Chapter 408 Thinking

"Calling all the saints is not a simple matter. Of the three guys on the west side, except for the future Buddha, the remaining two have been in seclusion all year round. I don't know what they are enlightening."

"There is also the puppet from Heaven. Although his fighting power is not very strong, he is a genuine saint. His mind is full of the safety of the three realms. He probably has no intention of listening to you and coming over to get together."

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head, feeling that this matter was somewhat impossible.

Gu Shang shook his head.

With a flick of his hand, he transmitted the sound to Lin Yuan who was practicing quietly in the distance across countless distances.

After giving a few instructions, Lin Yuan took quick action.

Not even three breaths.

Five figures suddenly appeared on the thirty-third heaven.

Exactly all the remaining saints.

The two Buddhists looked at Gu Shang standing in the middle with some confusion: "You said you have a chance to let us go further?"

The heavenly puppet wearing white clothes and expressionless walked over.

"You said that there are some powerful dangers in this world. Once it breaks out, not even a saint can solve it."

Both parties were coaxed by Gu Shang with a reason.

Gu Shang nodded.

"You should all know that I am not from this world. I came to this world for an ulterior purpose. Now my mission is over and I will leave soon."

"Then have you ever thought about what kind of world is outside this world?"

"Also, I encountered many things when I was in the lower realm. Even now that I have become a saint, I still don't have a solution or idea."

"If these weird things happen again one day after I leave and affect everyone, I think there will be nothing you can do at that time."

After hearing what he said, there were a few more wrinkles on the face of Daode Tianzun.

"Tell me what you want to do!"

Gu Shang smiled and directly told the strange things he encountered in the lower world, including the powerful Mr. Lan.

In addition, he also told about his origin, his mission, and some special incidents in his life.

These saints have great wisdom in counting a few words every day. Maybe one or two of them can find the real secret behind them.

Of course, he also hid something when he said it, but these concealments would not disrupt their reasoning.

"Those evil obstacles have existed in this world a long time ago. Every once in a while, they will form creatures with their own consciousness. These creatures will turn into powerful figures and go to the lower realms to forcibly transform the world."

"At the beginning, we also intervened and wanted to solve it, but as you said, even we couldn't completely eliminate it, especially those so-called regular weird things, which a few of us couldn't bear. A small loss.”

"Later, as we tried again and again, we found that the only solution was to rely on the so-called Son of Destiny."

"In those worlds, a person with great luck will be born every once in a while. He will bring the hope of everyone in his world, solve all the weirdness alone, and restore peace to that world."

After hearing the word Destiny's Son, Gu Shang was obviously stunned for a moment.

"If this is true, doesn't it mean that he can systematically harvest Goldfinger!"

"Also, according to their theory, I, or Lin Yuan, is the destined son of that world—"

As he kept thinking in his mind, Gu Shang felt as if he had caught something.

Lingbao Tianzun on the other side said: "I listen to the donor, that is to say, our world is constructed based on your subconscious mind."

"If this is the case, then our world is not absolutely real..."

The saint had begun to ponder the meaning of his existence.

Yuanshi Tianzun next to him had a look on his face: "It makes no sense at all for you to think about this."

Then, everyone fell into a long conversation.

This is also a very rare event for them.

After all, the three parties each have their own positions, and from a certain perspective they are hostile to each other, otherwise they would not be plotting against each other every day.

In order to communicate better, they came to an extremely vast mountain range.

Gu Shang was surprised to find that there was no concept of time in this mountain range.

“This is a special place we stumbled upon, and no matter how many years pass by outside, time will never pass here.”

"We call it the source of time."

Feeling the differences between this place and the outside world, Gu Shang was thoughtful. At the same time, some strange thoughts came to his mind.

For a long time, several saints communicated with each other.

The topic always revolves around various information about the injury.

This exchange lasted for three thousand years.

Everyone gained something from this friendly discussion, and it can be said that this was a win-win event.

Of course, the biggest gain was Gu Shang.

He has a better understanding and choice of his origin, life experience, and what he wants to do in the future.

Various possibilities were mixed together, making him feel that his life had been mixed up.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting."

Shaked his head.

After finishing this exchange, he turned around and came to a normal world according to his own understanding.

The people here are living a happy life and everything is very harmonious.

Suddenly, a black shadow slowly appeared outside the world.

"It is such a beautiful world. Such a beautiful world must be well decorated."

The black shadow said with great emotion.

He has no facial features, no hair, no clothes, only a human-like body, which looks very weird.

With a wave of his hand, the world was suddenly enveloped in a huge black mist.

Everyone in this world felt their eyes darken, but then returned to normal the next moment.

Their lives go on.

Except for Gu Shang, no one knew that black rays suddenly appeared in every corner of the world, shining into the bodies of some people or objects.

"Is this the outsider that Lin Yuan was talking about?"

Reaching out to open the timeline, Gu Shang wanted to trace all traces of this person, but unfortunately, there was no information about this outsider on the timeline.

He was mentally prepared for this, so he was not depressed.

So he continued to move forward in time, looking for the so-called Son of Destiny.

Ten years later, those people or things that were penetrated by the black light gradually exploded, forming powerful weirdness one after another. The world was in chaos and fell into unchanging darkness.

Time continues to move backwards, and a full two thousand years have passed.

Ordinary people in this world live in extremely difficult circumstances and suffer from monsters all the time. Fortunately, the world has a large population and monsters follow certain rules and have not killed all the humans in this world.

Those warriors with higher force value in the past, after two thousand years of resistance, finally developed a wonderful way of confrontation.

They discovered that if positive internal energy is used to fight against weirdness, it can have a certain powerful effect.

If it is those newly born weirdos, a full blow can even kill them on the spot, leaving them no chance to harm anyone.

After discovering this, people were overjoyed, and a movement of masculine internal strength practice that swept the entire world began.

It took a whole thousand years.

Groups of warriors have popularized this method, allowing every human being to start practicing yang internal energy from birth.

In this way, the survival probability of human beings is greatly improved.

But in the face of those powerful and ineradicable monsters, people's methods are extremely pale. Even if they use all their strength to use various methods, there is no way to damage those powerful monsters.

The casualties caused by powerful monsters are often much more powerful and terrifying than those caused by weak monsters.

Under this fatal pressure, the human beings in this world continue to think about ways to save the nation and survive, but what makes them collapse is that in the face of those regular weirdness, they have no power to resist, and they have tried various methods, but to no avail. .

Finally, after two thousand years.

Gu Shang finally saw the destined son of this world. As soon as he was born, an auspicious cloud appeared in the sky, and all the withered plants around him were full of vitality and exuded a fragrance.

All the animals in the village came to his house and knelt on the ground, seeming to congratulate him on his birth.

In addition, even some powerful weirdos came to the vicinity of his village. Looking from a distance, it seemed that there was some inexplicable relationship between the two.

Judging from Gu Shang's current vision, there seems to be a cause-and-effect relationship between the two parties.

Because of these weird births, this destiny child appears.

The strange birth is a cause, and the appearance of the destined child is an effect.

This son of destiny has shown extraordinary talent since he was born. He has extremely strong physical properties, and his cultivation speed is hundreds of thousands of times that of others. At only five years old, he has accumulated a strong masculine inner force and can control the weird things around him. Howling and running, he was doing his best.

By the time he was ten years old, he had become a well-known master.

The positive inner energy in him is extremely strong.

Not even some of the time-honored weirdos can survive in his hands.

With his powerful talent, he did not call out but instead asked more humbly for advice from powerful warriors in this world, accumulated experience in various aspects, and studied harder.

When he was fifteen years old, the village where he was born and raised was casually destroyed by a powerful monster. Therefore, he set a goal to use his whole life to bring monsters out of this world.

In the next fifteen years, he practiced and studied the yang internal force. Finally, when he was thirty, he successfully developed a special set of exercises.

By practicing this method, he came to a vast and boundless world, where there was a dazzling ocean, and in the ocean, there were all kinds of shining lights, traveling back and forth.

As if he had a sudden epiphany, he was ecstatic.

"From now on, this ocean is called the Sea of ​​Nothingness, and these lights are called the Light of Nothingness."

After his experiment, he found that these lights of nothingness can cause damage to monsters a hundred or a thousand times more powerful than the positive internal force.

If the density is strong enough, it can even cause small disturbances to some regular weirdness!

After discovering this, he learned from his ancient predecessors and began to travel across mountains and rivers to various countries, spreading this technique of practicing the Sea of ​​Nothingness and the Light of Nothingness throughout the world.

But in the process, he discovered a new problem. Not everyone has the qualifications to practice this technique. People like him are exceptions after all.

He spent ten years traveling around the world, spreading this most basic practice method throughout the world. At the same time, he also found a way to test whether the other party is qualified to practice this technique.

On his 40th birthday, he founded an organization called Chuling Shangdian, under which he set up a large number of Chuling Palaces, and then began to personally train one Chuling master after another.

As the pioneer of this path, he made more and more contributions as time went by.

He established the nine major realms of Chuling masters.

He formulated the practice methods of each realm in detail, as well as the requirements for advancement.

In addition, he found that the first batch of people who practiced these techniques gave birth to a more powerful ability, which could be used after consuming the light of nothingness.

He wanted to imitate a large number of practice methods according to the various martial arts that circulated in the rivers and lakes countless years ago.

Let the attack methods of Chuxing become more abundant.

Time passed day by day. Finally, with the efforts of him and his people, most of the weirdness in this world was eliminated. Only some mysterious and regular weirdness remained, and no solution was found.

This son of destiny divided those regular weirdness into restricted areas.

All mortals and exorcists were prohibited from approaching.

In this way, the world restored the peaceful scene thousands of years ago.

When he was two hundred years old, the disaster suddenly came.

A black light suddenly fell from the sky, and there was an extremely deep black ray.

That ray fell on a mountain, making the mountain a terrifying weirdness. This weirdness expanded its domain to the whole world with a thought.

The whole world fell into the brink of breaking.

At this critical moment, the son of destiny came out again.

He used the special features of various regular weirdness to deal with the mountain weirdness, and finally sacrificed his life to let these weirdness kill each other and die together.

The world was completely quiet, and there was a peaceful scene for countless years after that.

The survivors were extremely respectful and grateful for this son of destiny, and built countless statues and temples for him in every corner of the city.

Legends and myths about him began to spread all over the world.

In people's eyes, he seemed like a god who came to earth with the mission of eradicating all evil.

He sacrificed himself to bring lasting peace to the world.

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