Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 384 Walking Slowly (1/2)

Chapter 384 Walk slowly

"Our life is very good now. Why would my brother take risks and do these things?"

"Why did we go to them when they abandoned us? It was obviously their fault? After so many years, they haven't come to us. It shows what our status is in their hearts..."

Chen Ling'er said a lot in one breath.

This made Gu Shang understand more about her thoughts at the moment.

"So what if I find them? I won't be with them. I will live with my brother for the rest of my life."

Chen Ling'er hugged Gu Shang's arm hard and shook it gently.

Reaching out and touching her head, Gu Shang stood up.

"I'm sorry, Ling'er. I have my reasons. I have to do this."

"But don't worry, I won't force you to be with them if you don't want to. Also, if one day they want to recognize you, it won't be that easy."

Looking at the starry sky above his head, Gu Shang said these words silently.

The wish request is just a family reunion.

It depends on the situation. Gu Shang would indeed do this if possible.

Although the time he spent with this girl was very short, from all aspects, Gu Shang already regarded her as one of his own, and as one of his own, he would never let her suffer any injustice.

So what if their parents are very powerful?

In his eyes, it was of no use.

"If that's the case, then I support my brother."

"I will also work hard to practice and strive to be able to help my brother as soon as possible."

Chen Ling'er clenched her fists and spoke very firmly.

"I'm also looking forward to that day."

Smiling, Gu Shang exchanged a pair of sunglasses from the system space and handed them to her: "I'll give this to you first. Although it's not very useful, it can make your life more interesting."

Chen Linger took it excitedly.

"Are these sunglasses the same as Mr. Ozawa's?"

"The general functions are the same, but there are many subtle differences."

"It's about the same, hahaha, thank you brother!"

Chen Ling'er put on her sunglasses excitedly and looked at the various data in front of her. She became even more excited and excited.

Ever since she first came into contact with this thing at Ozawa Midnight's place, she had been fascinated. During this year, I often asked Gu Shang for help, but Gu Shang refused for various reasons.

I didn’t expect that my brother would be able to give it to me tonight. It was really surprising! ! ! !


Time continues to move forward.

Another four years passed in the blink of an eye.

The number of countries under Gu Shang's control has reached twenty-one, and the power of the spirit removers in his hands has become even more powerful.

In Beishan Mental Hospital, he unlocked the hearts of more than fifty patients and added more than fifty abilities out of thin air, making his strength even more unfathomable, strange and changeable.

It is worth mentioning.

Four years have passed, and there is still no movement from Gufeng.

It has been five years since his last system release mission.

The flowers I have been waiting for are all going to wither.

He himself wanted to slowly increase his strength.

But the speed is too slow.

You can only rely on this method of constantly sucking blood to achieve explosive improvement.

Four years of development have greatly improved his overall strength. All the grassroots troops under his command have been replaced by robots. They are responsible for exploring various dangerous areas and dangerous operations and collecting information.

This greatly improves the survival rate of handlers and reduces their mortality rate.

Under this situation.

Gu Shang's mentality gradually stabilized.

He is no longer so persistent about his wish for this body, but instead has an attitude of playing with the world.

Now that things have developed to this extent, he has no way to speed up the progress and can only rely on luck.

But the reality is often funny and hateful.

When you try your best to pursue something, you will always encounter various difficulties and obstacles. But if you calm down and have no desires and desires, many troubles will come to you.

Gu Shang hadn't calmed down for a few months when he encountered another powerful weirdo.

In a country he had just taken control of.

A monster with power reaching the eighth level emerged from the ground and enveloped the entire country.

In just one day, he caused billions of casualties. The entire country was torn apart. The land was covered with cracked mountains, soaked in a lot of blood, and the people were miserable.

Not only that, this weird power is still expanding crazily.

On the second day, I came to the nearby country. Powerful forces had begun to support the plants and trees of those national uniforms, causing deeper pollution.


The border of Liu State.

Gu Shang floated in the air, looking at the land full of darkness in front of him, and shook his head speechlessly.

"I just want to take a good break for a while, why is it so difficult?"

Liu Shengtao, who was wearing a battle armor next to him, said: "It has been twenty-six hours since the strange thing appeared, and it is still seeping power into the surrounding area."

"Through the power of the robots under our hands, we have roughly investigated it. This is the specific information. Please take a look, sir."

As he spoke, Liu Chengtao took out a piece of exquisitely shaped crystal.

These technological products were all developed with the help of Ozawa Midnight.

Because of his mysterious identity.

He has all kinds of wonderful knowledge in his hands. Once it appeared, it led to a technological revolution in this world. Although the effect is not very obvious, it has an impact on all aspects of people's daily life.

However, due to the particularity of this world, this impact is only concentrated on the top layer of people.

Gu Shang reached out and took the crystal, and then a stream of information quickly transmitted from the crystal, poured into his mind, and was absorbed by him in an instant.

After a while, he was even more speechless.

"So, everyone in the country ahead has become a zombie?"

In one night, a black light appeared out of thin air in the place called Changsheng Country. Wherever the light swept, more than 60% of the creatures were infected and turned into monsters.

Their physical fitness increased dozens of times, becoming extremely powerful and extremely fast.

Not only that, the liquid on their bodies is also extremely corrosive and contagious. As long as the target comes into contact with this liquid on their bodies, they will become a monster like them.

The lizard man, who looks similar, is black all over, with a long tail behind him, a flat mouth with nearly 500 sharp teeth inside, and two red and round eyes.

According to the information currently explored, ordinary people will have the power of the first level after being infected.

After being infected, the power of the exorcist will be increased by two to three levels.

At present, the most powerful in this country should be only some seventh-level ones.

In this world, the weirdness that can instantly affect a country, no matter what kind of ability it has or what kind of disaster it can cause, is collectively called the eighth-level weirdness.

"Since you understand it, let's take action directly and don't waste meaningless time."

Shaking his head, Gu Shang raised his right hand and made a fighting gesture.

Liu Shengtao next to him understood what he meant, picked up a green button, and pressed it without hesitation.

The next moment, dense black robots suddenly appeared behind them. They took off in the morning with the recommendation device, wearing armor with amazing defensive power, and streaked bright dangers across the sky.

"Please rest assured, young master. The number of robot troops under our command has already exceeded 10 billion. With the support of various energy weapons, we can definitely eradicate all these monsters-"

"If the first attempt fails, we will immediately adopt the ultimate means."

Liu Shengtao said silently beside him. When he mentioned the ultimate means, Gu Shang's eyes rarely jumped.

This so-called ultimate means is a nuclear bomb he took out, which is currently under the control of Liu Shengtao.

The explosive power of this nuclear bomb is very strong. According to his calculations, it can completely destroy a country in two seconds. The nuclear radiation can completely cover half of the country, which has far-reaching effects.


Gu Shang did not deny this.

Recently, his attitude towards fulfilling his wishes has become a little negative. He has a bit of a bad attitude and doesn't care about anything.

As long as it doesn't affect his goal, it's okay.


A large number of black robots moved forward quickly.

Soon, the front troops fought with the zombies in Liu's country.

The reason why they were named Loss was because of their strong infectiousness and ugly appearance. Judging from their appearance alone, it would be more appropriate to call them attractive.

Humans have become attractive people with two meters in height and solid muscles.

Various animals have also become huge beasts with green scales all over their bodies.

As for plants, there is no change at all.

The robots directly activated the thermal weapons in their hands from a long distance.

The trigger was pulled, and a short ray of light sprayed out from the gunfire on their shoulders, and fell on the front wave of zombies with a whoosh.

After a period of trial, the robots have obtained all the information about Loss, so they also know their weaknesses.

Each ray attack accurately fell on the heads of the zombies.


Accompanied by a sharp roar, the zombie who was hit took two steps back, and a deep dent appeared on his forehead.

But that was it.

This level of attack could not cause real damage to them, but could only block their progress.

After being hit, the zombie roared angrily, and a large amount of sticky liquid flowed out of its mouth. It jumped high and rushed towards the robot army in front.

The black robot over there raised its right hand calmly, and the next moment, a thicker arrow of light flew out, accompanied by a puff of smoke, and directly eliminated the head of the zombie neatly.

The incision was smooth.

There was a smell of barbecue in the air.

The thermal weapon automatically absorbed the special energy in the air, completed the charging in two seconds, and then launched the second attack.

Due to the huge number of robot troops, in less than two seconds, the first wave of zombies they encountered were all dead.

Every zombie died in exactly the same way.

The ground was full of headless corpses.

Then groups of them flew out from the back. Mechanical flying insects that looked like bees came to the zombie corpses and began to absorb.

Like locusts passing through, zombies were quickly devoured wherever they passed, leaving no liquid or skin tissue behind, disappearing completely.

These mechanical flying insects will take the zombie tissues back to be analyzed by members of the institute.

When they successfully analyze, they can use the genes of these zombies to generate super gene optimization drugs, forcibly turning ordinary people into zombies, but because of the special nature of the gene optimization drugs, those ordinary people will have their original consciousness and thinking, even including memory.

"Sir, it seems that we have accumulated good results during this period."

Looking at the powerful robot army in front of him, Liu Shengtao couldn't help but clap his hands.

In less than five seconds, more than three million zombies died in their hands, and they had zero casualties, which was indeed a cause for celebration.

"There is not a single second-level one among those guys, what is there to be proud of? I see that you have been bullying the weak recently. Only when you meet a real opponent can you test our true strength."

"Weaklings are useless to us."

With a sigh, Gu Shang corrected his attitude.

"Let them continue to move forward and see if there are any worthy opponents."

Although the robot army is very powerful and numerous, once facing those individuals with extremely strong numbers, it is estimated that there will not be much combat effect.

Gu Shang has already prepared for this in advance.

Liu Shengtao coughed lightly, and then issued an order to continue moving forward.

The robot army moved forward quickly, constantly recovering the land occupied by the zombies. But even if all the zombies were killed, the land on Liu's side was still black and full of various negative auras.

Ordinary people who stay here for a long time will quickly arouse various negative emotions in their hearts and turn themselves into irrational monsters.

Before being purified, this place can only exist in the form of a forbidden area.

As they continue to move forward, the robot army encounters more and more zombies, and the types are becoming more and more complete, not only human ones, but also various animals.

The comprehensive strength of animals is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

The same is the first level.

The robot army needs ten people to shoot at the same target to kill an animal instantly, but when facing ordinary people, it only takes one shot to completely solve it.

It was enough to see the huge gap between the two.

As the team moved forward, the exorcist zombies gradually appeared.

Through the surveillance footage, Gu Shang also saw a lot of fun and interesting things.

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