying insects have come to the center of the vortex and filmed from all directions.

Five ancestors.

They are the veterans of the headquarters of the Exorcist Palace of Yue State, and their strength is at the peak of the fifth level.

They usually stay at the headquarters of the Exorcist Palace.

They will only come out when they encounter extremely serious dangers.

In fact, the headquarters of the Exorcist Palace of each country is built on a strange place, and one of the meanings of their existence is to suppress the strangeness there.

At this time, Gu Shang's cultivation has been completely improved.

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