Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 387 Changes and Experiments (1/2)

Chapter 387 Changes and Experiments

It should be that he actively blocked those insignificant memories during the imitation process.

With a gleam in his eyes, Gu Shang then used the ability of imitation and made several attempts.

This ability can make him 100% an opponent.

Except for not having the opponent's memory, every aspect is exactly the same as the opponent, including blood and breath.

At this moment, he can instantly become anyone he has seen in this world, with all their strength.

And he can use their face and blood to forcibly restore his own strength.

"It's just a pity that those people I have seen are too useless."

Shaking his head, Gu Shang said with some regret.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

He moved his body, and the next moment, he turned into a cat less than 1m tall, blue and white, walking upright.

"Interesting, even Mike can change."

He found that at this time, he could actually have some of Mike's characteristics.

For example, some immortality, and some bad luck blessing.

Reaching out and touching, he took out a cigar.

This looks exactly the same as what Mike had taken out before.

He threw out a flame to ignite it, and then Gu Shang silently put it to the corner of his mouth and took a deep puff.

"That's good. When I fight in the future, I can transfer Mike's immortality to myself."

"But then again, I already have the resurrection stone..."

This immortality can only work after he wastes all the resurrection stones.

From some perspectives, it is still quite useless.

And it is just pure immortality, without any special power.

"What a magical cat, it actually has such a large storage space."

At this moment, in Gu Shang's consciousness, he saw a huge warehouse with many things placed in it, some of which were refreshing and changing every moment.

It was the same as Mike's description before.

Some of the things he could take out were fixed, some were random, and it was completely up to luck.

But these things were too restrictive for Gu Shang, and the auxiliary role was not very obvious. Only when he settled down and faced those enemies with a large gap with himself, could they play a miraculous effect.

Shaking his head, he returned to his original appearance.

"If I meet a ninth-level monster now, wouldn't I be able to change into the other person's appearance in a minute?"

According to the description of the ability of imitation, the nature is like this.

That weird existence is very special. There is no level to limit his growth. He can turn himself into the strongest person if he has never seen the strongest person.

Not only that, but he can also superimpose the data of all people he has seen to form an integrated existence.

Thinking of this, Gu Shang decided to experiment on himself.

With a thought, he directly stripped out everyone he met in this world, and then integrated all their specific data and kneaded them together.

He could clearly feel some changes in himself.

Through the reflection of the field, he found that his appearance had not changed at all.

But at this moment, he had more and more abilities.

Unknowingly, he had the abilities of all people he had seen, including some methods of exorcists and some martial arts of Jianghu warriors. Regardless of strength, they were all kneaded together, which was very weird.

"But there are also differences..."

In this world, there are many things that he cannot imitate.

This ability is not absolute.

For example, weirdness.

He cannot imitate any weirdness in the world. The only target he can imitate is weirdness. He is completely restricted.

"Take your time. Everything will get better slowly."

At this moment, Gu Shang has completely given up.

He has learned to paralyze himself.

Shaking his head, he turned around and returned to his single-family courtyard.

There are a total of eighty-one countries in this world. He has only dealt with a few of them now. There are still many things to do in the future. There are many people and a long way to go.


Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Gu Shang no longer cares about the work progress of these people under him.

At first, he wanted to deal with all the countries quickly, but now he only cares about this body and Chen Ling'er's true identity.

Almost every moment, there are a large number of people helping him find information.

Although there has been no result, the action has never stopped.

This always makes him feel more hopeful.

On this day, he was processing various information provided by his subordinates.

Chen Ling'er and Mike sat together next to him, also helping him work.

After so many years, Chen Ling'er has become more mature, and her mind has become more delicate. Although he himself does not like this matter very much, as long as Gu Shang is willing to do it, she is willing to follow.

It is already very good to be able to help Gu Shang.

Success or failure is not important, what is important is the process.

Looking at the stacks of information in her hand, Chen Ling'er looked at it carefully.

From time to time, she reached out and touched Mike next to her.

Suddenly, she picked up a piece of information and ran to Gu Shang: "Brother, I seem to have seen this person before somewhere!"

After hearing what he said, Gu Shang quickly put down the things in his hands and looked at the pictorial on it carefully.

This piece of information came from one of his subordinates in the Soul Exorcist Palace. It came from a country that was first captured by him, named Blue Cloud Country.

Above is a picture of an old man wearing a white robe, with a bald head and a kind face.

The following is specific information for the elderly.

This is the strongest person in Lan Yun's country. He has no name, but he is often called Mr. Lan.

He has cultivated to the eighth level and suppressed a powerful monster in Lan Yun's country. It has been a full 20,000 years now.

Twenty thousand years is a period of time that should not be underestimated for a strong man like him.

He dedicated his life to the people of his country.

This is a respectable person.

"Why does it feel familiar?"

This country had just been conquered, and Gu Shangan was certain that Chen Linger had never seen this old man before.

In this way, many situations can be guessed.

Either this Mr. Lan is related to Chen Ling'er. The first moment she saw each other, it evoked certain memories in her body, and she naturally felt familiar.

This connection is likely to come from blood.

The second possibility is that Mr. Lan's photo has some special features that can make the designated target feel familiar. Of course, this probability is very small.

In addition to the above two possibilities, there are many others.

"I can't tell, I always feel like I've seen him somewhere..."

Chen Ling'er sat down, closed her eyes and thought about it carefully.

After two or three minutes, she suddenly understood and said quickly: "I remember that when I was very young, I often had a nightmare. Every time when the Chinese New Year was approaching, I would go to the back mountain to pick some beautiful flowers and put them outside the yard. , but one time it rained heavily and the mountain road was muddy after I picked flowers. I accidentally fell and slid down the hillside.

When I woke up, I found myself in a narrow valley surrounded by black venomous snakes. They surrounded me and were ready to attack me.

Just when they were about to meet me, a bald brother wearing a blue robe appeared. He helped me fight off the poisonous snakes and saved me. "

When talking about the group of poisonous snakes, Chen Linger's body trembled obviously.

"During that time, this nightmare lasted for a full half a month."

After hearing what he said, Gu Shang also found relevant information fragments in Chen Erluzi's memory.

"This Mr. Lan is completely the older version of that young man, and many details about them correspond exactly."

Chen Ling'er said firmly.

"In that case, let's go meet him!"

Gu Shang became interested.

Maybe this time we can solve the mystery of Chen Ling'er's life experience and indirectly complete half of the task.

Chen Ling'er became a little excited when she said she wanted to meet Mr. Lan, but soon her movements became much slower.

After inking for a while, she stared and said very seriously: "Brother, if I really have any blood relationship with this Mr. Lan, then I will not come back to her. I will always follow my brother!!"

Having said this, she hugged her injured arm tightly.

"Don't worry, I will never force you in this regard."

Gu Shang reached out and pinched her little face.

The task process of finding biological parents, understanding their identity, and recognizing each other is quite simple.

At worst, we will take strong measures when the time comes.

As long as your thinking does not slip, you will have many ideas when encountering difficulties.

No, as long as your thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

After picking up the walkie-talkie and confirming the location with the people below, Gu Shang immediately took Chen Ling'er and flew towards Lanyun Country at high speed.

With the expansion of many areas, his speed is very fast.

In less than five minutes, during the actual flight, it crossed the vast territories of three countries and successfully arrived at the mountain where Mr. Lan suppressed the weirdness.

As soon as he got close to here, he heard a rather strong voice in his mind: "Young man, this is not the place you should be, go back quickly!"

That voice was extremely powerful.

At first glance, he is not a simple person.

"Mr. Lan, I came here to ask you something."

Gu Shang has always respected people like Mr. Lan who sacrifice themselves for others and save everyone's existence.

Because he is very selfish and cannot do this.

Of course, if the situation comes to a last resort and he is asked to do something outrageous, he will not hold back.

"I know what you are going to ask. I have nothing to do with this little doll. You two please go back."

The voice said quickly.

Hearing his words, Gu Shang's expression changed.

Before he even asked his question, the other party already knew the answer, which was quite interesting.

"Young man, I know you are strong, but in this world, many things cannot be accomplished with just strength."

The voice spoke silently.

"Pretending to be a ghost."

Gu Shang shook his head and took a step forward.

The domain swept through everything and instantly locked onto Mr. Lan's position. He pulled Chen Ling'er and stepped out in front of him.

Seeing him coming, Mr. Lan, who was wearing a blue robe and with a bald head, sighed softly.

He looks older than in the photo.

The wrinkles on his face are deep one after another.

Although he is bald, his face looks much kinder.

"Senior, I just want an answer."

Gu Shang looked at Mr. Lan quietly.

The first moment he saw the other party, he took a series of actions. It was obvious that the results of the actions satisfied him, otherwise he would not have come directly to the other party.

Through various abilities under his command, he now has the strength to completely crush Mr. Lan.

At the same time, this made him more fearless and confident about the future.

"The poor monk has already said that I have nothing to do with this little doll. I am me and he is him. Both of us are relatively independent individuals."

Mr. Lan’s words are absolutely perfect.

Gu Shang also used several of his abilities to conduct step-by-step perception and tests, and found that he was not lying.

"Brother, I did have a familiar feeling after seeing his photo, but now, that feeling has disappeared."

Seeing that the two people were talking more and more irritably, Chen Ling'er gently pulled Gu Shang's sleeves: "What's even more incomprehensible to me is that the first time I saw him, some of the memories in my mind also changed. change."

"The person who originally rescued me changed from Mr. Lan to a stranger."


Gu Shang suddenly felt that this matter was more interesting.

"Can you describe his appearance?"

"He was dressed in black and held a very wide sword in his hand. There was a snake with big teeth tattooed on the hilt. He also had a black mask and a red cloak. By the way, his eyes were It’s blood red and looks very intimidating.”

Chen Ling'er said slowly.

Gu Shang raised his hand and used his ability to condense a young and strange figure in front of his eyes.

"Is it him?"

"Yes, that's him."

Chen Ling'er nodded vigorously.

Gu Shang shifted his gaze to Mr. Lan, who was sitting cross-legged.

When Chen Ling'er was describing, Mr. Lan's expression changed. When he completely condensed the portrait, Mr. Lan's expression became even weirder. At the same time, the power in his body began to slowly spurt out, as if he was ready at any time. It's like it's going to explode.

"Mr. Lan, I think you should know something now. I believe you won't mind telling us."

Gu Shang smiled.

A pair of fox eyes stared straight at Mr. Lan.

"To be honest, the person you gathered just now is the weirdo I suppressed."

Mr. Lan spoke slowly, his expression gradually becoming serious.


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