Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 49 Strong, I am really strong

Two days later.

A figure wearing slim black clothes walked into the prison.

As described in many novels and movies, the prison is in a basement.

Dark and damp.

Full of all kinds of weird flavors.

"Sir, there are currently twenty targets practicing the secret method. Eighteen of them have succeeded. Two of them became mummies before they succeeded because there was too little blood in their bodies."

Xixi ran up and added.

In this way, this secret method is real.

Gu Shang continued to walk forward, turned a few corners, and came to the innermost cell.

"Sir, today's blood has been given to them. If there are no accidents, they already have powerful strength."

Xixi looked at the man in the cell warily.

He squatted in a corner, his hair disheveled, like a beggar.

Gu Shang felt it for a while.

"It did work."

The aura of this guy is very similar to Liu Lian.

He approached slowly.


The crouched man suddenly jumped up.

He was pale and looked crazy.

"Hahaha, idiot, now that I have great power, who else can stop me!!"

The man sneered.

A sharp thorn flew out from his right hand, and he scraped it lightly.

The hard and solid iron railing was cut off.


The man laughed wildly.

What a fool.

He actually gave him a chance to become stronger! !

Gu Shang did not move, quietly watching the man walk out of the iron prison. At the same time, similar sounds came from the eighteen cages around him.

They broke through the iron prison and came towards Gu Shangwei.

Xixi was unmoved.

She believed that Gu Shang would solve everything.

Absolute trust.

"It's stupid to give us such a powerful method!!"

A man mocked.

"I feel like I can crush any Huagang Xiantian at will!"

"Kill him and capture this city. I want women, countless women..."

"Smelly man, I still like blood, the smell..."

Eighteen death row prisoners who have practiced the secret method of flesh and blood are gearing up.

It seemed that he was planning to take action against Gu Shang.


Gu Shang had no idea of ​​explaining to them.

Gang Qi comes out.

It turned into thin lines and flew quickly.

Eighteen condemned prisoners were cut into pieces of minced meat.

Hot blood sprayed on the walls, and the smell of the underground prison became even stronger.

"Let's go, find someone to clean it up, or build a new one."

Just confirm the feasibility of the secret method of flesh and blood.

His goal this time has been achieved.


Tianshuang City, Gu Shang's small courtyard.

He took the secret method of flesh and blood that he had sorted out and looked at it carefully.

To avoid accidents, he prepared some blood.

"Chapter 1, spiked body, consuming blood to condense black spikes with powerful attack power."

"Chapter Two, Blood Kai, consumes blood to condense armor with powerful defense."

"Chapter 3: Alienation, consuming blood, enlarging the body, and comprehensively improving body strength."

In these three chapters, the further you go, the more blood you consume.

After practicing several body-training techniques, his blood volume is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Even without the blue bar infinite.

Calculated based on the amount of blood lost, he fully meets the conditions for practicing Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

Take a deep breath.

Gu Shang began to practice the secret method of flesh and blood.

The contents of the three chapters have long been imprinted on his mind.

With his strong understanding, he also understood the specific operation method.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

There was a huge sound inside his body.

The blood all over Gu Shang's body was surging.

With a thought, a black spike appeared on his hand.

"The blood consumed in the first chapter is very little, which is one two hundredth of my blood. The blue bar is infinite and can be replenished instantly."

Gu Shang smiled.

Black thorns sprouted from various parts of his body.

With a barb.

With an average length of one meter, at first glance he looks like a black hedgehog.

"Tsk, the only bad thing is the clothes. We can't show off every time we use our abilities!"

Gu Shang withdrew the spikes and looked at the holes in his clothes, feeling speechless for a while.

The most ridiculous thing is the front and back positions.

It can even grow spikes————!

In addition, particularly small spikes can grow on the eyes, nose, ears, and even pores.

This ability is really nonsense.

Returning to the room, he changed into another piece of clothing.

"Chapter 2, Blood Kai."

Blood is consumed and replenished instantly.

Gu Shang's clothes were torn again.

A set of red armor emerged from the surface of his skin. The armor looked very ferocious, with a tongue on each shoulder. There were also armors on the knees, wrists, elbows and other joints, and they were strangely shaped.

"With this set of armor on me, my strength has indeed improved a lot. As for my defense—"

Gang Qi comes out.

It turned into a body-breaking sword.

It fell on his body without causing any scars, not even a white spot.

"This is my full blow. Even a full blow with more than three thousand years of Qi cultivation can't damage me -"

Gu felt sad.

With this set of armor, only ascetics, demons and ghosts can fight with him.

"The effect is not bad. Fortunately, this armor can control the shape and change the color——"

Gu Shang shook his head.

With a thought, the black spots on his body flew out.

The armor changed.

It became another set of identical black clothes.

"On the neck and face, the hair can be simulated into skin, and the shape of the hair can be permanently retained."

"Shoes too."

Gu Shang continued to operate.

Ordinary people can only use the second chapter for one or two minutes.

He can use it indefinitely.

Wearing the new clothes he created, Gu Shang continued to practice the third chapter.


You can tell from the name.

It can be said that after practicing this technique, he said goodbye to ordinary clothes.

A lot of blood was consumed, but it was replenished instantly.

Gu Shang's body trembled.

The body shape changed, and the next second, he became a four-meter-tall little giant, but his appearance was somewhat weird.

It was just an enlarged version of him.

"Oh my god, it's proportionally enlarged!"

Gu Shang forced himself not to read on.

He was afraid that this book would be banned.

After alienation, his strength, defense, and body recovery ability were improved again.

Gu Shang threw a punch.

There was a burst of noise in the air. At a distance of seven or eight meters, he punched a house opposite to him and smashed it into pieces.

This is a normal attack.

"This kind of attack is no different from my consumption of Gang Qi. The biggest improvement of the Blood and Flesh Secret Technique to me is my physical strength and defense."

He didn't have the ability to cause such damage with one punch before.

He roughly calculated after integrating various data.

The strength of an ordinary person is 1.

His strength is 50.

After the alienation, it increased significantly to 500.

The overall view is like this.

"Blood and Flesh Secret Technique, an unexpected surprise."

Gu Shang was very satisfied with this change.

With a thought, he returned to his original appearance.

Wearing the Blood Kai, he was full of energy.

"I can collect more secret techniques in the future!"

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