Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 503 Doomed to Destruction (1/2)

Chapter 503 Destined Destruction

"This is my destiny."

He stood up, raised the tea cup in his hand, and drank the tea in one gulp.

"Greetings, my lord!"

In his deduction, he will still do things for the other party in the end, after all, he is very afraid of death.

And the man in front of him is the best at taking action against people like him.

What's more, the other person's character simply doesn't allow someone like him to exist in this world and pose the slightest threat to him.

"Are you saying that all of this is fate and the result of your deduction?"

Gu Shang looked at him with some amusement.

"Yes, destiny cannot be violated. The only reason I came to this world is to tell you this news, and then stand by your side to guide you."

"It seems that you are a person who believes in fate, but unfortunately, I am not."

Gu Shang shook his head.

He blew gently, and powerful force surged out, blowing the young man into ashes.

"Look, you can't even talk to me now. How could you stand by my side and give me guidance? How could all of this be destined?"

Gu Shang spread his hands and looked at him with some confusion.

"You still have to hold your life in your own hands to be at ease."

"I don't care whether the final result is destined or not. I only know one thing in my life, and that is that I must work hard and struggle. I will never accept the fate that has been determined for a long time."

Shaking his head, he led the people out of the villa.

At this point, the planet is missing a very capable deduction master.

Sitting in the car going back, Gu Shang kept thinking about what the young man said before.

According to his own understanding, the final crisis of this world is likely to be caused by the world itself.

However, what is the specific cause requires further exploration.

After returning to his residence, Gu Shang contacted his subordinates scattered in other areas.

With the support of a large number of ordinary snakes, their actions were relatively smooth. After all, there are most people in the world who are greedy for life and afraid of death. No one will sacrifice their lives so easily for the morality or obsession in their hearts.

Not to mention these powerful men with unique abilities. They have enjoyed all kinds of privileges and the best services in the first half of their lives. How could they leave all this behind for no reason?

No matter which world we are in, human nature is extremely twisted.

Xu Wenqiang called and told him that if there were no accidents, he would be able to control all the supernatural powers in the world within a week.

At the same time, he has begun to order these new supernatural power users under his command. Through his own news channels, he explores the crises that may occur in the world in the future.

Gu Shang listened to his words very carefully.

Just wait.

The greatest thing in this world is time. As long as there is enough time, everything will become meaningful and everything will have results.

There was no big difference from what Xu Wenqiang guessed. On the sixth day, he brought good news that all the tasks were completed.

With their powerful strength, ordinary snakes are invincible, without losing a single one in the process.

On the contrary, they accidentally killed many possessors of supernatural powers.

This group of people are also sparing no effort to work for Gu Shang, looking for the information he wants, but so far they haven't found anything useful.

After mastering all the supernatural powers in the world, Gu Shang also took some time off. He and Chen Jing once again lived a peaceful life together.

After experiencing the last crisis, Chen Jing also completely accepted Gu Shang.

Asking herself, she still likes Ah Dao.

Ah Dao's feelings for him have never changed, but he just hid some of his secrets.

Since she wasn't going to tell herself, there must be his reasons. Chen Jing chose to understand and accept it.

In the absence of any crisis, Gu Shang's life is as harmonious as ever.

The two of us were at home, cooking when we were hungry, drinking water when we were thirsty, watching horror movies when we were bored, ordering takeout when we didn't want to cook, and going for a walk when we were full.

They lived a very happy and happy life without any pressure.

Time passed by, and another two months passed.

Gu Shang's comprehensive strength became even stronger. At this moment, he could already illuminate the entire planet with his spirit.

Observing every human being in this world.

Nothing escapes his control.

Even so, he didn't find the cause and effect of this world.

The remaining people still haven't stopped.

A few days later, Xu Wenqiang told him good news.

Following the instructions of the injured, they conducted a large number of data observations on possible future crises, and the data analysis yielded several relatively reliable results.

Of course, these are just possibilities, but it is not certain whether they will happen or not.

All the results are done by deducers. Such things will indeed happen in the future they envision, but the characteristics of each are that the future they see is different.

What surprised Gu Shang the most was that after seeing these futures, these deduction experts all suffered different injuries. Some lost their lifespan, some lost their wisdom, and some lost their health.

This situation of gains and losses made Gu Shang easier to accept.

In his values, if you want to gain something, you must lose something.

On a sunny noon.

A total of five deduction masters came to Gu Shang.

Although their abilities are not as powerful as that young man, they are still relatively powerful in the supernatural world.

"I have seen your efforts during this period and have kept them in my heart. Please rest assured that regardless of whether what you said is correct or not, I will never forget the promise I made to you."

Looking at these people, Gu Shang took out five document bags from his hand.

"There is everything you want in it. Just sign your name and it will belong to you forever."

The five deduction engineers looked at this scene with happy faces.

With high emotional intelligence, they did not sign immediately, but looked seriously at Gu Shang reporting to him one by one the results of their deductions in the past few days.

These deduction results are not just speculation, but a reasonable analysis based on the development of the current world and some natural resources inside the planet, and then speculation is made after the analysis.

In their opinion, this is more scientific.

It can be regarded as a combination of ancient and modern techniques.

The first deduction master stood up and said silently: "According to my observation, in about thirty years, this planet will fall into apoptosis due to energy exhaustion!"

"Not only in our time, but before this, there were many beings with supernatural abilities who appeared and made great use of the resources of this planet."

"In our theory, everything is limited and has a fixed number, and the same is true for the resources in this world."

"Ordinary human beings need to consume normal natural resources, such as food, water, and minerals, to survive."

"As for trainers, deductions, and operators, they need higher-level resources. These resources are the core of the planet."

"For countless years, batch after batch of supernatural owners have been frantically absorbing and using these resources."

"We are the last generation of Supernatural owners."

"Thirty years later, when the last supernatural energy is exhausted, the world will fall into eternal night, and various natural disasters will come to the world. These natural disasters are not just earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and more. Something supernatural."

This is the future as the first extrapolator saw it.

Gu Shang nodded: "This is indeed a crisis caused by the planet itself. If you observe carefully, there are traces of everything."

Under his inspection, the natural resources on this planet were indeed consumed a lot, but he could not find the so-called supernatural energy.

But his strong mental power makes him very perceptive, and he can feel this implicitly after listening to the other party's words.

The second deducer stood up, coughed, and continued: "In the future I see, an extremely powerful possessor of supernatural power will appear in a hundred years."

"He is far superior to us in all aspects. After betting on Baijia, his power will reach the pinnacle of this world. By that time, his further communication between heaven and earth will anger the consciousness of this world."

"The world is angry and everything is restarted."

He spoke relatively briefly.

Gu Shang touched his chin and thought for a while.

If the cause and effect of this world is really like this, then it's okay. After all, world consciousness is not enough for him, and it can be easily suppressed.

But this wouldn’t be considered cause and effect in the world.

After all, after the restart, the consciousness of the world is still there, and so is the world. Nothing has changed, except that the creatures before the restart have been replaced.

Immediately afterwards, the third, fourth, and fifth deducers stood up one after another and expressed their thoughts.

Three and four, what we see are crises caused by the world itself. The subject of the crisis is either people, things, or the world.

The last powerful being from outside the world suddenly appeared and swallowed the world in one bite, and everything was digested completely by him.

After getting the information they put forward, Gu Shang ordered his men to start analyzing it one by one. At the same time, he closely monitored everything in the world. If any one of them matched what they said, report it to him immediately.

Time flies, and three full years have passed since I met these five deduction masters.

Time passed by Gu Shang, giving him extremely powerful strength.

His spiritual power completely enveloped the planet, and even spread crazily outside, extending to planets countless light-years away.

Among them, he also discovered a planet with intelligent beings.

The level of science and technology there was low, and even basic civilization had not been developed, so he naturally ignored it.

Being so powerful, he turned himself into a machine and analyzed the future direction of the planet all the time.

After reaching this step, he already had a more reliable guess in his mind.

As early as the first year, Gu Shang relied on his qualitatively changed mental power to sense the energy needed by the supernatural possessors in this world.

After knowing all this, he continued his research and found that these energy sources were indeed decreasing.

As long as possessors of supernatural powers live in this world, these energies will continue to be consumed.

To this end, Gu Shang formulated a series of plans.

Almost every possessor of supernatural powers has been put on his must-kill list.

As long as the cause and effect of the world appears and tells him that this is correct, he will take action without hesitation and bring a new killing to the world.

In his third year, through meticulous observation, Gu Shang made new discoveries.

The so-called supernatural energy is indeed running out.

Under his perception and inference, he got a very helpless result.

When supernatural resources are exhausted, this world will become an ordinary world, and all supernatural systems will disappear instantly.

If these systems do disappear, the consciousness of this world will die with them.

On the other side, the world's ordinary resources have also reached a critical point of being exhausted.

Under his observation and perception, he found that if these ordinary resources were also consumed, the world would really be gone, and he would gradually become a Death Star.

Even the water and oxygen that humans rely on for survival will continue to be consumed.

After there are no living beings, this planet will naturally be destroyed.

Just like the young man said, all this is destined, this is the inevitable process of the development of things.

When there is birth, there is destruction; when there is life, there is death.

There is nothing infinite and eternal.

The cause and effect this time is most likely due to the development trend of the world itself.

As his strength increased and time passed, Gu Shang became more and more certain that his guess was correct.

He began to frequently contact various elites under his command, looking for feasible solutions.

It's just a pity that these are the rules and there is no way to change them.

In Gu Shang's impression, perhaps the only thing that could subvert this rule at will was the so-called system.

This is true of most of the systems he has in his hands. Completely ignoring the objective laws of this world, he is able to do things that ordinary people would never think of.

Year after year passed.

The supernatural energy and basic resources of this world are still decreasing, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the trend is getting bigger and bigger.

A full fifteen years have passed since then.

Gu Shang finally felt the crisis.

Even if the world didn't give him any hints or tell him the cause and effect of the world, he could clearly feel that the world was about to be destroyed.

The supernatural energy was completely exhausted.

All operators, alchemists, lost their strange abilities and became ordinary people.

The only person with special power in this world is Gu Shang. His exponential explosion is independent of this world and is not affected in any way.

Sitting in the study room at home, Gu Shang looked at the table with a sad face.

"In ten days, the remaining basic resources will be completely exhausted. By then, the planet will lose its vitality and everything will disappear."

He couldn't understand why the planet's internal resources had been consumed so quickly in the past few years.

When he first sensed all this, there was clearly so much left.

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