Chapter 512 Pursuit

The place where he appeared this time was an ocean.

To be precise, it was the Dragon Palace under the ocean.

Gu Shang had just arrived here when he met Zulong who appeared in front of him. This old senior seemed to have discovered him a long time ago, and he came to his side as soon as he appeared.

"Are you from the future?"

The Zulong in front of him was completely different from the last time he saw him.

The other party was wearing a black dragon robe and a rich crown on his head, which was hung with jewels. He still looked young and handsome, giving people an indescribable nobleness.

"Can you even guess this?"

Gu Shang was really curious when he saw the other party like this.

Even the Buddha of the 29th realm had never had such a guess when he saw him. It seems that this old senior is indeed more powerful than the strong people of the same realm.

It is estimated that in this realm, only the Buddha is the most ordinary.

"I also have guesses about the realm above, but I didn't expect that I could really move time and travel between the past and the future."

Zulong said with some emotion.

"You came here because you need my help, or you have any questions in your heart that need my help."

"I feel a very familiar breath on you. I guessed correctly that you should have practiced those little methods I came up with."

Zu Long hugged his shoulders and looked at Gu Shang with some interest.

"That's right. If you didn't give me the ideas, I wouldn't have achieved what I have now. I would like to thank you here."

Gu Shang bowed as the other party said.

What he said was quite sincere. After all, the role played by the other party in his growth trajectory was no less than that of Li Yue.

So the main reason why he can achieve such achievements today is his own strong and special nature.

"Hahaha, this is the result of your own hard work. You don't need to thank anyone."

Although he said this, Zu Long was still very happy.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

Since the other party said so, Gu Shang did not hide it and directly said out the many questions in his heart.

"Excuse me, do you know the two people, Daozu and Buddha?"

In his understanding, the birth time of Daozu and Buddha is very long, and even some myths and legends describe that these two people were born together with this world.

Before this, he had always thought so ignorantly, until he could move some time, he combed through the past of these two people and found that their appearance was very abrupt.

It was like a traverser who suddenly came to this world in the flesh.

The legends that have been passed down were also fabricated by later generations.

"I have never heard of the names of Daozu and Buddha, but since there is a word Zu in the name, it must be extraordinary."

Zulong thought: "Wait a moment, I will help you check the historical books and classics, I guess there will be good gains."

Zulong is now very powerful. Although his life span is about to run out, his power has encompassed the entire world. Everything in this world belongs to him and is controlled by his power.

He can easily find any information he wants.

Gu Shang shook his head and reached out to stop the other party's behavior: "The history of their birth is longer than your survival time, and your power is stronger than theirs. Why don't you know them?"

He was very puzzled.

"These two guys seem to have suddenly appeared. They are obviously much weaker than you, but I have been combing from the future to the present. Have I found any older information about them? I only know that they suddenly appeared in this world one day."

Gu Shang said slowly.

"You can't find it, how can I find it before you?"

Hearing Gu Shang say this, Zulong was also helpless.

"I have lived for a long time, but this doesn't mean I know everything."

Although Gu Shang had guessed that the other party would say this, he still felt a little regretful.

It seems that the true identity of Daozu and Buddha is still a mystery.

Especially Daozu.

There is no idea at all.

Exactly the same as that Li Yue.

And the guy named Gu who told them at the same time.

Is it really the Gu Jiu that I have always heard of?

Everything is unknown, which makes Gu Shang sad and upset.

"I can see... you have a lot of doubts in your heart now, but no one can help you solve them."

At this time, Zulong next to him said with some emotion: "I was in the same state as you when I was young. At that time, the only thing I could do was to keep getting stronger and find all the answers through powerful strength."

"Since you have the ability to break through to the 30th realm, you must have a stronger ability to break through to the next realm."

"Maybe when you become a strong man in the 33rd realm, you will understand everything."

Hearing what Zulong said, Gu Shang sighed again.

How could he not understand all this?

"Junior will try."

Turning around, Gu Shang saluted Zulong, then returned to his own little world with a gloomy face.

What he didn't know was that after he left, Zulong's eyes showed a strange brilliance.

"It seems that the realm I deduced before is correct. After reaching the 30th realm, time can indeed be reversed."

"In that case, then 31 32 33 may also become real?"

Zu Long smiled, turned around and ran into his treasure house, and began to frantically search for his things.

I originally thought that this would be the only way for this life.

He was ready to welcome the arrival of death at any time, but Gu Shang's appearance brought him a fiery hope.

This made him feel that he needed to try again!




Gu Shang, who returned to his own time period, was even more speechless.

In order to adjust his mood, he temporarily put aside all his troubles and fooled around with Lin Fan and the others for a while.

Not to mention that so much time has passed, this kid has developed some fun things, allowing Gu Shang to relax.

Hei Tailang has also completely learned bad things. Day by day, he doesn't practice, but follows Lin Fan to play this and that every day.

The same is true for Bai Feng.

The group of people who followed him in the past began to relax after there was no threat, doing what they like, and they were all very happy.

Seeing their mentality, Gu Shang was really envious, but he also knew that he had not yet reached this state.

Huang Guoshu, who had been following him, saw that he had something on his mind, so he kept asking him indirectly and doing various things for him, trying to relieve his pressure.

Gu Shang smiled bitterly at the little Lolita.

"Don't worry, I'm fine here."

Seeing Huang Guoshu's appearance, Gu Shang's heart moved, and he could not help but reverse time and returned to the days when he was still Li An.

Li's house.

Gu Shang put on a white dress and suddenly appeared in the Li's mansion.

The powerful force penetrated the whole world, directly blocking these people's perception of him. He skillfully turned into an alley, passed through a garden, and came to a small courtyard.

In the center of the small courtyard.

A girl was sitting cross-legged on the ground, practicing silently.

Next to her, more than a dozen middle-aged men stood, constantly pointing out the route of her skills.

"Miss Xixi, although you have powerful strength now, your combat skills are almost zero, and you have no experience in cultivation. If you want to continue to become stronger, you must continue to be down-to-earth and strengthen yourself."

A middle-aged man next to him said silently.

"Of course, breaking through the innate depends entirely on your own understanding and luck. In this world, some things are really not forced. No matter how hard you try, no matter how crazy you are, it will eventually be nothing."

The man said with a little emotion.

Xixi, who was practicing cross-legged, ignored his words, but under his testimony, she constantly modified the operation route of her own skills.

Her delicate face was full of persistence.


Just then, a middle-aged man in a black gown suddenly came out.

"What's wrong?"

Xixi saw the other party, quickly ended her practice, stood up and asked with some confusion.

"Young Master, we have a new mission. We found a herb with a long history in the next city. It can help you practice. The matter is quite important. Let's go together."

"In that case, let's take the people from the organization with us. These guys have just started, so it's a good opportunity to train them."

Xixi nodded.


Zhu Chen turned around and walked away when he heard this.

The warriors who assisted Xixi in her practice also left here. After all, this kind of thing is far from what they can participate in.

Xixi was the only one left in the yard.

Gu Shang struggled for a while.

He did not show up, but stood by and looked at the girl silently.

Some things are indeed regretted until they are lost.

In the years of growing up, Gu Shang has experienced a lot and lost a lot, but he can never forget Xixi.

This girl has paid too much for him.

After taking a look, Xixi in front of him left the small yard. The young master's matter is very important, and there can be no carelessness.

Gu Shang sighed and sat where Xixi had just stopped. He condensed a bottle of drink and held it in his hand.

Just wanted to take a sip.

Xixi, who had left the courtyard a second ago, turned back again.

This time, Gu Shang did not hide his figure and was directly seen by Xixi.

"You! Who are you? This is the important place of the Li family. I advise you to leave quickly."

Xixi said at a distance, full of vigilance.

Gu Shang looked at the other party and smiled bitterly again.

"What's the point of procrastinating? I know I shouldn't have come."

Standing up, he put away the drink and prepared to leave.

"Are you the young master?"

At this moment... Xixi suddenly rushed up and looked at Gu Shang in surprise.

"How did you know?"

Gu Shang was also shocked.

Now his strength has been sublimated countless times, whether in appearance or temperament, there is no similarity with before.

Xixi is just a mortal, not even a Taoist, how could she possibly feel this?

"I don't know either, but after I saw you, I felt that you looked a lot like the young master."

Xixi came up and smiled happily: "You and the young master give me the same feeling, but you have a strange aura, I don't like it."

After taking a look, he stepped back again.

Gu Shang was stunned for two seconds, and then instinctively searched all of Xixi's memories.

This girl is indeed nothing special. She didn't lie and was able to recognize him, relying on the feeling that was clearly there.

"Come back."

Shaking his head, Gu Shang was really ready to leave this time.

Xixi didn't stop him, and there was no reason to stop him, so she could only watch Gu Shang leave quietly.

"Why does this guy look so pitiful?"

Shaking her head, she rushed into the small courtyard on the other side. In the middle of the courtyard, her young master was practicing hard.

Xixi carefully recalled all the information between the two.

"My young master is still the best."

Shaking her head, she rushed towards Gu Shang with a smile.

“They don’t belong to me, they don’t belong to me.”

After leaving there, Gu Shang went to the Xixi in each timeline one after another.

As long as he showed up, the other party could accurately sense him, but every Xixi looked at him in the same way, some strange, some distressed, and more indifferent.

The information in each timeline belongs to the self in that timeline.

They don’t belong to the current self.

“Yes, my Xixi died a long time ago, what’s the point of thinking so much?”

Gu Shang recalled the other party’s wrinkled face and gray hair.

It was still himself who buried Xixi.

“As a human being, you still have to look forward.”

After shaking his head, Gu Shang didn’t know where the motivation came from, and once again entered the timeline with no end in sight.

This time his purpose was very pure, just to explore the true meaning of these realms.

He wanted to know who created the so-called thirty-three realms of cultivation? Who divided them?

But everything made him feel extremely weird.

Just like the Taoist Buddha who suddenly appeared, Li Yue, the 33rd level of cultivation also came to this world suddenly.

Before they came, this world was just a simple martial arts world. No matter how much the martial artists practiced, their lifespan was fixed, and the power they controlled was extremely limited.

Even at that time.

This world was also extremely ordinary. There was no distinction between the mortal realm, the Taoist realm, and the immortal realm. There was even no universe, starry sky, and the Styx outside.

At the beginning, this was just a simple ancient martial arts world.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

"I'm really looking forward to the day when the mystery is revealed!"

Recalling the various information he had collected, Gu Shang frowned. The next moment, he continued to perform the technique he created and began to enter other worlds to try to break through his cultivation.

With a dazzling light, Wang Fugui's consciousness once again disappeared in this strange world.

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