Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 471 Discovery, Strange (1/2)

Chapter 471 Discovery, Weirdness

Looking up at the sun far in the sky, Gu Shang felt a sense of novelty.

After coming to this world for so long, this is the first time he has seen the sun. In the past, he has been living under the sea. Now that he has come to the sea, he finds that the two are completely two different worlds.

This is an island that looks very large, with various trees planted on it, and there are bursts of refreshing fragrance around it, but more of it is the smell of fish.

Gu Shang's eyes moved, and soon he saw the person opposite him.

He appeared in the most central area of ​​the island, where many flowers were planted, and he was also in a sea of ​​flowers.

Around him was a field of blue flowers, more than one person tall, and they were combined in a strange array, which looked extremely wonderful.

In front of him was an open space with a square chair on it, and a middle-aged man in a black Tang suit and a tough face sat on it.

The other party was looking at him with a smile.

Gu Shang's eyes changed and walked towards him.

The moment he looked at the other person, an inexplicable feeling suddenly came to his mind.

He actually had an illusion that he had met the other person before, but after searching through all the memories in his mind, and even all the information in the various worlds he had reincarnated, he could not find where he had met this person before?

When his cultivation reached this level, many perceptions were no longer groundless, and there must be extremely profound rules in it.

With many doubts, Gu Shang walked in front of him.

"Long time no see!"

The middle-aged man rubbed his temples, and then said in a very brisk tone,

"Have we met before?"

Gu Shang asked back, and he was always observing the other person's expression.

The middle-aged man sighed, and he stretched out his hand and pointed to the sun in the sky: "It turns out that you really don't remember anything, that's good, forgetting is also a kind of happiness, and remembering too many bad things is also a kind of trouble."

He looked very emotional.

"Thinking back to the time when the world was in crisis, you and I suddenly came to this world, and then turned the tide, solved all the dangers, saved lives, and were worshipped as saviors by the whole world..."

"You and I have enjoyed the power of incense for who knows how many years."

As if recalling the many beautiful things in the past, the corners of the middle-aged man's mouth slowly rose, with a look of nostalgia.

"Now you suddenly appear and return to my side. This is also a sign given to us by God."

"Brother, a new crisis will appear soon. At that time, I am afraid that you and I will have to work together to solve everything."

The middle-aged man smiled and then took out a strange token from his hand.

This token is rectangular in shape, with very strange patterns engraved on it, and a big smile character is engraved in the middle.

"Accept your identity and your power. As long as you hold this token tightly, everything that belongs to you will flow back into your body!"

"By then, you will also recover all your memories. You and I can go to the battlefield together, kill the evil god, and restore peace and order to this world."

Staring at the token in his hand, Gu Shang smiled slightly.

"Don't spray me with a nosebleed."

After such a short time, he has deduced some very simple information.

Although it may not be completely correct.

The middle-aged man seemed to be accustomed to his performance. He shook his head slightly, then raised the token and pointed it at the sun above his head.

"A mission is a mission after all. He imposed it on the two of us. This is something that cannot be changed. This is God's arrangement for us. No matter how many setbacks we encounter, we cannot change God's arrangement for us."

"The ending has long been determined. No matter what we do, we will follow the path God has arranged for us. What's the point of your struggle?"

As the middle-aged man spoke, a huge amount of majestic space power suddenly emerged from his body.

"Wait, wait for the next meeting between you and me, then you will understand everything. Since you are not ready to be with me now, I will leave this token with me first."

With a sigh, the middle-aged man's body began to fall apart after he finished speaking.

Seeing this sudden change in him, Gu Shang's mouth corners rose involuntarily.

"I thought there was really a causal relationship with me, but I didn't expect it was just Xiao Baicai."

When he first saw the other party, he did feel a sense of familiarity in his heart, but as the two continued to communicate, he analyzed this feeling more and more.

Soon he found out that this feeling was because the other party had cast a very strange and hidden magic.

In addition, the other party's words were very bewitching, and he couldn't help but think deeply at the first moment.

But soon he came to his senses.

For everything that happened later, he stood from another perspective to observe this exchange.

From his perspective, this guy was like a clown in a circus. He performed hard and tried his best to get the audience's smiles and applause, but unfortunately, everything was in vain.

Although his acting skills were good, his concealment was not that strong.

If it was a truly ordinary Cave Void Realm expert, it would probably be easy for him to fool him.

But unfortunately, he was facing Gu Shang, a powerful person who had experienced many worlds and was extremely experienced.

Shaking his head, he reached forward.

The powerful force directly broke the space, crossed an unknown distance, and came to an island full of red flowers.

From his perspective, the middle-aged man was lying in the red sea of ​​flowers with an excited look on his face.

At this moment, his body was full of sweat.

Not only that, he was also breathing heavily.

As if he had experienced some very exciting and tense activities.

"I really succeeded. How could there be such a weird guy in this world?"

He felt a strong sense of crisis from this group of rich people.

This kind of thing is really ridiculous. After all, the other party is just a strong man in the Cave Void Realm, and he is Kaitian.

Fighting across levels can indeed be done in low realms, but once the level of cultivation is improved, it becomes extremely difficult.

Not to mention Cave Void and Kaitian, just say that the gap between the most basic foundation building and Dan formation is like a chasm, which is an insurmountable obstacle.

Unless you really have great perseverance and great luck, it is impossible to cross this obstacle.

The middle-aged man had never heard of feeling fear in a cave-empty cultivator in his life, let alone seen it with his own eyes.

Just when he was glad that he finally escaped from that person and saved his life.

A white hand suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed his neck with one hand.

"It's hard for you to run so far."

A voice sounded in his ears, and the middleman's face changed. This voice was obviously the one who had just descended on his cave.

Things became tricky.

He did escape, but he didn't escape completely.

Gu Shang didn't solve him immediately, but pulled him back into the space crack and pulled him in front of him.

The gap between the cave and the sky is indeed large enough, but there is still a certain value between the two. As long as there is an accurate limit, it is not a problem for Gu Shang.

After breaking through the cultivation level, his strength has increased a lot through the exponential explosion during these days on the road.

Of course, if you want to solve a Kaitian strongman just by relying on these advantages, it is obviously impossible. The main reason why he can reach this level now is the extensive application of the power of faith.

In this world, the Dongxu period cannot explore space.

Only when the cultivation breaks through the Kaitian can you open up storage space, tear open space cracks, teleport at will, move space, and a series of space-related activities.

Under this, if you want to break through space, you must use. Various powerful magic weapons refined by the refiner to operate.

It is impossible to do it by yourself.

But the power of faith in this world is undoubtedly a huge cheat.

If you use certain means to take advantage of it, you can get powerful power in a short time. Although this kind of power is fast to get and fast to lose for most creatures.

But for Gu Shang, everything is different.

The Blood God Body makes everything simple.

One hand lifted the middle-aged man slightly, Gu Shang felt the power on him, and sighed slightly: "This level of power is indeed powerful."

Shaking his head, a drop of blood slowly flowed out from his fingertips, quickly permeating the middle-aged man's body, transforming him.

In less than a few seconds, the middle-aged man's thinking changed dramatically.


He was put on the ground by Gu Shang, raised his head, and looked at the other party with fanatical eyes.

"It's really a domineering ability, which can completely ignore the restrictions of various rules."

Gu Shang has already forgotten how many times he has transformed his blood son, but every transformation shocked him.

The transformation of the body of the learning god is too domineering.

He has always believed that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens. In this way, there must be more domineering abilities than the blood god body in this world.

When he thought that one day he would experience something similar, his heart couldn't help but pounding.

It is precisely because of this multi-level worry that Gu Shang is so eager to get true freedom! !

In his understanding, only absolute power can bring absolute freedom.

The two have always been complementary.

"Don't move."

Gu Shang spoke softly, and then quickly absorbed the blood from his body.

After a while, 1/3 of the other party's blood entered his body, and the other party's physical strength obviously became shallow.

By absorbing blood, he quickly understood all the memories of the middle-aged man, and also knew all the information of this Kaitian strongman.

This Kaitian strongman is called Li Zhengheng.

He has been practicing for tens of thousands of years.

Ten thousand years ago, he had always lived in this world as a casual cultivator.

Until one time when he was exploring the cave, he was plotted against and was seriously injured. When he was dying, he was rescued by a sea monster.

In the end, in order to repay the other party's life-saving grace, he came to the Blue Heart Sea as a human being, became a Kaitian guard here, and controlled everything in the Weilou Department.

Due to personality reasons.

He was too lazy to deal with these complicated and numerous things, and handed them all to the people below.

Most of the time, he built islands and planted flowers within the scope of the Weilou Department.

Since he was born, he has had a connection with flowers.

As long as he was with these flowers, plants and trees, he felt inexplicably at ease. It was not only a psychological effect, but his cultivation speed would also increase a lot.

This degree was somewhat similar to Gu Shang's Eternal Green, but the specific effect was greatly discounted.

In these memories, he soon found the part that interested him.

Not long after arriving in the Blue Heart Sea,

Li Zhengheng found a practitioner who took the path of faith to become a god.

The other party was just a very ordinary foundation-building monster, but this monster was kind by nature, never hurting people in his life, and would not eat flesh and blood to increase his strength, but only rely on swallowing and exhaling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The area where he lived was very close to the human territory.

If someone fell into the lake, he would help.

Gradually, his name was widely spread in a local village.

As time went on, this monster saved more and more people. Later, seeing that the villagers had a hard time because of the weather, the snake monster would consume its own demonic energy and forcibly consume its lifespan to pray for rain for them.

In order to repay him, humans.

A Dragon King Temple was built in the central area of ​​the village.

A statue was erected in his image.

Not only that, every family also had a tablet.

Whether it was a festival or a wedding or funeral, the family would burn incense and pray for the Dragon King's blessing.

Under this large-scale sacrifice, the monster accumulated the first wave of faith power.

When Li Zhengheng discovered all this, the monster had accumulated a considerable number of believers and slowly infiltrated and spread to the surrounding areas.

Because of his personality, he couldn't bear to see others suffer, so he often consumed the power of faith to do good things for the people, and even suffered a lot of losses for himself.

After discovering this, Li Zhengheng didn't want to pay attention.

After all, his mission was just to protect the safety of the Weilou Department where he was.

But when he came here for the third hundred years.

A Yuanying cultivator who passed by here discovered the monster.

The other party also recognized that this was the road to becoming a god through faith, so he gathered some fellow disciples. They came to this village together, killed all the people, and finally worked together to kill the monster.

At the critical moment, Li Zhengheng finally took action.

He drove away those humans and rescued the monster.

Then he has been guarding the monster until now.

Because the monster has been worshipped for hundreds of years, it also carries a trace of divinity in its body.

In addition, some surviving villagers often pray for him, which makes him partly immortal, at least his life span is greatly increased.

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