Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been a whole month since Gu Shang came to this world.

During this period of time.

Through the exponential explosion, his strength has been fully increased, and it has far surpassed the ordinary Kaitian strongmen.

Even if he does not use a large part of the power of faith that has been accumulated, he can rely on his own strength to tyrannize those strong men in the fusion period.

But his combat power is limited to fighting against the strong men in the fusion period.

After all, the system of this world is still relatively complete, and the gap between each realm is quite different, which completely eliminates the possibility of fighting across levels.

But these power increases are only the lowest level.

Now, what Gu Shangzui cares about is still his believers.

In the recent period of time, he asked Li Zhengheng to deal with the believers of the Weilou Department, constantly transforming the blood sons for his use, and on the other hand, he also used his own strength to open up the territory of a total of eight departments around.

Now, all the monsters in these eight departments have been turned into blood sons by him, and naturally became his most loyal believers, and their levels are the strongest among the believers.

Adding all together, there are nine groups of monsters who have become his capable subordinates.

These monsters can contribute a huge amount of faith power to him every day. Now the accumulated faith power is very strong. With this power alone, Gu Shang can sweep the entire Blue Star Sea.

After all, he has more than one million monsters under his command.

Although this group of monsters is relatively weak and can't do much for him, the faith power they produce is his most powerful weapon.

Gently rubbed his eyes.

Gu Shang is ready to officially start the main task of this world.

His current strength has the qualifications to unify the entire Blue Heart Sea. In fact, if he goes all out, some of the strong men in the Tribulation Period in this world can also get one.

But in this case, the faith power required is a lot, and he must accumulate it for a while.

On a small island under the Blue Heart Sea.

Gu Shang took Shanhu to sit in front of a building on the island.

Shanhu changed into a emerald green long skirt, which was a bit tight and outlined her moving figure.

"Father, should we take action against those particularly powerful people!!!"

"After this time, this sea area will belong to us, right?"

Shanhu said excitedly.

In this matter, she is more active than Gu Shang.

If she really controls this area completely, wouldn't she be the strongest second generation here?

Shanhu has been completely immersed in this imagination.

"Yes, it won't be long before the fight here ends."

Gu Shang stretched out his hand to support the ground, and slowly stood up. He directly contacted all the Kaitian strongmen under his control.

"Mobilize all forces to expand to the entire Blue Star Sea. The main target is all the ministries. As for the strong men at the level of Dao, don't touch them for now."

Ministries are the most basic units.

The regional division of the Blue Heart Sea is somewhat peculiar, which is very different from that of humans.

On the human side.

For example, there will be a provincial capital in a province, and there will be many cities under the province, and each city will have a city, and there will be more counties under the city.

When we go out, we usually say we are going to the province, the city, and the county.

Each unit will have a specific territory to coordinate everything.

But in the Blue Heart Sea, there is no such problem at all.

The most basic level is the department.

This department covers a large area, divided into small pieces, and each piece is controlled by a Kaitian strongman.

Above the department is the Dao.

This Dao is just a general term for all departments, and there is no fixed area belonging to this Dao.

And those strong men who control a Dao exist alone in a corner. They will only appear suddenly to solve the trouble when something particularly big happens in the area where they are located. Under normal circumstances, they will be in seclusion for a long time.

After all, every strong man who controls the Dao is in the fusion stage. After reaching this step, they need more time and more energy to study and consider the rules of this world.

After issuing this order, Gu Shang turned around and glanced at Shanhu who was lying on the ground.

"You wait here first, I will solve all the strong men in the Blue Heart Sea immediately. When the time comes, everything here will be unified from top to bottom, and everything will be done."

After that,

He directly consumed a large amount of faith power.

"I want to find the Mahayana master who controls the Blue Heart Sea!!"

As long as this guy is solved, all the problems in the Blue Heart Sea will be solved in one thought!

The faith power he has stored at present is enough for him to take action and solve this kind of strong man.

Accompanied by a dazzling light, a door exactly the same as before appeared in front of him again.

Gu Shang walked into the door expressionlessly.

Shanhu took a curious look, and before he could see what was on the other side of the door, the door suddenly closed.

"Work hard, father, I believe you will succeed, and then I will use your power to enjoy it."

Shanhu, who advocates playing badly, showed a satisfied smile.

This is the real hope that your father will become a dragon! ! !

What's the hurry? My father is already working hard, okay!


There are four major regions in the world of cultivation, and there are also four major seas in these regions.

The four major regions are: Spring Garden Region, Summer Start Region, Autumn Start Region, and Winter Start Region.

The four major seas: Blue Heart Sea Region, Purple Name Sea Region, Phantom God Sea Region, and Qingyuan Sea Region.

Spring Garden Region.

This is a continent located between the Blue Heart Sea Region and the Purple Name Sea Region.

On the easternmost side of the continent.

There stands the most mysterious sect in the world of cultivation.

Taiyi Sect.

This force is extremely special and has been circulating in the world of cultivation for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is only one person in each generation, and the cultivation must be in the Mahayana period. The purpose of the existence of each generation of Taiyi Sect Master is only one, that is, to do their best to protect this world from great disasters.

The next day.

Inside the mountain gate of Taiyi Sect.

The autumn is clear and the weather is refreshing, and all the leaves are yellow.

Under one of the giant trees, a young man in a blue robe is sitting cross-legged with his eyes slightly closed. He mutters in his mouth, as if he is reciting something silently.

Suddenly, an extremely strong spatial force appeared in front of him.

After feeling this force, Hu Wanli opened his eyes immediately and looked at everything in front of him with fear.

This is the mountain gate of Taiyi Sect!!!

There are hundreds of powerful formations arranged. Under normal circumstances, even a strong person in the Tribulation Stage has no way to break through the space and reach here.

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