Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 422: One of the Solutions

Zhou Wen seemed to have thought of something and said quickly: "Don't believe those things on the Internet. They are all chemical products. If you use them too much, they will be harmful to your body."

"If you really use these things, tell me quickly and give me all the things, and I will take the damage for you."

He looked like he was saving people from danger.


Gu Shang shook his head.

After adjusting the strap of his schoolbag, he sped up and walked towards the teaching building ahead.

After arriving in the classroom, some familiar people greeted him, their eyes full of surprise.

He has really changed too much.

Familiar people asked frantically, wanting to know his little secret.

There were also some girls who suddenly became interested and asked insinuatingly.

Naturally, Gu Shang would not tell them the truth, he would just respond with one reason after another.

As soon as he sat down in his seat and finished dealing with those classmates, he prepared the Chinese textbook he had read in the morning and was about to tidy it up again.

Suddenly, I noticed that someone was sitting next to me.

"Li Ziming, tell me the truth, how did you do it?"

Turning around, I saw that it was the girl this body was licking, Chen Xiaomei, the class beauty.

The students in the classroom are all wearing the same school uniform, but some people have shortened and slimmed the pants of the school uniform in order to pursue appearance.

Chen Xiaomei falls into this category.

As the class beauty, she is extremely beautiful, and what's more terrible is that she already has a big heart at this age. These two advantages make her extremely famous even in the entire school.

Not to mention, her family is also extremely privileged.

In school, there were many people pursuing her, and Li Ziming was just one of them.

"I really don't know about this. It turned out like this after I woke up. I'm also very helpless, Xiaomei."

Gu Shang smiled.

Chen Xiaomei's handsome face suddenly fascinated her: "It's okay if you don't say anything. How about we have a meal at noon? I heard them say that there is a new rice noodle in the cafeteria, and it tastes pretty good. "

Chen Xiaomei said enthusiastically.

This guy's good looks have caught his attention.

What makes her even more happy is that Li Ziming has always been her loyal licking dog. As long as he shows a little bit of his feelings, he can't easily control him.

It was also the first time for Gu Shang to face such a person.

He felt nothing in his heart, but on the surface he looked happy and excited: "Really? That's great, I'll treat you to lunch!"

Seeing his appearance, Chen Xiaomei nodded quite proudly.

No matter how handsome this guy is, he still can't escape from his Wuzhishan.

The two chatted casually for a few words, then Gu Shang's deskmate arrived, Chen Xiaomei left, and the morning reading began.

The representative of the Chinese class swayed onto the podium holding a book. He was so angry that everyone began to read the content that needed to be memorized in the order in the book.

Most of them are ancient poems, and some are prose.

Gu Shangquan should just enjoy life and sit down seriously. At the same time, he was constantly thinking about how to reasonably complete these three causes and effects.

When the morning reading was over, he already had a reasonable plan in mind.


Soon, the four classes in the morning were over.

Seeing such a change in Gu Shang, the two teachers also joked with him, causing another round of shock in the class.

During the recess, some students from other classes came over to have a look.

Gu Shang was not used to this feeling, but he didn't say anything.

When get out of class was over, he frantically left his seat and rushed towards the cafeteria like an ordinary rice cook. Although his physical fitness was average, he could always maintain the fastest speed due to his golden fingers with infinite blue stripes.

Soon, he rushed to the cafeteria as the first person on the entire floor.

A teacher who had just finished physical education class couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this.

"Running so fast and breathing so steadily, this kid is a track and field material!"

Taking two deep breaths, he was about to catch up and ask, but found that Gu Shang had disappeared.

Traveling quickly.

After arriving at the canteen, there were very few people here. He successfully bought two portions of fresh rice noodles, went to the seat he had made an appointment with, sat down, and waited quietly.

After waiting for five or six minutes, a large number of students came to the cafeteria and lined up one after another to buy and eat food.

Chen Xiaomei walked to him and sat down calmly: "I didn't expect you to be quite fast."

She made it to the opposite side of Gu Shang.

"It's okay. Hurry up and eat. It will get lumpy when it gets cold."

Rice noodles should be eaten when they are hot, as they are stimulating and comfortable.

When it's cold, it tastes very fast, but it doesn't have the same feeling as when it's hot.

"I also bought you a bottle of soda to drink while you eat."

Gu Shang deeply understood his current status and carried out his duties as a dog licker to the end.

Chen Xiaomei enjoyed her behavior very much, nodded slightly, and started eating in small bites.

After taking two bites, Gu Shang suddenly smiled and said, "Classmate Xiaomei, I don't know how you feel about me. You know my feelings. Do you want to think about it?"

he asked quietly.

When Chen Xiaomei heard what she said, her heart suddenly jumped.

She had been confessed by many people since she was a child, but it was the first time for someone as handsome as Gu Shang.

After hesitating for a while, she still refused: "We are in the third year of high school and will take the college entrance examination soon. I don't want to waste time on this, delaying myself and you."

She was mainly afraid that if she agreed too quickly, the other party would not cherish her.

Gu Shang saw what she meant from her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Your grades and my grades will not be affected at all. You have to have confidence in yourself."

Chen Xiaomei's grades in all subjects in the class are very good. She is always in the top three in the grade in every exam, while Li Ziming is much worse, usually at the bottom of the class.

No matter what she does, it will not affect the grades of both parties.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xiaomei's heart was also shaken.

"Xiaomei, rest assured to be with me. I will treat you well with all my heart. In the future, I will be here to help you solve any problems you have with all my heart..."

Gu Shang said casually.

Looking at the handsome face in front of her, Chen Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, then nodded gently.


Hearing this, Gu Shang smiled.

At this time, he also clearly realized that one of Li Ziming's three causes and effects had been completed.

"Well, don't take it seriously, I was just joking..."

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