Enjoying the school life is pretty good.

This time of coming is different from any other time, Gu Shang felt unprecedented relaxation.

In the early stage of arriving in other worlds, he may still use various means to improve his strength, but here, there is no worry about this.

After all, the force value of this world is relatively low, and there is no way to practice so that he can slowly become stronger.

The most important thing is that all the powerful weapons of the artificial intelligence Ergou in this world have been completely controlled by him. Even several powerful combat armors of the Human Federation have been invaded by artificial intelligence and can be used by him at any time.

Not to mention his golden finger that can double his strength every day, everything makes him live happily and easily in this world.

Time passed day by day.

Three days later, Gu Shang got good news.

Chen Xiaomei successfully sold the two gems through her own channels, bringing Gu Shang a revenue of 1 billion.

Several of his blood sons also successfully contacted the people of Fengyun Group through their own means and gathered a considerable amount of funds.

Gu Shang let them continue to develop without interfering too much in this regard.

He put the money for the gems with Chen Xiaomei.

With artificial intelligence, he has many ways to make a lot of money legally and reasonably.

A few days later, Gu Shang welcomed his first holiday in this world. As a senior high school student, they have two days off a month, and it happened that these two days have arrived.

During the two days of vacation, he stayed at home and was a homeboy just like before.

On the afternoon of the first day, he was playing with his mobile phone at home, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Gu Shang's mouth corners slowly rose.

"It seems that the second cause and effect is about to be completed."

"Xiao Ming, there is a lawyer outside who wants to see you."

The bedroom door was suddenly opened, and the mother looked at him with fear, and hurried over and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Ming, tell me the truth, did you cause trouble outside? What did you do? Why did the lawyer come to your door in person!"

As an ordinary citizen, she has lived for decades and has never dealt with lawyers. This contact made her quite flustered.

"I don't know about this either. I don't think such a thing has happened."

Gu Shang pretended to know nothing and ran out quickly.

The father outside was chatting with the lawyer. The two of them were testing each other to get the information they wanted, but the methods were more tactful, and they still didn't know anything.

"Xiao Ming, tell him what happened."

Today happened to be the weekend, and the healthy parents simply took a day off. They wanted to stay at home and go out for a meal, but they didn't expect a lawyer to visit them suddenly, which surprised them.

"Hello, you must be Li Ziming."

The young lawyer in a suit saw him and stood up quickly, extending his right hand politely.

"Hello, I am."

"Look, I have a share transfer contract here, which the chairman of Tiandi Group asked me to hand over to you personally. It accounts for 3.56% in total and is worth 800 million. You just need to sign your name on it, and all of this is yours."

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