Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 725: Go back in and study

The destiny is in my hands.

The Ninth Heaven.

In the Lower Realm, in the Ice City.

Looking at the surroundings, Gu Shang was a little dazed.

Now, with his strength of more than 8,000 levels, he was enough to solve all the crises in the Lower Realm, but things were not that simple.

The Bull Demon King and other demon kings were very weak, and he could kill them easily.

After killing them, they would definitely attract the attention of more powerful monsters. These monsters were all powerful people who were mysteriously supported. If they found out that he was the son of destiny, things would probably be more difficult.

After thinking again and again, Gu Shang decided to leave here first.

Floating in the air.

He kept touching with both hands.

He made a simple modification to the memories of all the survivors in the city.

Then he followed the breath left by the Bull Demon King and others all the way, and finally found these monsters in the depths of a mountain a hundred miles away.

When he arrived, the Bull Demon King was holding a grand banquet.

There were all kinds of tables inside and outside the mountain.

Monsters of all shapes were celebrating the victory of the monsters.

Gu Shang shook his head and walked over without hesitation.

As soon as he appeared, he was discovered by the monsters around him.

"This is the human that the king recruited to surrender. He is not staying in the city to assist..."

A monster was about to say a few words.

Gu Shang listened to half of the sentence, then snapped his fingers and modified all his memories of this matter.

Then he took a step and came to a cave in the deepest part of the mountain.

The Bull Demon King shrunk his body and was inciting the inner side and several subordinates to drink and have fun excitedly. Their table was full of various blood foods.

The liquid in the wine glass was also real blood.

In front of them stood rows and rows of monsters with graceful figures but animal faces.

This monster danced gracefully, and at first glance it was quite flavorful.

Gu Shang's sudden appearance instantly attracted the attention of the Bull Demon King. He tightened his face and was surprised.

He didn't even sense the aura of this guy's appearance!!!

This situation is not good.

"Human, what are you doing here? Your mission is to assist my men in building a new transmission channel."

"When you do what I told you to do, I will give you a new reward. This is not the place for you to come."

Looking at Gu Shang, the Bull Demon King was still as domineering as ever.

He was thinking in his heart that as soon as this guy left, he would pass the information to the people above. After all, the aura that Gu Shang carried when he appeared just now really surprised him.

"Building a transmission channel..."

Gu Shang shook his head and did not take action to kill them all. Instead, he modified everyone's memory and brought the Bull Demon King and Qing Yi to him.

Within his perception range.

These monsters around him were no different from what he saw in other areas, and there was no mysterious aura on them.

Only the Bull Demon King and Qing Yi were mixed with mysterious power.

Among them, the power of the Bull Demon King was relatively strong.

According to the information he knew, this demon king must have a mysterious thing in his body, and the power of Qingyi was rather strange.

Gu Shang threw out a magic power, sweeping back and forth on the body of the Bull Demon King.

A few seconds later, under the surprised eyes of Qingyi, he actually took out a pair of bull horns from the Bull Demon King.

Because this is the destiny, although there is a mysterious invasion in my world, the power of destiny still maintains an absolute advantage, so that all of Gu Shang's abilities can be perfectly applied here.

Although the mysterious power has restraint on him. But this restraint only accounts for about 10%.

In the face of such a huge power gap between the two sides, the other party has no power to resist.

"So this is the mysterious thing."

He had learned about the mystery from Jin and others before, but it was the first time that he had such a close contact and analysis of the mystery.

This power is naturally opposed to the power of destiny. The two are like water and fire and cannot be adjusted.

In addition to the different attributes, there are many commonalities between the two sides.

But the mysterious power in the dark seems to be stronger, and there is an extra power of creation on the mysterious thing.

Any monster, plant, or even human being who comes into contact with the horns can control them and make this mysterious thing a part of their power.

Gu Shang has a strong power of destiny, which can easily block the invasion of mysterious power and change his body.

"You, who are you?"

Qing Yi next to him couldn't help asking.

He felt a very familiar breath on the horns, so his emotions fluctuated rapidly.

The most important thing is that Gu Shang's power is too strong. He solved the Bull Demon King so easily, which made him feel powerless about what he was doing now.

He did so much and sacrificed so much, but in the hands of the other party, everything was like a child's game, meaningless.

This guy has been playing the pig to eat the tiger.

If you show such a strong power directly, he won't pretend to betray humans and join the monsters...

In this way, so many compatriots will not be injured or even die.

Although he was extremely unhappy and indignant, Qingyi didn't show it after all. After all, Gu Shang was too strong, and he could only show his doubts to express some emotions in his heart.

Gu Shang sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm on the human side. For some reasons, I had to hide my power all the time."

"The mysterious power in you is a bit strange, don't move, I need to study it."

As he spoke, he stared at Qingyi.

However, a touch of shallow magic power made Qingyi lose all control of his body in an instant, and also lost all consciousness.

After studying for a while, Gu Shang took out a pearl from Qingyi in silence.

This pearl is only the size of a thumb, crystal clear, and looks very precious.

Inside the pearl, there is a faint mysterious power.

"It seems that in this world, the mysterious change of the form of living beings is not absolute."

In addition to the existence of people like him who have the power of destiny and strong strength, those who are determined and strong in heart will also cause obstacles that cannot be seen directly to the mysterious invasion.

For example, Qing Yi.

He did not completely turn into a monster because of the invasion of this pearl.

Instead, he has been blocking this power with his own thoughts.

Although he will fail in the end, he still relies on his own efforts to greatly prolong the awakening of his will.

"What a pity, what a pity, the samples are too few. If I have more mysterious things, maybe I can analyze the true details of mystery and destiny."

Logically speaking, mystery and destiny have been fighting for so many years. It is impossible that destiny has nothing.

However, he had asked Jin and others for similar things before, but they were all rejected. I don’t know why these people refused. What are they afraid of?

Shaking his head, Gu Shang modified Qing Yi’s memory, then turned around and crossed the space to leave this place.

Since he couldn’t get the mysterious things in reality, he would get more here.

After all, this world has been thoroughly disturbed by mystery, and he has nothing to worry about.

With pearls and ox horns, Gu Shang left Hanbing City and rushed to the remaining cities.

He had already sensed that there were similar demon kings in those cities, which just met his needs.

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