It is very similar to one of his previous Taoist abilities.

The souls of people who die in his hands are automatically absorbed by him and can be manipulated and played with at will.

He himself can also fill the realm with black mist.

Of course, what is consumed is the light of nothingness.

This black mist can grow slowly and swallow up any foreign matter he considers.

Unlike this weird one.

His black mist cannot expand infinitely. The so-called growth is also within a certain limit and is greatly restricted.

In addition to these two main abilities, there are other auxiliary ones.

For example, he can change his appearance into anyone who dies in his hands, and imitate the other person's temperament perfectly without revealing any flaws.

He can consume the light of nothingness, gather a large number of dead souls, and let them fight for him.

With the infinite blue bars, the number of dead souls he can condense is unlimited. This golden finger has given him great help no matter which world he is in.

It can be said that it is Gu Shang's favorite one, and it is also the one with the highest practical value.

There is nothing noteworthy next.

The weird stuff is over.

In the end, it really ended with the perfect suppression of the Five Patriarchs of the Yue Kingdom. Gu Shang asked them to make up some random things during the battle. Of course, it was also based on certain facts.

He was sure that no one would see the flaw.

From a certain perspective, he now has complete control over the country of Yue.

The status of spirit removers is higher than anything else. Their arbitrary will can command most of the government forces in the Yue Kingdom, as well as most of the Jianghu forces.

This powerful integration ability surprised Gu Shang, and its impact on him was quite positive.

within a period of time afterwards.

The Fifth Patriarch of the Yue Kingdom kept recruiting people from the Spirit-Expelling Palace Headquarters in the Yue Kingdom, and bit by bit, transformed them all into blood.

Every day the power of caring for injuries is expanding.

This has brought him more and more resources. In the past few days, he has been able to absorb more than a hundred ability crystals almost every day, and has a large number of strange abilities.

Various abilities are mixed together, making his strength even more unfathomable. At the same time, the cooperation of various abilities also greatly improves his combat effectiveness.

For him, leapfrog combat is like eating and drinking.

After his own careful testing, although he was only at the fifth level of cultivation at this moment, he was absolutely sure to defeat the sixth and seventh levels.

The main reason is still the mysterious abilities he has acquired recently.

The power erupted from these abilities is very strong, and can be combined with his original power storage ability.

Gu Shang continued to use the power in his hands to find out about his and Chen Ling'er's life experiences, but there was still no reasonable explanation.

He is also constantly searching in the system mall.

I hope I can find some equipment to help me complete the task quickly.


Time flies, and a whole year has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Gu Shang followed the Fifth Patriarch of the Moon Kingdom to an endless swamp forest. The climate here was extremely humid, and the vegetation was covered with dew that kept dripping downwards.

The tree trunks and under the leaves were full of mosquitoes.

In addition, the field of vision is also filled with a large amount of poisonous mist. The thick green poisonous mist floats in the wind, giving people a terrifying and profound feeling when viewed from a distance.

"Is this the place where the weird suppressor comes from?"

Gu Shang walked at the front, carefully feeling all the information around him.

The young man with blond hair smiled.

"This guy is a new weirdo. He has been suppressed here for more than three thousand years. The one who leads the formation is a fifth-level comrade. He does not belong to our Spirit-Expelling Palace, but he also has a hot heart."

Speaking of this, his eyes were full of admiration: "He is a legend in the entire Yue Kingdom. Of course, this was 3,000 years ago. It is estimated that not many people know about it now..."

"He lost a lot in order to suppress the weirdness here. It is undeniable that he is a hero of our mankind."

Gu Shang chuckled.

"The hero does deserve to be remembered, but now that he has a greater use, doing suppressive work here is really a waste of his talents."

Yes, he hit the target on his head.

Not only this fifth-level spirit remover, but also the one he suppressed.

If he can achieve his wish, his power will increase sharply this time, because the weird strength of the one he suppressed is level six! !

"Go ahead and wake him up, and leave the rest to me."

Just after saying this, a woman with green hair walked up. Her steps were slightly strange, and with every step she took, a green light floated towards the sky.

The middle-aged man next to Gu Shang handed him a stone: "Sir, this is all the information about that weird one. Although he is suppressed now and is in a weak state, he was once a sixth-level and extremely difficult to deal with. , please be careful.”

Gu Shang had already learned about this strange information before, and what he handed over now should be part of the recently updated information.

Crush the stone into pieces, and a large amount of memories flow into Gu Shang's mind along with this energy.

The monster suppressed here was a beast. By coincidence, the mountain here suddenly appeared years ago, swallowing the blood of countless monsters, and raising his power to its peak.

During that period, no one was his opponent, whether it was monsters or humans, or those chivalrous spirits, they were all easily crushed by him.

His body was a white giant python.

There was a very strange space in his body, which could enhance his physical fitness by swallowing various substances.

What he swallowed was really too mixed.

Whether it was the light of nothingness, or other pure energy, the ore on the ground, the various gases flowing in the air...

In the end, the spirit sacrificed himself at the cost of all his emotions to completely suppress it.

While thinking, the fifth-level exorcist with green hair had already walked to the core area of ​​the formation.

Her slender feet walked back and forth around.

A wisp of strange light of nothingness rippled around, and soon, this place was filled with a large group of white light.

After realizing this, Gu Shang did not hesitate to expand the field directly, covering the entire mountain. At the same time, the thick black fog slowly rose here, slowly swallowing everything here.

The white light was extremely bright, and it covered everything in an instant.

Then, under Gu Shang's gaze, a heat wave slowly rose from the area next to him, extending and unfolding, turning into a white giant python...

And above the giant python.

A figure in white was holding a long sword, riding on him with a fierce momentum.

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