Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 380 Are you kidding me? (1/2)

Chapter 380 Are you kidding?

Gu Shang did not stop any of his actions.

When he came into contact with the first person here, he understood that this was a weird world after all, and many things were difficult to explain using real principles and rules.

The most obvious thing is that there is no so-called blood in the body of anyone here, everything is illusion, everything is an illusion.

Otherwise, he would have used the Blood God's ability to obtain the information here.

The young male doctor walked towards Gu Shang.

Sighing, he said earnestly: "You should leave quickly before causing greater damage to the hospital. Yes, many patients are in danger from me. If I see you, there will be a lot of extreme behavior." ”

"For your own safety, leave now."

He waved his left hand as he spoke.

"Are you really a doctor?"

Gu Shang suddenly took a step forward and got very close to him.

"Of course I am a doctor. I have obtained a medical practitioner certificate and registered in this hospital. I have my own account and my own patients!"

The young man said firmly, and when he talked about the next few sentences, he was even a little proud.

"As a doctor in a mental hospital, how do you confirm that you are real? Is it possible that everything here is just your fantasy, your delusion?"

Gu Shang spoke word by word.

After combining all the information he had encountered in these few seconds, he had already made a medium-sized inference in his mind.

The so-called fourth level will most likely no longer be about killing.

When he was talking to the restrained doctor before, he discovered that as the conversation continued, the guy would occasionally emit streams of black smoke toward his head.

Although this movement was so small that you couldn't even notice it if you didn't look carefully, Gu Shang's keen eyes still noticed it!

And just now, when he asked these questions, the doctor in front of him also behaved similarly.

Putting all the questions together and summarizing each other, he quickly got an answer.


When doctors come here and question their profession, their own operations, and their own behavior, the black smoke will fly away from their heads.

The more serious you doubt yourself, the more black smoke separates and the richer it becomes.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Everything here is real and disorderly. I can see it with my own eyes, touch it with my own hands, and hear it with my own ears. I can even remember the taste of the meal I had for lunch yesterday!!!"

The doctor's tone suddenly became fierce.

The two girls behind him looked at all this with confused faces, somewhat incomprehensible.

"Why can't this be yours? What about auditory, visual, taste, touch, and smell hallucinations? Oh, do you have visceral hallucinations or interoceptive discomfort now?"

Gu Shang raised the corner of his mouth and asked silently.

"You, you, why are you telling me this?"

After a few words, the young man held his head and started wailing.

A large amount of black smoke poured out from his head.

It's really rich and real.

"Why must you have the answer in your mind? If you think about it carefully, don't you know what this is for?"

Gu Shang put his hand on his heart.

"Look, your heartbeat is so weak that you can't even feel it if you don't listen carefully."

"This all shows that you are untrue."

Pushing him back a step, Gu Shang sat back down on the computer table next to him.

The young man seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He sat down suddenly on the ground and held his head with both arms. There was a long silence.

Black smoke no longer rose from his head.

Everything has returned to calm.

In the doctor's office, the only sound was the breathing of the two girls, which was rapid and frequent.

As ordinary people, this kind of scene is still very shocking to them.

They have also questioned their patients in this way, but many patients did not have a violent reaction to this, and would not be in this situation.

This makes people very confused and confused.

"And you two, after listening to what I said so much, you don't think that you are also clean, do you? You know the truth and the real, the false and the false, better than anyone else."

After hearing what he said, the two female doctors were also a little shaken.

The thin female doctor also covered her head, took two steps back, and leaned against the wall. She couldn't stop thinking and diverging her thoughts, her eyes were extremely dull.

Only the fat doctor was indifferent and just watched everything in front of him silently.

"It seems that your illness is really serious. Not only that, you also pose a high social risk."

Shaking her head, she leaned aside.

The next moment, a fierce middle-aged man who was 1m9 tall, wearing a chef's uniform and holding a huge fried rice spoon in his hand walked in from the door.

"What's wrong, Xiaoli, you suddenly called me over, I was still cooking!"

The man nodded the spoon in his hand and asked the fat doctor next to him curiously.

Gu Shang's expression changed.

If I guessed correctly, it was the young man who just delivered the news.

But what the chef said was completely opposite to what he just saw, and there was really no connection at all.

From the beginning to the end, the fat doctor just stood like this, saying nothing or moving. He had no extra time to contact anyone.

"Uncle Zhang, please excuse me. This patient is in danger. I hope you will take him back to the ward."

The fat doctor said silently, and then took out a 20ml syringe from his pocket.

"He needs more medicine, a lot more medicine, otherwise he will be immersed in his fantasy until he dies."

After hearing what he said, Chef Zhang walked up without hesitation.

It is also his duty to bring the patient back to the ward.

On weekdays, there are some violent patients in the hospital, and he solves them.

After all, his size and strength are there, and he is born with certain transcendental conditions.

"Interesting, what a persistent weirdo."

Gu Shang sighed and walked forward slowly. Finally, something amazing happened. He actually passed through the chef Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang reached out and grabbed Gu Feng, who was lying behind him.

Judging from his various performances, the only one he saw was Gu Feng, and even Murong Yunhai beside him didn't notice.

"Uncle Zhang, it seems you have arrested the wrong person."

"The patient I'm talking about is in front of you."

The fat doctor corrected him.

Chef Lao Zhang heard this and rubbed his eyes vigorously: "Xiao Li, are you kidding? There is no one in front of me. Isn't it just you, me, and this patient in the entire office?"

Things had developed to this point, and Gu Shang had a clear understanding of everything in front of him.

At this time, there are only five people who still have independent consciousness.

He, Gu Feng, Murong Yunhai, the fat doctor, and Uncle Zhang who just arrived.

Among these people, he, Gu Feng, and Murong Yunhai could see each other, and the fat doctor could also see them.

Uncle Zhang, who had just arrived, could only see Gu Feng and the fat doctor.

It is enough to explain many key issues.

In this mental hospital, as long as you firmly believe in yourself, whatever you imagine will come true.

Of course, the two are only slightly related. The specifics are affected by other objective and subjective factors.

Experienced so many worlds.

Having learned countless indirect experiences, Gu Shang's willpower is definitely number one here. No one can compare to him. It stands to reason that he is the strongest one in this mental hospital.

Murong Yunhai was also an important figure before he came to this world. He had a lot of experience, and his willpower can be ranked second here.

The remaining fat doctor is well-informed, has extremely rich clinical experience, and is extremely firm and unwavering in his current behavior. He can be ranked third.

Gu Feng has not received enough training, and his thinking at this moment is still at the stage of an ordinary person, but it is relatively abnormal, and his willpower is not very strong.

But being second to last is more than enough.

In the end, Uncle Zhang was just an ordinary hospital worker. He had never experienced any ups and downs in his life, and his willpower was relatively weak.

As a result, there were very few people he could see.

"Listen to me, go into the ward obediently, and let me treat you properly."

After hearing this, the thin female doctor walked out of the office without hesitation.

The fat doctor looked at Gu Shang quietly.

"I really didn't expect that your condition would be so serious. It is probably unique in the entire concept of psychiatry."

"If I can teach you a lesson, my status in medicine will definitely improve dramatically..."

As she spoke, she suddenly smiled, then pulled up her white coat and slowly walked towards Gu Shang.

"This patient, let me explain to you one last time. Your current situation is very serious and may be life-threatening at any time. For you, for me, and for everyone here, please go back with me obediently."

Her words sounded very natural.

But Uncle Zhang next to him looked confused. He looked at Gu Feng in his hand, and then at the female doctor who looked calm.

"Xiao Li, didn't you have enough to eat this morning? Why do you look like your moderate illness is more serious than that?"

He really can't touch his hair now.

What was a great event suddenly turned into this, talking and communicating with a person who didn't exist at all.

This performance is very similar to those Alzheimer patients he feeds.

The fat doctor sighed.

Although Uncle Zhang did not see any bone injuries, he firmly believed that what he saw was real, and that this was by no means a so-called hallucination or delusion.

After a few steps, she arrived in front of Gu Shang. She stretched out her hand and gently grabbed Gu Shang's shoulder: "Be good, follow me back to the ward. I can reward you with an egg during dinner tonight."

She forced a smile, and then pulled back hard.

But the embarrassing thing is that Gu Shang remained unmoved at all. His body was like a telegraph pole. No matter how hard he pulled or pulled, it didn't move at all.

"Uncle Zhang, come here and help me."

The female doctor sighed and urged Uncle Zhang next to her.

Uncle Zhang put down the ancient style in his hand at a loss, walked slowly in front of him, and looked at the air in front of him.

"Xiao Li, how can I help you with this?"

If he was facing ordinary mental patients, he would have taken action directly, but this was a colleague with whom he had a good relationship, and he was really at a loss for a moment.

"Take half a step forward, reach out and grab him."

Guo Xiaoli said quietly, and actually pulled Gu Shang's arm forward.

Uncle Zhang's hand moved in the air and passed through Gu Shang's body naturally.

Guo Xiaoli's pupils shrank at this scene.

What's going on? Is it really her hallucination?

She reached out and touched Gu Shang again, and everything she felt was so real.

Whether it is touch, hearing, or vision, she feels that everything is normal and there are no problems.

But why did Uncle Zhang's pull fail?

This is very puzzling.

"Sir, actually we don't need to be so ink-marked."

"I know you already have a solution in mind. If that's the case, let's just do it. It's pointless to waste time here. To be honest, it's pointless."

Gu Feng smoothed out the folds of his clothes and said a little boredly.

Murong Yunhai next to him was like an old monk in meditation, looking at everything in front of him with a smile on his face, silent and motionless.

"Wait a little longer."

Gu Shang said calmly.

If he could have done it, he would have done it long ago.

When these people came out, he used the domain's void light to conduct various tests, but without exception, all the tests failed in this office.

It seems that the only way to defeat these guys here is to make them question and doubt themselves. Expelling all the black mist from the body, only in this way can real victory be achieved.

Of course, if he had to take action forcefully, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but it would be very troublesome.

After receiving the response, Gu Feng obediently closed his mouth, hugged his shoulders and took a step back.

"Interesting, so much fun."

Guo Xiaoli shook her head.

"This patient, your current situation is very unstable. Of course, I know that my current situation is not very good either. Both of us need treatment and restraint."

The experienced female doctor had quickly adjusted her mentality and decided to solve the problem in another way.

She trusts her many years of clinical experience and even more trusts her intuition.

"Uncle Zhang, bundle us both into the ward."

As she spoke, she took out four more restraint belts from the drawer.

"Doctor, you just mentioned two people, why did you only take four restraint belts? It seems that they can only restrain one person."

"Who could this person be?"

"Uncle Zhang can't see me. He can only choose between the person next to me and you."

Gu Shang opened his mouth and walked to Uncle Zhang, performing various actions.

Every movement penetrated Uncle Zhang's body easily without him noticing. All of this was really weird in Guo Xiaoli's eyes.


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