Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 401: Intrusive Myths and Legends (1/2)

Chapter 401 Intrusive myths and legends

The world is so big that Gu Shang doesn't know where he should go.

Now he has no way to return to the original world, and he has no good ideas to continue to become stronger and improve his power.

After all, his understanding of the world is very limited. Although he has many abilities and means, there are very few opportunities to make reasonable use of them.

After some hesitation, he came to a mortal kingdom in the heaven.

Yes, there are mortals in heaven too.

The world is divided into three parts.

Above is heaven, where all kinds of gods and immortals live.

In the middle is the mortal world, where ordinary people without magic power live. The most powerful among them are only warriors who have reached the realm of Shattered Void.

Below is the underworld. After death, the soul will enter the underworld and experience reincarnation.

Wearing ordinary black clothes, Gu Shang was walking alone on a long street.

"Without the help of Chen Ling'er and Lin Yuan, I only have a few ways to continue completing the mission."

"But these methods all point to one thing, which is to enhance my power and have the absolute prerequisite to complete the task."

"Or just find a secluded place and practice in seclusion for a few years."

"Either go to those plants with long lifespans, enlighten them, and then use their power to launch a series of actions."

"Or go find those powerful snakes..."

The above methods are relatively important and very practical.

"It's a pity. Why did Lin Yuan fail? He obviously has the most powerful power in the world, so he shouldn't be like this."

If it were him, absolutely no one could suppress him or restrain him.

After thinking about it, he came to a small vendor.

The other party was a young man in Tsing Yi. He spread a piece of black cloth and placed a circle of lanterns on it. These lanterns seemed to be newly woven. The patterns on them were very beautiful and the ink had not completely dried.

"Brother, do you want two lanterns?"

When the young man saw Gu Shang standing here, he couldn't help but ask.

"If it's a lantern, it's not necessary."

Gu Shang slowly knelt down and looked at the young man carefully with his eyes.

He felt a familiar aura on the other party's body. As the two parties got closer, his heartbeat became faster and faster. In a trance, he heard violent heartbeats one after another.

"He and I have the same blood flowing in our bodies."

Suddenly, Gu Shang got this answer.

This young man must be related to Chen Erluzi.

"I didn't expect to find the so-called answer here. It's really interesting."

Gu Shang raised the corners of his mouth.

"Brother, you can choose carefully. These are all new products. Around here, my agarwood-making lantern skills are outstanding!"

The young man said with joy.

He reached out and picked up a lantern and put it in front of Gu Shang.

"Wait, you said your name is Agarwood?"

Gu Shang suddenly became interested.

"What's wrong, brother? Isn't my name nice? My mother gave it to me herself!"

Chenxiang said excitedly.

"The names are indeed very good. I wonder if you recognize Nezha, Erlang Shen, Roaring Sky Dog..."

After hearing what he said, Chen Xiang suddenly stood up and looked at Gu Shang coldly with both eyes.

"You were sent by Erlang Shen, right? Just give up. Even if you die, I won't go back with you!!"

"He broke up my mother and I, and I will never forgive him in this life!"

After saying that, Chen Xiang ignored the lantern on the ground and turned away, like a stubborn donkey.

Gu Shang looked at his back silently.

If he heard correctly, he said that his uncle was Erlangshen. Could this Erlangshen be Yang Jian's?

Since this guy's name is Chenxiang, then his uncle should be Yang Jian!

But the God of Thunder told himself before that there was no Yang Jian, Nezha or anything in the heaven. Not only that, this guy also judged his identity as a time traveler from the names he said.

"Is Thor lying to me, or has his memory been modified?"

With this doubt, Gu Shang turned around and came behind Chen Xiang. He didn't speak, but just followed the other person's footsteps silently.

Obviously, after meeting Gu Shang, he was not in a good mood.

Agarwood was very angry and anxious when she walked.

After leaving the city, he followed a path to the nearby countryside.

When he was at the village gate, Gu Shang saw the name of the village: Liujia Village.

If nothing unexpected happens, this is where Chenxiang grew up.

Along the way, with his strong strength, Gu Shang did not attract Chen Xiang's attention. He followed him and finally entered a small courtyard.

Hearing Chen Xiang's footsteps, a figure quickly walked out of the yard: "Chen Xiang, didn't you go to the city to sell lanterns? Why did you come back so soon? Could something have happened?"

The person who came was wearing a shabby gown, looked mediocre, and had a bookish air about him.

"Dad, I met a person. He may have been sent by Erlang Shen..."

Chenxiang lowered her head and said silently.

"Erlang Shen!!"

When the middle-aged man heard these three words, he was stunned and his body began to shake involuntarily.

"Agarwood, you said you met someone sent by Erlang Shen!"

Liu Yanchang panicked: "Something is wrong. We have to leave Liujia Village quickly, lest his lackeys come to our door. We will be in danger then."

He turned around and started to pack up.

Chenxiang clenched his fists tightly, and powerful magical powers were looming on his body.

"Run, run, run, why do we have to run? Erlang Shen is the god of justice in the three realms, with a high position and powerful strength. We are all mortals, where can we escape to?"

Chenxiang raised his head, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Instead of running away like this, it's better to fight him with real swords and guns. Even if I die, it doesn't matter. I won't regret it!"

Liu Yanchang, who was in the house, heard him say this, ran out quickly, and slapped him in the face without hesitation.

"Chenxiang! Can you not be so selfish? You are my dearest person in this world, I don't want you to be in any danger!"

Liu Yanchang's eyes were gloomy: "No matter what the price, you must live, I will not allow you to die!"

As he said, he handed a package to Chenxiang.

"Run, leave Liujia Village, the world is big, even if he is the God of Justice, he doesn't have so much energy to deal with us, in his eyes we are like ants."

"The Three Realms are so big, all kinds of events are happening all the time, how can he have the energy and time to deal with our affairs?"

Liu Yanchang said silently.


Just then, a frivolous voice suddenly appeared.

Liu Yanchang and Chenxiang saw Gu Shang who suddenly appeared at the same time.

"Dad, that person just now was him, he is very likely a subordinate of Erlang Shen!!!"

Chenxiang stood in front of Liu Yanchang and looked at Gu Shang cautiously.

This Liu Yanchang is very strange.

He does have a human body, but his mental will is very weak.

The magic power enveloped it and saw that it was just a remnant soul. After a careful inspection, it was found that there were more than ten powerful restrictions in this remnant soul.

According to a random calculation, the person who laid the restrictions was at least at the Immortal Emperor level, and it was very likely that he was an Immortal Emperor.

So many restrictions were laid in a weak mortal.

It was really interesting!

The strangest thing was that Gu Shang clearly felt that he and the two people in front of him had the same blood.

"It turns out that Chen Erlangzi is the child of Liu Yanchang and San Shengmu."

This fact made Gu Shang speechless.

Originally, he thought that he was going to a weird and strange world, but he didn't expect that there was a heaven above, and what he didn't expect was that some mythological figures in his memory still lived in this heaven.

The most ridiculous thing was that he himself was also involved in these characters.

"God, if you want to kill or cut, come to me alone, don't make it difficult for Chenxiang!"

Liu Yanchang didn't think too much, he walked up directly, looking straight at Gu Shang.

"Embarrass Chenxiang? How could I possibly embarrass him?"

Looking at the middle-aged man with a complicated expression, Gu Shang silently snatched the package from Chenxiang's hand.


Liu Yanchang's expression moved, and he wanted to say something but didn't say it.

Gu Shang opened the package and took out a lotus-like object from it. This thing was exactly the same as the Baolian Lantern he had seen on TV before.

"It is indeed a powerful magic weapon, but it is of no use to me."

Shaking his head, Gu Shang looked at the two people in front of him, thinking about how to deal with it.

In theory, if he is the child of Liu Yanchang and San Shengmu, then the task of his body is to find them and reunite the family.

"Where is San Shengmu now?"

Gu Shang asked, playing with the Baolian Lantern in his hand.

Liu Yanchang on the opposite side was obviously stunned. He didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"Aren't you sent by Erlang Shen?"

"When did I say I was Erlang Shen's man?"

Gu Shang shook his head.

"I'm asking you a question, you'd better answer me quickly."

He inadvertently revealed a powerful temperament, which shocked Liu Yanchang.

"The Third Holy Mother... The Third Holy Mother was suppressed by Yang Jian under Mount Hua twenty years ago. I haven't seen her for twenty years. Poor Chenxiang, he has never seen her mother since he became conscious."

Liu Yanchang looked quite painful.

But Gu Shang soon realized that his pain was not that he hadn't seen the Third Holy Mother for a long time, but that Chenxiang hadn't seen his mother for a long time.

From the various details revealed by this man, he was wholeheartedly protecting his son.

Gu Shang was thoughtful.

No matter what this world is like, he only cares about one thing, that is, to fulfill the wishes of this body.

As the God of Justice in the Three Realms, Yang Jian's strength is undoubtedly very strong, and the weakest cultivation is also the level of the Immortal Emperor.

Besides, there is a high possibility that the Queen Mother will stand behind Yang Jian, and it is not a particularly easy thing to successfully rescue the Third Holy Mother.

"Hey, since you are not someone sent by Erlang Shen, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Chenxiang was still very alert.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can help you."

In the TV series, Chenxiang finally possessed very powerful power, and it was he who split Huashan Mountain and rescued the San Shengmu family and reunited them.

Although it is very likely that Yang Jian is silently working behind him, there is no doubt that this kid has a strong talent.

Perhaps, he can add fuel to the fire behind the scenes.

"Help me, how can you help me? Our enemy is Erlang Shen."

Chenxiang couldn't believe it.

"Waste, since the other party is strong, then you won't make yourself as strong. Since you want to save your mother, you must have the determination to give up everything."

Gu Shang said coldly.

From his perspective, from the beginning, Chenxiang didn't have much determination to rescue the Three Holy Mothers.

Yes, what can an ordinary mortal use to fight against the Three Realms Justice God.

"Then what do you think I should do? As long as I can save my mother, I can do anything."

Chenxiang said resolutely.

"No, Chenxiang, you are the most important, you must not do this, if someone must sacrifice, then let me do it!"

Liu Yanchang pulled Chenxiang behind him and said with firm eyes.


Gu Shang shook his head.

He was now sure that one of the restrictions in this mortal's body was to do everything to protect Chenxiang and prevent him from being hurt in the slightest.

In this way, the identity of the person who set the restriction was easy to guess. Without a doubt, it must be Yang Jian.

"Dad, I haven't seen my mother since I was born. How much suffering did she suffer when she was pressed under Huashan for twenty years? After I knew about this, I decided to rescue my mother from under Huashan, no matter what the price, I can do it!"

Chenxiang said silently.

Many people present could feel his determination.

"Chenxiang, rescuing the Three Holy Mothers is not as simple as you think."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the middle of the yard.

Then two figures suddenly appeared, and at the same time.

A dazzling white light suddenly appeared in the sky, and above the white light, stood a heavenly soldier wearing white armor and with a cold momentum.

The two men, the artist, were tall, wearing white armor, with a black cloak behind him, and they were extremely handsome. In his hands, he held a three-pointed, two-edged pole.

The other man was a child, but he looked quite strange. Then he had three heads and six arms, and was aggressive.

"Yang Jian!!"

Chenxiang exclaimed.

A year ago, Yang Jian suddenly appeared in his dream and spent a good time with him.

This made him feel that this man was the most gentle person in the world.

Later, as they continued to get along, he found that this man was actually his uncle, his mother's brother.

After his repeated inquiries, he was surprised to find that the reason why he and his mother had not seen each other for 20 years was actually his uncle, who pressed his mother under Huashan!

Although Yang Jian told him sincerely that it was because of the rules of heaven and because of the difficulties, Chenxiang did not believe that there was any hardship in the world that could abandon even his own sister at will.



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